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Carl Zaner's Telecommunications & Video Teleconferencing Homepage

Carl A. Zaner

Brookeville, Maryland

Click Carl's Photograph to View his .pdf Résumé.

Carl is the founder and CEO / President of eFFective Learning Co., an IT courseware, technical training, technical documentation, and project management consulting company. Carl also instructs Internet and desktop computing applications courses at Montgomery College's Information Technology Institute. He is also an Internet and e-Commerce consultant for AdvanTec, Inc., of Sparta, New Jersey, and a project manager and technical writer for the Government of the District of Columbia. His nearly 25-year telecommunications career spans the public and private sectors, including a 13-year, four-agency management career with the U.S. Federal Government and experience in the pre-divested Bell System and post-divestiture AT&T.

Carl's time is also spread across a variety of volunteer efforts, including coaching for the Olney Boys' and Girls' Club intramural youth athletics program. He also served as president of the Oak Grove Homeowners Association for over five years. He is also a two-term past president of the Montgomery Child Care Association, one of the mid-Atlantic region's largest not-for-profit day care organizations and premier care-giver training institutes. Carl holds a Bachelor's degree in behavioral science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

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Page created by: Carl A. Zaner

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