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3/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)

3/31.1/01 - Spring ahead, Fall back. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday 4/1/01. Let's get smart, and stop this time-shift xxxx.

3/31/01 - KNX said yesterday that Don Barrett said (his 3/30/01 site item) that the KLAC switch to talk would be delayed for maybe two months. The switch was schedules for 4/2/01. Could it be because of the super lame/incomplete lineup?? Several comments follow.

3/29.2/01 - Karel & Andrew expand one hour next week on Tu, We, & Th to 7-10p. Mo & Fr remain 7-9p, all on KFI 640 AM. This per Don Barrett's 3/28/01 site. The 9-10p slot on Friday could leave room for Kevin Mitnick's new, good show -- see 3/28.1/01 Flash. Kevin isn't on their schedule yet, so who knows.

3/29.1/01 - Several writers at C&C report KLAC goes general talk/sports talk on Mon 4/2/01. Several hosts have been suggested, but it appears no one has an official lineup -- maybe not even KLAC. The bad news: so far, they haven't mentioned even one host I'd want to hear -- and I'm into good talk radio. Why even launch a talk station with hosts like these??

3/29/01 - Michael Levine, star rep, starts a celebrity talk show with four "prominent notables" this Sun, 10p, on KRLA 870 AM. Per Don's 3/28/01 site, with more details. Michael isn't on their schedule yet.

3/28.1/01 - Per 3/22.3/01 Flash the reformed, 'internet crook' was on last Friday night, 9-10p on KFI 640 AM. One topic was how to escape porn sites that won't let you escape. I did email the PD asking for more shows, but who knows. Tune in Fri, and email wouldn't hurt. His name is Kevin Mitnick with a site at www.freekevin.com.

3/28/01 - Late but, the Tues 3/20/01 LAT had a short story "A Sameness from Station to Station" by Peter Goodman of Newsday. He referred to the DJ's on music radio, they sound the same and play the same. They are the same, one person, playing the same song, aren't they??

3/27/01 - Sports Talk - Several local stations broadcast sports, but a few are full-time sports talk. I'm missing one or more, but they include 690 XTRA, 1110 KSPN, 1150 KXTA, and 1540 KMPC. Gary Lycan says KSPN just started a boxing, talk show Sunday 8-10p. Don't expect much sports on this site, but I may list URL's and some boxing events. Clue: check KNX and KXTA Saturday night for possible reports on pay-per-view, etc. fights.

3/26.1/01 - Updated Favorites Everyday to include three Classical music stations and update their URL's: 88.5 KCSN FM, 91.5 KUSC FM, 105.1 KMZT FM. KMZT is full-time classical.

3/26/01 - "Ask the Mayor" with L.A. mayor Richard Riordan is this Wed 3/28/01, 10-11a, on KFWB 980 AM. See Wed Favorites for his web site.

3/24/01 - The De La Hoya fight tonight on HBO is delayed till 10:45p. Don't know if it could be reported on radio, but try KNX 1070 AM and KXTA 1150 AM, maybe between 7-11p.

3/23.2/01 - KCSN and KPCC won all the regional Murrow Awards for excellence says today's LAT page F2.

3/23.1/01 - I tried to listen to one of the two-guy, evening talk shows this week on a major station -- you know, like one of the "him & him" shows. Except one of the "him's" was missing and a woman filled in. The "him" that was there was such a mush-mouth that he couldn't even put a sentence together. He stammered from one word to the next and had nothing to say anyway. I tried to listen, but it was so ultra annoying and pathetic I had to switch stations. Now, I apologize if the guy has a handicap, and I congratulate him for trying and the station for the air time, but I don't think so. He's just another talk-radio host that has nothing to say, can't talk, and needs vocational therapy or redirection.

3/23/01 - On the other hand, yesterday's Press-Telegram paper, page C1, by Phillip Zonkel has a story on Karel & Andrew, KFI 640 AM, Mon-Fri, 7-9p, one of the better two-guy talk shows.

3/22.3/01 - Only half-heard this, but a reformed, internet crook may be on Friday night, somewhere between 9-10p on KFI 640 AM??

3/22.2/01 - I think I'm correct about Sousa?? Caught some of Dennis Prager's show yesterday (3/21/01) on KRLA after 10a. For bumper music he played the John Philip Sousa music that Jean Shepherd used for years as his theme tune but didn't mention Shepherd. I did call the show and mention it to the screener, but after a few more Sousa bumpers Prager still hadn't mentioned Shepherd. That Sousa music was so much Shepherd's tune and Shepherd was such a radio landmark that it deserved mention. Maybe Prager just didn't know or didn't receive my comment.

3/22.1/01 - If you read C&C you may have noticed that Gary Lycan at the OC Register didn't do his column last Sunday. Condolences -- Don Barrett's site 3/16/01 said Gary's father Maury passed away last Thursday.

3/22/01 - Another mess at a San Diego school today. It took KNX about 20 minites for a news flash, and by then KOGO 600 AM in San Diego was on top of it with a call from a guy who lived across the street and someone else in one of the class rooms, etc. It took TV several minutes longer for any coverage.

3/20/01 - A few things have to wait for tomarrow. I was working on the new Radio Headlines on MENU. Try it, and leave a message.

3/19.3/01 - Don Barrett's site www.laradio.com resumed working for me today. Don't know why it didn't work for me for a few days.

3/19.2/01 - Dozens of people, it seems, are running for the open L.A. mayor position. KPCC 89.3 FM will host a debate Tues 3/27/01 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Rebroadcast will be Wed 3/28/01 from 9-11 a.m. See their site at www.kpcc.org for minor details.

3/19.1/01 - The temperature in L.A. hit 85 degrees F today, the AC's were turned on, and Southern California had it's first rolling power blackout. Parts of L.A. and Orange county went black, starting about 11:45 a.m. and it could last till about 8 p.m.

3.19/01 - Sea Launch Co. www.sea-launch.com launched the first two radio satellites for XM Satellite Radio Inc. www.xmradio.com yesterday. The other satellite radio company, Sirius Satellite Radio, already has their satellites in orbit. Per today's Daily Breeze, page A3. I don't think either company is in service yet, in fact the consumer receivers may not be ready yet.

3/17.2/01 - Into music radio? Remember payola? How do they do legal payola today? Tomarrow? See "Pay for Play," several pages with four-letter words, at www.salon.com/ent/feature/2001/03/14/payola/index.html. Thanks for the tip yesterday at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexrad.htm. Also see 3/9/01 Flash.

3/17.1/01 - Kim Komando wasn't on KLSX this morning - about 7-9a would be normal. Instead, "Ask the Handyman" with Glenn Haege was on 7-9a. KLSX doesn't usually do the "get-your-hands-dirty" shows. This may be a first for them. Check their schedule, if it works or was updated. As of today, no update. Only their schedule for weekdays will print, and their message board doesn't work. It's a site as good as the station.

3/17/01 - Still can't get into Don's site, yesterday or today, but other sites still work for me. Does it work for you?

3/16.1/01 - Radio station popularity. On the air in L.A. the most popular are the Spanish-music stations. However, English-language music stations make the most money - see 3/11/01. For the internet I've read it's talk radio. Per Don Barrett's site, the 3/14/01 posting, the most popular L.A. internet radio sites per MeasureCast www.measurecast.com are:

  8 - KYSR - 98.7 FM - adult contempory
13 - KLOS - 95.5 FM - classic rock
18 - KABC - 790 AM - talk
20 - KFI - 640 AM - talk
24 - KRLA - 870 AM (was 1110 AM) - talk
25 - KKBT - 100.3 FM - urban R&B

3/16/01 - Couldn't get into Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com/. Did anyone else have a problem?

3/15/01 - L.A. police Chief Parks should be on Larry Elder's show tomarrow, KABC 790 AM, maybe at 6 p.m. Larry's show runs from 3-7 p.m., and he did try to have Chief Parks on about once a month, but I don't see any kind of a schedule on the sites.

3/12/01 - Peter Tilden, who some people missed, returns to L.A. radio at KZLA 93.9 FM starting 3/19/01 in the "morning," whatever. I heard about it, and it's also on Don Barrett's site today. KZLA does a country-music format with a site at www.kzla.com, but they don't mention him yet.

3/11/01 - re-revised - "L.A. Snags Five of the Nation's Top 15 Radio Slots" says Tomm Looney in his 3/5/01 column at www.downtownnews.com, then click on Talkin' Radio. Stations make lists for having the most listeners, etc., but this list is for "billing," known as making money. Per Duncan's Radio Market Guide www.duncanradio.com/Mguide.html the top stations in L.A. for 2000 were the English-language FM music stations listed below. This is not the same as the most-listened-to list of stations. He also lists the top 15 stations on his web site, posted 2/28/01.

  1 - KIIS 102.7 FM - top 40 rock
  7 - KROQ 106.7 FM - alternative rock
  8 - KTWV 94.7 FM - new adult contemporary
12 - KPWR 105.9 FM - urban contemporary
13 - KRTH 101.1 FM - oldies rock

3/10/01 - The Radio & Records (R&R) Talk Radio Seminar 2001 this weekend started Thur 3/8/01 in L.A. with some big-name hosts. Don Barrett's site started coverage 3/7/01, but no updates 3/8/01. Conway & Steckler on KLSX last night, Fri 3/9/01, did at least an hour on the Seminar. R&R is at www.rronline.com and should provide some coverage.

3/9/01 - Clear Channel Communications and payola?? See today's LAT Business section, page C1.

3/7.1/01 - KFI did update their program schedule, and Marcia Clark is gone. Try www.kfi640.com/more_stimulating_talk_radio.

3/7/01 - "Don Imus is headed back to Los Angeles ..." says Don Barrett's site today. But which station??

3/5/01 - revised - Fred Ebert, who does a good show, moves to Sat 3-6p & Sun 3-7p on KFI starting this weekend. His "Ask the Professor" segment answers your science questions. Watch the KFI web site for other schedule changes, but they didn't update it today.

3/4.2/01 - Gary Lycan's column today again has a rumor that KFI and KLAC will announce changes this week with KLAC going to a talk format called "buzz." He says Don Barrett suggested the new KLAC format could start 4/2/01.

3/4.1/01 - No updates today at Don Barrett's site and no photo Sunday. It's not like him to miss updates.

3/4/01 - Ruiz won - see 3/1.1/01. KNX said the fight was expected to start about 8:15p, but Don King was there and maybe delayed things. It may have started just before 9p, but KNX was busy with news and missed reports on the first two rounds. KXTA just had a few comments during the fight but actually announced the winner before KNX cause KNX was in a commercial. It ended about 10p, and I tuned to KABC to catch Ira Fistell. KABC was doing a commercial for the PPV fight that had just ended.

3/3.1/01 - Schedule changes at KPCC 89.3 FM, especially local shows? and over the weekend?, says today's LAT page F2. The KPCC web site has comments about the changes and the updated schedules at www.kpcc.org.

3/3/01 - This week Don Barrett has been posting his email on his weekday site pages and said there wouldn't be an email Saturday this week. In fact, he didn't revise his site today, very unusual for him.

3/2.1/01 - Today's LAT page F26 has a column on the classical-music show "Saint Paul Sunday" which has been on the air almost 20 years. The writer is Rachel Uslan, staff writer. The show is on Sunday 10-11a on KUSC 91.5 FM.

3/2/01 - Since Tomm Looney works for 1150 AM you'd think he'd know the call letters are KXTA, not XTRA as he stated in his 2/28/01 web posting. I copied his mistake into my 3/1.1/01 Flash, but I fixed it. His whole posting was wacked, is he ok? Anyway, the station now calls itself "FOX sports 1150" and only announces KXTA on the hour.

3/1.1/01 - Boxing - revised - The Holyfield/Ruiz rematch is Sat 3/3/01 and is pay-per-view (PPV) on TV. Remember, KNX 1070 AM tries to do round-by-round reports on these fights. Try sometime between 7 and 10p. Also, this time, KXTA 1150 AM may have something after 7p, after the "pre-game" show. Check the Fri and Sat Sports sections, the charts on page 2? in the L.A. Times (LAT), but they may not even list it or all the outlets. The Friday LAT shows the PPV starts at 6p, but doesn't list any radio outlets - a mistake. Didn't Ruiz win the first fight??

3/1/01 - Rush Limbaugh's site is www.rushlimbaugh.com.

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