Faun & Nymph Retreat

The Faun & Nymph retreat is surrounded by a ring of mountains and inside is a beautiful lake and a thick forest. All breeds of Fauns and Nymphs live here but Nerefauns and Nereids. Naiads and Naifauns live in the large lake, Dryads and Dryfauns live in the large forest, and Oreads and Orefauns live in the caves along the mountainsides. They spend all day full of love, pleasure, and happiness, eating, laughing, chatting, and playing.

Fauns and Nymphs are literally helpless, having no means of defense. They don't understand hate and death because each morning when they wake up they have no memories of any of the days before. Because of this they also have no memories of their lost friends so do not know to prepare for any other dangers. When Stanley Steamer disappeared he was discovered with the Fauns and Nymphs, protecting him. Grundy exchanged the monster under the bed Snortimer for Stanley so the Fauns and the Nymphs have a form of protection.

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