All About Me
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Hey everybody! Whats up?? Well as you can see this is my very own webpage. This is a little about me the webmaster! My name is well I wont give my real name but I go by plenty names for you to call me...I go by Posh..Navy..Navy Girl..Monkees98..or Baby Peach. I know this site probably isnt as great as some others out there, but oh well I tried. I live the United States..My favorite musical artists are Monkees, Beatles, Elvis, Neil Diamond, Backstreet Boys, N SYNC, Britney Spears, and the list goes on and on! I enjoy everything and anything about the Military! Especially F-16 Falcons/Thunderbirds! If you wanna chat to me through email you can send me a message to my email address. Ill be sure to answer you back., If you have any comments or suggestions for this sight send em to me!! Thanx for reading my info..and Peace out ya!!!!!

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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