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4/1.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Watch out for a reschedule of Joan Rivers from last week.
4/1.1/02 - San Diego Dave goes all music? Or is it April first? Does anyone care? Would anyone notice? If you're a fan of his radio coverage, check his statement at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html.
4/1/02 - What's hot, program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
3/30.4/02 - FYI. Kevin Mitnick's KFI page still exists, but his computer show is still gone. See www.kfi640.com/darkside.html.
3/30.3/02 - KNX Drama (Comedy) Hour, daily 9-10p, 1070 AM. Scheduled are:
3/30.2/02 - "KPFK Responds" to "The Left Eats Its Own at KPFK" story. Nine pages? See www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12738. Tip from and summary ("KPFK’S ADELSON SLAMS LA WEEKLY EPIC") at www.laexaminer.com/.
3/30.1/02 - Less local TV news - is local radio news next? Or, has it already happened? About TV see www.tvinsite.com/broadcastingcable/index.asp?layout=story&doc_id=78786&display=breakingNews. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. For a more 'insider' (and less interesting) view on radio news see www.radiodailynews.com/newsbobgv.htm.
3/30/01 - Joan Rivers was bumped last night for Janet Jackson. See next item. What does Janet have to say (or sing) that's worth an hour of anyone's time? I tuned out. Did King lose his mind? Bumps often happen on King's show.
3/29.5/02 - Joan Rivers who just quit her radio show is on Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
3/29.4/02 - Jack Benny started today. "In 1932, a vaudeville comedian made his radio debut by saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jack Benny talking. There will be a slight pause while you say, 'Who cares?"'," via moreover.com. And, thanks to Uncle Miltie, Milton Berle.
3/29.3/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for this week are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Tips run from Fri-Thu and are often posted early on Thrusday - a good idea, but you'll miss the tips for that Thursday.
3/29.2/02 - Drudge streams Friday show, noon L.A. time. "DRUDGE RADIO SPECIAL LIVE FRIDAY AFTERNOON 3 PM ET TO 6 PM IN MIAMI/FT. LAUDERDALE/SOUTHERN FLORIDA ON WIOD 610 AM..." - ever heard about lowercase, Drudge? Streaming at www.newsradio610.com/jacor-common/streaming_disclaimer.html.
3/29.1/02 - Beethoven piano concertos. "...KMZT-FM (101.5) will air all five Beethoven piano concertos on April 7, beginning at noon..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-54806,00.html.
3/29/02 - "Gotcha. Phil Hendrie parodies talk radio by playacting a variety of call-in guests. Listeners not in on the joke rise to the bait, dial up--and vent." A talented guy who uses it for 'evil' rather than good - or, he is wasting his talent. Monday-Friday, 7-10p, KFI 640 AM. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-54807,00.html.
3/28.2/02 - San Diego radio report at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/28.1/02 - "'FolkScene' Music Show to Return to KPFK-FM... the long-running folk and roots-music radio show that left the local airwaves in 2000 after more than 30 years, will return to its former home at Pacifica Radio station KPFK-FM (90.7) on April 7." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-54712,00.html.
3/28/02 - The best shows, hosts, stations, and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
3/27.6/02 - One more about Internet music, the end of. See salon.com/tech/feature/2002/03/26/web_radio/print.html. Also Larry's tip. Also check the Trades cause I'm out of time; and will be late tomarrow.
3/27.5/02 - Streaming classical music from the New York Times' WQXR-FM. See biz.yahoo.com/bw/020326/262223_1.html. It may be free, but one must sign up at nytimes.com/ - look for Web Radio to the lower right. Tip from Larry below.
3/27.4/02 - "Earthlink founder Slatkin to plead guilty to fraud ." With Internet, radio, and Scientology overtones, see www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/2940349.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Could this in any way be related to the end of their Internet show on the radio (see Reminders, above)?
3/27.3/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM:
3/27.2/02 - LA Weekly radio program tips. I forgot to mention that the paper didn't have room for the tips this week, but they are on their site at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. This is linked from the revised C&C page. Today's tips:
3/27.1/02 - Techie stuff and more at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletters #505 dated 3/18/02 and #506 dated 3/27/02.
3/27/02 - Get some at the KCRW pledge drive or "At Public Stations' Pledge Drives, Love Is On the Air." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-54598,00.html. Dated for yesterday, this just hit their site today.
3/26.8/02 - To me John & Ken on KFI 640 AM, Mon-Fri, 3-7p are like a car crash: I know I shouldn't look (actually listen), but then I do anyway. This week started with only one of them and will finish with neither. Maybe Wed-Fri, try it for the sub host.
3/26.7/02 - More on "Network Radio Draws Young Listeners." See www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1447849.
3/26.6/02 - Digital radio. "Alpine to make car radios capable of receiving iBIQUITY's IBOC digital radio technology," says insideradio.com. This is earth-bound broadcasting with digital audio, but I don't recall any specific format was adopted yet. Someone suggested this could replace the current AM/FM broadcasts and save the current broadcasters, so let's fight over a format for a few years.
3/26.5/02 - More on new "Contemporary Adult" broadcasters. See www.newradiostar.com/, "New format hits social...KJAZ/X-BACH." Interesting was, "The stations [KSRF 1260 AM in Los Angeles and 540 AM in San Diego] are owned by long-time, independent broadcaster Saul Levine, who also owns the successful classical outlet KMZT [105.1 FM] (K-Mozart) in Los Angeles."
3/26.4/02 - "Volkswagen Signs On With XM, Sirius. The carmaker, which also manufactures Audi, will offer both satellite radio services to new car buyers. Volkswagen and Audi will announce specific vehicle installation plans and timing separately in the future. Look for Sirius to report its Q4 and year-end results tomorrow morning." From www.rronline.com/. If the two formats/receivers don't kill satellite radio, they plan to unify someday. Why not from day one?
3/26.3/02 - Streaming fees - Arbitron writes Capitol Hill. "Arbitron sent a letter to Capitol Hill yesterday stating the reasons it believes Congress should oppose the digital-rights fees proposed last month by the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel and recommending a five-year freeze on any streaming fees. The ratings firm calculates that, if radio were to attract online listeners in numbers equal to its over-the-air audience, the fees for the industry could be as much as $2.4 billion." Also from R&R/www.rronline.com.
3/26.2/02 - What award?/Salem who? Salem and Crystal Angel Award: see www.radiodailynews.com/salemladavearmstrong.htm which includes, "Salem Los Angeles stations include KKLA-FM 99.5, Los Angeles’ #1 Christian talk station, contemporary Christian music station KFSH-FM 95.9 The Fish, conservative talk KRLA AM 870 AM and sister station KRLH 590 AM and Internet station Christian Pirate Radio." Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/26.1/02 - More Jewish shows on Tuesday per LA Weekly.. Also see 'Reminders' above.
3/26/02 - Larry Mantle and '100 Essential Films.' "Film critics David Ansen of Newsweek, Peter Rainer of New York magazine, Richard Schickel of Time and Kenneth Turan of The Times will discuss "The A List: The National Society of Film Critics' 100 Essential Films" at 7:30 p.m. April 3 at Pasadena Public Library. Larry Mantle, host of "Air Talk" on KPCC-FM (89.3), will moderate the discussion, which will be taped for broadcast on his show...." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-54546,00.html.
3/25.1/02 - "The Power of Talk Radio. Radio host Hugh Hewitt knows something about America that the New York Times doesn't." See www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/035cjcys.asp. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Hugh's on KRLA 870 AM, Mon-Fri, 3-6p.
3/25/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
3/24.7/02 - 'Inside Out' with Michael Levine, try 2a Monday (tonight) says the KRLA 870 AM site. It's been gone for a few weeks. PS - Gary Lycan says 1a.
3/24.6/02 - Local message boards, BB's, etc. Remember, several are listed at the renamed Columns & Columnists (C&C) page, and I don't usually have the time to report all their stuff. Check them yourself.
3/24.5/02 - "Radio rocks the Web. UK Internet broadcasters top the streaming charts." See www.netmag.co.uk/news/default.asp?subsectionid=1&articleid=54872&pagetype=2. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/24.4/02 - KNX, 1070 AM.
3/24.3/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
3/24.2/02 - Fly-Over radio/"...Rush Limbaugh has gone soft." "Tuned to the Far Right of the Dial. Montana: In the heart of the militia belt, radio host John Stokes' show plays to the anger some feel over the federal government's controls." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-54385,00.html.
3/24.1/02 - His Sunday column returns. It's "'Surf's' up at former KJAZ/1260," O'Reilly, For Sale, and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Note that 'Hot Wave' (program tips) and 'Web chat' (laradio stuff) have their own links. PS - for 'For Sale' check the new Arbitrons at the 3/23.5/02 Flash.
3/24/02 - Academy Awards. On radio, KABC 790 AM may carry some of the TV audio or something. Gary Lycan says, "KNX/1070 AM will pre-empt "60 Minutes" for Oscar coverage, too." On TV, KABC channel 7 starts coverage at 3:30p and goes late. KTLA channel 5 starts coverage at 3p and end sooner. PS - the LAT TV listings are now at www.calendarlive.com/tvlistings/. Use a ZIP code like 90012 and select the 'broadcast' channels or whatever. Also, today in the San Fernando Valley edition, in the 'news stand' paper, they switched to the grid (chart) format which is much easier to use - and the broadcast stations are in numerical sequence.
3/23.8/02 - Bands. See www.registerguard.com/news/20020322/tk.garagerock.0322.html. I believe I reported where this would be heard.
3/23.7/02 - Want Email? "Frank Barnako: AOL unsubscribes from its own e-mail: "Unreliable ... "," reports Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/23.6/02 - San Diego's 540 AM goes Adult Standards. The San Diego BB says, "AM 540 TJ Joining LA 1260 in Adult Standards Format Change. XEBACH x'd-out: XEBACH will shift programming this weekend to Adult Standards at 540 AM. It will be known as K-SURF. It will relay the signal of its la LAnd cousin. source...sdradio.net"
3/23.5/02 - The 3/22/02 Arbitron Ratings. Go to radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/ and click on '+12 Arbitron Ratings' and 'Los Angeles.' Strange stuff like KFI is actually down but up to fifth place, KNX ties KLSX and both beat KABC, KMTZ (classical) beats KFWB (news), KLAC ties KRLA again, 'everybody' beats KDIS and sports, and more. What happened to KRLA? Even I don't listen much anymore.
3/23.4/02 - ""The Play's the Thing." L.A. Theater Works’ topnotch radio drama. This week: Shadowlands read by Martin Jarvis and Harriet Harris. KPCC 89.3 FM, 8-10 p.m.," says LA Weekly.
3/23.3/02 - Comedy hour, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
3/23.2/02 - Tomm who? Remember Tomm Looney: radioist, columnist, Internetist? Now he's screening calls on KFI; Bill Handel this morning and maybe John & Ken weekdays.
3/23.1/02 - More on KPFK. If you need any more info on the changes, or lack of changes, at KPFK, check this week's LA Weekly. The last paragraph says it all. Also available at dailynews.yahoo.com/h/laweekly/20020322/lo/33358_1.html per tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/23/02 - Academy Awards. WABC 790 AM will carry award's info. Somewhere I heard they will have info Saturday and could carry the award's audio Sunday.
3/22.2/02 - More Awards, minor ones. See www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/22.1/02 - "...hacked security card for free satellite access." "DirecTV Suit Accuses Radio Host of Piracy Courts: Sports anchor on Don Imus show said on the air that he used a hacked security card for free satellite access." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-54215,00.html.
3/22/02 - "FCC Official's Plea Goes Unheeded. Despite Easter deadline, call to clean up radio hasn't been answered. Broadcasters point to their 'Statement of Principles.'" See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-54212,00.html.
3/21.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
3/21.1/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.
3/21/02 - "Standards Return to the Los Angeles Airwaves" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
3/20.2/02 - The "Yiddish Radio Project" yesterday was about 17 minutes, starting after the half-hour, and I enjoyed it. The schedule was as listed in the 3/19.1/02 Flash. It's on Tuesday and will run for several weeks. Today there are several more comments at the NY BB as mentioned in the 3/19.7/02 Flash.
3/20.1/02 - 'No Radio' sign. "Steve Harvey: Only in L.A. No, the Signs in Parked Cars in New York Were Not a Protest Against Radios. Mention was made here of a parked car in Hollywood with a handwritten sign that said: "Please do not break window. I only carry liability." This reminded James Janner of a not-so-bright acquaintance in New York City who thought the "No Radio" signs in the windows of parked cars were "a protest against radio in general." But hey, in this era of talk radio, who could blame Janner's friend?" From LAT's www.latimes.com/news/local/los_angeles_metro/la-000020208mar20.column?coll=la%2Dcommun%2Dlos%5Fangeles%5Fmetro. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/20/02 - "RADIO - All Things Considered, NPR Is Doing Great.
3/19.8/02 - "Radio reaches 99% of adults 18+ in a typical week. According to RADAR 72 Radio Usage Report. These adults are based on people who hold a professional/managerial position and who live in a household with an income of $50,000 or more. 98% of college grads listened to radio while 93% of people who did not go to college listen to radio over the course of a week. Over the course of one week radio reaches 96% of all persons 12+. 80% of all Persons 12+ listen to the radio on Saturday or Sunday. Morning drive is still the number one time slot at 81.8% with Saturday-Sunday coming in at 80.3%. Persons 12-17 years of age listen to radio the most[*] – 99.3%. Men 18+ beat out women 18+ with 96.4% compared to 94.4%. The automobile is the place where people listen most to the radio – 84.1%. RADAR 72 was based on 12,000-person telephone survey of persons 12+ in the US. The estimates were compiled from January 24, 2001 – January 22, 2002." Also from insideradio.com. *Other reports have said today's teens don't listen to radio.
3/19.7/02 - Comment on "Yiddish Radio Project" mentioned in 3/19.1/02 Flash. "I just heard the first installment of this series, it is absolutely priceless radio history, not to mention hysterically funny and alternately heart-wrenching, especially, I think, to people interested in New York City radio. I think you can stream it at the NPR website if you missed the broadcast. A must-hear." From the NY BB. Another comment says it's a series going until mid-May, with a site at www.YiddishRadioProject.org/. P.S. - Their list shows KCRW 89.9 FM at 4:30p, not 5:30p as in 3/19.1/02 - who knows?
3/19.6/02 - "Antennas make waves in RPV," or ham radio in the South Bay. See www.dailybreeze.com/content/bln/nmradio17.html.
3/19.5/02 - Benjamin Dover or April Winchell? I forget, but maybe April, fathered by ventriloquist Paul Winchell, was bumped from her Saturday slot by Ben, but she's still on Sunday. Sorry, but I don't get April. Ben does a good consumer show. Listeners may be asking to have April's Saturday slot restored - do it quickly if you like her. Maybe I read about this on a BB, or maybe it was voices. Check www.kfi640.com/.
3/19.4/02 - "NPR programming on public radio increases 19%. Compared with the Fall 2000 figures. One in seven Americans aged 25 or older listen to NPR stations each week. NPR stations now draw a record 28.7 million listeners in audiences for public radio in general – both NPR, local and other programming sources. Since the September 11th attacks listeners have more of a desire for intense news. Some of the NPR shows that have shown an increase over the year are: Morning Edition with Bob Edwards – jumping from 10.7 million to 13 million listeners. All Things Considered increasing from 9.8 million to almost 11.9 million. Talk of the Nation – jumping 40.8% to 3 million listeners. Fresh Air with Terry Gross growing 25.4% to almost 4.2 million. And The Diane Rehm Show [haven't heard] increasing 38.6% to nearly 1.4 million. Growth in NPR news/talk audience outgrew similar gains realized by commercial news/talk radio." From www.insideradio.com/. Most of these shows are on locally at KPCC 89.3 FM, KCRW 89.9 FM, and maybe others (FM stations under 92 MHz).
3/19.3/02 - "K-JAZZ 1260 AM changes format to "Adult Standards" at midnight Friday. In April, Saul Levine claims their power will increase from 5,000 watts to 20,000 watts (I assume that's daytime power only)." From the Southern California Groove BB.
3/19.2/02 - Bill Maher of "Politically Incorrect" may be closer to TV to radio switch. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-53997,00.html.
3/19.1/02 - "Radio Days, Yiddish-Style. Broadcasting* NPR recalls an era of rhyming news reports, lively music and emotional tales of assimilation." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53998,00.html. ""Yiddish Radio Project" can be heard during "All Things Considered" Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. on KCRW-FM (89.9), and at 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. on KPCC-FM (89.3). KCRW also..."
3/19/02 - KLAC 570 AM, this morning, has a guy and the hat lady (Patt Morrison spell?) in for Michael Jackson. I didn't hear why. Also, this afternoon, Suze Orman will do a finicial show - and will take calls up to 7p.
3/18.1/02 - Not much radio news today. Check the trades this afternoon and Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Drudge links to a review of the new Star Wars movie, but I couldn't get in. I did get in - try www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=11796.
3/18/02 - Gary Lycan's column for yesterday still isn't up at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Either the paper messed up or he's on vacation.
3/17.3/02 - Nothing on TV? Nor the Drama Hour, KNX 1070 AM, 9-10p.
3/17.2/02 - Gary Lycan's column for today isn't up yet at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. It's usually up by this time of day.
3/17.1/02 - Program tips for this week are at www.ocregister.com/show/radio_calendar.shtml. He also lists the schedules for several stations.
3/17/02 - Melinda Lee's new web site. Yesterday, Melinda said her new site at www.melindalee.com/, which has only been up one week, had already received over one million hits, and she hasn't done anything to promote it - except mention it on KFI.
3/16.2/02 - Old KFI news. Jerry Springer (from TV) sat in for the vacationing Phil Hendrie on Wed-Fri this week. Jerry did ok. Also, Bill Handel was gone and they repeated some of his 'best of's.' Sorry, I forgot to report it. Monday returns to normal.
3/16.1/02 - Best of L.A.? The 3/7/02 New Times L.A. (or whatever) had a few 'best of' media picks. They're nuts - I don't agree with any of them, except the LAexaminer.com is ok and the Los Angeles mag should be better. These pages are very slow. The several 'best of categories' are listed at www.newtimesla.com/bestof/index.html. P.S. - Why pick on the LAexaminer for lack of media coverage when New Times seems to lack any coverage?
3/16/02 - Today's Comedy, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM:
3/15.3/02 - National News. Dave links to national news at www.davesfunstuff.com/01bytradbytes.htm that I don't have time to report.
3/15.2/02 - Sports radio. I don't cover sports radio, but here's one from LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53600,00.html which reports, "One of the best and most topical sports talk-show hosts, Jay Mariotti, quit his job with the Sporting News radio network Thursday."
3/15.1/02 - "O'Reilly Tries Reverse Migration. The Fox News star is jumping into radio with a show that competes with Rush Limbaugh's." It's at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53582,00.html.
3/15/02 - Richard Wagoner's Friday column hasn't yet been posted on his site at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . But, remember you can also read it in the RAVE! magazine, this week it's at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm31444.html. This week he covers a few local stations and internet radio.
3/14.5/02 - O'Reilly, Rush, radio. Lots of talk today about O'Reilly's new show starting May 8, 2002 (5/8/02), which woman will co-host, O'Reilly against Rush, who's conservative and not, etc. I'm not reporting any of it.
3/14.4/02 - "Ask the ..." schedule change. Looks like the Mayor couldn't make the 3/27 show. The revised schedule is shown in 'Reminders,' above.
3/14.3/02 - More changes at San Diego's KFMB? Check Rick Roberts at www.sdradio.net/. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. This follows up on the 3/9.5/02 and 3/11.2/02 Flashes.
3/14.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM:
3/14.1/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Twenty-five unusual picks this week, up from the usual 21.
3/14/02 - "O'Reilly to Be a Factor at KABC. Radio* The cable host's new syndicated show will air opposite KFI ratings leader Rush Limbaugh's." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53500,00.html.
3/13.2/02 - "It's Official: Bill O'Reilly Signs With WW1" says the R&R site. Insideradio.com suggests it also. Related to next item.
3/13.1/02 - O'Reilly radio for real?. "Westwood One and FOX News will announce the debut of a new weekday radio talk program hosted by Bill O'Reilly..." says biz.yahoo.com/bw/020313/132428_1.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/13/02 - Techie stuff, computer museum, and other stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletter #504 dated 3/13/02. The museum's in San Diego at www.computer-museum.org/, and they will have an Enigma machine and other cryptology stuff on display.
3/12.8/02 - Westerfield/van Dam case. The KOGO site says, "The preliminary hearing for David Westerfield, the man charged with abducting and killing 7-year-old Danielle van Dam[,] continues Tuesday in a San Diego courtroom. Hear live coverage from 9am-Noon on [KSDO] AM 1130, and after 12pm on [KOGO] AM 600." Today it ended about 3p, and they said it would start about 10:30a tomarrow. Both stations are in San Diego. KOGO puts a strong signal into L.A., but the KSDO signal is weaker and usually hearable in daylight only.
3/12.6/02 - "On March 12, 1933, President Roosevelt delivered the first of his radio "fireside chats," telling Americans what was being done to deal with the nation's economic crisis." From www.nandotimes.com/world/today_in_history/ via Moreover news.
3/12.5/02 - "Gary Franklin debuts new talk show" says www.laradio.com/, but I don't see anything about it at Gary's site at www.garyfranklin.com/. I gave up reading his site as it appears he doesn't have much to say that interests me - but nice pictures.
3/12.4/02 - "Clear Channel debuts as the second most listened to webcast network. Based on Arbitron’s February Webcast Ratings. Live365 continues to maintain its number spot for the sixth consecutive month. ChainCast Networks/StreamAudio came in at #3. United One Kingdom-based Jazz FM UK joins Arbitron’s February Channel Ratings and ranked #2. Virgin UK holds steady at #1. Classical Station KING-FM ranked #3. Clear Channel Worldwide placed 19 of its properties within Arbitron’s top 75 channels in February." This from www.insideradio.com/, and it may contain mistakes. Remember, MeasureCast now does this weekly at www.measurecast.com/ and has different numbers.
3/12.3/02 - Drudge got it wrong about Letterman and O'Reilly? See NY BB at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/157750.html. As of now there are 14 comments.
3/12.2/02 - "Clear Channel Drawing Static. Radio: No. 1 broadcaster disputes critics who say it conceals stations to evade FCC ownership caps." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53367,00.html.
3/12.1/02 - "KPFK to Use Donations to Fix [faulty] Transmitter." At LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53341,00.html. Also at http://www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-53353,00.html.
3/12/02 - L.A. County radio stations, another strange list, from the people who do strange lists. Addresses, phone numbers, contacts, etc. at www.co.la.ca.us/radio.html. No hot links.
3/11.3/02 - News KFWB 980 AM revises their web site. Like, the "Ask the whoever" and the Larry King shows each have their own link, but it's all rather slow, so I didn't look around much. Clue - for these links go to the "Inside KFWB" page, but why? Try www.kfwb.com/.
3/11.2/02 - More on KFMB 760 AM San Diego schedule change at www.sdradio.net/. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/11.1/02 - Talk WABC 770 AM NY streams some shows. See and hear www.wabcradio.com/listenlive.asp. Tips from NY BB and www.talkradioroundup.com/.
3/11/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM:
3/10.5/02 - But, the sun got in my ear or solar activity can disrupt radio. See www.cosmiverse.com/space03070204.html.
3/10.4/02 - Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth KNX 1070 AM. Wish I was there for this one.
3/10.3/02 - Could TV news change?. Yes, they could start doing real news but not likely. See other comments at www.msnbc.com/news/721922.asp?0na=x2112560z&cp1=1. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/10.2/02 - Mentions radio - this story on country music does mention radio. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-53047,00.html.
3/10.1/02 - Local radio news, program tips and stuff at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
3/10/02 - Melinda Lee's web site is up at www.melindalee.com/. Maybe she can gather all the info from misc. sites onto this one site.
3/9.7/02 - 'Best of?' New Times L.A. at www.newtimesla.com/ printed their best-of issue on 3/7/02. It contains only a few radio comments, but they ding the LA Examiner for lack of radio coverage when New Times L.A. provides none. Go figure. Comments soon?
3/9.6/02 - Rubber antenna? For new high-tech antenna see story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=76&u=/nyt/20020308/tc_nyt/shrinking_and_rethinking_the_old_vertical_antenna. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
3/9.5/02 - Schedule changes at talk KFMB 760 AM San Diego. Dave's San Diego page at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html lists some weekday changes. Any weekend changes? The KFMB schedule is at www.760kfmb.com/schedule/schedule.shtml. P.S. - They usually put a good signal into L.A., about 24 hours a day. Note their computer show Sat 11a-2p and Sun noon-2p, "Imagination Theater," and more.
3/9.4/02 - Email change. Richard Wagoner who does the Friday radio column in the Daily Breeze Rave! (and posts it at at his members.cox.net/rwagoner/ ) changed his email address, perhaps a while ago. Use rwagoner@cox.net. That's why I couldn't reach him this week.
3/9.3/02 - Today's comedy, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM, for the whole family, usually.
3/9.2/02 - Comments on radio web sites at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Randy Dotinga is correct, and I have made many comments on broadcasters' sites over the years.
3/9.1/02 - Another guide. Another answer for the 3/8.6/02 Flash was www.wrth.com/. The WRTH book provide good international short-wave broadcast and other info, but for U.S. AM broadcaster, as I recall, they don't even detail the higher-frequency (local) AM stations. The book is available at some libraries and for sale, but the site may not offer any current tech info.
3/9/02 - Susan Stamberg, NPR, amd more KPFK at the end of LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-53016,00.html.
3/8.6/02 - Station guides? This question at the NY BB got this answer:
3/8.5/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM with, "The cast of top-rated sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" joins Larry to answer all your questions about the show. We'll be joined by Ray Romano, his TV wife, Emmy winner Patricia Heaton, screen and series actress Doris Roberts, remarkable Peter Boyle and his TV brother, Brad Garrett." If I had time for TV I might watch some of this show.
3/8.4/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Twenty-two unusual picks this week.
3/8.3/02 - This could kill free streaming music. "Groups Appeal Online Royalties Proposal. Broadcasting: Radio stations, Webcasters and record labels disagree with the rates suggested by an arbitration panel." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52959,00.html.
3/8.2/02 - Remember the 'Black Museum?' "...Orson Welles, who died in 1985, is being resurrected to star in a new London TV series, Variety reports. "Tales From the Black Museum" will be narrated by the Hollywood legend, whose voice will be taken from the 1952 BBC radio series of the same name, and will feature an actor playing Welles in silhouette..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-52958,00.html. 'Black Museum' has been on the KNX Drama Hour.
3/8.1/02 - "Country Radio Is Now 'Music of the Suburbs'. Shania Twain and Faith Hill now rule the roost as country stations prefer a contemporary sound that helps sell advertising." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52954,00.html.
3/8/02 - Satellite and digital radio, awards, and more at Richard Wagoner's weekly members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . This site was slow (or down?) all week but seems ok now. However, his last know email address doesn't work - the rwagoner@home.com one.
3/7.3/02 - Cokie Roberts, who left NPR to do TV news, may leave TV also. It was in the news yesterday. Would it be wrong to say she 'cleaned up' ok for TV?
3/7.2/02 - Based on the 1933 radio show, "'The Lone Ranger' may soon ride again" on both film and TV. See in.news.yahoo.com/020307/14/1i7ey.html. The 1981 movie, in which TV's Long Ranger, Clayton Moore, wanted to appear was I believe a flop - just cause the movie was that bad. For that movie review see us.imdb.com/Title?0082648. The radio show, meant as a kid's show, is often on the KNX Drama Hour but not in the current six-month period.
3/7.1/02 - Techie and occasionally interesting stuff at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, newsletter #503 dated 3/6/02. Like, for info on the oldest computers a letter links to www.old-computers.com/. P.S. - I couldn't find anything about my first computer kit, the Micro Ace.
3/7/02 - "Radio Exec's Claims of Payola Draw Fire. Music: Critics say the pay-for-play allegations ignore a new spin on the industry practice by the official's own company." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52849,00.html.
3/6.2/02 - Want more 'Earthlink Internet' show? If you missed this show, you missed the best Internet show on the air, and now it's gone. Now KRLA 870 AM is asking for your comments - Do you want the show restored? Enter your comments at newstalk870krla.com/earthlink/. The 2/16.4/02 Flash also linked to the show's site at radio.earthlink.net/. Please tell your friends who are interested in the Internet about this also.
3/6.1/02 - Richard's email, perhaps along with his site, didn't connect yesterday when I tried to warn him. See the 3/5.2/02 Flash. I emailed him again today and believe I'm using his current address.
3/6/02 - No real news in radio today, just more of yesterday's stuff. But, check the retitled Columns & Columnists (C&C) and Radio Headlines for items of interest to you.
3/5.5/02 - "KZLA the "latest voictracker"" says the first three CA/L.A. BB's.
3/5.4/02 - Election coverage. Try KFWB 980 AM and/or KNX 1070 AM tonight for the most complete election coverage. They could omit Larry King and/or the Drama Hour. If you want it all in five minutes, try KFI 640 AM - one of the few local stations with their own news department - but don't quote me. Their news tends to start before the hour and half hour and can run for 10 minutes. P.S. - all three and others put news on their web sites.
3/5.3/02 - The top 100 talk-shows hosts per Talkers Magazine for the year 2002 are listed at www.talkers.com/heavy.html. Tip from laradio.com. It must be a rather large file. They all have pics, but only a few have hot links. No, I don't know if talkers buy their way onto this list. P.S. - look at the text with the pics for the original cut & paste technique.
3/5.2/02 - Richard Wagoner's site at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ had been rather slow. 'WAG-net' appears, but the rest takes a while. I did email him. Friday's column wasn't up yet.
3/5.1/02 - "Let the Good Times Roll" nightly on KLON 88.1 FM, 7-8p, through 3/9/02. The producers? have a site at www.rhythm-n-blues.org, but I didn't notice any mention of their program.
3/5/02 - Garage bands in April. "...Steven Van Zandt, longtime member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and an actor in "The Sopranos," will host a nationally syndicated radio show titled "Hard Rock Cafe Presents Little Steven's Underground Garage." The two-hour weekly program, focusing on garage bands, will air locally on KLSX-FM (97.1) Saturdays at 10 p.m., starting in April..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-52758,00.html.
3/4.2/02 - 'Good Times Roll' on KLON is a very good series on music, relations, and more. See 3/2/02 Flash for links and details. It's "Let the Good Times Roll" nightly on KLON 88.1 FM, 7-8p, through 3/9/02. Someone needs to replay the whole series. P.S. - the station is in Long Beach but, I believe, another station repeats their broadcast from the Inland Empire somewhere, maybe.
3/4.1/02 - KFWB's "Ask the ?". Usually Wednesday 10-11a, KFWB 980 AM. Click on "Ask the Mayor" for details and phone number.
3/4/02 - Radio Dave dumps Geocities. See 'FTP them' at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html for even more reorganization details.
3/3.3/02 - The APTRA (AP TV radio) awards are not big headlines, but see how little L.A. got compared to S.F. Do these awards point to more interesting/intelligent stations? See www.aptra.org/News%20Pages/2002winners.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. Which was the best Alternative station? -- sorry, they don't do that [four-letter word deleted].
3/3.2/02 - For comedy? try KNX 1070 AM, 9-10p. Not much on TV tonight.
3/3.1/02 - The L.A. Arbitron ratings, program tips, and stuff at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Does anyone really listen to KROQ? Everytime I time in, I quickly tune out.
3/3/02 - Melinda Lee says she should have her own food/cooking web site up in about a week at www.melindalee.com/. Them, maybe, she can gather the info from misc. sites onto this one site.
3/2.4/02 - Need Comedy? Try 9-10p on KNX 1070 AM.
3/2.3/02 - Kim Komando's computer show was on KXNT 840 AM from Las Vegas, NV this morning at 7a but faded out by 7:15a. The station seems to come and go, but usually puts a good signal into the San Fernando Valley at night. See the 2/27.1/02 and 2/28.6/02 Flashes for info.
3/2.2/02 - The Daily News paper also has an entertainment site at www.u.dailynews.com/, but I didn't notice any radio.
3/2.1/02 - Jazz KJAZ 1260 AM and other comments at www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2002/March/01-910-news8.txt. The station has a site at www.kjazzla.com/. One page says, "Due to forthcoming government regulations regarding copyright royalties, KJAZ/Los Angeles is unable to offer Internet streaming on its website. We apologize that we can no longer offer this Service for our listeners on this audio platform."
3/2/02 - "R&B's 'Good Times Roll' on KLON. The musical genre finally gets its day in the sun with an intimate and detailed documentary that's a coup of sorts for the lower-profile station." ""Let the Good Times Roll," KLON-FM (88.1) 7 to 8 p.m. tonight through March 9." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52474,00.html. The station's site is www.klon.org/. Info on this program is at www.klon.org/music/programming/pages/special/let_the_good_times_roll.shtml. They do seem to stream.
3/1.4/02 - Less music on NPR? See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52377,00.html. Looks like reprint from 2/28.5/02 Flash.
3/1.3/02 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Exactly 21 picks each week for the last few weeks.
3/1.2/02 - Newspaper bugged. See web.whittier.edu/qc/ . Tip from laexaminer.com.
3/1.1/02 - NPR's "'All Things Considered's' Noah Adams Takes Flight. The program's longtime co-host strays from radio for a Wright brothers book." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-52397,00.html.
3/1/02 - New radio series of TV's old 'Twilight Zone'. "He plans to launch the series on Halloween..." but no L.A. info yet. Also, "...he plans to "contemporize" and expand..." -- that means half-hour TV scripts will become one-hour radio shows. Sounds like a bad idea. See www.suntimes.com/output/feder/cst-fin-feder28.html. Tip from yesterday's insideradio.com.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |