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4/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)

**** Reminders:
**** KPLS 830 AM (Orange county?) started 4/30/01 with Don Imus, etc. - see 4/8/01 Flash.
**** KEWS 1350 AM (Inland Empire) starts 5/1/01 - see 4/21.1/01 Flash.

4/30.2/01 - Starting today at KFI looks like M-F John & Ken are 4-7p and Phil Hendrie is 7-10p. Looks like Karel & Andrew and Kevin Mitnick are gone?? They were two of their better shows.

4/30.1/01 - Gary Lycan, for the last couple of weeks, has been listing program tips in his Sunday column. They also put these listings and more on their web site, but they move them around, and they're hard to find. In Gary's column is a handy location. See C&C for a few associated links.

4/30/01 - The new KPLS talk format did start today. I'm not a big Imus fan, but there are several other talkers. I'm looking for an updated web site and air schedule. See old 4/7.1/01 Flash and others.

4/29.1/01 - KLAC who almost went from music to talk was flat in the winter Abitron ratings, I forgot to mention.

4/29/01 - Don Barrett's 4/28/01 site had an email from Keven Stern about the "Don't Touch That Dial" show that was on KCSN - see 4/23/01 Flash. Today that story is gone - maybe it's in the archives. In its place are about 40 pages of text about some guy who dies last year. I'm sure people miss him, but, Don, it's time for a reality check.

4/28/01 - FKI has a strange night Friday (yesterday). From 7-8p Bill Handel did a good-bye show for Robert Downey, Jr. Bill thinks 'Jr.' is down-the-tubes, whatever. They had free pizza, etc, and Jr.'s movies, and I wish I had the time to go. From 8-10p was "The Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick who actually talked internet for a change - like spam and stuff. I think this show will keep getting better, and next week he'll discuss search engines. His normal time is 9-10p. He wants a new web site for this show, but currently only has www.freekevin.com.

4/27.1/01 - Internet tonight KFI 9-10p, maybe.

4/27/01 - Broadcasters at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books -- See 4/25/01 Flash. KPCC will broadcast Sat noon-2p and Sun 2-4p. They'll interview authors, tell stories, etc. Several other radio stations are also sponsors and could broadcast like KABC, KAZZ, KCRW, KDIS, KFWB, KIIS, KLON, KMZT, and KTWV. KFI wasn't listed, but maybe I heard something. Others are possible. Also C-SPAN will tape about 20 hours for broadcast. TV KNBC and KTLA are also sponsors and could carry something. Talk about multimedia, with radio, TV, books, and a newspaper.

4/26/01 - The winter Abitron ratings came this week. Check Richard Wagoner's site on C&C for the exact numbers. Of the talk stations KFI was up slightly and was the top talk and AM station. News KNX and KFWB were both up. KLSX-FM was flat, KABC was down, and KRLA (old KIEV) was up, almost doubling their number since fall. Of the sports/talk stations, two were at the bottom of the list, and two didn't even make the list. One non-lister was KSPN, the old KRLA 1110 AM. Good plan KSPN.

4/25/01 - Some radio shows will be broadcast from here also. L.A. Times Festival of Books, the 6th., at UCLA. See www.latimes.com/festivalofbooks for details. It's April 28-29, 2001. Outdoor stuff is free, UCLA parking is $6, and you'll need to get "free" tickets for indoor events - check their site.

4/23/01 - Bobb Lynes contacted Don Barrett and said KCSN dropped his show after 27 years - over the phone. See 4/21.2/01 Flash and Don's site today.

4/21.2/01 - The "Don't Touch That Dial" old-radio show with almost 27 years on the air leaves KCSN. Bobb Lynes and Barbara Sunday ran the show, and no explanation was available. In it's place is "Same Time, Same Station" with John and Larry Gassman starting this Sunday, noon-2p (or 2:30p) on KCSN 88.5 FM. They had this show for about 20 years at KPCC but lost their slot in the last, big shake-up about 5/5/00. Some of this per Don Barrett's 4/19/01 site. Bobb may not have a site but was associated with SPERDVAC at www.pe.net/~rnovak/sperdvacx.htm, and John and Larry had a site at otrsite.com/gassman/.

4/21.1/01 - Spanish station goes English. Clear Channel buys the KCKC 1350 AM Spanish station in the Inland Empire and converts it to English KEWS on 5/1/01. Days are talk/news, like Dennis Prager 9a-noon and G. Gordon Liddy noon to 4p. Midnight-5a is country music. Weekends include Kim Komando, The Motley Fool, and Dr. Dean Edell. That's good cause Kim has been gone from KLSX for maybe two months. Motley is Sun midn-3a on KABC and Dr. Dean is Sun 7-9a and noon-3p on KFI, not the best times. I hear two stations at 1350 AM. The Spanish one, which could become KEWS, is strong during the day. An English station is stronger at night. Will look for a site. Don's 4/20/01 site has more details.

4/21/01 - KLSX aired a new show today Sat, 8a called "E-Trade on Air."? It's not on their schedule.

4/18/01 - Geri Cook's Best Bargains shopping show moved from Saturday 10-11a to 9-10a on KRLA 870 AM. I fixed it on Saturday Favorites, and it includes their web site and KRLA's new site. Thanks for the reminder, K.O.

4/17.2/01 - Ad Insertion is the term used to describe a technology that could restore streaming radio. It looks at the stations' streaming radio, deletes all AFTRA spots, and can insert non-AFTRA spots. Then AFRTA doesn't get paid three times the radio rate for a spot that also runs on the internet. The ad-insertion companies, and there are several, seem to imply they'll have this up very soon. From several sources.

4/17.1/01 - Both KNX and KFWB are in about their 33rd year of all-news radio. Both Don(?) and Gary mentioned it on their sites.

4/17/01 - Warren Onley has recovered and returned to his weekday shows "Which Way, L.A.?" (6:30-7:30p) and "To the Point" (1-2p) on KCRW 89.9 FM. See Gary Lycan's Sunday column at C&C for a short story.

4/16.3/01 - Did anyone hear Matt Drudge last night on KABC? At 7p the audio seemed distorted, and I tried to call the station, but no answer. Did anyone else hear it? Did they clear it? I tuned out. He did say he was against the AFTRA contract that caused the shut down of web radio.

4/16.2/01 - Kevin Mitnick did an "internet" show Friday 4/13/01 (see 4/13.2/01 Flash). He seemed rather distracted and uncommunicative, perhaps due to the presence of the topless, soft-porn queen, who perhaps sat on his lap. Not a lewd show, just boring, and the internet was hardly mentioned. One more show like this, and even I might not listen.

4/16.1/01 - Ira Fistell will fill in for Mr. KABC on Thursday, 7-9p, on KABC. He plans to have a guess, and this may not be a sample of his best stuff.

4/16/01 - Chef Jamie says she also keeps recipes at www.smartandfinal.com, plus on her own site. Melinda Lee keeps recipes on about three sites, and she can't find them. How can we? Jamie is www.chefjamie.com/, email at jamie@chefjamie.com, and Sun 5-6p on KRLA 870 AM.

4/14/01 - Don Barrett, who does the famous www.laradio.com/ site which should be read daily, along with Gary Owens will be on Michael Levine's new show (see 3/29/01 Flash), Sunday, the 11p-midnight hour, on KRLA 870 AM. That per Don's site. Otherwise, I would listen to Ira Fistell, Sat & Sun, 9p-midnight, KABC 790 AM. -- PS - For the last few weeks, www.laradio.com/ won't get me into Don's site. I have to use the complete, current URL: www.laradio.com/newsite/current2.htm.

4/13.2/01 - Expect an internet show today (Friday), time not specified, maybe 9-10p, announced KFI yesterday. It's with Danny Ash (spell??), not Kevin Mitnick, but still called "The Dark Side of the Internet." Where's Kevin? www.freekevin.com suggests Kevin still has the 9-10p slot.

4/13.1/01 - Melinda Lee says she did get the extra hour, dispite the air schedule. She's Saturday on KFI, 11a-3p.

4/13/01 - Susan Stamberg with 30 years at NPR (National Public Radio) is discussed today in the LAT, page F26. Congratulations Susan.

4/12/01 - Streaming Radio ends? For a better description, go to my Columns & Columnists (C&C). For a short one see Richard Wagoner's column, the 4/13/01 column. (It's members.home.net/rwagoner/, and click on Radio AM FM.) For a long one see the first listing for Dave, today's column. (It's geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexrad.htm, and go to today's column.)

4/11.4/01 - Revised info; my 4/10/01 Flash did sound strange. Gavin at www.gavin.com says AFTRA (the actors) forced most L.A. stations to stop streaming radio. Thanks to Dave's 4/10/01 tips, linked at C&C. However, another source says the problem is payment to the ad talent. Either the advertisers or the station (I don't know) must pay the talent again to run the ads on the internet, and they won't do that. Anyway, many hosts stream from their own web sites.

4/11.3/01 - When Imus starts at KPLS (see 4/8/01 Flash) that could also bring other Talk America www.talkamerica.com hosts. Mentioned were Robert Dornan, Michael Savage, and, less likely, G. Gordon Liddy. Per Don Barrett's 4/10/01 comments, linked at C&C.

4/11.2/01 - Benjamin Dover (finance?) tried out a new show on KFI over the weekend, but as with Kevin Mitnick's good, internet show there's no info about a permanent spot. A spot for Kevin please (3/28.1/01 Flash).

4/11.1/01 - Just as I announced that sunspot activity should reach its 11-year peak and start to decline (2/27/01 Flash), we have some of the largest solar flares ever. Art Bell also mentioned it and says he has some info on his site at www.artbell.com, like What's New for 4/2/01. Did he mention distant listeners had trouble hearing his show?

4/11/01 - Hear about 50 college-radio stations at www.nibblebox.com.

4/10/01 - I didn't know this. Advertisers who buy radio spots can be fined if their spots are also streamed over the internet. Advertisers are asking stations to pull their ads from the stations' streaming audio, but since that technology isn't available yet, the stations are pulling their entire streaming audio. Clear Channel has pulled their audio. This per Don Barrett's 4/9/01 site listed on C&C. This sounds like a stupid law -- like there aren't any commercials already on the internet. Streaming radio could be gone for a while.

4/9/01 - Yesterday's Access mag www.accessmagazine.com had a thing on satellite radio. Also, I read somewhere they just produced the first sets of hardware chips for the radio. Commercial quantities weren't expected till the third quarter.

4/8.1/01 - Lewd Talk on radio is a topic in today's LAT Calendar, page 5 by Phil Davis. It's been years (maybe?) since they talked about radio. I don't list a few shows (not so much for language) because of their stupid, teenage-sex-oriented suggestions.

*** A missing quote mark in an anchor in the following Flash caused the next two Flashes to run together and non-display some text. Fixed it.

4/8/01 - Don Imus returns to L.A.? Imus starts 4/30/01 from 5-9 a.m. on KPLS 830 AM, a Catholic radio station, says "Inside Radio" at insideradio.com/. Imus and KPLS -- what a mismatch -- can a station-ownership change be expected?? Thanks to Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexrad.htm, his 4/7/01 comments, for the hint (also linked at C&C).

4/7.1/01 - The old web site for KPLS 830 AM (www.catholicfamilyradio.com) doesn't work any more. Now start at www.goodcathinfo.com/putintopracRADIO.htm or just the www.goodcathinfo.com/ part. The first one links to their M-F program(?) schedule.

4/7/01 - Two San Diego talk stations (I'll get which ones) share shows. If you tune to one station for one show and hear sports, then that show may be on the other station and vice versa(?). Good Plan??

4/6.1/01 - The Hammed/Barrera fight tomarrow could be a good one on pay-per-view (PPV). Or get round-by-round reports on KNX 1070 AM starting about 8p says KNX. The PPV card starts at 6p. Maybe comments on KXTA 1150 AM.

4/6/01 - Today's LAT page F22 discovered and wrote about another music-radio host. Anyone care??

4/4.2/01 - We know the changes at KLAC were delayed, but maybe at KFI also. The "him & him" show last night 9-10p said they would be on Mon-Fri. I think Don last week said Karel & Andrew would be 7-10p Tue-Thu. If you check today's KFI schedule for 9-10p it show "Jesus" on Mon (a waste of time), K&A Tue-Thu, and "The Dark Side of the Internet" -- Kevin Mitnick's new, good show -- on Fri. Melinda Lee is not shown with her extra hour at 11a on Sat. Who knows??

4/4.1/01 - Remember David Horowitz from TV? He contacted Don (see today's site) to say he signed for a two-hour radio show on Sat & Sun on 128 stations but needs an outlet in L.A. David's site is www.fightback.com.

4/4/01 - Just as I mentioned classical music station KMZT 105.1 FM, Don's site this week(?) said they would change formats. Nothing specific.

4/2/01 - An inside source at KLAC suggested to Don Barrett that the switch from music to talk/sport format could be delayed for six months, enough time to get past the baseball season. Per his site today, www.laradio.com/.

4/1/01 - Melinda Lee, her cooking show on KFI 640 AM, the best cooking show, gets an extra hour starting yesterday. She's now 11-3 p.m. Saturday. You can email or call and ask for a Sunday show also.

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