Cassidy Friends Talk
Total: 42 guests
Name: Vicki
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Little Rock Arknasas
Time: 1997-04-16 13:23:00
Comments: Good Work Wrenne and Dennis. I have enjoyed the first two chapters of Wish Of Pentacles. It is intriguing and very readable. Can't wait to see more. Vicki :-)

Name: Karen Weber
Website: Weber's World [and its under heavy construction!]
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-04-10 18:50:00
Comments: Cant believe I visit this sight several times a week and I forgot to sign the guestbook and tell you how great your page is! Thanks for giving us all the latest info on all of the Cassidy family. Its always a joy knowing that you share your admiration for David and the Cassidy family with others. Keep up the good work!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-04-08 22:52:00
Comments: David your more than great.I love you for-ever =)

Name: Andrea
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bad Aibling, Germany
Time: 1997-03-31 10:58:00
Comments: This website is great! Hopefully there will be more details about all the family members. We hardly hear anything about them over here!

Name: Rain Sanders
Website: look around you!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: WOP
Time: 1997-03-25 20:50:00
Comments: Happy One Month Anniversary to the fabulous ArdNne Web Productions!!Hugs and kisses, Rain

Name: Jen Olson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1997-03-22 22:29:00
Comments: I am so glad to finally see a web site dedicated to the whole Cassidy family.I have been a fan for years of DC and PF. Keep up the good work.

Name: Manny Kaminaris
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Baltimore, Md
Time: 1997-03-18 18:52:00
Comments: Hey Wrenne, I finally found your wb page it looks pretty neat!!See you at work. Bye, Manny

Name: Christiane Auclair
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Quebec city Canada
Time: 1997-03-17 07:05:00
Comments: I'm a fan since 26 years. I saw David next september atToronto. What a nice guy! I always say: one day I'm sure thatI will see him. My dream is realized now! Christiane

Name: Nanc¥
Website: McCo¥'s Page (DC & PF Links Page)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Grand Prairie, Texas
Time: 1997-03-15 19:54:00
Comments: Great site!!!

Name: Mary
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-15 08:46:00
Comments: Just thought I would let you know if you didn't all ready know that La Times and Chicago Tribune have articles in their archives on Shaun and David dealing with Blood Brothers and LA Times has a ton of stuff on Ameican Gothic-- there is a charge of $1.50 to view the articles though.

Name: Cathy from Kim's PPP
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: San Diego
Time: 1997-03-14 21:55:00
Comments: Looks great !!!!What fun this D.C. clan is having !!!!Imagine I even have the same B-Day as Marty... Now I really feel like part of the group !!!!teehee...Remember to check out the palace when you get some spare time !!!

Name: Carolyn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Time: 1997-03-13 15:42:00
Comments: Wow, what fun! I haven' t done any DC or PF surfing in a long time, and this is a great surprise !! THanks so much for yet another great Cassidy site to visit. I will be back again and again!

Name: Mary
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-10 07:24:00
Comments: I just wanted to let you know that I am intelligent person who just does not type very well!! Sorry!!!

Name: Mary
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-10 07:17:00
Comments: Sorry to be so behind the times. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do with Shaun!!! I woke up again after American Gothic but missed the fact that he was susposed to of helped create a show for NBC last season that never made it on. I guess it was calle "Players" does anyone know what that was suspose to be about? What were the reasons for never airing it? I hope this does not happen to "Roar"

Name: Susan Alvarez
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Burgettstown, PA
Time: 1997-03-10 07:08:00
Comments: At last, a newsletter about the Cassidy family!! Glad to see you're back, Susanne.

Name: Wrenne
Website: Cassidy Friends
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-08 07:24:00
Comments: Don't worry, Mary! We're not finished yet!! :>Wrenne

Name: Mary
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-08 05:15:00
Comments: I wish Shaun was posted on the front door!! David is great but Shaun is better. Does anyone have any good pictures of Shaun?

Name: Tommy Green
Website: Cassidy Friends
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: "Wish Of Pentacles"
Time: 1997-03-07 20:13:00
Comments: Ohmigod! David Cassidy's been nailed to our front door, and he's SMILING! That must be because he knows what a FAB site this is!Tommy

Name: Karen Smith
Referred by: From Geocities
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1997-03-07 16:56:00
Comments: I've been a big fan of David Cassidy's since the PartridgeFamily days. I still have every album that he made in thiscountry. Can't bear to part with them. Wouldn't anyway.I just ordered via internet from razorandtie records acd of a David Cassidy songs. Some which I never heard before.I think they may have been recored in England. Some of thesongs are very beautiful. He sings so great.

Name: Mary
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-06 16:27:00
Comments: I have been a Shaun Cassidy fan for more than half of my life. The man is so talented in everything he does and he is gorgeous too!! who could ask for more. I loved the show American Gothic and I can not wait to see Roar!!! I am also glad to see some familar names from the past on this page. I was a member of Friends of Shaun Cassidy and of Cassidy Class and then lost touch. I can't wait to join again!!!!

Name: Cynthia C-R
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Columbus, Ohio...but currently living in Tornado-town, (Xenia).
Time: 1997-03-06 03:44:00
Comments: I wish I had a server that supported graphics!!

Name: Ruth Hays
Website: The Hays Family Home Page
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: St. Paul, Missouri
Time: 1997-03-06 01:58:00
Comments: Great page! Thanks for visiting my page and leaving your address... I didn't get to stay long, but plan on coming back. I was planning on putting a link to some David sites from my page and now this is a great one! Keep up the good work!

Name: Kim
Website: MRS P's homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Phoenix
Time: 1997-03-05 17:18:00
Comments: I see "The Ever Growing Birthday List" preceeds it's creator again...sigh... :) Kim

Name: Rain Sanders
Website: Cassidy Friends
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: "Wish Of Pentacles"
Time: 1997-03-04 19:23:00
Comments: Hi again, everybody. Rain Sanders, here. Listen, you guys are GREAT! We've had over 280 visitors since construction started on Feb. 25th!! Special thanks to Michelle, Linda, Joyce, Jennifer, Kim, Jane, Barbara, Luis, Janet, Diane, Amy, Cindy, Philip, Cheryl, and Lori for your kind remarks here in our Guestbook. Cassidy fans are the best!Just a note to let you know that Wrenne's First Class Male Gallery should be opening in a week or so. Wrenne's a little fussy about her masterpieces, and she wants everything "just so". But I'll come over to Marita's FanBase board to issue the invitation to the wine and cheese party when it is open. Everybody have fun!Love, Rain

Name: Lori
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan
Time: 1997-03-03 17:17:00
Comments: All the Cassidys under one roof! What a great idea! I have been a David fan for a long time but the Cassidy that first caught my eye was Jack! It will be great catching up with the whole clan in the house of Cassidy.

Name: cheryl whitlock
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Chattanooga TN
Time: 1997-03-03 09:30:00
Comments: I am VERY interested in the Eidelweiss Candy. Does anyone know anything about it? I love chocolate myself and would like to order some. What about the price line???Thanks Cheryl Once again, I have found another exciting and groovy place on the net. Thank you

Name: Philip
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1997-03-02 14:36:00
Comments: I'm so happy to find so much material available on the netabout David Cassidy and his family. I have long admired thetalent within the extended Cassidy clan, especially David's.How much happiness have they all brought over the years??!!Keep up the excellent work and thank you!

Name: Cindy Holman
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Baltimore MD
Time: 1997-03-02 10:06:00
Comments: Liked it, more Monday

Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-02 09:34:00
Comments: FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASHVCR ALERT! Dex posted on the FanBase board that David's episode of "The Flash" will be on the Sci-Fi Channel TONIGHT (Sunday 3-2) at 9:00 eastern!!Wrenne

Name: Amy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Boston
Time: 1997-03-02 08:21:00
Comments: Great page! The Cassidys are a tremendously talented family, and they all deserve recognition!

Name: Diane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Halifax, NS
Time: 1997-03-02 06:09:00
Comments: Oops... on message below, it was supposed to say: GREAT to see another David website on the net.

Name: Diane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Halifax, NS
Time: 1997-03-02 06:07:00
Comments: Just surfed over from the "formerly Arctic" bulletin board. Get to see another David website on the net.

Name: Janet Strauss
Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1997-03-01 19:12:00
Comments: Hello, best of luck to you. I found you whenI went pooking around "C'mon get happy".Janet

Name: Luis Humberto Lara
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Mexico
Time: 1997-03-01 10:32:00
Comments: I have been a David Cassidy Fan for years!(since Partridge Family)Shirley, you´re beautiful!Thanks for being in the Internet

Name: Barbara - Just David
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brooklyn NY
Time: 1997-02-27 22:46:00
Comments: Thought fans here would like to know that Patrick is doing three episodes of Lois and Clark playing Lex Luther's son! This is in our March newsletter, but since the episodes may start before all get the newsletter, I figured I post it here for any Patrick fans, as well as on the DC board. Also, Patrick's wife, Melissa will be dancing on the Academy Awards March 24th.

Name: Jane
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Charlotte, NC
Time: 1997-02-27 21:16:00
Comments: Lovely! Thanks for a new Cassidy site. I'll be back often. Best of luck with it, and let me know if I can do something to help.

Name: Kim
Website: MRS Piece's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mes. Arizona
Time: 1997-02-27 20:31:00
Comments: Welcome to the World Of Cassidy! What a great page! I was going to ask you if I could link my board here but I see I've already arrived!!!! Thanks!!! Best of luck and have lots of fun!!!! Kim :)

Name: Jennifer
Website: C'Mon Get Happy! The Unofficial Partridge Family Site
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-02-27 15:28:00
Comments: Hello, hello, Suzanne and Wrenne! Just wanted to come by and visit our new neighbors here in Hollywood! The site looks great and I'm looking forward to more.

Name: Joyce
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Arroyo Grande, California
Time: 1997-02-27 11:27:00
Comments: It's always nice to see more David or Cassidy websites.

Name: Linda H.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: IL
Time: 1997-02-26 18:50:00
Comments: I am now just re-discovering the Cassidy clan! I got a signed picture from Shaun after I missed an interview he had on a local radio station here. I was so thrilled and pleased!!! I am really happy to see this page on the net.Sincerely, Linda H.

Name: Michelle
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Santa Cruz, CA
Time: 1997-02-26 18:30:00
Comments: Thanks to Wrenne for posting this at the Fan Base. Hi to Cheryl from a fellow Californian and long time David Cassidy Fan! Can't wait to see your page fully operational. Interested in your club too!

Name: Wrenne
Website: cassidyfriends
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: I live here (sorta)!
Time: 1997-02-26 17:30:00
Comments: What a superb web site! How blessed you are to have the genius of Susanne and Wrenne behind this site of great majesty! If only I were as fortunate as you!Hugs and kisses,Rain Sanders

Total: 42 guests

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