1/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
1/31.1/01 - Don Barrett's site says KABC has announced Ira Fistell Sat & Sun 9-midn and "Motley Fool" Sun midn-3a. See his site today for a list. KABC has not updated their schedule yet.
1/31/01 - www.samtv.tv is Sam Rubin's new site. Not much yet.
1/30/01 - "...and the chip set for its radios, which still isn't ready..." about Sirius satellite-radio receivers per a "recent Fortune feature story" said Don Barrett 1/25/01.
1/29.1/01 - Gary Lycan's column won't display (do a view source), but he says no KLAC/FKI/KXTA announcement yet.
1/29/01 - Ira was on last Sat & Sun and said KABC would announce his future on the station (or not) this week. I think he said last Fri was the last day for his M-F show that was on the old KRLA (1110 AM) in L.A.
1/27.2/01 - Super Bowl, this Sunday at 3:15p on KNX 1070 AM (??also XTRA 690 AM & KAVL 610 AM in Lancaster??). However, with the pre- and post-game shows it seems to last almost all day.
1/27.1/01 - Ira Fistell, this Sat & Sun, 9p-midn, KABC. Thanks KABC, more Ira is better.
1/27/01 - Richard Wagoner keeps the last few years of his radio columns on his web site at members.home.net/rwagoner. This week he added a search engine so you can search his site.
1/25/01 - Ira Fistell this weekend?? KABC's schedule today says "To Be Announced," so check Sat 9p-midn and Sun 4p-midn.
1/22.3/01 - Gary Lycan, in Sunday's column, said Clear Channel will announce plans this week for KFI, KLAC, and KXTA. They also own KIIS, KCMG, KYSR, KOST, and KBIG in L.A. The plans will be here when I get them.
1/22.2/01 - Ira Fistell was on KABC Sunday per 1/19.2/01 flash, and Matt Drudge wasn't. Drudge was on KOGO 600 AM in San Diego, live at 7p, and I can receive it ok in L.A.
1/22.1/01 - Think Merrill Shindler said his restaurant show on Sunday on KLSX could be either 3-5p or 5-7p because of sports (indoor football?). He'll try to announce it the week before, but to catch it try both times.
1/22/01 - About 1/20.1/01 Flash, I heard it yesterday and was mostly music with some movie talk. With so little talk, I'm not listing it on Favorites. I got the name wrong, should be "Hollywood Confidential." Don also said it's on Fri morning, time not specified.
1/20.1/01 - Try KBIG 104.3 FM Sun 10p-1a for "Hollywood Confidential" with Leeza Gibbons per yesterday's Don Barrett. He doesn't say which week it starts.
1/20/01 - Forgot to mention, Matt Drudge is off KABC's schedule. Try KOGO 600 AM & KFI Sun 7-10p?
1/19.2/01 - Ira Fistell, Sunday, 9p-midn, KABC 790 AM. Same time and station but moved to Sunday. Thanks KABC.
1/19.1/01 - Live Bush Inaugration Saturday, 8-10 a.m. on KABC and probably other stations also.
1/19/01 - Keep an eye on the KABC program schedule www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp. They seem to be keeping it up to date now.
1/17.2/01 - Can you believe, with all the bad, talk radio during the day, two of the better hosts are on from 2-5 a.m.?? Try Doug McIntyre with smart talk on KABC Tu-Fr 2-5:30a and Sat 2-5a. Or, Doug Stephan www.dougstephan.com with soft, low-presure talk on KRLA 870 AM 2-5a, and this could be Seven Days per week? You can also tape or VCR some to try it. 1/25/01 - Stephan may be Mo-Sat mornings??
1/17.1/01 - They say rolling power blackouts could hit all over California, usually for an hour to an hour and a half per hit. Some L.A. stations have their own generators, so keep some fresh batteries in the receiver or try one of the new crank-up receivers. Also, with the power off it's a great time to hear distant/weak stations you can't usually hear because of electrical noise.
1/17/01 - Tomm Looney's site www.looneynews.com doesn't work today.
1/16.1/01 - Ira Fistell was on again last Saturday, thanks to KABC's PD. It's just a week-to-week thing for now. You can email the PD at www.kabc.com/contactus.asp. They want "something" in the email blanks except for city. See 1/14/01 and other Flashes.
1/16/01 - Strange about Kenny's show, see 1/14.4/01 Flash. Parks was on 4-5p, and Huffington came on at 5p. I tuned out till 6p when Harrison came on, and they said Don Barrett had just left. What happened to Don? Was he on just before 6p or what?
1/14.4/01 - KABC's schedule: shows Kenny Morse www.mrtraffic.com Sun 4-7p. He has done good car shows somewhere. Anyway, Don Barrett said 1/13/01 he would interview "Talkers" mag editor Michael Harrison www.talkers.com - also L.A.P.D.'s Chief Parks, Don Barrett www.laradio.com, and other?? May just be a one-shot show.
1/14.3/01 - Larry Marino sat in for Ray Brien 7-10p last night on the new KRLA. From 9-10p he interviewed Don Barrett of www.laradio.com. I had to tape it, and so far they're talking about the old radio stations and people - not my thing. The only notice was on Don's site Fri 1/12/01, and I couldn't get it on this site it time.
1/14.2/01 - KABC is playing with Matt Drudge's schedule - www.drudgereport.com. I've seen him listed Sun at 7p (live) and also 9p and 10p. Or try KOGO 600 AM live in San Diego at 7p.
1/14.1/01 - Looks like "The Doug Stephan Show" with soft talk moved to the new KRLA, five days?, 2-5a. Per site - haven't heard the new time yet.
1/14/01 - Ira Fistell returned to KABC again yesterday, Saturday 1/13/01, 9-midnight. It's still just a week-to-week thing; tune in to see if he's on. See 1/10.2/01 and 1/7.1/01 Flashes for details.
1/11.3/01 - See Richard Wagoner's site for info on a bunch of new XM satellite receivers. He doesn't mention Sirius receivers, and their service will be available this month.
1.11.2/01 - Don Barrett on yesterday's site said several local KFI hosts could move to KLAC which will become talk/sports. KFI could get more Clear Channel/Primiere hosts. He also mentions radio discussion at radio-info.com/mb/losangeles.
1/11.1/01 - Do try to catch Chef Jamie Gwen's cooking show, Sun, 9-10a, on the new KRLA 870 AM. She has had very good guests. Wolfgang Puck (spelling??) will be on in a week or two. Also, she's been sending cookbooks or something to some callers. 1/13/01 - her often out-of-date site is www.chefjamie.com.
1/11/01 - I don't care for or list most of the drive-time shows cause they don't qualify as intelligent talk. A slight exception is Bill Handel Mon-Fri 5-9a and Sat 6-9a on KFI. I have been listing his Sat show cause it's about the law. Better than most.
1/10.2/01 - Ira Fistell returns to KABC again this Saturday 1/13/01, 9-midnight said Doug McIntyre. Last Saturday the phones were busy all night with people saying they were so glad to hear him again. Make short calls to 1-800-222-5222. Also see 1/7.1/01 Flash.
1/10.1/01 - "...news and talk stations may enjoy a bump in the Arbitron figures from the 'Florida effect.'" The numbers were released today but not printed here. Per today's LAT, page F9.
1/10/01 - Don Barrett on his site yesterday suggests KFI has too many show for the 4 p.m. to 3 a.m. slots. Easy solution: give Karel & Andrew all the time they want, and let them pick any lead-in and exit shows. Any remaining time can be split between Phil Hendrie with schizo talk, Tim & Neil with nothing talk, and Art Bell with UFO talk. See how easy that was?
1/9/01 - Satellite radio is here, almost. New-York-based Sirius will start service this month. Washington-D.C.-based XM will start service by mid-2001. Both will start at $9.95 a month. You'll need an adapter or a special receiver, initially available from Ford and GM in their higher-priced cars. Ford uses one system and GM the other, I don't remember which, and they don't work together. Better to wait for an after-market receiver that receives both to be safe??? Most of the signal for the 100 channels comes from the satellite, but low-power transmitters on the ground fill in the holes. For the best, very short description see yesterday's "Press Telegram," page A18, "Radio from the heavens coming this year," by Kalpana Srinivasan, AP. If it works as well as cell phones -- we can only hope. 1/10/01 - The launch of the first XM satellite was scrapped with no reason says yesterday's LAT, page C2,
1/8.1/01 - Matt Drudge and Art Bell (he'll return) will move to KFI per Tomm Looney's site, 1/7/01.
1/8/01 - The detective series on KCRW is Ross Macdonald's "Sleeping Beauty." Last night was parts 1 & 2 of eight. Sorry Ross: you write ok, but the stuff puts me to sleep. This updates the 1/2/01 Flash.
1/7.1/01 - Ira Fistell was on KABC last night, 9-midn. Just a one-shot thing he says, but it couldn't hurt to email the PD and ask for a full-time spot. Remember Ira? He was on KABC for years, does good talk, and knows history. Then he went to the old KRLA with a national show till KRLA went under. His national show is still on and it's on the internet, but he doesn't have a outlet in L.A. He does a 10p-1a show weekdays when there's nothing else on it L.A. Email the KABC PD if you wish. This was in yesterday's LAT, page F2, but no time to put it on this site.
1/7/01 - KABC updated their schdule at http://www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp. Like tonight Matt Drudge is listed as 9-midn, but he was live starting at 7p?? Must be on delay. 1/8/00 - he was on 10p-midn.
1/6.4/01 - Tried to check the KLSX site, but their air schedule is &*#@ed again. Please get a webmaster, a teenager, or a talented "grader!!" Every time they try to change the site, it's toast for months. 1/7/01 - Try to print their weekday, Sat, or Sun schedule, and all three give you their weekday list when nothing's on anyway. Please get a real webmaster, this kind of mess happens every time the site is changed.
1/6.3/01 - Want to start in web radio?? See LAT, 1/5/01, page F28, "A Little High Tech Brings Out the DJ Lurking in Everyone," by Robert K. Elder, "Chicago Tribune." It costs, but this is 101 with links.
1/6.2/01 - Want even more info on the KIEV/KRLA switch?? See LAT, 1/5/01, page F37, "New Year Brings New Identify for KIEV," by Steve Carney. ---- Seems like whatever little available radio info in LAT moved from Thur to Fri Calendar. Please leave message if you can find his site!!
1/6.1/01 - An ad in PennySaver - Elmer Dill's restaurant reports are only on his site (www.elmerdills.com) and the pennysaverusa.com; not in the weekly Penny Saver paper. His travel reports will still be in the second Wed's Penny Saver paper. The Sat & Sun shows on 870 AM continue. This is a example: radio related items, even if newspaper and restaurant related, may appear only in the radio section. Call Penny Saver.
1/6/01 - Don't know why, but Kim Komando's computer show at 7a on KLSX this morning was only one hour, rather than the usual three. Call the station!!
1/3/01 - Per KNX, the complete 2001 Drama Hour schedule (and other shows marked +) follows. ** marks my favorites.
Monday | 9 PM Tales of the Texas Rangers | 9:30 PM The Six Shooter (26 weeks) | Sherlock Holmes (26 weeks) Tuesday | 9 PM +60 Minutes II | 10 PM Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar ** | 10:30 PM Sgt. Preston of the Yukon Wednesday | 9 PM Dragnet | 9:30 PM The Whistler ** Thursday | 9 PM Adventures of Sam Spade (26 weeks) | Nightbeat (26 weeks) ** | 9:30 PM The Lone Ranger Friday | 9 PM Gunsmoke ** | 9:30 PM Suspense ** | 10 PM +KNX Radio Hall of Fame Saturday | 9 PM The Jack Benny Program | 9:30 PM Fibber McGee & Molly | 10 PM +KNX Radio Hall of Fame Sunday | 7 PM +60 Minutes | 9 PM Lux Radio Theater (1 hour) Drama Hour broadcasts are repeated at 2 AM the next day and are on the Internet, about the next day. See www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for all the details, air dates, etc.
1/2.1/01 - Remember, KNX changes the Drama Hour schedule Sat. 01/06/2001 and announces the new schedule Wed. 01/03/2001. Keep checking www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for updates, and I'll post the results when I can.
1/2/01 - A detective series in six parts starts this Sun 1/7/01 at 7 p.m. on KCRW 89.9 FM. I missed the name, but it sounded good.
1/1/01 - KIEV becomes KRLA on Monday 1/1/2001. Yes, the old KRLA at 1110 AM is gone, but KIEV at 870 AM has the rights to use the KRLA call sign at 870 AM. I liked the KIEV sign; anyone want it? It could take months to fix this site, or I may not even try. Just remember any reference to KRLA or KIEV, starting 1/1/2001, means tune to 870 AM. This per Don Barrett's site, 12/29/00. I heard the change over at midnight. They just went from one infomercial, to the KRLA station ID announcement on the hour, and on to another infomercial. No big deal.
--------- a few from 12/2000 -------------
12/30.2/00 - KCSN 88.5 FM replaces the weekday 6:30-7 p.m. "Marketplace" with five shows, the first three are local by KCSN, starting Monday 1/1/01. Mon=local life & culture, Tue=local architecture, Wed=local food news, Thu=Pacific Rim life, and Fri=CA report. Per 12/27/00 LAT, page F2, by Shauna Snow. Tip - You may need a directional FM antenna to receive KCSN or you may receive some music station on the same frequency. 1/6/01 - Revised - or rotate your whole radio, the antenna, and/or the power cord.
12/30.1/00 - XM and Sirius could begin satellite digital radio in 2001, but so could the 13,000 radio stations in the US. The new transmitters could cost $50,000 and a receiver could cost $100 with lower prices as numbers increases. I usually read before I report, but no time, may update someday. See WSJ, 12/28/00, pages B5 and B6 for two stories.
12/30/00 - Part of a posted email to Don Barrett's site today about radio writers - "... as well as John Fox's San Diego report, 'The PD Chronicles,' 'Mann About San Francisco,' and anything written by Jim Hawthorne. I was also a big fan of the coverage of some of the markets not often given a forum, such as Ann Silberman's column on the goings on in Sacramento..." - Alan Oda. Wish I had time to find their sites and read their stuff!
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