
ok this thing got real messed up so if you can hang on a little it'll be up and running again soon sorry to all of you who had profiles on my page.


Name: Odette Cygnet

Age: 19

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 108

Physical: Blond hair-mid back length layered in front;dark green

eyes;white feathers;thin but very strong;clothes-black short shorts, white

tank top, ring on a silver chain

Weapons: puck blaster and deadly aim

Personality: doesn't trust easily, but is fiercely loyal to people who

deserve it, determined, hides true feelings behind sarcastic comments

Good Points: very strong (physically and mentally), a good friend to

those she feels deserve it

Bad Points: quick-tempered, doesn't trust anyone until they prove

themselves, a little jumpy

Misc: left-handed, vegetarian, came to earth to get revenge on Dragonus

who killed her parents, then sent her and her brother to a labor camp

where her brother was killed and she was abused 

Phrase Overheard: Try that again and I'll use this hockey stick in ways

you've only imagined!