Sakura Petals
Sakura Petals

Desiree Conway (Moreta)

He had loved her since the day he saw her. And he had known he was going to die for her. But he didn’t care. She was beautiful. And her fiery persona (some would definitely say cold as most felt her to be anything but warm) had attracted him even more. Then it had grown into a strong passion. One where he knew he should it seriously, but he had to act like the charming imp everyone thought him to be so she would not know the depth of his feelings for her. She thought it now only a silly crush. It was for her protection. He was going to die. And he could not bear the thought of being responsible for any pain to his beautiful “Ara-chan”.....


“Hey Kamui!”
The younger Dragon turned towards the sound of his name. A small smile lit his face as he took in the site of the silly monk. “Sorata,” he acknowledged.
As the monk drew closer Kamui noticed a small bruise on Sorata’s left cheek.
“What happened?” he asked concerned.
“What do you mean?” his smile faded.
“You have a bruise on your cheek. “Oh. This,” Sorata lightly touched his cheek. “Its nothing. I fell.” He then turned the bright smile back on and he gave Kamui a clout on the shoulder. There was something about the monk that bothered Kamui but he could not put his finger on it.
“Arashi!” Before Kamui could react Sorata had bounded down to the raven haired beauty.


“I love you. I love you. I love you. How many times do you want me to say it? How many times before you take me seriously? You have my heart and I could not take it back even if I wanted to! Why cant you see the extent of my feelings for you? Why? And then when that asshole comes around, its like, you’re a different person. Why are you so cold towards me? Oh Arashi, more than anything I want you in my arms. I want you near me always.” Of course he could never find the courage to tell her how he felt. Instead of raven hair and flashing violet eyes set on a fae like face forming a creature of exquisite beauty before him, only his tired eyes and sunken expression looked back at him.
He sighed and turned from the site of his reflection in the mirror. The bruises on his body were becoming more and more noticeable. He would have to watch that.
He had not been eating for what seemed like ages, and his body, whenever Arashi punched him or slapped him, bruised very easily. Its not her fault....he thought as he mulled over his feelings, becoming more and more disgusted with himself.


Arashi had been watching him become wan and thin. She had seen the bruises on him but she studiously ignored them, believing it was not her place to pry. However, the moment she realized that the deep-rooted concern she felt for him was because she had fallen in love with him was one that she nearly went into a frenzy with. She could not love him! And yet she knew she did. She loved him with her very soul and the bruises were becoming harder and harder to hide.
She followed him one day to a lush park around the corner of the Diet Building. In a grove full of Sakura trees she watched between fascination and horror as he leaned over and threw up in the grass. Her eyes widened in disbelief.
He then sank to his knees and sobbed, and seeming oblivious as he smashed his face into the tree behind him. Almost immediately she could make out a purple tint to the area he had hit.
NO! Her mind screamed and her body reacted. She ran to him and threw herself on him as if to protect him. She was crying and saying over and over again “How could you Sorata? How could you do this to yourself! Why? Is it because of me? I love you I do. I love you! There I said it just dont torture yourself anymore!! I love you!!”
He looked up at her and smiled. “Arashi.......” She bent down to kiss him.


The sound of sobs, heart rending sobs that seemed to come from the depths of dispair, filled the basement of the Diet Building. Hinoto, Kamui, Karen, Yuzerhia, Aoki and Arashi stood over a body of a ruggedly handsome young man.....the Seal, Sorata Arisugawa. The full throated sobs came from Arashi, as she laid her body over his and refused to let anyone near. He had died of heart failure all for her sake., He wanted to make himself more desirable and so had starved and waned until his body could no longer take the deterioration. When he had used his power, his heart had exploded. He had not told Arashi he had loved her, she had not told him she loved him, and she never followed him to the Sakura grove and saw what he had done to himself.
It was all he saw before he died.

Authors Note: It was...STREAM OF CONCIOUS.......I dont expect everyone to get the entire story. If you do great! But anyways if you have ever read the story or seen the movie of "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," then this story might make more sense. But all in all I do hope you enjoyed the story.

Arashi's sleepy, time to leave.
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