You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Tryin to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores...
I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Too many tmes we stand aside
And let he waters slip awy
'Til what we put of 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So dont you sit upon the shoreline
And say your satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to ride the river
And there's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll take some falls
But with the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all,,,
I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry!!!!

My    Chat    Buds

Gosh this one will be a hard section for me but here goes. When I first started chating on the internet July 5, 1996 I joined a chat system called WBS and have been chatting in Social Singles Terrace since then. I have met some of the most wonderful people in there and met a few of them in real life. I found love or what we thought was love in that room and the people in there watched as our relationship grew into a commitment. They watched as a Missouri countru girl gave her heart to a California City Man. Then they watched as that love turned into friendship and were there for us both when it was time for this country girl to go back home where she belonged. All in all the last year has been filled with happiness and tears but I would not have missed this for the world!!!! I am going to make this section as brief as possible but ya all know me it will be a long windy section so sit back relax and read okay....

harrir-you were the first person I chatted with on the net and you are the most precious friend I have. I value your friendship more than you will ever know and any time you feel like giving a foot rub you know where I am!!!
Yotex-my wonderful cyber semi-mother semi-sister full friend I love and miss you chatting all the time!!!
Caric-I have enjoyed our friendship and meeting you I look forward to the next year we spend in the terrace together.
feathers&lace-thank you for being here and being around when I needed you. I recently learned I am a strong woman and even though you may not know you helped me to figure that out!!
cha1980-You have taught me that there are wonderful and sweet teenagers out there still. You have also shown me the unconditional love of a child I am proud to be called Mummy by you sweetheart.
pay1son-Heqq babe I luv you and you know it. But I also admire and respect you. I am so proud to call you friend, brother, father and most of all my buddy!!!! stay sweet and take care of the other Sandy because she is the best thing on earth for a man like you.. smiles.. kisses and butt pinches.
Bambi Smiles-Heqq girl what more can I say other than you are a hoot and a half. Thanks for being my friend..
alisha-Girlfriend who would have believed that a canadian sweetheart like you and a Missouri lady like me would be such wonderful friends.. I mean from that first night on the net to meeting in Branson to now we have been here for each other when one of us needed the other. Hey are you still collecting bar tabs and mens phone numbers cause I have a gorgeous pharmacist at work you need to meet!!
ib2irish-Darlin you know I luv you oodles and caboodles. You are the first one in the room to make me laugh and always always are there to snuggle me close in bed. I mean heqq without you around who would tell me I have a hole in my undies? Who would be around to wash my back in the shower. Who would be the one to make me blush just by teasing? If there were one person that I could bottle up and take everywhere with me it would be you. Because you make the days seem brighter by making a very untrusting lady laugh and learn to trust again. I love you baby doll!!
dwyck-Hey you. You and I have become friends over the last few months. We always chatted before but I know now what a true blue friend you are I hope that one day your special lady and you can be together for forever. I love you and will miss you dearly when you leave the chat room!!!
sweet TEXAS-Over the last few months you have become my older sister and my bestest bud. I can talk to you about things I cant talk to my own family about. That makes you a very special and dear lady to my heart. Thank you for being here. I can not wait for the day that you and I and your family finally meet face to face. I luv you bestest bud in the whole world. Oh one more thing get rid of ypom she's a b*tch I been told.. smiles
CONNIE-woohoo angel this is just to you kiddo.. Be good ya hear me. HUGE HUGS and KISSES baby girl tell mom to give them to you from CAS okay. Have a blast at school this year!!!!
TBEAR4U-hey there babe. Gimme some huge teddy bear hugs please and dont get your belt buckle caught under the computer desk anymore you could really hurt yourself love.
shadow811-You were the first one to build my heart back up a little bit. We have become close friends on the net and on the phone I can honestly and truely say I LOVE YOU! I hope that lady that has your heart realizes what a great man you are!!! Take care of them babies they are our future!
Mr. Laugter-My little brother and wonderful friend. Noelle is the luckies lady on earth to have captured your heart lke she has. You be true to her and she will be yours for forever and a day. I love you sweetness and if only God had put more men like you on this earth we would be a much happier planet. kisses and hugs darlin...
Maine Dude-Randy we have been through so much together in such a short amount of time. You are the closest man to my heart and it feels wonderful to be able to give it to you! We have spent mega amounts of hours sitting on the phone talking and you have always been here for me. If someone asked me to define the word FRIEND I would be able to in on word! RANDY!!!! You have never turned your back on me and you have vowed to be here forever. Thank you my love for caring about me. And if we never met face to face I would still leave this world knowing that I have the greatest man in you. Were we lovers or married in a previous life we will never know but one things for sure this Missouri Angel loves you Maine Dude for forever and three days.. smiles hugs and kisses......
Okay I know there are a lot of you people I am missing such as isles#44, Grin-n-Giggle, Charmer Tim, Sassy Alley, lady odat, 1BLONDEE and lots more but if I wrote to all of you people would be snoring now.. so just dont get all pissy with me okay buds!!!