Naomi's Dream

The other night I had a Hanson dream, it was kinda weird but also pretty cool! Kay, at the beginning I was at this stadium sorta place I guess and I was standing on the track. Then I was looking around and I saw ZAC!! So I went over to him and we were talking and then he gave me a hug! Then this really mean girl from my school who I hate came over to us and asked Zac if she could have a hug too and he said no! It was awesome! Then we left and we were on this subway/bus sorta thing. But Zac wasn’t near me, he was sitting farther up with Tay and Ike. I was sitting with this girl, it was either Jessie or a good friend of Hanson because she knew them really well. She told me that Zac liked me and was going to ask me out (I wish!!). Anyway, I was really happy. Then suddenly we were on a school bus, me and Zac and Tay and Ike. We got off at the top of my street and we walked to the mailbox and I got my mail. Then we started walking down the street towards my house. But when we were like halfway there I realized I forgot my CD player (?) at the mailbox so I ran back to get it…oh yeah, I just remembered I was wearing these huge ugly pink shoes with these big straps on them…..anywayz, I ran back to get my CD player and then I really wanted to get back to Zac, Tay and Ike fast because I knew Zac was going to ask me out, so I was running back to them. I passed this one driveway on my street and there was a car driving into it. This old lady was driving it and she pointed like she wanted me to go past so I did and then all of a sudden she backed out really fast and was trying to run me over! I was running away and screaming and she was chasing me and yelling at me and then…..I woke up! So Zac never got to ask me out :( But it was a pretty cool dream anyway because it was about Hanson!!