Catholic Home Education

Support Online

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If you would like to quickly join the Keeping It Catholic Online Support Group, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN close to the bottom of this page and look for the ONELIST box to enter your email address. Or if you wish, please feel free to first read this entire page to get some information about our online network and support group for Catholic homeschool families.

The Keeping It Catholic Network Online Support List offers camaraderie and encouragement for the homeschooling husband, wife, and family as well as those have a positive attitude toward homeschooling. Dedicated to the Holy Family of Nazareth, with Zelie and Louis Martin (parents of the Little Flower) as our patrons, we're an online group in support of the Catholic "way of life" known as homeschooling.

Frequently, parents don't have the time (or the energy) to attend a home education support group nearby or visit with friends as often as desired. That's ok - you can join us online!

The KIC OnLine Support Group provided by Keeping It Catholic (KIC) was created specifically for Catholic homeschooling families and their friends. It's a free email message service that you subscribe to!

When you join our list, you'll also receive the free bi-monthly Keeping It Catholic (formerly Hearts at Home) Online Newsletter through the Online Support Group. (Previous copies of the magazine will be added to the KIC Web site in the near future.) We even invite you to write for Keeping It Catholic!

 We have something to offer each member of your family, too.


  • For Mom and Dad as primary educators of your family - We pray for each other's intentions daily and offer support and encouragement. Advice is offered only when asked, (because we respect your family autonomy). Helpful information is provided about Church teaching on the faith, family and education.


  • For moms - The KIC List is a mom's way of "chatting over the cyber-fence" in lieu of chatting over the backyard fence (just as our moms did years ago as they were hanging clothes on the line). In many places today, there's nobody else at home next door.


  • For dads - It's our way to help support you, the head of your home, in a world that doesn't encourage you to be the true and good Catholic husband and father you are called to be. It will also help you understand that your beloved wife, the heart of your home, needs to lean on you for strength as well as emotional and spiritual support. Marriage is a sacrament and each spouse assists and affects the other in profound ways.


  • For teens and kids - Homeschooled kids are great and our upcoming KIC Online Teen Lists will prove it. Our kids are exciting, talented and exuberant. They have hopes and dreams, too.

    We plan to offer a penpal email list for elementary grade homeschoolers (and their friends), a list which is currently being updated.

    Plans are also being made for two online lists, one for pre-teens to early teen homeschoolers and their friends. Another will be for for upper grade teens.

  • If you'd like your family added when the lists go up, please email us at (In your message, please include basic information like names, ages, and interests, and add your email address inside the message, too). We'll notify you by email as soon as they are ready.

The Keeping It Catholic Home Education, Faith and Family Online Support Group for parents is a private, moderated email list service. The private email messages arrive in your mailbox periodically throughout the day. So there's no need to rush off to a support group meeting feeling hurried and unkempt - Keeping It Catholic mail is ready and waiting for you when you have the time!

We also moderate the public, newly created Keeping It Catholic Message Board for you. If you'd like to post a message to it, please go back to our Home Page. Both the private list and the public board are moderated by Marianna Bartold, founder of The Catholic Family's Magnificat! Home Education Magazine and the founding homeschool editor of Sursum Corda!

To enter your free email subscription to the private list which offers the Keeping It Catholic Newsletter and which also introduces you to other Catholic homeschooling parents on a daily basis, please be sure to type your email address in the "ONELIST" box at the BOTTOM of this page.

After sending in your email address, you'll receive a private, automated WELCOME message in your email box. We ask that you kindly set aside some time to read it thoroughly as it has important info you need to know about the Keeping It Catholic Support Group Online List you're joining!

The WELCOME message you'll receive gives you information on the purpose and policies of the Keeping It Catholic Online Support Group List.

We welcome you and and are so glad to have you with us as you Keep It Catholic! in your hearts and homes.

  Marianna Bartold, Keeping It Catholic!

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