Page Of Rage!
My Weekly Gripe Report!

November 16, 1999

Welcome to my Gripe Page! This is where I get to rant about what's going on in my life; and in the world! What is it that YOU would like to tell people?! Get it off your chest!

A few weeks ago, I saw a disturbing story on the news. A woman went to McDonald's to but her family dinner. (FIRST mistake! haha- just kidding) Apparently she then had car trouble in the parking lot when she tried to start her car. She called someone from her family, but when they arrived at Mcdonalds, she was gone! She was no where to be found; But her car was still there. this was in the early evening, and by late that night, she was stil missing. the police had been called, and her story somehow made the news that very night! Her family members were crying and pleading for her to call (if she can) or for whoever it is that "has her" to please let her go. "We miss you and we love you" pleaded her poor elderly mother on tv.

I never heard anything about that story again. But today I was in Lakewood (the city in which this happened) and I asked someone if they had seen the story and if they know if the woman was ever found. They said yes; the "missing woman" showed up the next day. She apparently had been angry that her family didn't answer her call for help FAST enough, so she just took off and led everyone to believe that she had been...kidnapped? killed?? DO YOU BELIEVE THAT!!?? Whata MORON!! What kind of person would do that to their own family! Sheesh... Now that is dysfunctional.

In Santa Monica, California (and also San Fransisco) the City tried to pass a law banning banks from charging ATM fees. Most banks add a $1.50 surcharge for non-customers who use their ATM's. What is wrong with that? I griped last week abut paying a $1.50 fee to use an ATM at a 7-11 to buy a $1 soda. But I didn't blame the ATM owner!! It was my fault for not having money on me!

Since when do city "leaders" have the authority to govern private international BANK policies!! What a bunch of arrogant idiots! The government does not dictate consumer prices. Those morons in Santa Monica who thought this scheme up should find something better to do with their time. (or better yet: move to China if they want a government that controls everything).

I was doing a job the other day, walking from my car to the store (my hands were full) and my dog Maxine (who goes to work wih me) was walking right beside me dragging her chain, as she usually does. As I passed a middle-aged man loitering otside a video store, he mumbled something about "dragging that chain". First of all, only wierdos butt into total strangers business and make unsolicited comments.

"Do you think that that leash is HEAVY for a dog?!" (who is a husky) I exclaimed.

"No", he replied.But she could get caught on something"
(walking an inch beside me on concrete?!)

"NO. she won't." I replied.

That was the extent of the conversation, but then I felt compelled to STOP. I turned around and looked at this guy, who was about 45 and was wearing DARK sunglasses. But.. the thing is, it was 6pm and pitch dark outside. So I smirk and say...

"Ya know, I could do the same thing to you. I could walk up to you and ask you WHY you are wearing DARK glasses when it is pitch dark outside"

"They're perscription" he mumbled.

"But the POINT IS.." I said, "I DON'T CARE about you or your glasses becuase I MIND my own business!!!"

HAHAHAHA It was pretty funny. But it's true! I don't wander up to total strangers and try to get into nonsensical arguements. Although, I actually do like to argue and can be quite the smart ass. LOL

Last month I was at a store, and sitting on a bench in front of the store were a nice young mother and her little daughter enjoying ice cream cones. It as a very sweet peaceful scene; They were talking and laughing and just having a great time. THEN... along comes this poor woman in a wheelchair; She apparently was mentally disabled, but she was by herself driving this electric wheelchair around. Then I couldn't believe what I saw. This woman in the electric wheelchair (which MUST be pretty heavy) runs RIGHT OVER THE FOOTI saw her wince in pain, and she TRIED not to SCREAM OUT! Finally the lady got her wheelchair off the woman's foot. it was just awful! The woman obviously didn't want to upset her daughter, but she was clearly in a GREAT deal of PAIN! I saw her and she was crying but saying nothing. Thank God it wasn't the 3 year old girl's foot that had been run over!! As the mother jumped up in pain and limped towards me I said "OH my Gosh! Are you ALRIGHT??!!" She had an exasperated look on her face. "I dont THINK it's broken" she said. She just wanted to get the heck outta there and take her daughter to safety! The poor woman was obviously very angry but was polite enough to not yell at the disabled woman (who needs serious wheelchair lessons!!)

The poor injured woman limped away to her car and drove home I suppose (or to the ER?) Meanwhile the lady in the wheelchair rolled towards me and proclaimed "I didn't mean to do it"
"I know".
But THEN she continued..."But if these people don't get outta the way, what am I supposed to do!"

OH my gosh!! I was speechless. Be careful out there people!!! LOL

Have you heard of "C.R.A.C.K?" It is an organization that offers $250 to drug addict mothers if they will get a tubal ligation. It stands for "Citizens Require A Caring Kommunity". The founder of this group has good intentions; I believe she has even cared for crack babies. That is why she is doing her part to try and prevent tragedies from happening. She pays for ads and billboards advertising this "service"! But is offering a drug addict cash to do such a permanent thing somehow taking advantage of them when they are "ill"? I have mixed feelings on it.

That reminds me. I occasionally drive past this place called "The Plasma Center". It looks kind of seedy, and there always seem to be shady transient types hanging around outside. I used to think the place was some sort of drug treatment center or outpatient rehab clinic. But then I paid attention, because I was curious just what this place was. It apparently is a place that allows people to SELL THEIR BLOOD!!!! Do you believe that!?

Just what kind of people would have to resort to DOING THAT!? I really want to know. I'm not making fun of them; I just don't get it. What could possibly make things so bad that a person in America would have to resort to that!? And if they are that down-and-out... Do we want their blood n the blood banks? I'm not trying to be mean but...that just seems to me like something that a desperate person would do. Like someone who.. needed a fix?! Can people who have drugs in their system even donate blood? (Wait... maybe they won't HAVE the drugs in their system UNTIL they cash their "blood check" and swing by their dealers house?)

I don't know. It is just bizzare to me. If anyone reading this knows anything about this or has ever SOLD their blood. Let me know.

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Dr. Laura Schlessinger's Site! Click Here. I don't agree with everything she says, but Dr. Laura is a very wise, moral woman with alot of good insight!

Clark Howard's Website - Very Helpful Consumer Information

Hear Famous Historical Speeches!

A site that I recommend highly is Safe Kids international Guard. All they ask is that you view a few pictures of missing kids that they send you each week. I'm sure that if your child was missing, you would want others to do the same! Just click on the banner below to sign up. The site also gives many safety tips.


Finally, remember this: There is nothing wrong with ranting and griping! Get it off your chest! Otherwise, if you hold it in, (whatever is eating away at your nerves and pissing you off) it will eventually cause ulcers, tumors, migranes, etc! That's it for now...Have a great week!

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