Connecting to the sites below will bring you things to make and ideas to create. All connections have areas that are FREE
for the hobbyist or crafts person.

Craft N Things Large assortment of Free Projects available!
Beadwranglers Bead & Fiber Junction Great site for beads and various craft information.
Clapper Communications - National consumer craft magazine publisher offers monthly content updates and free patterns and projects.
National Craft AssociationThe Information and Resource Center for the Arts and Crafts Community
Frugal Knitting HausFree knitting patterns
Free Stuff For Crafting, Sewing & More - Free stuff for crafting, sewing & more. Offers from national manufacturers, distributors, designers and publishers. Updated monthly. Patterns, samples, books and more.
Make Stuff.com For crafters, hobbyists and entrepreneurs and people who
just like to make stuff.
Handcraftersvillage.comNice selection of free craft patterns
Ben Franklin Crafts
The Cross Stitch Zone
Free Celtic Cross Stitch Patterns
GardenWeb - - GardenWeb is the most comprehensive gardening site on the Web, with garden forums, directories of gardens and organizations, a plant database, a glossary, contests and much more!
Crafts Search Search the Web for crafts.