This web page belongs to Cyberperson.

I live in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is the largest city on the west coast. There are over 8 million people living in the area. Surrounded by mountains, and bordered by the Pacific Ocean, you can find more to do here than almost anywhere else in the world!

I work for Calliope Studios.
Calliope produces titles and introductions to Hollywood movies and TV shows. You can see my work at the beginning of many of the TV shows of today.

I have a dog named Remington.
Remington is a black Labrador Retriever. He loves the water and swims the whole time we go to the beach. He is my very best friend.

My hobbies are cooking and movies.
We have friends come over twice a month for a "bring-your-own-dish" party. The food is great and we do a lot of recipe swapping.
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