To The Wild~

All of the beautiful creatures you see on this page, and many not shown, have one very sad thing in common, they are all endangered of becoming extinct. Most of them and many others not shown, share one common thing-the reason for their being endangered, "man!" Thru urbanization, hunting, poaching, and industrial pollutants, all these animals and so many more won't be here for the generations to come. Also, endangered are the rain forests, and forest, parks, wilderness-we all need to do our part to save these wonders.

Timberwolf cubs

The Timberwolf, along with other wolves are endangered due to man's misunderstanding of it nature and it's place in environment; people believe that wolves are "bad." Also, it's considered a sport to hunt these animals. Due to urbanization, man is encroaching on the territory of the wolves and driving them out. When pushed this is the only time these animals normally attack humans. For more information on the wolf, please go to the link below.

The Timberwolf Organization

The Panda Bear-native to China.

The main threat to the panda is destruction of its natural habitat due to invasion os grazing animals, ie: cattle grazing which belong to humans moving into the area and taking over the land. Also, sadly, the panda is poached for its coat. For more information on Panda's, an excellent site is listed below:

This is Paul's site on Panda's.

The Paragrine Falcon.

These birds of prey, along with others are endangered due to hunting, nest robbing, and trapping. Also, following the ingestion of chemicle pesticides and industrial pollutants, the reproduction of the birds fails. For information on the Paragrine Falcon and other birds of prey try either of the following links:

The Raptor Center

Birds of Prey

The Elephant

These beautiful elephants are killed for their tusks. The hunters sell the tusks for the ivory. Often, rather than "wasting" extra bullets to kill these beast, the hunters use just enough to bring them down- they then remove the tusks and leave the elephants to die a painful, slow death. To find out more about the elephant, go to the link that follows:

The Elephant site

The Dolphin

Dolphins are among the most intelligent, elegant, and captivating mammals on earth. The bonds between mother dolphins and their calves are very strong, close, and beautiful. Stories have been told of how a mother dolphin, in a highly agitated state, will try to revive her dead calf for hours. Dolphins become tangled in fishing nets, where they are unable to free themselves and die.

The Seal.

Seals, in my opinion are killed in one of the cruelest ways possible. The beautiful White Seals (particularly, the pups) are beaten to death with clubs, as their coats would suffer damage if shot with a bullet-the pelts are used for coats. Other seals are also killed for their hide by poachers. I don't have a specific site for information on seals, or dolphins, but a good one to check would be the following:

the National Wildlife Federation

The Cheetah.

These beautiful cats are killed by poachers for their coats to be used for coats, rugs, and wall hangings. Also, humans are taking their living space, thus pushing out the cheetah from their habitat and limiting/diminishing the much needed food supply for the cheetah. For more information on the cheetah, the following site is good:

The Cheetah page.

I hope this page describing the plight of such beautiful creature's will inspire us all to help keep them and their habitats going strong.

More links of people and groups doing what they can:


Stacey's Page to protect animals-excellent!

Defenders of Wildlife

North American Wolf Association


If you'd like to adopt an endangered animal-link here to kidsland!

This lovely background set was made by Whispering Women, pay them a visit.

Music from Laura's Midi Heaven