Mount Parnassus

Twin-peaked mountain south of the Gap Chasm. These peaks are heavily guarded because each peak hold's one of the two greatest magical trees in Xanth.

The Tree of Immortality grows on the northern mountain peak; one leaf of this tree will allow a person to live forever. No one has achieved immortality yet because it is almost impossible to reach the tree without being killed.

On the southern mountain peak is the Tree of Seeds. This tree is guarded by the Simurgh, the wisest bird in the world. The Simurgh is also one of the oldest creatures, having seen the world destroyed and reborn three times. Only a female can be a keeper of the seeds so the Simurgh is female as well.

On the south slope of the south peak is the Oracle. The Priestesses of the Oracle sniff intoxicating fumes that rise from crevasses and spew gibberish that is translated into answers for supplicants who come to them with questions. The Oracle is guarded by the Python. The nine Muses also reside on the south slope in an ordinate castle.

On the north slope of the south peak are the Maenads. These nymph-like naked women tear apart and eat any creature they catch. Their constant drinking from a wine-spring causes this wild behavior. They are not as vicious as they once were as Magician Grey Murphy turned there wine blood flavored so they can quench each thirst at the same time.

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