Do You Want Music In Your E-Mails?

I now have real audio clips and wavs from my radio show on my audio gripe page: Click here.

Hi! Soon after I got on webtv, my friend Lisa taught me how to put music in my e-mail (I thought that was soooo cool!!) I was so glad she showed me that! Since then I have shown many people how to do it! (and made alot of new pals that way too!) So I have decided to make a page explaining how to do it. For two reasons:

1. I like showing people new tricks but am tired of typing the Same old thing over and over!!! Ha Ha.

2. Most of the tutorial pages I've seen are too long and complicated.

So Here we go!

On webtv you have a Signature line. To find it , go to Mail then to Settings then to Signature.
It is just an empty box in which you can write a message that appears on all your e-mails and it is also the place in which you type the html code...which is how you get music in your e-mails.

If you're lost already, then just give it up, bay-beee!

Here's a real audio song. Click it on.

"Click this song!"

When you hear the music, press the GoTo button on your keyboard. A screen will pop up. Then click on ShowLast . That, my friends, is how you get the address of any song, image, or page on the internet. Everything on the net has an addy (address); also called a URL. Every webpage, picture, cartoon, song, etc. You need the addy (of whatever) in order to put it on your page.


You could write the addy down with a pen, but that's not necessary. Just "cut and paste" it. Once the addy is in your GoTo box, hold down the CMD key (at the bottom left of your keyboard) and the letter A key at the same time. You will see the addy be "highlighted". See it??? O.k.

Now, once it is highlighted, press the Cmd key and the letter C key At the same time .
You will hear a click. If you don't hear a click, then re-read my simple instructions and do it right!

Now go to your Signature line and type the following EXACTLY as you see it:

<html><bgsound src="

Now here is where the addy goes, right after the " . To get the addy on the page, press the Cmd key and the letter V at the same time. The addy that you just saved a minute ago will magically appear! Woo Hooo!!

Aren't you glad that you didn't have to write that long addy down?!

After the addy is on the page, then type ">


<html><bgsound src="addy">

It's that simple!! now you should have music in your e-mails! If you don't then you did something wrong! I have No Idea what though!! Re-read my instructions, but this time Pay closer attention!!

If you have any qustions write them in the guestbook below and I'll get back to you.

Just remember this: If you put really loud songs in your e-mails, they tend to slow down the person's mail that you send them to. This is real annoying, and pretty soon, as soon as your friends see an e-mail from you, they will say

"Oh Nooooo! Not another one of those damn e-mails that I can't get out of until that horrible song completely finishes playing!!!"

Try sending an e-mail with your new song on it to yourself first, to see what I mean!!

After you have music, you may want colors and graphics.

<body bgcolor="white" text="blue">

Here is a color chart. There are more than 7 colors to use ya know!) Webtv Junkies Color Chart

When you choose a color from this chart you will be given a number. In that case the code would read: EXAMPLE: body bgcolor="#003399" text="012345"

THE CODE FOR BACKGROUNDS (pictures, cool stuff, etc...) IS:

<body background="addy" text="color">

Here is a GREAT background page. Very organized and easy to use! Great Backs!


<img src="addy">

The code for a cute lil speaker is:

<embed src="addy">

Here are some GREAT LINKS where you can find all these backgrounds, images, songs, etc...

My New Page Of Real Audio Links!
(This page has a list of MANY audio pages)

Dracc's Gifs!!
This excellent site is the most popular graphics site with webtv users! Draac has many teaching pages also.

Lady Oh's Free Graphics!

Here is the Lycos Image Search!
Just go to the bottom of this page and type in whatever you're looking for! Very Cool

Update: Tripod webpages no longer allow you to use their songs (ram files) in e-mails! There is one way around this. Simply make a webpage with ONLY the song addy on it; and link to that webpage. The song will still play. There are still many other webpages from which you can get ram files (songs). (Geocities, Angelfire, talkcity etc.) Have fun!!     ~Marty

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