2/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
2/28.1/01 - www.rushlimbaugh.com
2/28/01 - Mistake with 2/26/01. I fixed it, but what I heard at 88.9 FM was our local KXLU at Loyola Marymount University which over powers KUCI from Irvine in the L.A. area. Out-of-date?? site at www.lmu.edu/stuaff/kxlu/kxlu.htm.
2/27/01 - Radio Reception - The 11-year sunspot cycle is reportedly at about it's peak. So, for about the next five years reception should keep getting better, especially on AM. Have you noticed how the rain reduced the distant AM signals?
2/26.2/01 - If you can receive KSDO 1130 AM in San Diego, check their new schedule at ksdo.com. M-F has a money show, consumer news, and Larry King. Weekends have boat, house, garden, real estate, wine, money, medical, computer, and family shows and more. I can just almost hear them in daylight only, and can just hear the wine show on Sat from noon-1p.
2/26.1/01 - Why would KLAC host a dance tomarrow if they're going talk? Maybe cause it was too late to cancel? Who knows? See Gary Lycan's column yesterday for dance details.
2/26/01 - Fixed 2/28/01 - Into UC stations? Try KUCI 88.9 FM with a site and schedule at kuci.org. It's mostly music with some talk from Irvine, but KUCI is over powered by KXLU in L.A. See 2/28/01.
2/25.3/01 - Will add Rush Limbaugh and Art Bell on KFI to Favorites. Rush, M-F 9-noon, tends to over-discuss any topic, a little is enough. I'm listing Art, M-F at 10p till Tues-Sat at 5a, cause there isn't much on at 10p.
2/25.2/01 - Fred Ebert on KFI will get his own site up soon - something like getfreducated.com.
2/25.1/01 - Ira Fistell on KFI 9-midn is gone this weekend. Didn't say why. A girl fills in.
2/25/01 - Earthlink Internet show was on KRLA today. Don't know why they moved.
2/24.2/01 - The "Earthlink Internet Radio Show" moved from KLSX to KRLA, they say, on 2/4/01. I think I heard the show on KLSX last week, so check both stations to be sure. Anyway, it's Sun, noon-2p. Also see 2/24.1/01. Site at radio.earthlink.net.
2/24.1/01 - KRLA (the old KIEV) has yet another new weekend schedule, and it didn't crash me this time. Try www.newstalk870.com. Earthlink Internet is Sun noon-2p -- plus more.
2/24/01 - The talk-radio schedules have always been rather unstable, but since about October 2000 (10/00) they've been out of control. I had planned a much-needed, major update to Favorites, but lack of time and the instability will cause a delay. Just keep checking the stations' schedules, and please excuse me for some old links.
2/22/01 - Another
2/20/01 - Wolfgang Puck this Sun, 5-6p, KRLA 870 AM, said Chef Jamie, I think.
2/18/01 - About 2/17.5/01 - maybe I read it wrong. Maybe Lionel is dropped?
2/17.5/01 - Don Barrett's site yesterday, at the end of paragraph four, had a remark: "Lionel, most recently heard via Premiere syndication at KFI, is being dropped by Premiere as part of a consolidation effort." My bold. This could be a large issue cause, if I recall, Premiere supplies most?? of the shows/talent for KFI. More if I hear it. Premiere's site at www.premrad.com/body.html.
2/17.4/01 - The KNX "Radio Hall of Fame" on Fri is gone. Now it's Sat only.
2/17.3/01 - Larry King has a site at www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/. He may have said it wrong on the air. Seems like almost everyone has a site except Ira Fistell who dislikes computers/technology.
2/17.2/01 - Kim Komando computers on KLSX may have been two hours today but forgot which two. About 7-9a?? She fills in for infomercials.
2/17.1/01 - The new KRLA site www.newstalk870.com, the weekend schedule page, crashed me twice today.
2/17/01 - I made a big mistake with 2/16.3/01 - it's KFWB, not KNX that may go talk. I fixed it.
2/16.3/01 - Tomm Looney on the L.A. Downtown News site yesterday said "KFWB could Switch to Talk." I heard that story has been around for maybe three years, and nothing happened yet. He also says "The results could very well be the return of ..." Michael Jackson and Don Imus. See www.downtownnews.com/TalkingRadio/Radio36.html. That just goes the home page; then click on Talking Radio.
2/16.2/01 - The "KNX High Tech Business Hour" now has a site at www.bizradionetwork.com.
2/16.1/01 - Today's "Science Friday" on KPCC was two hours, 11-1p. A temp change? Also a site at www.sciencefriday.com.
2/16/01 - "Internet sites featuring old-time programs do battle with the man who has sewn up the copyrights to just about every vintage show." Per today's LA Times, pages F1 & F30.
2/14/01 - The two chefs, on once a month, were on today. Could be M-F, 1- 2:30p, "Talk of the City," 89.3 KPCC FM, variable schedule, food with Milliken/Feniger.
2/12/01 - If you like the Larry Mantle Airtalk movie reviews on KPPC try www.filmweek.com.
2/11.4/01 - Still no word on the KLAC/KFI/Clear Channel thing. Gary Lycan thought he'd have an answer but keeps saying no news yet.
2/11.3/01 - Presidential weekly talk Sat 7:05a on KNX. Dems respond at 8:05a?
2/11.2/01 - Two sites: www.drudgereport.com and www.artbell.com. Drudge has lots of news links. Bell's site was down a day from too many hits.
2/11.1/01 - From 2/7/01 & 1/22.1/01 - Merrill Shindler restaurant show on Saturday & Sunday on KLSX could be either 3-5p or 5-7p because of XFL sports. He'll try to announce it the week before, but to catch them try both times.
2/11/01 - Heard the Kim Komando computer show on KLSX today, Sunday, from noon-2p. Their site just shows her Sat 7-8a. Did I mention their site [deleted]?
2/10.2/01 - Keep an eye on the KFMB 760 AM schedule www.760kfmb.com in San Diego. It comes in ok in L.A. They now have Doug Stephan M-F 2-5a and several other good shows. Try Computers Sat 11-1p and Sun 10-noon, Internet (new?) Sat 4-5p, Imagination Theater Sat & Sun 2-4 or 5a, Clark Howard M-F 9-11p, plus Trivia M-Sat into Sun a.m. If you don't hear anything good in L.A., try them.
2/10.1/01 - Kim Komando's computer show Sat on KLSX was cut to 7-8a. Maybe caused by infomercial? Email to the station might help.
2/10/01 - Beatles music (still) Sun 8/9a-noon (did start at 8a) on KLSX 97.1 FM. Also a new show unheard Sun at 10a on KCSN 88.5 FM for a few weeks.
2/7/01 - from 1/22.1/01 - Think Merrill Shindler said his restaurant show on Sunday on KLSX could be either 3-5p or 5-7p because of sports (indoor football?). He'll try to announce it the week before, but to catch it try both times.
2/4/01 - Changes: (updated 2/7/01)
Chef Jamie, next week - Sun 5-6p, KRLA 870 AM (was 9-10a)
Rabbi Mentz, Sun midn-3a, KFI (was Sun 10-1a)
Dr. Dean Edell, Sun 7-9a & noon-3p, KFI (was Sat & Sun)
Motley Fool, Sun, midn-3a, KABC (was KFI Sat 9-noon)
Pets, Sat, 6-8a, KABC (was 7-9a)
Travel, Sat, 8-10a, KABC (was 9-1p)
Computers, Marcks, Sat, 10-12:45p KABC (was Sun 10-1p)
Ira Fistell, Sat & Sun, 9p-midn, KABC (was old KRLA 1110 AM, M-F, 10p-2a)
Elmer Dills, Sat & Sun, 3-5p, KRLA 870 AM (was Sun 10-noon)
New KRLA 870 AM - www.newstalk870.com
Matt Drudge, Sun, 7-10p live, KFI (also KOGO 600 AM!, was KABC)
Art Bell (UFO Bell), M-F?, 10p-?, KFI, returned 2/5/01
air checks & links at www.californiaaircheck.com per Don Barrett 2/2/01
-------------- From last month --------------- TBD
1/3/01 - Per KNX, the complete 2001 Drama Hour schedule (and other shows marked +) follows. ** marks my favorites.
Monday | 9 PM Tales of the Texas Rangers | 9:30 PM The Six Shooter (26 weeks) | Sherlock Holmes (26 weeks) Tuesday | 9 PM +60 Minutes II | 10 PM Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar ** | 10:30 PM Sgt. Preston of the Yukon Wednesday | 9 PM Dragnet | 9:30 PM The Whistler ** Thursday | 9 PM Adventures of Sam Spade (26 weeks) | Nightbeat (26 weeks) ** | 9:30 PM The Lone Ranger Friday | 9 PM Gunsmoke ** | 9:30 PM Suspense ** | 10 PM +KNX Radio Hall of Fame Saturday | 9 PM The Jack Benny Program | 9:30 PM Fibber McGee & Molly | 10 PM +KNX Radio Hall of Fame Sunday | 7 PM +60 Minutes | 9 PM Lux Radio Theater (1 hour) Drama Hour broadcasts are repeated at 2 AM the next day and are on the Internet, about the next day. See www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for all the details, air dates, etc.
If you want to be notified when this page changes (it could change daily), enter your email address into the box ===>>>. At the start of next month, do it again on that month's page. I tried it, and they just send you a one-page email notification. However, I would use email like yahoo, hotmail, etc; something you can dump if desired. |
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See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes. |