
This page has reviews of Sandra Bullock movies that I have seen. I have not been able to see them all, so not all of her movies are here. If you wish to see a list of her movies, please go to the filmography page. For each of the movies, I will list her charcter, a short summary and give the movie a grade. A- a must see. B- pretty good movie. C- not bad, not great. D- hmm...well, maybe. F- warning, do not view this movie! Now, these reviews are my personal opinions of her movies. I am not a critic, I'm calling it like I saw it. Enjoy!
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Hope Floats, 1998. Birdee. This movie is easily Sandra's best film to date. I don't know how she will ever top this. It is a drama, with enogh comedy to lighten it up just enough. Sandra plays Birdee, a woman dumped on national t.v. She goes home with her daughter (Mae Whitman) to fix her life. Harry Connick Jr co-stars as Birdee old schoolmate, and he is great. Sandy is going to have a hard time with a follow up to this wonderful, oscar worthy performance. Whoa, this was a long review! But, GO SEE IT! A + + + +

Speed 2 Cruise Control, 1997. Annie. This movie is a sequel to Speed, a slightly better movie than this. It has a lot of action, but not a really good plot. B

In Love and War, 1997. Agnes. A romantic story about Ernest Hemingway and his love, Agnes. A moving story that was excellently written and acted. A

A Time To Kill, 1996. Ellen. This movie tells the story of a man on trial for killing his daughter's rapists. Sandra, in a supporting but terrific role, plays a law clerk that helps with the case. One of my favorites. A

Two If By Sea, 1996. Roz. A messy comedy about a man on the lamb and his unhappy girlfriend. Acted well, but the plot is not so great. C

The Net, 1995. Angela. A computer savvy woman knows too much, her idenity and her life are almost deleted. you'll be afraid of the Web after this one! A

While You Were Sleeping, 1995. Lucy. A touching and hilarious story about Lucy, a girl who falls in love with a man she never spoke to, saves his life, is mistaken for his fiance, and falls in love with his brother, all while the first brother is in a coma! Whew! This story is actually easy to follow, and it is my absolute favorite! Her best ever! A +

Speed, 1994. An action packed adventure about a bus that will blown up unless Sandra and Keanu keep it at 50 MPH. You'll spend a lot of time on the edge of your seat. If you really are a Sandra fan, you better have already seen this!. A

Demolition Man, 1993. Lenina. An futuristic action picture about what happens when a killer is thawed out in 2032, after being frozen for 40 years. Action packed sci fi with some comedy thrown in. B

The Thing Called Love, 1993. Linda Lue. One of my favorite movies. The story of 4 country singer wanna-be's and their relationships. Sandra sings! A

Wrestling Ernest Hemingway, 1993. Elaine. A small role for Sandra, she plays a waitress who is the object of an elderly man's affection. A fuuny and heart warming look at friendship and loss. A

The Vanishing, 1992. Diane. In another small role, Sandra is the victim of a pychopath. Her boyfriend is nearly driven crazy because he does not know what happened to her and neither do we, until the end, when he goes with the killer to see what he did to her! A

Love Potion #9, 1991. Diane. A sweet romantic movie about a potion that makes people fall in love you as soon as you speak to them. You know by that that this is a funny flick, but it could have been played out better. Check out Sandra's teeth! B

As I see more of her movies, this page will grow. So, stay tuned!

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