
Webring Logos

Examples of Webring Logos:

Virginia Blalock's Many Examples

or you can do a simple "Text Only" Webring:

This America's Lakes WebRing site is owned by ______________.
Click for the [ Previous Page ] [ Next Page ] [ Next 5 ] [ List ]
Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

To make the above standout a little and separate it from other things on the page, you can put it in a table, like this:

This America's Lakes WebRing site is owned by ______________.
Click for the [ Previous Page ] [ Next Page ] [ Next 5 ] [ List ]
Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

Just put the table code (below) in front of the Webring code:

and put this table code after the webring code:
</TD> </TR> </TABLE>

You are unlimited in what you can use for a Webring Logo. Almost anything can be turned into a usable logo!

Here are a few sample idea examples I've played around with. I personally prefer not to use fancy stuff like javascripts or image maps in my Webring code. All those below are straight HTML with the help of <TABLE> tags.
Feel free to take them.

This Birding Webring is owned by YOU

This Fabulous Fortunes Webring is owned by YOU

Launched 2-13-98

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property of Morgan Smith and cannot be used
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