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New - Radio-program reviews - 81 shows - from the Daily News. See Reviews.
2/28.6/02 - Predicted antenna coverage for KXNT 840 AM Las Vegas, NV. Days shows them with a strong spike into southern Long Beach and northern Orange County at www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=KXNT&band=AM&status=L&hours=D. However, I receive then at night, shown at www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=KXNT&band=AM&status=L&hours=N. This follows up on the 2/27.1/02 Flash.
2/28.5/02 - NPR could reduce music programs. See www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8064-2002Feb26.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/28.4/02 - Intern Monica Lewinsky tonight and former Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling on Friday says Larry King's revised schedule. KFWB 980 AM, 8-9p. Birds of a feather, whatever.
2/28.3/02 - Emergency Alert System (EAS), your own LPFM station, FCC, and techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletter #502 dated 2/27/02. For LPFM see www.ccrane.com/fm_transmitter.asp. For revised FCC amateur radio site see hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-02-382A1.doc.
2/28.2/02 - San Diego station stops streaming because of paperwork. See one of the better stories at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Tip from Dave's site.
2/28.1/02 - The Burbank Airport radio station at 1700 AM puts out a good signal containing rather boring, pre-recorded messages. It's 24-hours and announces as WMCM749. The airport, officially called the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport, has a site at www.burbankairport.com/ and is located a few miles north and west of L.A. PS - I think some of the freeway radio 'stations' also operate on 1700 AM.
2/28/02 - Correction to next Flash: 2/27.1/02 - Las Vegas in the Valley. KXNT 840 AM from Las Vegas, NV can be heard at night and slightly into the sunrise - like till about 7:30a. Sorry bout that.
2/27.1/02 - Las Vegas in the Valley. KXNT 840 AM from Las Vegas, NV puts a good signal into the San Fernando Valley, located northwest of L.A., at night and just slightly into the sunrise. They have many of the big talk shows, but they're shifted to different hours in case you missed the L.A. broadcasts. Their site is at www.kxnt.com/ with a program schedule at www.kxnt.com/programs.asp. They list Kim Komando's computer show as Saturday, 7-10a L.V. time - that's all three hours of her show and not currently available in L.A. However, she does the show live 7-10a L.A. time, so this may be her show from last week? or whatever. Kim's site is www.komando.com/. I didn't notice any mention of streaming on either site.
2/27/02 - "Clear Channel's 4th-Quarter Slide Stuns Observers. Radio: Weak ad revenue, restructuring costs leave earnings $90million below estimates. After-hours investors send stock down 10%." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52212,00.html.
2/26.3/02 - Ratings for non-commercial stations in N.Y. I don't remember seeing ratings for the non-commercial stations in L.A., but here are some numbers for N.Y. Tip from the NY BB. See www.nydailynews.com/2002-02-26/New_York_Now/Television/a-142598.asp. The L.A. papers could do this if they wished.
2/26.2/02 - Larry King this week is expecting the following, but check his site for updates and details.
2/26.1/02 - What happened to the DJs? is the topic at Richard Wagoner's members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Click on "Radio AM to FM" for what will be his Friday column in the Daily Breeze. Archives and search also.
2/26/02 - Congressman Gary Condit was interviewed on Larry King's show last night (8-9p, KFWB 980 AM), and as I expected he wouldn't answer the big questions. Neither King or the few callers pressed for answers. The John and Ken Show on KFI 640 FM, M-F, 3-7p, monitored King's 6-7p hour on TV live and commented on the interview. They were pushing for a caller to King's show to ask Condit about the body. John and Ken plan to repeat the King interview and their comments today (hour unknown), but once was almost too much for me.
2/25.4/02 - Newest L.A. Arbitron ratings. The Winter Phase I (November-December-January) ratings are available at sites like radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/ and www.insideradio.com/. More as time allows. Looks like only minor changes at the talk stations except KLSX is up and KABC is down.
2/25.3/02 - "SCBA/Arbitron Study Reinforces 'Hectic' L.A. Lifestyle. The report, commissioned by the Southern California Broadcasters Association [SCBA], shows that traffic -- along with other factors -- are combining to make the lives of Los Angeles residents more hectic. Hence, Southern Californians have less time to make purchasing decisions, and have altered media habits as a result. Among the report's key findings: 20.2% of people 18+ are in their cars at 6am to deal with traffic, up from 13.7% just two years ago. Angelinos also average between 60 and 90 minutes per day in their cars and 92% of drivers usually travel alone. "People are spending less and less time with at-home media, but radio is increasingly important to them in their cars and at work," ...." This from R&R, from Arbitron's report.
2/25.2/02 - Rush and Neal win. "The incomparable Rush Limbaugh and Neal Boortz, a talk star is his own right, were honored at the recently completed R&R talk convention in DC. For the second year in a row, Rush was named "syndicated talk show of the year", while Boortz from WSB Atlanta, was named "newstalk personality of the year." The nominees and eventual winners were decided by the readers of the trade publication. Congrats to both, well deserved." From the R&R BB.
2/25.1/02 - Congressman Gary Condit is schedules for Larry King's show, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM, but last-minute changes are common. Then catch the KNX [1070 AM] Drama Hour, 9-10p, for good fiction.
2/25/02 - "Clear Channel: an Empire Built on Deregulation. Media: CEO L. Lowry Mays went shopping after Congress eased ownership limits. Now the company's size is drawing complaints." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52085,00.html.
2/24.5/02 - Olympics 2002 ends tonight. See the 2/8.4/02 Flash for some links. Seems like it was a hit on TV, but did Salt Lake City or the Olympic organizations make money?
2/24.4/02 - Sreaming talk - maybe not music? From the L.A. radio community BB:
2/24.3/02 - War on the radio. Along with the flood of war movies, catch one on the radio. KNX 1070 AM tonight has:
2/24.2/02 - Problems with Clear Channel web sites? The ctcratv BB is talking about it.
2/24.1/02 - Program tips for this week from the OC Register at www.ocregister.com/show/radio_calendar.shtml. It's about a nine-page list today with lots of stuff and several station-content summaries.
2/24/02 - Jazz, Cool, program tips, and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
2/23.3/02 - "Streaming never went away...just from the States did it disappear. The rest of the world has been doing it all along. In fact, IIRC, the #1 streamers in the world are the BBC (combined services) and Virgin Radio (indivi..." From the L.A. radio community BB.
2/23.2/02 - Want comedy? Try KNX 1070 AM, 9-10p, with nightly shows.
2/23.1/02 - Radio "Gavin Report to fold ... at the end of the month. Read it here: www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/02/22/DD122956.DTL." From the NY BB. Gavin is www.gavin.com/.
2/23/02 - Radio documentary. "Thursday, February 28. Annenberg School for Communication. 6 p.m.: The premiere of College Collage, a radio documentary written and produced by a special seminar class led by legendary radio writer and producer Norman Corwin. At USC's Annenberg Auditorium. Call (213) 740-5658 or visit http://ascweb.usc.edu [ascweb.usc.edu]." From the Los Angeles Downtown News. The ASC site offers "Watch the live webcast."
2/22.11/02 - The KNX Drama Hours tonight has two shows which could be out of today's headlines. It's daily 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
2/22.10/02 - Mitnick news, the computer person, and computer security. See www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/internet/02/22/hacker.reut/index.html.
2/22.9/02 - NASCAR racing. Check Sunday 9a-ish or 10a-ish to 1p-ish for auto racing on KRLA 870 AM, maybe also KRLH 590 AM. This replaced the Earthlink Internet computer show - see the 2/16.4/02 Flash.
2/22.8/02 - Will Infinity use Arbitron ratings? A repeat of last year's Clear Channel problem? See biz.yahoo.com/rf/020221/n21173587_1.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/22.7/02 - "Webcasters: Royalties a Risk to Radio. Internet broadcasters are viewing with caution a proposed royalty rate that could make them pay fractions of a cent each time they play a song online." See story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020221/ap_on_hi_te/internet_music_18. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Also related to the next two flashes.
2/22.6/02 - "Radio Streamers Say New Rate May End Commercial Streaming On Internet." Nothing's final yet, but see www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=75848&pt=Ink+Headlines. Tip from talkradioroundup.com. Also below.
2/22.5/02 - Bad news for Streaming/Internet radio. "Clear Channel, according to a report on CBS Marketwatch, is thinking about pulling the plug [again] on streaming its radio stations, due to the recent RIAA decision on copyright payments. One begins to wonder if streaming has a future at all." From the L.A. radio community BB at MSN. See above.
2/22.4/02 Reduce KFI's power? Talk at the L.A. radio BB says -
2/22.3/02 - Congressman Gary Condit is schedules for Monday on Larry King's show, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM, but last-minute changes are common. See if he can 'avoid' his way out of this. Then catch the KNX Drama Hour for good fiction.
2/22.2/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3 with an assortment of shows, even food shows.
2/22.1/02 - "'Wait Wait' Quiz Show Gives Dignified NPR a Chance to Cut Loose. Panelists skewer the news on satiric, fast-paced program, which travels to Pasadena on Thursday for a live-audience broadcast." "...heard locally on KPCC-FM (89.3) Saturdays from 11 a.m. to noon, is entering its fifth year on the air. And this Thursday, the troupe will record a live show at 7:30 p.m. for an audience in Pasadena, at Caltech's Beckman Auditorium..." with tickets starting at $20. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51858,00.html.
2/22/02 - When Internet radio sound quality improves, try these. "The Fruits of an Endemic Tradition. Germany's WDR Symphony is a delightful example of why radio matters in Europe." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51489,00.html. From 2/15/02.
2/21.7/02 - The new "Top 10 Internet Radio Networks" plus their usual "The MeasureCast Weekly Top 25™" are now offered at www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020219.html, weekly.
2/21.6/02 - "Why talking and driving don't mix" with pictures at www.business2.com/images/mag/driving.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/21.5/02 - Payola was mentioned on the R&R BB, and someone linked to a description from last year at www.salon.com/ent/feature/2001/03/14/payola/index.html.
2/21.4/02 - "Ask the Mayor" will be 2/27/02, Wed, 10a KFWB 980 AM, with Mayor James Hahn. At the KFWB site, click on "Ask the Mayor" for details. Ask the school and police guys are due in March.
2/21.3/02 - William Shatner tonight on Larry King's show, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM, but last-minute changes are common. Then catch the KNX Drama Hour.
2/21.2/02 - San Diego "Lawyer expands advice." "Jeff Isaac, a.k.a. "The lawyer in blue jeans," can now be heard from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays on KSDO/AM 1130. He used to be heard on KFMB/AM 760. The switch (that occurred earlier this month) brings Isaac's local radio outlets to three. In addition to KSDO, Isaac provides advice on KOGO/AM 600 at 6 a.m. weekdays, and on KPOP/AM 1360 on Tuesdays between 6 and 10 a.m. Isaac can be seen in his casual wear on KFMB/Channel 8's morning news show on weekdays..." Tip from Dave's site with credit to Jay Posner - TV/Radio Sports - The San Diego Union. I'll correct my listings someday.
2/21.1/02 - "Ruling on FCC Turns Up Volume on Media Mergers" or how few can own so many. It's at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51757,00.html.
2/21/02 - Even more bad press for KPFK/Pacifica at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-51758,00.html.
2/20.4/02 - "Pacifica Fires 9, Drops National News Show." See www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19068-2002Feb15.html. Tip from allaccess.com. The local Pacifica station is KPFK 90.7 FM. Maybe it's time to rebuild Pacifica from the ground up.
2/20.3/02 - Karel's Apple computer show. If you're into Apple, check his stuff on the KFI site at www.kfi640.com/karel.html and on his site at www.karel-andrew.com/KARELCHANNEL/INDEX.HTML. Looks like he archived the audio on his site - click on Radio, then look for the Apple. This follows up on my 2/19.4/02 Flash.
2/20.2/02 - The sixth low-power FM station in two years is on the air. See www.washtech.com/news/media/15226-1.html. Again, L.A. isn't expected to get even one LPFM station. Tip from Larry Shannon's site, below.
2/20.1/02 - "NPR banks on 'Motley Fool' crew. Fool-ery is expected to attract listeners drawn by business information in a casual format." See www.indystar.com/article.php?tvcol15.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. The show is on locally again, also.
2/20/02 - "US Appeals court orders some limits on broadcast ownership struck down" says the NY BB with some comments. Can Viacom keep all of their L.A. radio stations? Checking. Larry, above, also links to one at www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35724-2002Feb19.html.
2/19.5/02 - "Christians on the air. Glendale-based radio network includes religious and nonreligious programming." See LAT's www.latimes.com/tcn/glendale/news/la-gn0022044feb18.story. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/19.4/02 - Apple computer show. Not quite - it's Karel talking about Apple and maybe a guest. Double check it your interested, but I think he said Sunday only, 6-6:30p, KFI 640 AM.
2/19.3/02 - KFI reduces to 25 kw? The Los Angeles radio BB is asking/talking about it, but I know nothing.
2/19.2/02 - FCC and techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletter #501 dated 2/19/02.
2/19.1/02 - "'Traffic Talk' Translates Into Tie-Ups Avoided. Radio reporting on freeway conditions has a lingo all its own. But does it drive home the message to motorists?" See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51679,00.html.
2/19/02 - Books on radio and more at Richard Wagoner's members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Click on "Radio AM to FM" for what will be his Friday column in the Daily Breeze. Archives and search also.
2/18.2/02 - KRLA 870 AM becomes 'SmartTalk' says www.radiodailynews.com/mkh.htm starting today. Also, KRLH 590 AM. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. See the KRLA/(KRLH) site at www.newstalk870krla.com/.
2/18.1/02 - One more on Bill Maher's TV show/the could-be radio host. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-51634,00.html.
2/18/02 - HTML/XML, What's My Beef?. See Dave's rant and rave at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html.
2/17.6/02 - The TV and radio section of refdesk.com at www.refdesk.com/tv.html has stuff. For movies see www.refdesk.com/movies.html.
2/17.5/02 - van Dam's missing child. When is too much really too much? KFI's John and Ken were there and spend much of their air time on the subject. See www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/danielle/20020216-9999_2m16hordes.html. Is it about the missing child or the wife-swapping rumor?
2/17.4/02 - Live 356 BB may bar or ban 'kid's stuff' says someone at the ctcratv BB.
2/17.3/02 - Bill Maher on radio? Column and comments at www.nypost.com/entertainment/41552.htm. Tip from the NY BB.
2/17.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, 9-10p, 1070 AM. Site says, "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "Lux Radio Theater" (one hour). Olivia DeHavilland and Mark Stevens star in, "Snake Pit," the gripping story of a mentally ill person. Original air date 4-10-1950." For info on the movie - on which this is based and with the same stars - see www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=A45324 and others.
2/17.1/02 - More OCR program tips dated today at www.ocregister.com/show/radio17cci.shtml.
2/17/02 - Sunday's radio column and program tips are at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
2/16.4/02 - Earthlink internet radio show gone. See radio.earthlink.net/. Was Sunday, noon-2p, KRLA 870 AM. Before that it was on KLSX. They were the best internet show.
2/16.3/02 - If you missed Bill Maher last night on Larry King (see 2/15.1/02 Flash) Bill just said he has talked to people about hosting a radio show and that if and when his TV show ends --- who knows. What I like about Bill is he says what he thinks - right or wrong - and even if others don't like it.
2/16.2/02 - Need comedy? On Saturday try KNX 1070 AM, 9-10p. This is stuff for the whole family. From their site:
2/16.1/02 - "Two new stations aim to breathe life into declining radio market" in Prague. See www.pbj.cz/user/article.asp?ArticleID=141306.
2/16/02 - OTR - Radio Spirits doesn't seem to be using their old site at whenradiowas.com. Their newer site is www.radiospirits.com/. They're part of mediabay.com/. This relates to the 2/15.3/02 flash.
2/15.7/02 - "Uncle Sam approves radical radio. America approves a revolutionary new way of wireless networking, but Europe remains reticent." See news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2104477,00.html. Actually, this frequency-hopping spread-spectrum technique has been around for years. Could the big broadcasters use it? How about the low-power broadcasters? Tip from the moreover headlines.
2/15.6/02 - Updated schedule for KCSN 88.5 FM, or at least a new format at www.kcsn.org/programguide/programschedule.htm. That's a frame page - to see their site use www.kcsn.org/.
2/15.5/02 - Cox Radio Syndication has good shows. Check them out at coxradiosyndication.com/. Reminder from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/15.4/02 - Is digital a disaster? There's a whole site about it at www.digitaldisaster.org/. Tip from the Los Angeles radio BB.
2/15.3/02 - More Old-Time-Radio (OTR) shows available. Maybe so, but will they get on the air?
2/15.2/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3 with an assortment of shows.
2/15.1/02 - "Politically Incorrect"'s Bill Maher tonight on Larry King. Will he talk about becoming a radio-talk-show host? Remember when he filled in for about a week for a local host on a local radio station? Remember how he did the first night? KFWB 980 AM, 8-9p.
2/15/02 - KFWB 980 AM gets new reporters. "From Camera-Ready to Listener-Friendly. Former TV anchors Tracie Savage and Larry Carroll have found their news niche as the drive-time voices of KFWB-AM." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51523,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.
2/14.2/02 - Low power and digital radio comments. Found this linked from the NY BB - www.nyc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=17362.
2/14.1/02 - Misc. radio news at Richard Wagoner's members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Click on "Radio AM to FM," his Friday column in the Daily Breeze.
2/14/02 - No news yet today, not that interests me. Check sources for stuff that interests you. Still looking. Did you know that Westwood One (they produce programs) was also part of Viacom?
2/13.4/02 - Viacom buys KCAL? Allaccess.com has the following. Impact on L.A. radio unknown. Allaccess.com also stated that Infinity makes the most money within Viacom. This follows up on the 2/13.1/02 flash.
2/13.3/02 - Lots of Satellite radio news and/or hype is available, and I'm not reporting it. Check Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ and other sources for a few.
2/13.2/02 - The Car Nut, who had a car show on an L.A. station (or two), gets one on KPSI 920 AM in Palm Springs. His site is www.steveparker.com/main.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. You may not receive them in L.A., but they do have a site at www.newstalk920.com/ which doesn't appear to stream. They also list Kim Komando's computer show, Jackie Olden (but don't detail her show, nor the Car Nut's), and others. PS - their email to kdes.com doesn't work.
2/13.1/02 - "Viacom May Purchase KCAL for $600 Million" was a headline yesterday. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51387,00.html. It's also at biz.yahoo.com/rf/020212/n12290481_6.html. If it happens, a radio station or something may also be for sale. More if it happens. PS - In the L.A. area, KFWB 980 AM makes the least money for Infinity - who is owned by Viacom.
2/13/02 - FCC and techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletter #500 dated 2/13/02.
2/12.3/02 - Paris radio - a comment on the ctcratv BB about the many FM and few AM stations and a link to www.comfm.com/pro/radio/paris.html. Note - some AM stations are below about 530 kHz, which is where our (L.A.) radios stop.
2/12.2/02 - Bill Maher says he's considering a talk radio career, if his TV show were cancelled. That's the guy from TV's "Politically Incorrect." Both R&R and allaccess.com had this.
2/12.1/02 - Oprah Winfrey bumped Don Imus last night on Larry King's show, Mon-Fri, KFWB 980 AM, 8-9p. Don was on the TV show but not on the radio hour, however, his transcripts are in the archives at www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/. For tonight they're still listing Walter Cronkite, but, as you see, things change.
2/12/02 - Michael "Savage's Ratings Roar." See www.newsmax.com/showinside.shtml?a=2002/1/30/190049. Tip from talkradioroundup.com.
2/11.2/02 - Police Chief Bernard Parks may not get another term, and that could cause problems - for the community and the Mayor. Parks gets all the air time he can, but try Larry Elder, Mon-Fri, 3-7p, on KABC 790 AM. Or, Michael Jackson, Mon-Fri, 9a-noon, KLAC 570 AM. Sometimes he just calls into a show, and they put him on.
2/11.1/02 - Chinese New Year starts tonight when the moon goes new, but tomarrow is called the New Years' day. Seems like two or more groups will party over next weekend. Check the local and Asian papers for details. KSCI-TV channel 18 may carry something - see the TV section for their schedule or jump to www.kscitv.com/.
2/11/02 - Don Imus and Walter Cronkite with Larry King, KFWB 980 AM, 8-9p. Don is tonight, Walter is tomarrow. Keep checking Larry's schedule on C&C for the newest schedule info and updates - it's at www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/.
2/10.4/02 - Is this the Country singer I heard interviewed on NPR this morning? Good voice and songs. Try www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-51296,00.html. NPR seems to confirm it with their neat search feature and archives and they found this - try NPR's long URL which links to her www.emimusic.com.au/artists/kaseychambers/index.asp.
2/10.3/02 - Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM, Drama Hour. ""Lux Radio Theater" (one hour) - Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly star in, "Anchors Aweigh," the musical about sailors on leave in New York. Original air date 12-29-1947" says the KNX site.
2/10.2/02 - Don Imus gets interviewed Monday, 2/11/02, 8-9p, by Larry King on KFWB 980 AM. "A candid hour with "Shock Jock" radio talk show host, Don Imus" it says.
2/10.1/02 - Radio Calendar update. Their program tips page has been updated for today at www.ocregister.com/show/radio10cci.shtml.
2/10/02 - "Drama series finds home on KPCC" and more says Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. KPCC 89.3 FM will air the L.A. Theatre Works series "The Play's the Thing" Saturdays, 8-10p, starting March 2. For the first time, it will air 52 weeks a year. Next up is Arthur Miller's "The Incident at Vichy."
2/9.1/02 - Merrill Shindler and his restaurant show "Feed your Face with Merrill Shindler" are still listed on the KLSX 97.1 FM site as Sun 3-5p. However, now that football is almost over he should return to the normal Sat and Sun 5-7p. Now you can also hear Elmer Dill's restaurant show Sat and Sun 3-5p on KRLA 870 AM (and perhaps also KRLH 590 AM).
2/9/02 - Segregation in the years before civil rights. "Those Who Lived It Recall the Oppressive Era of Jim Crow. Southerners tell their stories in one of two KPCC programs that explore segregation in the years before civil rights." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51225,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV. "Remembering Jim Crow" and "Radio Fights Jim Crow" air 2/18/02 on KPCC 89.3 FM starting at 7p. P.S - This was printed in the LAT yesterday but didn't hit their site till today.
2/8.4/02 - Radio/Internet coverage of Olympics 2002? BBC radio will report on the Olympics and might mention all the teams. Check with them at news.bbc.co.uk/winterolympics2002/hi/english/bbc_coverage/newsid_1753000/1753474.stm. It opens tonight with tickets listing from $600 to $885, L.A. money. But, demand was low and some tickets, I heard, sold for about half price - many other tickets are available. Do see www.penguinradio.com/sports/olympics/ which reports no live play-by-play streaming but links to local, Utah media Streams. Salt Lake City's www.ksl.com/ has something.
2/8.3/02 - Westwood One to pay $150,000 in Leykis case at news.lycos.com/news/story.asp?section=Entertainment&storyId=331656 - but they quickly appealed.
2/8.2/02 - KNX drama hour plus gone. Looks like the extra hour of OTR went away. It was Saturday, from 10-11p, after the regular Drama Hour from 9-10p. It's not on their schedule, and I don't know why.
2/8.1/02 - More reorganization at Dave's disorganized, slow, all-over-the-place site. If I find more direct links to radio stuff, I'll post them. Now looks like San Diego and L.A. radio are on different pages, but I'm bored with all the changes. Start at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html, and, in lower center, click on stuff. Don't expect many L.A. updates.
2/8/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3 with music and off-beat shows.
2/7.6/02 - Weekend Radio Network has a few interesting-sounding shows and streams, but I don't. Check the computer, Internet, action, and other shows at www.weekendradionetwork.com/. I don't think any of them are on the air locally.
2/7.5/02 - Bill Handel wraps Enron tomarrow, KFI 640 AM, ending his five-part series, between about 7:30-8a. If you missed it, the audio is available on their site at www.kfi640.com/billhandel.html.
2/7.4/02 - Less teen music on radio?. Maybe, see www.cjonline.com/stories/020601/tee_radiostations.shtml.
2/7.3/02 - Phil Hendrie, story by Drudge at www.drudgereport.com/mattph.htm.
2/7.2/02 - Good "Reception tonight" is one comment on the So CA BB, posted yesterday. "Almost all the San Diego and Inland Empire FMs are coming in like locals for me near Palos Verdes tonight (Wednesday). Anyone else?" PV is south of L.A. and west of Long Beach. Another comment, "I always get most of the Inland Empire FM's all the time and most of the San Diego FM's most of the time in Westwood. If I was up in Bel Air, it would be almost all the time." WW and BA are a little west of L.A.
2/7.1/02 - Ignoring L.A. radio. Besides the L.A. Times, which usually tries to ignore L.A. radio, it seems that Dave's San Diego site, with his most recent reorganization today, also ignores L.A. radio.
2/7/02 - "As broadcast decency wanes, feds stand ready to act" by Michael J. Copps of the FCC. "A race to the bottom is never pretty, but it seems especially ugly when it involves broadcasters saying they must push the limits on decency in order to compete against the often-prurient offerings of other channels." Also, check USA Today for more stuff by him. See www.usatoday.com/news/comment/2002/02/04/ncguest2.htm.
2/6.10/02 - Tom Leykis wins case. See www.adn.com/alaska/story/758644p-809833c.html.
2/6.9/02 - Larry Elder on TV. See LAT didn't cover it, the story says.
2/6.8/02 - AOL Internet radio. Many offer something called 'radio,' so I won't mention it much. See biz.yahoo.com/bw/020206/62043_1.html. Tip from Larry below.
2/6.7/02 - NPR vs KISS. See www.nypost.com/entertainment/40798.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/6.6/02 - Phil Hendrie to TV?. "All Access reports today that NBC Studios has signed my hero Phil Hendrie to develop a prime-time show for the network. It's about time Phil hit the small screen." From the L.A./MSN BB.
2/6.5/02 - Dave returns to previous news-on-one-page format, maybe, but it's too slow for me to check it out right now. Try www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html. See his note (marked d.t.) on my new BB.
2/6.4/02 - "MLB and NFL championship radio rules are retarded" states a poster on the ctcr&t BB on C&C.
2/6.3/02 - San Diego radio reviews, some comments at the SD BB on C&C (members5.boardhost.com/KFMB/). Please don't expect in-text links to all referenced BB, they're all hot-linked from C&C, above.
2/6.2/02 - Comments on radio by radio person. Linked from NY BB. See www.radiopoly.com/radio/.
2/6.1/02 - Techie stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/. Newsletters #498 dated 2/1/02 and #499 dated 2/6/02 just hit the site.
2/6/02 - "L.A. Theatre Works to Air Weekly on KPCC. L.A. Theatre Works' "The Play's the Thing," broadcast on KCRW-FM (89.9) until a bitter separation last March, has found a new Southland home. Beginning March 2, the radio theater series will air on KPCC-FM (89.3) on Saturdays from 8 to 10 p.m." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-51124,00.html.
2/5.5/02 - African news site at iafrica.com/about/index.htm.
2/5.4/02 - Old schedule info at KABC. They're still posting their "For the week of January 28 - February 3, 2002" schedule info on their site. I wish it were true for this week - with Doug, Ira, and Hal (with Mario and the Marck's as usual). See www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp.
2/5.3/02 - Where is radio Dave? Would someone in San Diego please check Dave's cellar for pods? He's not doing radio news like he did. Just host problems? Who knows? His start.at/dfsnews hasn't had much radio for maybe a week.
2/5.2/02 - "Salem adds Dave Benzing as Assistant PD/Imaging Director for the LA cluster. Benzing also adds afternoon host duties at 95.9 The Fish starting February 11th. Benzing replaces afternoon host Matt Mitchell. Mitchell leaves Salem to complete his education. Benzing comes to Salem from Clear Channel where he served as Creative Services/Production Director for the five Nashville stations. PD Bob Shaw also adds Music Director duties at 95.9 The Fish. For the latest on hirings and firings go to Hirings and Firings." This from insideradio.com. Salem is perhaps best known for KRLA and the new KRLH talk stations.
2/5.1/02 - Radio payola, ABC's 20/20 prepares story, says insideradio.com.
2/5/02 - Cool Commercial Breaks and KPFK. Read Friday's column today at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/. He moved to a different server, but this link goes there automatically, for a while.
2/4.5/02 - KPFK 90.7 FM. "KPFK/Los Angeles GM Mark Schubb exits" says allaccess.com. Insideradio.com says "Pacific Network’s KPFK-FM, Los Angeles GM placed on administrative leave. GM Mark Schubb was told not to return according to The LA Times." The last refers to the LAT story referenced from my 2/1.1/02 Flash. Also, Gary Lycan mentioned it Sunday.
2/4.4/02 - KWVE 107.9 FM. "KWAVE goodbye to station on move // KWVE 107.9 to leave hometown of 30 years for more space in Santa Ana. In a couple of weeks Christian radio station KWAVE will be saying goodbye to San Clemente. But not at the expense of its listeners, says general manager Robert Cadman. Cadman said the move has nothing to do with the listenership and all to do with consolidating resources and expanding the facility. Owned by Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa since 1985, KWVE 107.9 focuses on Christian programs and music to teach the word of God, Cadman said. The FM station was originally formed as..." Complete Article, 541 words. Article 86 of 99, Article ID: 53294958. Published on January 22, 2002, The Orange County Register.
2/4.3/02 - Michael Levine . "Levine brings passion to his job. Michael Levine is proof positive that passion spells success. He's worked with all the top names -- Barbra Streisand, Cameron Diaz, Michael J. Fox and even Michael Jackson. He's written a book that is considered a bible within public relations -- ``Guerrilla P.R.'' -- and its just-published sequel, "Guerrilla P.R. Wired." Yet for all that, you get the sense that Levine's real love is the two-hour weekly ``Inside/Out'' radio show he does..." Complete Article, 609 words. Article 57 of 99, Article ID: 53356864. Published on January 27, 2002, The Orange County Register. Has show on KRLA, about midn-1a, Mon, Tue, or something.
2/4.2/02 - Faces a molestation charge. "Radio talk show takes aim at judge // Media - Outside his home, KFI broad casts a four-hour forum on Ronald C. Kline, who faces a molestation charge. The neighbors on the Rimrock cul-de-sac in Irvine arrived in spurts: boys bearing skateboards, mothers pushing strollers, kids bouncing balls. But this was no barbecue. The object of their attention was a judge under fire, who remained silent behind the doors of his handsome home in Turtle Rock. It is a community that abhors attention. But Thursday, the folks on Rimrock were getting it -- much to the dismay of many. Neighbors spread the word to park on the street..." I ran it all run together. "Complete Article, 726 words. Article 1 of 99, Article ID: 53417438. Published on February 1, 2002, The Orange County Register."
2/4.1/02 - Pick an FM tuner. This linked from a BB web.tampabay.rr.com/tampabayradio/.
2/4/02 - More on satellite radio. "Satellite Radio Aiming High. Media: XM has signed up 30,000 customers; Sirius is set to launch this month. But the subscriber services face many challenges." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-51075,00.html.
2/3.6/02 - Super Bowl kickoff wasn't till 3:40. The Rams received and went to the 39-yard line. Enjoy.
2/3.5/02 - "Confusion on the airwaves." Confused about radio? See www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/today/business_c3a5548c118800d20030.html. They're talking about FL, but it applies all over.
2/3.4/02 - Hal Liston of "Radio-a-Go-Go" is listed on the KABC 790 AM schedule as Thursday 1-5a. I'm not sure if they mean last week or this week. Also see 2/3.2/02 Flash. Their site still lists Doug McIntyre as 3-7p, he subbed last week, so it could all be old info. Sorry, I should have warned you about the Doug sub, he does and did good shows. He's usually about 1-5a, Tue-Sat. Anyway, keep an eye on www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp.
2/3.3/02 - Women in L.A. radio. See www.dailynews.com/life/articles/0102/31/lif01.asp. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Did he forgot the new KFI PD? Or, does he just mean on-air?
2/3.2/02 - Lovesongs, Hal Lifson of "Radio-A-Go-G0," KPFK, tips, the end of satellite radio, and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. P.S. - Go-Go was one of the few oldie shows I liked. Remember him on KIEV, etc.?
2/3.1/02 - Call the talk shows. This is a good day to call the talk shows you can't normally access on Sunday. The food shows could have Super food tips, except Melinda isn't on.
2/3/02 - Super Bowl XXXVI. "KNX will broadcast Super Bowl XXXVI live from New Orleans, Sunday, February 3rd beginning at 2:00 PM. The game will feature the New England Patriots vs. the St. Louis Rams" says their site. Also, Dave suggested XTRA 690 AM could carry it, but their site is non-specific. I may have read that kick-off is at 3:20p, but the pre-game shows start as early as 7:30a(?).
2/2.3/02 - Listen to KRLA/KRLH streaming, but they now require a customer-player download and have a longer description. See www.newstalk870krla.com/listen/.
2/2.2/02 - The Motley Fool Radio Show on NPR. "We're Back! Listen to The Motley Fool Radio Show on an NPR station near you" but not, it seems, in CA. Check list for stations, or they may stream. See www.fool.com/ontheair/ontheair.htm. This and following tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
2/2.1/02 - In UK "Radio steams ahead as TV falters. Nine out of 10 people listen in, and new digital stations could add even more." Story at www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,642867,00.html. And, they do and/or used to pay a tax for radio and TV.
2/2/01 - "Ask the Mayor," 2/27/02, Wednesday, KFWB 980 AM, 10-11a?, with Mayor James Hahn. At www.kfwb.com/ click on "Ask the Mayor" for details.
2/1.4/02 - "U.S. Troops Abroad Get Satellite Radio Receivers" reports a poster on the satellite BB who saw it on R&R. "WorldSpace, the original parent company to domestic satcaster XM Satellite Radio, has delivered 1,000 Sanyo-made receivers to U.S. military operations in Kuwait for distribution to troops deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom. WorldSpace says the troops will be able to receive broadcasts with high fidelity and digital clarity from Saudi Arabia to Diego Garcia "to a remote hillside in Afghanistan." WorldSpace offers a slew of information and entertainment channels, including news broadcasts from CNN International and the BBC, and will carry the live broadcast of Super Bowl XXXVI."
2/1.3/02 - Liberal talk. A question came up on the San Diego BB. My suggestion was Michael Jackson. Another comment, in part, was - "Also, there are some liberal hosts in talk radio. Here in LA KABC (790) has Brian Whitman on Sunday nights 6-9 who is definately not conservative. I haven't listened to Mr. KABC (weeknights 10pm-1am) that much but from what I've heard from him he seems to lean to the left. Also, at least one of the guys on KABC's morning show (5-9AM weekdays) is definately a liberal. On one promotion for that show Sean Hannity was called "right wing" and one of the hosts complained about "immigrant bashing," I believe referring to prop. 187."
2/1.2/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. 870 AM is mis-listed as KIEV, so this could be an old list.
2/1.1/02 - "Pacifica Network Knows No Peace. The general manager of L.A. outlet KPFK-FM was ousted last week, as programming and money problems escalate." In LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-50939,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.
2/1/02 - "Report estimates KIIS-FM/LOS ANGELES to repeat as nation's top biller for 2001" says allaccess.com. That means they made money.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |