You CAN write HTML code from scratch

Changing elements - The basic "Font" tag designating size or <FONT SIZE=" "> tag

Perhaps you like the information you have typed in, but the words are not very large. To make them bigger, you can use the <FONT> tag with a SIZE attribute specified.
So far, since no FONT tag was specified, everything you have typed is in the "default" FONT size of "3".
There are 7 different type font sizes.

<FONT SIZE="1"> - This is size "1".
<FONT SIZE="2"> - This is size "2".
<FONT SIZE="3"> - This is size "3".
<FONT SIZE="4"> - This is size "4".
<FONT SIZE="5"> - This is size "5".
<FONT SIZE="6"> - This is size "6".
<FONT SIZE="7"> - This is size "7".

To make the type font size larger on the web page we created, you can enter the font tag with a size specified:


<TITLE>Cyberperson's First Web Page</TITLE>

This web page belongs to Cyberperson. <BR>

I live in Los Angeles. <BR>
I work for Calliope Studios. <BR>
I have a dog named Remington. <BR>
My hobbies are cooking and movies. <BR>


Note: We close the FONT tag after we use it.

To see how this "Type Font Size" tag looks, click Here

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Attribute is a definitive specification which is part of a particular HTML tag. In this example, <FONT> acquires an attribute to specify what size you want the font to be.
It looks like this <FONT SIZE="4"> which will make the type on your web page a little larger in size than the default font size of "3".
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Default is usually considered the "normal" settings for most things. Unless they are changed, the settings always revert back to the "default" specifications.
You can change the default settings in one of two ways.

  1. You can change the default settings in your browser, and make them permanent default settings. You can even over-ride web page settings by setting your browser to "always use my settings". This, however, often doesn't do justice to a nicely designed web page which should be seen as the author intended.
    Personally, I do set my browser default to show the basic type style of the "Arial" typeface, rather than the other alternative of "Times Roman", as I find Arial more pleasing and easier to read.
  2. You can specify font attributes (selections) for your web page as part of the code your write for your web page, as we have done above with SIZE.
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