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  • "Ask the Mayor" with Mayor Jim Hahn, 1/31/02, Thursday, 10-11a, KFWB 980 AM. Call-in shows: click on "Ask the Mayor" for details.
  • Program Tips at 1/27/02, 12/2/01 and weekly?.
  • KRLH 590 AM with Larry Marino M-F 2-4p and 10p-midn. Phone 1-866-575-2590. Also Steve Knight? Show streams from KRLA.
  • Check for new stuff at www.radiowatch.com/. See 1/30.1/02 Flash.
  • 1/23/2002 - Another reorganization at Dave's sites. Try start.at/dfsnews or home.
  • 24 hours of L.A. radio at LAT or reformat.
  • ===> Worth reading, but till I say so, I can't access Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/. I time out there.
  • L.A. Philharmonic, starting Sunday 1/6/02 and continuing for the next 12 Sundays, does concerts on KUSC 91.5 FM noon-1p and more than 130 stations nationwide. KUSC. Schedule. Outlets.
  • Chinese New Year is 2/12/2002, L.A. time.
1/2002 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)

New - Radio-program reviews - 81 shows - from the Daily News. See Reviews.

1/31.4/02 - "Why Bob Visotcky left Spanish Broadcasting’s [SBS] KLAX/KXOL, LA after five months" offers www.insideradio.com/, but you need to join.

1/31.3/02 - "Howard Stern Really Is On The Decline." Two of the first three comments agree on the NY BB.

1/31.2/02 - Before radio syndication. "Some stations also LEASED time to ethnic programmers, just like they do now. WWRL, WBNX, WADO (WOV), WEVD, WMCA all had a (wider) range of programs in different languages. There was even a Swedish radio program at one point. You would hear Italian, Chinese, Yiddish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, etc." This was one comment posted by Sven Weil on January 31, 2002 in reply to "No syndication during the golden age of radio" on the NY BB.

1/31.1/02 - "KRLA's Hugh Hewitt takes serious shot at LA Times" is a headline at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. The way the LAT covers radio, they won't even know about it.

1/31/02 - What's happening in digital AM/FM and satellite radio in Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/. This is his Friday column, available today.

1/30.8/02 - Ventura County radio. "Radio activity. TOUGH BUSINESS: Competition in Ventura County never takes a station break." See www.insidevc.com/vcs/business/article/0,1375,VCS_128_958874,00.html. Tip from the L.A. BB.

1/30.7/02 - Who owns which stations in L.A. This is from the 1/9/02 Arbitrons, +12, the top 43 L.A. stations. For each owner, the stations are sequenced in terms of the best ratings. Working on format. For station details, enter the call letters and AM/FM into 'Arbitron' and/or 'radio-locator' under 'L.A. stations' on the C&C page. I don't know to what **** refers.
OwnerL.A. StationsFormat
Classic Rock
Association of
Community Education
KLTX-AM Spanish Rel.
Big CityKLYY-FMSpanish Con.
Calvary ChapelKWVE-FMReligious
Clear ChannelKIIS/KVVS
Urban AC*
Hot AC
Hot AC
EntravisionKSSC/KSSD/KSSESpanish Con.
Reg. Mex.
Spanish AC
Spanish Oldies
Spanish Oldies
OwnerL.A. StationsFormat
Smooth Jazz
Classic Rock
Reg. Mex.
Spanish AC
Reg. Mex.
LotusKWKW-AMSpanish N/T
Mt Wilson FMKMZT-FMClassical
Radio OneKKBT-FMUrban
Radio UnicaKBLA-AMSpanish N/T
Christian AC
Reg. Mex.**
Reg. Mex.
not specifiedKALI-AMEthnic
+ SBS is Spanish Broadcasting System
* Was KCMG-FM (Rhythmic Oldies) until August 9
** Was KFSG-FM (Religious) until May 1
*** Was Adult Standards until August
****? Was KMJR-FM and KNJR-FM
(Regional Mexican until May 1)

1/30.6/02 - Radio, assorted general info. Need a station, webcaster, antenna, history, schematic, book, law, news, much more, etc., try radio.miningco.com/mbody.htm. To read the message board, use 'guest' as the name and password.

1/30.5/02 - Internet radio listening up 484%. From www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020128.html.

  • PORTLAND, Ore. January 28, 2002 - MeasureCast, Inc., the first company to provide Internet radio broadcasters with next-day streaming audience size and demographics data, today reported that the MeasureCast Internet Radio Listening Index™ for the week of Jan. 14 - 20 rose a modest one percent to an index value of 484, meaning the total time spent listening (TTSL) to streaming broadcasters has increased 484 percent since January 2001.
  • Eighteen of the MeasureCast Top 25 stations streamed more hours than they did the previous week, and 10 stations enjoyed larger audiences than they did the week before. Virgin Radio took the top spot in the MeasureCast Weekly Top 25 ranking. MEDIAmazing and JazzFM finished two and three respectively.
  • Weekly Demographics. The largest age group listening to Internet radio for the week of was 25-34 year-olds (28%), while 57% of listeners were under 35 and 29% were younger than 25. 7% were over 55. 69% of listeners were men and 31% were women. Top streaming nations include Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
  • In the top 25, of interest to me, are L.A.'s KCRW 89.8 FM at 12, KRLA 870 AM at 24 (was 770 last week?), and KFSH 95.9 FM at 25. News/talk is at 18 and 20, and classicals are at the 4, 6, and 19 positions. KRLA is often in the top 25 but to sink to 770 - a mistake?

    1/30.4/02 - Tomm Looney and KFI. Tomm, a while back, did write radio columns, but his KLSX and other bits have been mostly non-radio. He used to 'bad mouth' Clear Channel, but now he does (or did?) a sports show on CC's KXTA and doesn't discuss radio. His site at www.looneynews.com/, for a while, has said "What does Tomm Looney and KFI AM 640 have in common? Stand by for the answer and announcement!" Also, my 1/26/02 Flash commented that Jeff Levy on KFI mentioned Tomm - but I missed the context. Who knows and - if he's not talking radio - who cares? P.S. - I had trouble with the KXTA site at www.xtrasports1150.com/, but I didn't see Tomm listed as a host - only on the 'contact us' page.

    1/30.3/02 - "whats the deal with NY AIR Awards?" "I've been hanging out in radio for a few years now.. and EVERY broadcast awards organization operates the same way...you must enter YOURSELF, either as an individual or as a station. The Associated Press works that way, so do the Peabody's and Dupont awards. Same with TV's Emmy's. All of them demand an entry fee..and most are judged by peers in other markets. The AIRAWARDS are no different." Posted by josh on January 30, 2002 on the NY BB.

    1/30.2/02 - KFWB 980 AM could lose jobs?

  • "MEDIA WATCH: There are a lot of trembling voices and shaky microphones these days over at news radio station KFWB-AM (980).
  • The station that once boasted "All news, all the time," and "Give us 22 minutes and we'll give you the world," is beset by rumors of major staffing cuts as a result of its becoming the radio home of the Los Angeles Dodgers.
  • There are reports the Dodgers are so excited about their move that they are looking at ways of pushing it up a year and beginning the KFWB broadcasts this season."
  • From the end of www.dailynews.com/news/orlov.asp. Tip from LAexaminer.com. One of the several sports stations can't carry the Dodger, or what?

    1/30.1/02 - www.radiowatch.com/ may live. They did a minor update in 9/01, but it was almost a year before that when they stopped doing regular updates. Now the site says "Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - What's New - New content coming soon, as we freshen up the design." We can only hope.

    1/30/02 - "DFS News Temporary Home." Dave's site says:

  • "While the FTP server for davesfunstuff.com is having problems, I'm also posting the entire editions of DFS News at an alternate location.
  • You can get there by clicking this link... www.network54.com/Forum/178415
  • This is also a forum (as in messageboard), but some responses to the news may be posted, but its a moderated board and your messages will not be seen until I get home and approve the messages. No spam will be seen here.
  • Also, the shortcut you saw on the opening page of DFS News, start.at/dfsnews, will point to the new location for the time being. Please bookmark the new network54 link above and check the page until the status of davefunstuff.com reads normal again. Thank you."
  • Another paragraph says "DFS News Cutbacks: Rogers Flashfaxes plus Website Section News. Due to website construction and a shift in the scope of DFS News, we have decided to discontinue posting the Roger Hedgecock Flashfaxes on our website as part of the evolution of DFS News. Most of the articles in the FlashFaxes cover many topics in the San Diego Outland, most of which do not fit the scope of DFS News, which covers mostly music, TV, radio, and stuff I feel is important..."

    1/29.6/02 - Bill Handel fill for Rush, tomarrow, 9a-noon, on KFI 640 AM. His crew will do his normal 5-9a show. His voice, he said, wouldn't allow him to do both shows.

    1/29.5/02 - KNX 1070 AM, their site says, will carry the State of the Union address, tonight starting at 6p.

    1/29.4/02 - Contact KRLA 870 AM. The 'Contact KRLA' page on the KRLA site workings. Just fill in their form at newstalk870krla.com/contact/, all four items, and hit 'Submit.' I've been waiting to ask them for a simple program chart (like KFI/KABC) and to carry the KRLH 590 AM program schedule.

    1/29.3/02 - State of the Union address, tonight, starting at 6p. It's expected to be less than an hour, but comments can follow. On AM, KNX 1070, KFWB 980, and even KABC 790 and/or KFI 640 could carry it. Also, try the FM dial, below 92. For TV, the Los Angeles Times says - "President Bush's State of the Union address begins at 6 p.m. PST. Here's where it can be viewed: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, Fox News Channel, CNBC, MSNBC, KCET, KTTV, and C-SPAN."

    1/29.2/02 - Radio stocks down says www.insideradio.com/. "Salem drops almost one as radio stocks tumble. Entercom off slightly over three-quarters. Emmis almost three-quarters. Beasley, Clear Channel, Cumulus and Saga all down almost half. The market gave back earlier gains as investors wait for the Federal Reserve meeting and the President’s State of the Union address tonight. Companies like Williams and Tyco reported big loses also weighed heavy on investors minds. The Dow is currently down 158. Nasdaq off 38."

    1/29.1/02 - Music formats, define them, was a question on the R&R BB.

  • T-Ray in Tampa, FL says, posted 01/25/2002 says -
    Let me see if I can explain this well. I think the difference between AC and Hot AC (Adult Contemporary) is that there are more ballads that are played on an AC station (and therefore not very radio-friendly), while Hot AC is more upbeat in nature. AAA is Album Adult Alternative. This is somewhat like a Hot AC station, however, they only use artists such as Sarah McLachlan (sp?), MB20, DMB, etc. Pretty much Adult Contemporary by artists who aren't relatively mainstream in nature. CHR is contemporary hit radio. This is basically your main-stream music that you would hear on MTV. Rythmic plays primarily hip-hop that is popular in the mainstream as well as such artists as NSync, Britney, and J-Lo, all of whom have songs that are of a somewhat rythmic nature. A prime example would be Z104 in Norfolk. Pop of course doesn't have all that much hip-hop, and includes artists that would be heard on Hot AC and Rock formats who have songs that are popular with a general audience. Q94 where you are would be an example. As far as why there are so few soul artists on Top 40 (assuming you're meaning BB), I can't really explain. Hopefully, this clears some of the confusion concerning the various formats.
  • dj_antonio in saskatchewan, canada posted 01/28/2002 adds -
    Interesting topic. What you said about sums it up T-Ray. I do have a couple of points to add on though.
    Another difference between ac and hot ac is that hot ac plays more rock. You'll hear more pop, country, and r&b on ac radio.
    The difference between urban and chr/rhythmic is very small too, as most chr/rhythmic stations have stopped playing pop music and dance music. I know that the chr/rhythmic station in Norfolk plays a little dance and pop music though.
    Very few chr/pop stations are identical to the chr/pop chart. Most chr/pop stations either lean towards urban music or hot ac/soft rock music.

    1/29/02 - Dave post new stuff at start.at/dfsnews and says the following. He didn't post on 1/26 or 1/27. If you get a message from his host, keep clicking "Continue to Forum."

  • "What's Up With davesfunstuff.com?"
  • "Yeah. Yeah. We know. We know. The webservers at hostonce must be constipated or something. Someone needs to send them an Ex-Lax virus or something to get this website back up to speed again!"
  • "The latest update is that a technician is working on the matter and should get the FTP server back up so we can update the pages once again, as well as to speed up the webserver that dishes out the web pages all in a nice HTML format for you to read."
  • "More on this later. Meanwhile, please use the http://start.at/dfsnews redirect instead of http://davesfunstuff.com/news for now as the latter URL isn't going to be updated until the FTP is fixed."

    1/27.4/02 - The how-to-become-a-radio-DJ tour comes to L.A. It's "High School Career Day, Grammy-Style" at www.pollstar.com/news/viewnews.pl?NewsID=1570 and covers several media trades. L.A. appears scheduled for 2/26/02 at USC.

    1/27.3/02 - Drudge report heard in all 50 states he says. For a list of staions see www.drudgereport.com/affils.txt. Of them, 18 are FM. For L.A. he does a longer show - three hours - Sunday, 7-10p, KFI 640 AM. Do try to check the first few minutes for his lead stories. KFI streams at www.kfi640.com/jacor-common/streaming_disclaimer.html.

    1/27.2/02 - Mike Tyson on Larry King, Monday 1/28/02, 8-9p, on KFWB 980 AM. "In a world-wide exclusive, boxer Mike Tyson talks to Larry for the first time since his fight with WBC-IBF champion Lennox Lewis at a press conference earlier this week. Tyson will discuss the incident and his subsequent apology." From Larry's site.

    1/27.1/02 - Michael Levine's program and book "Guerrilla P.R. Wired" and other program tips at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Gary says the show is on KRLA 870 AM, Sunday nights (1 a.m. Mondays). However, the KRLA site shows it as Tuesday 1-2a. The new KRLA program lists are hard to use cause each day of the week has its own list - and thus requires seven searches. Gary says each show is taped with an audience 2-4 p.m. Sundays at the Museum of Television & Radio, 465 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. The Museum is at www.mtr.org/, and click on the top line of text to enter.

    1/27/02 - For Dave's radio news still try start.at/dfsnews/ which is a short cut to www.network54.com/Forum/178415. I didn't see anything for today.

    1/26.11/02 - Dave's radio-news site at start.at/dfsnews came up this afternoon. See tip below.

    1/26.10/02 - KCRW 89.9 FM reaches San Diego. "KCRW from Santa Monica has launched a station in Lemon Grove. Officially it's a "translator" or repeater of the main signal. The call letters are K210CL. The FCC web site has the erp power at 10-watts [transmitter is three watts]. KCRW has more info on the station. LARadio writes in today's edition that the station can be heard in several cities east of San Diego ... http://kcrw.com" at kcrw.com/. By Chris Carmichael, San Diego Radio Net, http://www.sdradio.net via Dave's site and posted yesterday.

    1/26.9/02 - Salem Communications Corporation which owns KKLA-FM, KRLA-AM, KXMX-AM, and KFSH-FM in Los Angeles and now KRLH-AM in San Bernardino has a complete list of stations and site links at www.salem.cc/sitesStationLinks.htm. Their Home page is www.salem.cc/index.cfm.

    1/26.8/02 - Miami radio has problems - but at least They get press. See www.miami.com/herald/content/features/arts/digdocs/097814.htm.

    1/26.7/02 - Two AFTRA stories but neither mentions radio or the Internet (except in connection with TV). Strange. See "AFTRA Code Ups Fees" from 1/23/02 and "AFTRA Members Okay Net-Code Pact" from 1/24/02.

    1/26.6/02 - Predicted KRLH 590 AM antenna-coverage maps are at Days and Nights, but I can only receive them days - in the South Bay (like Torrance). Looks like Long Beach and North Orange County could get a good signal at night. PS - looks like you can do this for any U.S.? station from www.radio-locator.com/, just enter the call letters, click Go, then click i for info, then area, view, whatever.

    1/26.5/02 - LAT letters - I don't usually read them. But, two today related to my comments over the last few days. These are at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50697,00.html.

  • Concerning my 1/22.2/02 Flash - "Radio Repeats. In regard to the Jan. 21 article about female rock artists and KROQ-FM ("It's a Man's World at KROQ"), I think Kathleen Craughwell missed the boat entirely in that radio stations are guilty of a far greater travesty: playing endless repeats. At any given time, one can tune into KLOS, KRTH, Arrow 93.1, KIIS, KOST, KROQ, etc., and hear the same awful repeats over and over and over and over and over and over again. The real shame of this madness is that there is so much good music to be played from the '20s, '30s, '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s and '90s that is not ever played. What we hear continually from major L.A. radio stations is a tired, sickening playlist prepared by corporate executives whose No. 1 priority is revenue from advertisements and Top 40 playlists from years ago. BRIAN HUNTING, Tujunga."
  • Concerning my 1/24.2/02 Flash and if it could someday impact radio - ..."But to also claim that Adelphia Cable is partners in a Los Angeles-wide conspiracy that threatens a "well-informed citizenry" is nothing short of ludicrous."... I selected a different quote 1/27/02.

    1/26.4/02 - Boxing - radio tapes available. "Former boxing manager Bill Cayton has donated more than 70 taped radio broadcasts of classic boxing matches--featuring fighters such as Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali--to the Museum of Television & Radio in Beverly Hills...." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50695,00.html. Thanks for the donation, Bill; does anyone else have stuff? The Museum has a site at www.mtr.org/.

    1/26.3/02 - Dave's radio-news URL, that worked yesterday, won't open today. I'll try again as time allows.

    1/26.2/02 - KFI 640 AM streams and updated their web site. Check their 'Listen Live' page for the now-to-become standard notice about dead air, etc. They also added more pics, news, info on their news staff, etc. to the site. Try www.kfi640.com/.

    1/26.1/02 - KRLH 590 AM update. They don't do a correct ID - which ends with "...590, the new KRLA." I've heard them ID on the hour and half hour, and it's the same: no mention of the correct KRLH call letters. They do have the same owner and stream from the KRLA site at newstalk870krla.com/listen/, but it's a strange ID. Not luck hearing them at night, I can hear at least two weak voices which I can't understand. In daylight, in a good spot, with the radio pointed in the correct direction, I can hear them but with some noise from another station. Saturday morning they were doing infomercials, but I haven't heard Larry Marino or Steve Knight? yet. Do a 'Find' below for other comments. Also strange, KRLA was one of the top Internet stations (per MeasureCast), I wonder if KRLH could also become a top station.

    1/26/02 - Tomm Looney? At the start of today's Jeff Levy computer show Jeff mentioned Tomm, but I missed why. Tomm is the ex-radio columnist who went to work for CCC and quit (whatever?) his radio column and site. Jeff is talking Internet today, so you might want to tune or stream in anyway. Jeff's on KFI 640 AM at www.kfi640.com/ and he's on Sat 9-11a and Sun 9a-noon.

    1/25.6/02 - Sean Hannity's streaming. "ABC and Streaming. Sean Hannity's show is now streaming, via his official site, Hannity.com [www.hannity.com/]. I listened to about 45 minutes of the stream. All of the commercials have been cut out, and have been replaced by music...." And, the poster says, it repeats till the next show. Posted on the NYC BB by Ari Indik on January 25, 2002 at 14:46:54.

    1/25.5/02 - XM satellite radio. "XM Radio Q4 Net Loss Widens...could this technology become another white elephant soon?... XM Satellite Radio reported a wider net loss for the fourth quarter losing $149.8 million ($2.26) compared with Q4 loss of $19.8 million (40 cents) in 2000. But the good news is XM added nearly 28,000 subscribers since launching in November." 'Q4' means the fourth quarter. This via Dave's site, reportedly from Radio Online at www.radio-online.com/, but I didn't enter the site. Other news stories were more positive.

    1/25.4/02 - Cable audio? CABLE TV ADDING SOUNDS 6 NEW FORMATS SLATED.

  • SUNLAND - The nation's largest provider of audio programming to the television cable industry announced Thursday the launch of six new audio cable networks in the San Fernando Valley.
  • Sunland-based Cable Radio Network has signed a corporate agreement with AOL Time Warner Communications that will allow Time Warner Cable to begin airing the new formats immediately. The new offerings include comedy, general talk, lifestyle and sports programs.
  • "It's really a fourth medium,..."
  • Complete Article, 426 words. This is Article ID: 0201180034, Published on January 18, 2002, Daily News of Los Angeles (CA).
  • CRN has a site with audio samples at www.cableradionetwork.com/, and Chef Piero from KIEV is still on.

    1/25.3/02 - All-news goes some-talk? This has been a rumor for years that KNX or KFWB could include some talk or even go all talk. But, allaccess.com says "More rumors continue to swirl around News KFWB-A/LOS ANGELES- the talk is that the station, which has already picked up LOS ANGELES DODGERS baseball starting in 2003, will flip to Talk or add Talk to the news coverage soon, with M STREET DAILY reporting that the station might be the LOS ANGELES home for BILL O'REILLY's radio show if O'REILLY inks his deal with WESTWOOD ONE."

    1/25.2/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Mostly unknown shows and music. Check C&C for other 'Program Lists.'

    1/25.1/02 - XM, UL, FCC and more in Robert Gonsett's techie newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #497, dated 1/24/02.

    1/25/02 - How KFI became top talker. "After Reshaping Talk Station, He's Moving On. KFI program director David Hall took the familiar format beyond the headlines to a more mixed style of show." Few comments on the shows or his replacement. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50644,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

    1/24.14/02 - More stations stream or web cast, whatever the name, every day, or so it seems. Some still have problems, some have changed their audio player, or such. Check out the sites for your favorite stations (see C&C) or find others, both broadcasters and web-only. I'm not into it, but leave messages if you need help.

    1/24.13/02 - "Dr. Laura disappears from Fresno radio ." See www.fresnobee.com/columnists/bentley/story/1517746p-1594217c.html.


    1/24.11/02 - Streaming dead air. "KABL in Oakland is streaming live again at 960kabl.com [www.960kabl.com/main.html]. Here's their explanation of how and what, from their website: Dead Air: You may experience brief periods of silence while you're listening live. This is intentional because we're not allowed to play local commercials. There's too much legal stuff to put down here, just know that this is normal and the stream isn't broken." From the NYC BB. From KABL "KABL features America's Best Music including: Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and the Glenn Miller Orchestra. We'll Miss You, Peggy..." Lee.

    1/24.10/02 - "Which radio Group holds the lead in overall market percent 25-54 [age]? Posted by peter on 1/24/2002, 11:32:24. Infinty - 21.1 % (takes 7 stations to reach this number KROQ, KCBS, KRTH, KLSX, KTWV, KNX, KFWB). Clear C[hannel] - 20.9 % (takes 6 stations to reach this number KOST, KBIG, KIIS, KFI, KHHT, KYSR). If you add up the 25-54 totals for each station these groups own, you see who leads the market. But Infinity only has a hair of a lead on CC. But the total share of the spanish 25-54 market including all spanish stations combined is... 20%. That is pretty significant considering they have half as many stations as the english market." From the Southern California BB.

    1/24.9/02 - Larry Marino/KRLH LIVE on KRLA site? Almost. From the KRLA site at www.newstalk870krla.com/ check the 'Listen Live' page, they're streaming KRLH also. The 'Events' page also lists this live event:

    1/24.8/02 - KNX (1070 AM) Drama Hour. Gary Lycan, see link below, also listed their schedule. + are my picks. Also see my 12/27.2/01 Flash. All shows are 9-10p and repeated the following 2-3a except as noted. For details and streaming see www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html.
    • Monday - "Gunsmoke" + and "Texas Rangers"
    • Tuesday - "Johnny Dollar" + and "Dragnet"
    • Wednesday - "Six Shooter" and "Dimension X" +
    • Thursday - "The Whistler" + and "Philip Marlowe" +
    • Friday - "Suspense" + and "Lights Out" +
    • Saturday - "Jack Benny" and "Red Skelton" plus 10-11p: various titles +?
    • Sunday - "Lux Radio Theatre"

    1/24.7/02 - KLAC 570 AM changes? Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml also listed these weekday changes. Do double check the complete KLAC schedule at www.570klac.com/.
    • midn-3a - Michael Reagan
    • 3-5a - Lionel
    • 5-9a - Gil Gross
  • 9a-noon - Michael Jackson
  • noon-1p - Jim Cramer financial
  • 1-3p - Suze Orman
  • 3-4p - Dr. Dean Edell
  • 4-7p - Clark Howard
  • 7-10p - Leslie Marshall
  • 10-11p - Gil Gross reruns
  • 11p-midn - Michael Jackson reruns
  • 1/24.6/02 - KRLH 590 AM update. Richard Wagoner's 1/25/01 page at members.home.net/rwagoner/ had the news about Larry Marino's show on KRLH, but I misread it as old new about KRLA. Sorry Richard. Here it is so I don't forget.

    "Talk Talk

    Salem Communications has taken over ownership and programming of KSZZ in San Bernardino and renamed it KRLH, NewsTalk 590 AM.

    The station is essentially a clone of sister Los Angeles conservative talker KRLA (870 AM), running such programs as Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager Michael Medved and Larry Marino.

    Old timers will remember 590 AM as KFXM, the call letters used from 1929 to 1988 (1925 to 1929 it was called KFWC). KFXM was the Inland Empire's top-40 leader during the 1960s and '70s. Tennissee Ernie Ford was once a DJ there prior to top-40, and Roy Rogers and The Sons of the Pioneers were broadcast live, back when such things were done. KABC-TV Channel 7 reporter Gene Gleeson was 20 when he was a DJ at KFXM.

    After dropping top-40, the station changed call letters to KRSO and tried news, followed by adult standards. It later became country KHTX before finally going Spanish with the calls KSZZ. The KFXM call letters live on through an FM station at 103.3 in Temecula."

    1/24.5/02 - L.A. radio listening up, in cars anyway, says the Los Angeles Business Journal at www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m5072/49_23/80806029/print.jhtml.

    1/24.4/02 - NYC AIR awards, tip from the NYC BB. Note the lack of the typical, big-name, ego jocks. See www.nydailynews.com/2002-01-24/New_York_Now/Television/a-139120.asp. There are several follow-up comments on the BB.

    1/24.3/02 - "Changes at KPLS" headlines laradio.com. KPLS 830 AM, with a conservative/all-talk format in Orange County, started a site at www.kpls.com/ but just lists a weekday schedule, probably incorrect, and streams a promo for now. Sunday, Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml listed their weekday schedule as follows. P.S. - They need a big change soon - they've been doing conservative talk in conservative OC for a while and stll can't get a number on Arbitron - that's poor. A real site, ASAP, could help.
    • midnight-2a - Neal Boortz
    • 2-5a - ?
    • 5-9a - Don Imus
  • 9a-noon - Laura Ingraham
  • noon-1p - George Putnam
  • 1-3p - Dana Roth
  • 3-4p - "Marketwrap"
  • 4-7p - Michael Savage
  • 7-9p - Bob Dornan
  • 9-10p - Tom Marino Troubleshooter
  • 10-midnight - Roy Masters
  • 1/24.2/02 - "Television. Adelphia to Reinstate C-SPAN to Full Time. Responding to criticism of its decision to reduce the amount of C-SPAN coverage on Southland cable systems..." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50552,00.html. This is a follow-up on the 1/22.4/02 Flash.

    1/24.1/02 - Dave continues at start.at/dfsnews, for now. Each item has it's own link and may be easier to use. He had problems with the newest host and had to 'plan B' it again. See site for a description.

    1/24/02 - Larry Marino on KRLH 590 AM in San Bernardino. Larry has had about the best local-focus news shows in L.A. while hosting at KPCC, KIEV, and KRLA, and he was news director at the last. I emailed to verify his current schedule which looks like:

    KRLH has 1000 watts but no web site. I haven't had a chance to hear them yet. Arbitron lists them with several good shows which I'll list as time allows.

    1/23.9/02 - "KHJ: Inside Boss Radio." d.t.'s message on my new board also mentioned a note from Ron Jacobs about his new book. See www.zapoleon.com/zms/ for the $93 book which describes Ron as "...Program Director of 93/KHJ in Los Angeles, co-creator of American Top 40..."

    1/23.8/02 - "...a few long-form letters on XM Satellite Radio, and other matters" in Robert Gonsett's techie newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #496. This is dated 1/19/02, but it just hit the site.

    1/23.7/02 - $3400 Sony receiver lacks AM. See PC World's review at www.idg.net/crd_idgsearch_2.html?url=http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/article/0,aid,80823,00.asp.

    1/23.6/02 - "All-News Radio Sees 12-Year Listening High" says R&R in their dull style. "That's according to a new Interep report, which shows that listening is up an average of 17% from the summer 2001 to fall 2001 Arbitron rating periods. Overall, 23% of persons 12+ in the top 10 metros tuned in to News radio during the fall survey period, with in-car listening up 25% and at-work listening up 15%. On a daypart basis, weekend listening climbed 25% and combined drive times rose 16%. Interep reports that Infinity's WBBM-AM/Chicago saw the greatest increases, with AQH listening growing 29% and cume listeners up 29%. Overall, eight out of the top 10 markets showed double-digit increases in either cume listening, AQH listening or both."

    1/23.5/02 - "Best of talk radio" says another Dave?. See his link list, over 100 shows, at www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/page87.index.html and a home page at www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/. At least, the Larry Marino reference is out of date. He's into comedy and other stuff also.

    1/23.4/02 - "Arbitron Offers Black Consumer Study. The study, available at www.arbitron.com [www.arbitron.com], reflects the belief of the author - Arbitron Director/Urban Radio Marketing Services Julian Davis - that many advertisers have not taken full advantage of Urban-formatted stations' marketing opportunities. Some statistics included in the study are that nearly 49% of black Americans own their home; black Americans are nearly twice as likely to work in a white-collar job than a blue-collar job; and Urban AC listeners index the same or higher in education levels as total U.S. adults aged 18 and older. The study also includes solutions for the "no urban dictate" from Essence Communications President Clarence Smith. Davis will present segments of the study at the Power of Urban Radio event on Feb. 1." From the R&R site at www.rronline.com/. I didn't see the study at Arbitron yet - but it might be at http://www.arbitron.com/downloads/Black_Consumer_Study_02.pdf - but I got tried of waiting.

    1/23.3/02 - Dave moves, temp at least. Try start.at/dfsnews. Each item has it's own link, and may be easier to use. He says he has a bigger news site at http://www.davesfunstuff.com/news, but it won't connect for me. He left a note on my new message board, but I just found it. Check d.t.'s posting for a description.

    1/23.2/02 - "Trouble in Voicetracking Land." "Posted by Howie Leonard on January 23, 2002 at 11:11:44:" "WRZX-Indianapolis jumps 'track,' fires disc jockey. Alternatve-rock FM station seeks live on-air talent after canned programs anger local listeners. by Marc D. Allan, Indianapolis Star, January 21, 2002. Alternative-rock station WRZX-FM (103.3) is searching for a new nighttime voice after firing Fletch, the Florida-based disc jockey who was heard in this market by a method called voice-tracking during the 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift." Bits from the NYC BB on C&C.

    1/23.1/02 - New two-hour current affairs-oriented show. "Miles Copeland, who for years managed the careers of Sting and the Police, will host a two-hour current affairs-oriented radio show, "Miles Copeland: Reading Between the Lines," debuting Feb. 12 on KRLA-AM (870) at midnight...." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50508,00.html. Also, the old news about Rush hears.

    1/23/02 - Looks like Dave's site reorganized again. He hasn't posted radio news at the old page since about 1/20 or 1/21. On some page he suggests he made URL changes, but it takes so long to check his links. I'll look into it today, as time allows. Try www.geocities.com/davidtanny/.

    1/22.8/02 - Larry Marino started at KPCC, had the best show on KRLA 870 AM, became their news director, and I lost track of him. He's not listed on the KRLA site except as a past host. Richard Wagoner says he's on KRLH 590 AM in San Bernadino. They don't have a site, but a check at Arbitron does show a Larry Marino and his show on KRLH. Is this the same guy? Please answer on my new message board, available from MENU. P.S. - actually, he had about the best local-focus news show in L.A.

    1/22.7/02 - Kmart does Chapter 11 BK to reorganize. Nothing at www.bluelight.com/home/index.jsp yet. From Drudge and others. Everytime I go in their stores, like for some super specials, I say that's my last time.

    1/22.6/02 - "Webcasters Eligible for Peabody Awards" says Sue Rosner on the NYC BB. "According to the February issue of Yahoo! Internet Life magazine (www.yil.com) [www.yil.com/ (?)], the Peabody Awards, which honors achievements in broadcasting, will finally recognize excellence in Webcasting during this year's ceremony, which will take place on May 20th."

    1/22.5/02 - KMPC sports. "KMPC-A/LOS ANGELES GM NANCY COLE exits the Sporting News Radio O&O." A is AM, don't know O&O. That's all allaccess.com had on it.

    1/22.4/02 - Could this happen on 'cable' radio, like satellite, Internet, whatever? This is about TV, but see "No C-SPAN Is Bad News for L.A. Viewers" at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50456,00.html.

    1/22.3/02 - "NPR moves to West Coast" is a headline at laradio.com. I'm sure he would have said L.A. if it was. Nothing at www.npr.org/index.html yet. P.S. - NPR appears to stream.

    1/22.2/02 - Where are the girl bands? or "It's a Man's World at KROQ. The rock station is No. 1 with listeners in the Southland, but where are the female artists both old and new?" See yesterday's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50467,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV .

    1/22.1/02 - Hear, FAX, talk, and good in his Friday column which is already posted at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/.

    1/22/02 - Dave's site is slow this morning, in several ways. His 1/21 page is up but dated 1/14. The 1/22 page isn't up. He suggests his 'News Bytes' page was updated 1/20, but the page is dated 1/8. Did Dave have a good Holiday, or what? Try www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html in a while.

    1/20.8/02 - "Lady In The Lake." Tonight, The KNX (1070 AM) Drama Hour, 9-10p, "Lux Radio Theater" has Robert Montgomery and Audrey Totter starring in "Lady In The Lake," a classic who-done-it says KNX. Original air date 2/4/1948. They also starred in the movie, on which this is based, with a site at community-2.webtv.net/GINBOB/THELADYINTHELAKE/index.html. This is Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe, set around L.A.; not his best story, but they're all good. Suggestion: read or see some of Raymond Chandler's stuff. For some info on Chandler, see www.levity.com/corduroy/chandler.htm. See www.google.com for more links.

    1/20.7/02 - Black radio stations in CA are listed at www.radioblack.com/California.html. For Black stations around the world check www.radioblack.com/. They do list web sites, streaming, message board, etc. Streaming, Talk webcasts are listed at www.radioblack.com/talk_webcast.html.

    1/20.6/02 - Old-Time Radio. KCSN 88.5 FM today was doing OTR at 1:20 p.m., but I missed who was hosting the show. They do list it on their schedule, noon-2p, but the Gassmans may be gone. Site at www.kcsn.org/. Schedule at www.kcsn.org/showguide/index.htm.

    1/20.5/02 - live365.com in trouble?. Posts on a BB suggest www.live365.com/home/index.live could be in trouble or even close. Under Talk, they list 1000 stations. (But remember, I don't do internet audio.)

    1/20.4/02 - LAT spams Radio Headlines, above, or so it seems. One minute I see real headlines from many sources, but the next refresh shows mostly unrelated junk from the Los Angeles Times. Refresh a few times, and it's back to normal. The problem is the LAT offers their 'Radio' section from their sidebar menu, so these pages appear, by mistake, in searches for radio stories. Moreover.com doesn't seem to offer anything to exclude this 'spam.' Sorry, but still keep an eye on Radio Headlines for the newest stuff. Refresh a few times and give it a few minutes if it's mostly junk from the LAT.

    1/20.3/02 - U.S.-supported radio service broadcasts into Afghanistan. See www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1011481303977&call_page=TS_World&call_pageid=968332188854&call_pagepath=News/World&col=968350060724.

    1/20.2/02 - Republican gubernatorial debates? Whatever. "KABC-AM (790) will broadcast the 2002 Republican gubernatorial debates, uninterrupted, from 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday...." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50308,00.html. For some reason this 1/19/01 'Morning Report' wasn't listed on their radio-ish pages I normally check. I only found it in their 'calendarlive' section today.

    1/20.1/02 - More hype at laradio.com - one headline reads "All boobs - All the time."

    1/20/02 - "KFI No. 1 in latest O.C. Arbitrons," other Orange County rating, plus tips, schedules, and stuff at today's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml by Gary Lycan.

    1/19.4/02 - "Palestinian radio back on air." See www.itv.com/news/Front516007.html. Weekend stories don't get much coverage; keep checking Radio Headlines with instant updates.

    1/19.3/02 - "Black Hawk Down," the movie, I saw it 1/17/02. I don't often go to movies, I don't even have a movie section, and I'm still not sure what to say about it.

    1/19.2/02 - The Program listings section on Columns & Columnists (C&C) was revised today to include more sources for L.A. program tips, schedules, lists, etc. It includes both my and other stuff, about everything I can recall.

    1/19.1/02 - KNX Drama. Two good, extra OTR shows on Saturday, 10-11p, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight are "Frontier Gentleman," starring John Dehner, episode: "The Rainmaker," original air date 10-26-1958 and "X-Minus 1," science fiction show starring Wendell Homes, episode: "The Category Inventor'" original air date 6-27-1957. These dates just about marked the end of the radio-drama period. Normal Drama Hour is seven days, 9-10p.

    1/19/02 - Globes and old Pirate Radio on the 1/20/02 page at Dave's www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.

    1/18.11/02 - A bed-time story about the big radio company and the end of radio - a story you can read to your children. See messages.yahoo.com/bbs?.mm=FN&action=m&board=11544945&tid=cmls&sid=11544945&mid=5466. Tip from a BB.

    1/18.10/02 - Reply to "Warning to L.A.: Robin Bertolucci is coming" from 1/15.5/02 Flash. "First, we always try to avoid personal attacks on these boards. That said I find it hard to accept your argument that Bertolucci has "ruined" the Denver stations at which she oversaw programming. KOA is #1 in the makret and KHOW and even KTLK are experiencing some of the best ratings they have seen in recent history. To suggest someone has "ruined" a cluster that currently posts 11.5 12+shares in the market with a #1 station among them is a tough argument to make."

    "I'd also add that while Robin might be flattered by your promotion of her to GM in Denver - a title held there by one of the industry's best GM's Lee Larsen - Bertolucci was Dir of AM Programming in the Mile High City, a title which she will also hold in LA. She is a respected and accomplished programmer who was rewarded for her work in Denver with a promotion to LA - I suspect those who work there will learn soon why she was given this new challenge." By Al Peterson, 1/18/02 on the R&R talk BB. Thank you Al, and I hope you're correct.

    1/18.9/02 - Radio message boards. About a dozen boards are now listed on Columns & Columnists (C&C). A few of these link to another dozen boards. The newest addition is Dave's www.davesfunstuff.com/01forum.htm which doesn't contain a board but does link to dozens of sites, some of which don't work.

    1/18.8/02 - Two CA low-power FM stations on the air. "Three LPFMs On The Air. R&R ONLINE has learned the call signs of the stations - KCJM-FM/Alexandria, LA; KEFC-FM/Turlock, CA and KPFZ-FM/Lucerne, CA - from Mass Media Supervisory Engineer Brian Butler, who says that while all three are operating, only one, KCJM, actually holds a license. The other two have filed license applications, which, per FCC rules, allows them to begin broadcasting. From www.rronline.com/.

    1/18.7/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Mostly music.

    1/18.6/02 - Want to but used radio station equipment?. Check www.broadcastworks.com/equipment.htm.

    1/18.5/02 - L.A. Signals that can be picked up in San Diego. Here's one answer to the question on the San Diego BB. Posted by hipman on 1/17/2002, 8:17 pm.

    1/18.4/02 - The Clear Channel Comminications, Inc. (CCU) bankruptcy rumors continue with comments on the NYC BB. Also, in the 1/15/02 Flash Dave had comments. P.S. - CC or CCC is their common abbreviation, CCU is their NYSE stock symbol.

    1/18.3/02 - Rush hears, O'Reilly due in April says a poster on the NYC BB. "According to Drudge, who also says Bill O'Reilly is planning an April 1 launch for his talk show ... www.drudgereport.com/rush2.htm." Also linked from Talk Radio Roundup at www.talkradioroundup.com/.

    1/18.2/02 - FCC rules, fines, etc. "'Slim Shady' Fine Rescinded. Radio stations remain wary despite the reversal of the FCC's ruling. One possible result of the Eminem episode: an increase in self-policing." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50245,00.html.

    1/18.1/02 - "The Los Angeles Philharmonic is holding the second of three "Casual Fridays" this evening at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at 8 p.m. Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen and the orchestra will wear casual clothing for the hourlong event, which features music by Shostakovich and Scriabin and is designed for first-time concert-goers...." How much does a 'casual' ticket cost? From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-50253,00.html. Single tickets seem to be from $12-$78. Site is at www.laphil.org/index.cfm.

    1/18/02 - Slow servers, message boards, fan sites, other stuff, even radio/TV at Dave's www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.

    1/17.7/02 - Lists of Los Angeles radio stations. A few more sites which list L.A. radio station-info have been added to Columns & Columnists. Maybe none of them are 100% correct, things change, but I tried to list the most dependable ones towards the top. One of the newest sites is linked via www.lerctr.org/~transit/. This radio page has been around for years but always seems to need updates.

    1/17.6/02 - National radio sites, such as radio-info.com, aren't usually listed here since I try to stay local, but this one looks interesting with mostly news and many message boards.

    1/17.5/02 - "TV advertisers want to create their own shows - radio could be next" says Inside Radio at insideradio.com/. See related 1/16.2/02 Flash.

    1/17.4/02 - Program reviews. The Daily News newspaper web site at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp does not post all their reviews from the paper. That's why I started listing their reviews at New - Radio-program reviews - 81 shows - from the Daily News. See members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/dailynewsreviews.html (Reviews) which is offered from the Flashes page.

    1/17.3/02 - "O'Reilly may go to WOR in radio faceoff." See www.nypost.com/entertainment/39167.htm. Tip from Talk Radio Roundup at www.talkradioroundup.com/.

    1/17.2/02 - "KFWB/L.A. Airs New Entertainment Reports." "...began airing the daily reports yesterday...the 60-second features will air four times daily in morning drive...focusing on the business and financial news of the entertainment industry." Says R&R at www.rronline.com/. KFWB's web site has an 'entertainment' section at www.kfwb.com/, in the lower center.

    1/17.1/02 - FM reception in the U.S. Several comments on the best and worst reception areas at the CTCRATVB BB at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi. Look for the word 'antenna,' starting 1/16/02.

    1/17/02 - Dave's site, somewhat slow today, at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html has stuff.

    1/16.6/02 - Streaming, ad insertion, techie, FYI ad. "Radio Free Virgin Chooses Loudeye To Deploy Internet Radio Solution" at www.thetuckshop.com/mednews.php3?page=1&article=4883.

    1/16.5/02 - Southern California Broadcasters Association Radio Member List is at long google.com URL. Google converted it from Adobe format. Could be out-of-date.

    1/16.4/02 - CA stations on the web at www.cabroadcasters.org/radio.htm from the California Broadcasters Association (CBA).

    1/16.3/02 - Spanish music formats. A question on the CTCRATVB BB on C&C today asked about the different Spanish/Hispanic music formats. Most posters seemed to agree that this site defines the formats: www.davidgleason.com/hispanicformats.htm.

    1/16.2/02 - Radio advertisers, in the old days, did control the radio shows. I don't have anything about radio, but this is about TV. "Advertisers Seek a Bigger Role in TV Programming." "Some of the nation's largest corporate advertisers, seeking greater control over television, are proposing to create their own shows to air on the major broadcast networks." See LAT's www.latimes.com/business/la-011502adver.story from yesterday.

    1/16.1/02 - XM, TV, FCC and other techie stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #495.

    1/16/02 - "On Sundays, in order to present as much news as we can, DFS News will be publishing an eighth weekly edition that covers mostly leftover news that we feel should stand out from the rest of the radio and internet news seen here most of the days." I think he means eight editions per week. Read it at Dave's www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.

    1/15.15/02 - David G. Hall leaves KFI says LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50140,00.html tomarrow.

    1/15.14/02 - "Larry King, whose nightly CNN show is also simulcast on radio through WESTWOOD ONE, renews his deal with CNN for four years and $56 million plus perks like a private plane and production deal, reports the NEW YORK POST's LIZ SMITH." Said allaccess.com. One story is at www.nypost.com/entertainment/39041.htm.

    1/15.13/02 - Call-in shows on KFWB 980 AM include the following. For details, check their site at www.kfwb.com/ and, on the left, click on "Ask the Mayor."

    1/15.12/02 - Larry King's show, one hour of it, is repeated Monday-Friday, 8-9p, on KFWB 980 AM. For free transcripts back to 1/1/00, a list of guests, and more, see www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/.

    1/15.11/02 - The last David G. Hall story for a while - "David Hall Set As Premiere SVP/Programming." "Hall, widely credited as the architect behind the success of Clear Channel's News/Talk KFI/Los Angeles, will exit the station next month [2/11] after nearly 14 years in the programming chair to join Premiere in this newly created position. Currently VP/AM Programming for Clear Channel's L.A. cluster, Hall will focus primarily on Talk programming at Premiere and report to Gregory Noack, who was recently promoted to EVP/Talk Programs." From R&R at www.rronline.com/, and followed by "Robin Bertolucci Readies Move To L.A."

    1/15.10/02 - "Did Larry King Sucker-Punch Rush Limbaugh? " See www.brachman.com/jb_rushlimbaugh.htm.

    1/15.9/02 - "Grand Ole Opry radio station to keep format" at www.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/News/01/15/wsm.am.ap/index.html.

    1/15.8/02 - Seattle goes Spanish. Second "Spanish-language radio show debuts." See seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/134391217_radio15m.html.

    1/15.7/02 - "Talk Radio Is Getting Better And Better ." See

    1/15.6/02 - The L.A. Internet outage mentioned in the 1/14.12/02 Flash was a mistake? Apparently, someone in L.A. did lose their Internet for an hour or two, but it must have affected only a rather small area. I can't even find anything in the news today. Sorry.

    1/15.5/02 - "Warning to L.A.: Robin Bertolucci is coming." "According to the news on this site, Robin Bertolucci will be coming to work at three of L.A.'s Clear Channel talk/sports stations very soon. She is currently the GM at CC's talk stations in Denver, which she has RUINED!!! I just thought I'd warn you." This from jtr115, Colorado Springs, CO, at the R&R BB, posted 1/15/2002, 08:50:47 AM.

    1/15.4/02 - Sean Hannity's web site is www.hannity.com/?do=home.page. The NYC BB mentioned this may be a new site for him, but it looks about the same to me.

    1/15.3/02 - New KFI program director. ""I grew up under the second 'L' in the Hollywood sign. It's like coming home." - Robin Bertolucci, new KFI pd," says Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. And there's a photo, she's a woman.

    1/15.2/02 - Police pursuits. Often radio has them first. Years ago KNX and KFWB and perhaps others carried them live; now they may only mention them. Concerning TV coverage, see LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50129,00.html.

    1/15.1/02 - Arbitron comments for his Friday column are up already at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/.

    1/15/02 - Clear Channel bankruptcy rumors? Dave at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html has comments.

    1/14.12/02 - The L.A. Internet was out this afternoon? I'm still looking for the details, if any, on the Internet. Darn, I forgot my radio.

    1/14.11/02 - L.A. radio formats and comments from 9-11. Dated 9/21/01 and rather long at www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2001/September/21-212-news2.txt.

    1/14.10/02 - Kevin Mitnick and his computer show left KFI - perhaps David G. Hall's last mistake at KFI. It was an ok show and was seldom interrupted by commercials, cause I don't remember any. Perhaps that's why it's gone, or the Sunday 5-7a slot. Perhaps it started Sunday night? In a better slot, with an interesting co-host, it should do better. Kevin had sites at www.kevinmitnick.com, www.freekevin.com/, the old KFI site, and perhaps others.

    1/14.9/02 - More David G. Hall. "CLEAR CHANNEL Talk KFI-A, Talk KLAC-A, and Sports KXTA-A (FOX SPORTS AM 1150)/LOS ANGELES Dir./Programming DAVID G. HALL is named VP/Talk Programming at PREMIERE RADIO NETWORKS." "HALL will be based at PREMIERE's SHERMAN OAKS headquarters. CLEAR CHANNEL/DENVER Dir./AM Programming ROBIN BERTOLUCCI is reportedly heading to L.A. to serve as HALL's replacement at KFI-KLAC-KXTA." Says allaccess.com in their 'style'.

    1/14.8/02 - "Salem shuts down KAIM 870 Honolulu to allow upgrade of KRLA 870 Los Angeles" said www.metronet.com/~chipk/index.html from 12/31/01.

    1/14.7/02 - Milestones in talk radio's development at www.talkers.com/talkaud.html.

    1/14.6/02 - Concerning 1/14.3/02 Flash - David G. Hall - laradio.com just says "Hall, David G.: KFI, 1989-2000; KFI/KXTA/KLAC, 2000-01. David is program director of the Clear Channel AM stations, KFI/KXTA/KLAC." www.google.com/ found a few minor pages like:

    1/14.5/02 - TALKERS magazine, like at www.talkers.com/talkaud.html, has free, out-of-date stuff like:

    "Top Talk Radio Audiences by Size. (Weekly cume low-end estimates 12-plus in millions rounded off to the nearest .25 million based upon TALKERS magazine analysis of a national sampling of Arbitron reports supported by other reliable indicators in rated and non-rated markets for Spring, 2001)."

        1. Rush Limbaugh 15.00+
    2. Dr. Laura Schlessinger 13.00+
    3. Howard Stern 8.00+
    4. Dr. Joy Browne 5.50+
    5. Art Bell 4.50+
    5. Jim Bohannon 4.50+
    5. Don Imus 4.50+
    6. Ken and Daria Dolan 2.50+
    6. Clark Howard 2.50+
    6. Michael Savage 2.50+
    6. Bruce Williams 2.50+
    7. Neal Boortz 2.25+
    7. Dr. Dean Edell 2.25+
    7. Michael Gallagher 2.25+
    7. G. Gordon Liddy 2.25+
    8. Tom Joyner 1.75+
    8. Kim Komando 1.75+
      8. Tom Leykis 1.75+
      8. Jim Rome 1.75+
      8. Doug Stephan 1.75+
      9. Bob Brinker 1.25+
      9. Matt Drudge 1.25+
      9. Dave Ramsey 1.25+
    10. Phil Hendrie 1.00+
    10. Michael Medved 1.00+

    1/14.4/02 - U. S. Radio Stations as of June 30, 1926 at members.aol.com/jeff560/1926am.html. From the NYC BB on C&C. Of the comments, Al Germond adds: "....On the eve of the July 1926 WJAZ Case [Chicago] which nullified all U.S. broadcasting regulation under the Wireless Act of 1912 finally forcing Congress to pass and President Coolidge to sign the 1927 Dill-White Radio Act, organize the 5-member Federal Radio Commission and formally regulate the industry. Within two years, some of the stations on that list had gone out of business and there were many frequency shifts through Nov. 11, 1928 when some sense of order was created from chaos on the AM dial."

    1/14.3/02 - "David G. Hall Leaves His Post at KFI for a Premiere Position" says Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. I don't know much about David, except it appears he started and supported several good talk shows at KFI. Good luck to David, and please continue the good job. Premiere Radio Networks, Inc. at www.premrad.com/, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications, offers several talk shows like Rush, Laura, Bell, Hendrie, Edell, more. Streams for pay? They don't mention David yet.

    1/14.2/02 - "Wireless Works of Art - Vintage Radios Are Also Design Classics." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-49978,00.html. Check last week, below, for an unusually large amount of radio stuff in the LAT.

    1/14.1/02 - The Sunday newspaper, Dave's comments at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html. In the lower center, click on today's date.

    1/14/02 - AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) Los Angeles site at www.aftra.com/la/index.html. Lots of info and links to National sites.

    1/13.5/02 - KALI AM mystery. I did check at the Arbitron site, and the KALI AM station listed in the 1/12.6/02 Flash must be the 900 AM station listed in the 1/13.1/02 Flash. Only that station was listed. To check, go to www.arbitron.com/radio_stations/rsi_radiostation.htm, click on "Review station information profiles," and enter call letters and AM or FM. Frames prevent a direct path.

    1/13.4/02 - lainsider.com/ closed today says www.lainsider.com/. I did find some radio stuff there and had some links.

    1/13.3/02 - KRLA 870 AM revised their web site at www.newstalk870krla.com/. They now have a unique program schedule for each day which could eliminate the day-to-day variation confusion. However, most listings run from 6 a.m. to the next 6 a.m. and create confusion. Also, when I checked to see if a specific show was repeated during the week, I had to check each of the seven lists. Every station needs a simple program chart, something like KFI or KABC. More detailed info can be linked from the chart. Program directors - think about it - if your schedule is too complicated, who will remember it? But, please - don't limit your programs, just limit the schedule confusion.

    1/13.2/02 - The Earthlink Internet Radio Show, the 4th. anniversary show. The only Internet show in L.A. (and one of the better computer shows, but they don't accept computer questions). It's on KRLA 870 AM, Sunday, noon-2p.

    1/13.1/02 - Ethnic stations around L.A. are listed at www.radio-locator.com/. They list 121 stations and seem to have the most current and correct info, but other sources on C&C disagree. Here are the stations which don't seem to be English or Spanish. All are AM except the last is FM. Some have web sites, and you may need those character sets.
    •   670 KIRN Simi Valley - Arabic (site in English and Farsi)
    •   900 KALI West Covina - Asian
    • 1190 KXMX Anaheim - Ethnic
    • 1230 KYPA Los Angeles - Asian (site in Korean)
    • 1300 KAZN Pasadena - Asian (site in Chinese, some English)
    • 1370 KWRM Corona - International
  • 1430 KMRB San Gabriel - Asian (site in Chinese, some English)
  • 1480 KVNR Santa Ana - Asian (site in Vietnamese and English)
  • 1600 KMNY Pomona - Asian (site in Chinese, some English)
  • 1650 KFOX Torrance - Asian (I can't get in, Korean?)
  • FM - 106.3 KALI Santa Ana - Ethnic

  • 1/13/02 - Rating comments, program tips, and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

    1/12.9/02 - KALI just hit the Arbitrons, see the 1/12.6/02 Flash. But, what is KALI? The www.radio-locator.com/ site may be correct that it's 900 AM in in West Covina. I listened for a while and did hear them announce the station as KALI, but the languages were Spanish, English, and another (Asian?) I didn't identify. Radio-locator says they have 500 watts days, 79 watts nights, but could go to 1000 watts. Probably, several stations are on 900 AM. More as I know it.

    1/12.8/02 - Kim Komando's computer show isn't heard, it seems, on an L.A. station, and her site doesn't seem to stream, but the phone is an option. Shows tend to keep one on hold, and listening to the program, while one waits to ask their 'question'. "Listeners can call the show on Saturdays, from 7 am to 10 am Pacific time (10 am to 1 pm Eastern time). The toll-free number to call is 1-888-TALK 2 KIM (1-888-825-5254)." Her site is www.komando.com/. KSDO 1130 AM in San Diego seems to carry the show Saturday 8-11p, but it's hard to receive in L.A. See 6/10.1/01 Flash.

    1/12.7/02 - Rush and Howie have birthdays. See www.miami.com/herald/content/features/people/digdocs/081374.htm .

    1/12.6/02 - L.A. Arbitrons for talk, news, classical, etc. Click 12+ Arbitron L.A. at radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/ for the rest. Updated 1/9/02, next 2/22/02.

    Aprox. spot - Station - Format - Owner - Fa 2000 - Wi 2001 - Sp 2001 - Su 2001 - Fa 2001 - Trend

    1/12.5/02 - Two of the best OTR shows tonight. See www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html. Scheduled shows on KNX 1070 AM, daily 9-10p, plus Saturday adds others from 10-11p.

    1/12.4/02 - More on digital/radio at communities.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=76. From communities.msn.com/losangelesradio/ on C&C.

    1/12.3/02 - "Three public radio companies also located Downtown. Marketplace Productions moved its staff of 50 into a state-of-the-art, $3.5 million digital broadcasting studio at Figueroa Courtyard, with Agence France Press and the Associated Press as its neighbors. The production company, a division of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), signed a 10-year lease to occupy 14,000 square feet of the 261 Figueroa St. property. Others that sought to capitalize on Downtown's centrality and access to news and newsmakers were the 20-person news bureau of KPCC 89.3 FM and the popular classical music station KUSC 91.5 FM. Industry observers agreed that the area's new cultural attractions, growing housing stock and fiber optic infrastructure may cause more stations to take notice." From the 1/4/02 www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2002/January/04-826-news1.txt.

    1/12.2/02 - L.A. Philharmonic returns. The LADTN printed it yesterday but didn't post till today? at www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2002/January/11-891-brief7.txt.

    1/12.1/02 - . "Web Chat - Here's what local personalities are saying and doing on Don Barrett's laradio.com Web site: Crystal ball questions for the new year: What's in store for Los Angeles radio? John Davison, new ABC/Disney general manager for the L.A. stations, is optimistic. He has heard the "heartbeat" of KABC/790 AM. His imprint is on the return of Ken Minyard to mornings at AM station. If John can be happy with an older-skewing talker, KABC may find its footing. Recent Arbitrends have been encouraging, especially in the noon - 7 p.m. block. CBS/Infinity stations have resisted the trend to consolidate top management. Last year, Bob Moore did add KCBS "Arrow 93" to his responsibilities at KLSX/97.1 FM after the departure of the original general manager, Dave Van Dyke. "Arrow's" decision to adjust for a head-on battle with KLOS may have backfired. Some adjustments may have to be made in the New Year. The recent announcement that KFWB/980 AM will acquire the radio-broadcast rights to the Dodgers should be challenging. Did general manager Roger Nadel pay $7 million with the promise of at least $10 million-$11 million in return? KNX/1070 AM has generated significant revenue from "non-news" programming - most notably "60 Minutes" (radio/TV simulcast), "Drama Hour" and NFL football. KRTH/101.1 FM has been without a program director since Mike Phillips retired in the fall. Will there be personality changes at the oldies outlet in the new year? And programming changes at another CBS/Infinity outlet have been persistent and rumored to be happening as early as this month. Look for Kevin Weatherly, who has guided KROQ/106.7 FM and Kevin & Bean to a major position in the ratings, to extend his reach into other areas. The 92.3 FM has been problematic. The experiment with George Lopez didn't work. Mega became hot and now a new program director, Michelle Santosuosso, takes over. Theo is working mornings and then no personality for six hours in midday. Wonder if it will continue as a juke box? Is this Clear Channel's answer to satellite radio's nonstop music philosophy? At KOST/103.5 FM and KBIG/104.3 FM, Jhani Kaye seems to have successfully juggled the music and content to avoid stepping on each other. KFI/640 AM is dominant in the talk format, but on the other end of the pendulum swing is KLAC/570 AM which may have difficulty establishing itself as a talker because of the sports programming (Lakers/Angels) and excessive infomercials on the weekends." And "Emmis runs KZLA/93.9 FM and KPWR/105.9 FM. Both stations appear to be on track." "Don't expect any changes at the country station nor the Big Boy-anchored hip-hop "Power" station." From Gary Lycan's 1/6/02 www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml

    1/12/02 - "By offering their 60 channels of commercial-free music as free audio streams to Internet users -- albeit possibly only temporarily as a promotional tool -- nascent satellite radio competitor Sirius Radio launched on Monday what this writer believes may be the best multichannel webcast in America!" See www.kurthanson.com/index.asp. I don't see him link to their site, but try www.siriusradio.com/servlet/snav?/servlet/index.jsp. Remember, I don't do streaming. Tip from Dave's site on C&C.

    1/11.4/02 - F1 racing on radio in 3/2002. KRLA 870 AM carried some form of auto racing before. See long url.

    1/11.3/02 - Digital radio in L.A. and others? "Ibiquity Picks Markets - (January 10, 2001 10:56am) Digital radio in the U.S. is getting closer. This morning the only developer and licenser of the new format, iBiquity Digital, announced the first markets that would roll out the new sound later this year. Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco and Seattle have been picked as the initial target markets for the commercial launch of IBOC digital radio. They were reportedly picked because of audience size and potential for receiver sales." From www.newradiostar.com/ . Also, seattle.bcentral.com/seattle/stories/2002/01/07/daily49.html says "Digital radio is already available nationwide via satellite-delivered signals. While offering many different music and talk formats, it requires users to buy different radios and pay a monthly subscription fee."

    1/11.2/02 - Radio reporter at war in www.latimes.com/features/lifestyle/la-000001543jan07.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dliving. A 1/7/02 story. Tip from www.laexaminer.com/.

    1/11.1/02 - LAT offers:

    1/11/02 - Sports, music, letters, OTR, and more at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/.

    1/10.9/02 - My schedule changes and Internet problems have and will reduce my Internet access. I'll do what I can, when I can.

    1/10.8/02 - "Rabbis with Attitude." Hear Rabbis Yitzchok Adlerstein and Yitzchak Etshalom examine events from differing Jewish perspectives, KCSN-FM (88.5), 6:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays. Or, see 81 reviews above.

    1/10.7/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.

    1/10.6/02 - Drudge #1 in NYC says www.drudgereport.com/mattdrr.htm. Tip from www.talkradioroundup.com/.

    1/10.5/02 - Arbitrons, 1/9/02. Looks like L.A. talk radio is up. Click 12+ Arbitron L.A. at radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/. Comments soon.

    1/10.4/02 - This week's techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #494.

    1/10.3/02 - LAT stuff. Several -

    1/10.2/02 - What's in store for Los Angeles radio? Plus sports radio, program tips, classical, and more in the weekly-on-Sunday, Gary Lycan's column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

    1/10.1/02 - Catch up with Dave's daily columns at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.

    1/10/02 - Gone and/or Internet problems since 1/3. I'll try to catch up throughout the day.

    1/3.7/02 - FYI. The Islamic Broadcasting Network has a site at www.ibn.net/. Looks like they stream and have archives.

    1/3.6/02 - Old radio news. The The Los Angeles Downtown News at www.downtownnews.com/ has full, archived, radio stories back to 1998. Click on 'Talkin Radio' for columns of Tomm Looney's old stuff. Or, use 'Search' with a keyword of 'radio' for a few dozen stories. Here, you can 'find' for 'radio' to refine the search.

    1/3.5/02 - "Talk Show Host Al Rantel Steps Into the Ring." From The Los Angeles Downtown News, December 21, 2001. I haven't heard much of him, but read about him at www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2001/December/21-678-enter3.txt.

    1/3.4/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are posted at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.

    1/3.3/02 - Ticked off at stupid web sites. I signed up with allaccess.com, and they email headlines to me. The plan is to visit their site, log in, and read the details for those headlines. But, where does one find the details? I give up. A stupid web site. PS - I wanted details for 'WEEKEND RADIO NETWORK inks deal to place shows on TALK RADIO NETWORK,' and enough with the stupid full caps. Answer: on the left, click 'Net News.'

    1/3.2/02 - Talk Radio Roundup at www.talkradioroundup.com/ says "Talk Radio Roundup Will Be Back Soon (hopefully)." Hope so.

    1/3.1/02 - All the new, techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #493.

    1/3/02 - laradio.com comments. I comment on two www.laradio.com/ items. ""Katie Couric: No Sex Appeal, No Noticeable Talent" - Howard Stern." Not a nice thing to say, but sort of true - not that that's bad; she's more like the nice lady next door. "Mr. KABC celebrates 5 years with KABC." What was his name before KABC - was it Mr. KFI?

    1/2.6/02 - KCSN program schedule? Looks like a crude listing at www.kcsn.org/showguide/index.htm, and they stream. Now, if they could only describe the shows. How about blue text indicates classical music, green is news, yellow is strange music, etc.? However, I wonder if the list is correct? Like on Sunday they list "12PM-2PM SAME TIME SAME STATION WITH THE GASSMANS" which I haven't heard for a while.

    1/2.5/02 - Other 2001 radio stories. www.laradio.com/ today only lists a few stories which interested me.
    • No more OC Register in LA County
    • Jeff Levy doubles up at KFI
    • KABC's Doug McIntyre most listened-to all-nighter
    • Gassman's Same Time Same Station ends run
    1/2.4/02 - Other radio news. A quick look through my links on C&C and the several message boards didn't find much other stuff in the last week that interested me, but check for yourself.

    1/2.3/02 - Even more kpfk at lat's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-48938,00.html.

    1/2.2/02 - 2001 in radio and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Parts of "Rowdy radio grew up with Sept. 11," printed December 30, 2001, by Gary Lycan, in The Orange County Register follow.
    • "Sept. 11 overshadowed all other media stories in 2001...
    • George Lopez joins Mega in the mornings and leaves later in the year.
    • Matt Drudge moves from KABC/790 AM to KFI/640 AM.
    • Peter Tilden joins KZLA/93.9 FM in morning drive.
    • Art Bell returns, doing overnights on KFI/640 AM.
    • Ira Fistell comes back to KABC/790 AM.
    • Chuck Cecil's "Swingin' Years" arrives on KLON/88.1 FM.
    • Ken Minyard returns to mornings on KABC/790 AM, replacing "Dave & Amy."
    • Ted Ziegenbusch and Lauren Kitchen anchor mornings on KFSH/95.9 FM.
    • John Davison replaces Bill Sommers as the new boss at ABC Radio's KABC/790 AM, KLOS/95.5 FM, KSPN/1110 AM, and KDIS/710 AM..
    • Todd Donoho departs KLOS/95.9 FM.
    • KLAC/570 AM drops adult standards for talk; Michael Jackson joins morning lineup.
    • George Putnam exits KRLA/870 AM, starts daily noon talk show on KPLS/830 AM. Don Imus holds down the fort in the mornings.
    • KCRW/89.9 FM's Warren Olney returns to the air after heart-bypass surgery.
    • Brian Beirne marks 25 years with oldies KRTH/101.1 FM.
    • John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou return to KFI/640 AM.
    • Kevin Nash and Julio G out at KKBT/100.3 FM.
    • Karel Bouley goes it alone at KFI/640 AM after partner Andrew Howard dies.
    • "Arrow 93" launches Bob Rivers and quickly drops him, returning "Uncle Joe" Benson to morning drive.
    • Rush Limbaugh goes partly deaf and gets implant surgery.
    • XM Satellite Radio debuts, to be followed by competitor Sirius in February.
    • Sean Hannity joins KABC/790 AM. The talk station seeks to find its "heartbeat" and ratings began to climb in October.
    • Bryan Simmons let go at KOST/103.5 FM.
    • Rick Dees marks 20 years at KIIS/102.7 FM.
    • Longtime Southern California personality and programmer Nicole Sandler leaves for KTAO in Santa Fe.
    • KROQ/106.7 FM is the first major alternative-music station to reach No. 1 in the ratings (summer). It also marks the first time in more than six years an English-language station finishes first.
    • KTWV/94.7 FM debuts Dave Koz in the mornings and proves the stability of the smooth-jazz format - it was in the Top 10 among all listeners, top five among persons 25-54, and at one point it was No. 1 among persons 35-64.
    • KCMG/92.3 FM rhythm oldies switches to urban adult contemporary and new call letters KHHT "Hot 92.3 FM."
    • KFWB/980 AM announces that it will carry the Dodgers in 2003.
    • Contemporary Christian KFSH/95.9 FM scores well in the ratings, mirroring a nationwide trend in which Christian music sales were reported up 12 percent over the previous year, while overall music sales fell about 2 percent...
    • We lost in 2001: Bobby Dale, Dick Whittinghill, Deirdre O"Donoghue, Bob Forward, Ben Paschall, Andrew Howard"
    1/2.1/02 - Friday's radio column by Richard Wagoner is already up at members.home.net/rwagoner/.

    1/2/02 - San Diego radio. Check Dave's 1/1/02 page for comments on stations he hears in San Diego. For the last week he's had the best/worst and lots of stuff. It's all at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.
    See the Radio pages on MENU for more info.

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