Information for Heinrich Luther

Henry was from Denstad, Germany - north of Erfurt-N.E. of Weiner 5 miles.

Have a copy of a land deed between Patrick Duffy and Henry 1844

Henry was buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, Mooresville, Floyd Knobs, Floyd County, Indiana


1850 Lafayette Township, Floyd County, Indiana - US Census

Henry A. Luther - 53 - M - Farmer - $600 - Germany
Ann Mariah Luther - 48 - F - Germany
John H. Luther - 27 - M - Farmer - Germany
Charles A. Luther - 20 - M - ??? - Germany
Mary Luther - 18 - F - Germany
Louisa Luther - 16 - F - Germany
Benjamin Luther - 14 - Germany
Dianna Luther - 7 - F - Florida
Anderson Luther - 4 - M - Indiana


1860 Lafeyette Township, Floyd County, Indiana - US Census

Henry Luther - 63 - M - Farmer - 2,000 - $600 - Prussia, Germany
Mary Luther - 58 - F - Prussia, Germany
John Luther - 36 - M - Germany
Mary Luther - 28 - F - Germany
Benjamin Luther - 22 - Farmer - Germany
Dianna Luther - 16 - F - On the sea
Anderson Luther - 13 - M - Indiana


1870, Lafeyette Township, Floyd County, Indiana - US Census

In the household of John Luther shows (son of Henry & Anna)

Henry E. Luther - 76 - M - W - Works on Farm - Citizen - Prussia, Germany
Anna M. - 72 - F - W - Prussia, Germany


Luther Page

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Last Updated on 6 June 2000