Page Of Rage!
My Weekly Gripe Report!

December 7, 1999

Welcome to my Gripe Page! This is where I get to rant about what's going on in my life; and in the world! What is it that YOU would like to tell people?! Get it off your chest!

There was yet ANOTHER school shooting this week! I heard on the news that when investigators asked the maniac-kid WHY he shot four people he replied "I don't know".

You know what I would do if the kid said that to me? I would pull out a gun, shoot him four times and say There! I don't know why I did that either! How do YOU like it you jackass!? But that is just my fantasy of course; It makes too much sense to ever really happen.

I think that the parents of these maniac kids should be held responsible for giving their kids such easy access to weapons and ammunition. Maybe then people will start being more responsible with their guns.

A Beauty Supply store in Costa Mesa, California was robbed last week. When police asked the clerk /cashier for a description of the armed robber, the shaken, distraught girl told them it was a female hispanic. She told police what the suspect was wearing and which way she fled. The police then found a suspect matching that exact description walking away from the store, with money hanging out of her pockets!!

But when they brought the "suspect" back to the store so the victim could I.D. her, they realized that the two girls seemed to know each other. The clerk then admitted that the supposed "robber" was actually her ROOMATE! The whole thing was an (obviously) amateur scam! Aparrently the two girls needed some money to go shopping.

But... If someone is going to go to the trouble of staging a robbery... Why would they describe their own accomplice to police as she walks away!!? Don't get me wrong; I'm glad they got caught. But it was so funny I thought I'd share it here. That stunt sounds like something some goofy villains would do in a Disney movie!

I was doing a job at a pizza place last week; There was a group of teenagers at one table; three girls and one guy. The plump teenaged boy with spiky died hair was very loud and obnoxious. He obviously wanted everyone in the place to hear the "colorful language he used. One of the girls with him was an employee of the pizza place. I listened to this trash-mouthed kid and his stupid stories for a while (I couldn't help but hear him!) It was F--- this and F---ing that every other word. I was tempted to go up and say something to him but then they all got up to go outside and have a smoke. (In California there is no smoking in resturants.)

After they went outside, they were talking to me and asking me about my dog (my husky goes to work with me.) Just then an old couple who had also been in the pizza place was leaving. As they walked to their shiny new Cadillac, I walked up to the foul-mouthed kid and said:

"You see that nice old couple walking to their car there?"
They all looked at me suddenly.


When I was inside I heard you saying F-- this F-- that over and over; I heard you from the far room."

One of the girls told him "I told you you were being too loud!"

"Well, I continued, when there are nice elderly people and families and kids around, I think it's rude to act like that."

They all stared at me.

I continued, "I'm not trying to tell you how to talk... but.. What if that was your grandma trying to relax and enjoy a nice pizza in there?"

The guy looked at me straight in the eye; When I mentioned "his grandma" I think I got his attention; Maybe made him think about courtesy and decency and respect. Or maybe not. I half expected him to tell me to "f--- off!" (Seeing that that was his favorite word after all!)

But he didn't. He said "I'm sorry. You're right I shouldn't do that. I'm just an asshole dude. But I try. I really do"

I almost replied "You try what? You try to be an asshole!??" But I stopped myself. Then everyone got quiet and awkward so I went back to what I was doing.

Someone I know is in the real estate field; He was telling me about how he thinks the "web" is the "wave of the future" and that it is going to get "much bigger in years to come! I just rolled my eyes. Although I am online I must admit that I'm not too impressed with the internet. It can be fun, but can also be a huge waste of time. That's why I'm only online at night; Otherwise I feel guilty, like I should be doing something more constructive!

This guy then told me that he and his girlfriend paid $100 bucks a piece last weekend to take a class on building webpages!! I almost peed my pants! Obviously someone got this clown all hyped-up and ready to believe that the world could not survive without the net and that any/all important financial transactions will soon take place online.

I don't BUY it! The only winner there was the shiester who charged $100 bucks a head for that "class". There's nothing complicated about making webpages. Besides that, people want content anyway when they go to a webpage; not stupid graphics and ads everywhere. Even if a real estate guy did make a webpage... How is he going to get traffic to his page? (by advertising on other pages?) When people want something, they drive to the store and get it; or try it on, or test it out. Besides that alot of people don't trust giving their credit card numbers online. When I need a phone number, I get out the phone book (yes, the big paper kind) or call 411; I've never logged on just to get a phone number! (even though I can).

Hey... I have a website that I've never advertised anywhere and it has gotten almost 100,000 hits in 9 months.Maybe I should start some hokey class! YEah That's it! To sign up just call 1-800-SLAP YOURSELF!

I saw something hilarious in a discussion group the other day. (For those of you who don't know, a discussion group is where people can post topics and others respond). If you like this page, you'll surely get a kick out of this:

   Topic: Was this right?
Topic Posted by: Tami
Additional Comments: My friend, her three year old daughter, and I all went to the mall today. We went to look around in the toy store, and my friend's daughter picked up a ball to play with, a little boy about the same age hit her in the face and took the ball away from her, her daughter wouldn't fight back so my friend pushed the little boy down and he started crying to his mother. His mother confronted her about it and she denied everything and we just left. I tried to tell her what she did was wrong but she would hear of it. We haven't talked since, was I right or her?

Here is my response:
Posted by: Me
Message: HAAHAHAHA!!! I'M SORRY FOR LAUGHNG BUT I cracked up when i read you post. have you ever seen the movie "Hand That rocks the cradle"?? Rebecca DeMornay Plays a psycho nanny who does a similar thing to a little brat boy who is teasing and hittng her little girl she watches. If this is a good friend, I wouldn't end the friendship over it. It was not right (AND ILLEGAL I MUST SAY!!) TO push a boy.. UNLESS she was protecting her daughter.... which it sounds like she was!!! I understand your friend was OUTRAGED that some creep would HURT HER BABY!!! She showed some bad judgement... But I wouldnt end the frendship over it. It was her motherly instinct I think.

Don't you agree!??! That post reminded me of an incident that happened a few years back. I took my little niece and nephew to the park and they were playing on the toys. (they were 9 and 6 at the time). They befriended this other kid who was by himself (I'll call him tommy). Well, this forth kid comes along, and starts SPITTING on Tommy! This went on for several minutes; The spitter-kid did NOT spit on my neice or nephew; for some reason, the bully just targeted little Tommy.

Tommy whined and meekly asked "please don't spit on me." He then went and told his mom; but the kid kept doing it. I said to the kid "Why don't you spit back on hm!!??!" Tommy answered "my mom likes me to play nice"  !!!

Flabergasted, I took my neice and nephew aside and I told them "You listen to me. If that nasty brat DARES to spit on you? HIT HIM AS HARD AS YOU CAN RIGHT IN THE FACE!!!

I don't CARE if anyone disagrees with me. IF ANY DISGUSTING, vile sicko purposely spits on another human being, they deserve to be hit. NO INNOCENT person deserves to be degraded, belittled, or harassed in that way.

My neice and nephew giggled a lil bit when I gave them "pre-permission" to hit someone. But they understood that it's not right to START fights with a nice person. It is, however, perfectly fine to protect and defend your dignity and peacefulness.

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Dr. Laura Schlessinger's Site! Click Here. I don't agree with everything she says, but Dr. Laura is a very wise, moral woman with alot of good insight!

Clark Howard's Website - Very Helpful Consumer Information

Hear Famous Historical Speeches!

A site that I recommend highly is Safe Kids international Guard. All they ask is that you view a few pictures of missing kids that they send you each week. I'm sure that if your child was missing, you would want others to do the same! Just click on the banner below to sign up. The site also gives many safety tips.


Finally, remember this: There is nothing wrong with ranting and griping! Get it off your chest! Otherwise, if you hold it in, (whatever is eating away at your nerves and pissing you off) it will eventually cause ulcers, tumors, migranes, etc! That's it for now...Have a great week!

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