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4/30.2/02 - L.A. stations return to the top of the Internet radio list. It's been many months since L.A. stations were on the list. Now, two new stations are listed:
4/30.1/02 - "Saving Internet Radio" is the topic this week in Richard Wagoner's column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
4/30/02 - The Comic [book] Wars: ..., the book, is discussed 10-11a, KPCC 89.3FM. The show, Airtalk ™, with host Larry Mantle, is Mon-Fri, 9-11a with highlights repeated 7-9p.
4/29.1/02 - The L.A. riots. "10 YEARS: EVERYONE LOOKS BACK," see several links at www.laexaminer.com/.
4/29/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
4/28.4/02 - From the TV section: KCAL fight night started its third season...KCAL channel 9 starting about 8p and maybe repeated on Sunday afternoon...the next is 6/29/2002. A radio station at 1020 AM (KTNQ?) carries the fight in Spanish.
4/28.3/02 - Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
4/28.2/02 - From yesterday: "Programs Mark Riots' 10th Anniversary. The Beat, also known as radio station KKBT-FM (100.3), will hold a town hall meeting Sunday morning to discuss the 10th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots. The public is invited to attend the event, which will be broadcast live on the weekly program "Street Science," from 8 to 11 a.m. The meeting will be held at Magic Johnson's TGI Friday's, 6721 La Tijera Blvd., in Los Angeles.
4/28.1/02 - Laura Ingraham, Arbitron ratings, program tips, Drudge, and more in Sunday's column by Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
4/28/02 - "Gun Smoke," the old radio show. KCSN 88.5 FM is doing all "Gun Smoke," the western, today probably noon-2p.
4/27.4/02 - 38 music formats defined at 100kwatts.tmi.net/FAQ.html. Also, links to stations, radio networks, syndicated radio shows, and more. The newest story, which keeps changing, was that this 100000 Watts site won't be around or won't be revised, whichever, for very long.
4/27.3/02 - Comedy today, KNX Drama Hour, everyday, 1070 AM. Also 2-3a and streaming.
4/27.2/02 - "KXLU Fund-Raiser Razes Roof. The station's shindig at Knitting Factory pulses with variety. Radio station KXLU-FM (88.9)..." From LAT's www.latimes.com/entertainment/printedition/calendar/la-000029543apr26.story. But, did they raise any money? Site at www.kxlu.com/.
4/27.1/02 - More on "Prager's Talk Show Heads to Middle East. Dennis Prager is taking his radio talk show to trouble-plagued Jerusalem next week in what he describes as a show of support for Israel. Prager's syndicated program airs locally on KRLA-AM (870), weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-57278,00.html.
4/27/02 - More on Warren Olney's "Which Way, L.A.?." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-57276,00.html.
4/26.4/02 - KROQ nominated. "Pioneering, top-ranked Alternative KROQ/Los Angeles is nominated for 2002 Industry Achievement Awards in such national categories as..." says R&R, linked below. I only tune it to see if they switched formats yet.
4/26.3/02 - "Webcasters Agree To Cry 'Mayday' On May 1. Hundreds of webcasters responded to the call for action by SaveInternetRadio.org founder Kurt Hanson, who suggested last week that webcasters call attention to their concerns about the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel's recommended performance royalties by shutting down their streams for all or part of May 1. Classical broadcast stream KING-FM/Seattle — consistently the highest-rated U.S.-based broadcast stream in both MeasureCast's and Arbitron's webcast ratings — is among the participants, as is Triple A KPIG/Monterey. Live365, Beethoven.com, CyberRadio2000 and HardRadio.com will also take part. Some stations will go offline entirely from dawn local time until late evening, while others will intersperse periods of silence and public service announcements on the royalties with their regular programming. Other stations will stream an all-day talk show on the issue produced by Steve Wolf, who operates Internet-only WOLF-FM. For more information, visit www.kurthanson.com/." This from www.rronline.com/.
4/26.2/02 - "The KERN stream is working again," says www.talkradioroundup.com/. They do talk like Handel, Drudge, Komando, and lots more. That's KERN 1410 AM in Bakersfield, CA with a site at www.kernradio.com/. Bakersfield is maybe a 100 miles or more north of L.A., but KERN could be hearable on the air in this area.
4/26.1/02 - Arbitron ratings by age demo's. See 4/25.3/02 Flash about source. P +12 is all ages over 12 and etc.
Rank | P +12 | P 18-34 | P 25-54 | W 18-34 | W 25-54 |
2 | KPWR | KPWR | KOST | KPWR/KIIS (tie) | KSCA |
4 | KSCA/KFI (tie) | KSCA/KKBT (tie) | KLVE | KLVE | KHHT/KBIG (tie) |
5 | KIIS | KLVE/KHHT (tie) | KLSX/KFI (tie) | KHHT | KIIS/KYSR (tie) |
6 | KLVE | KYSR/KOST (tie) | KHHT | KOST | KTWV |
7 | KTWV | KLAX/KBIG (tie) | KBIG/KTWV (tie) | KSCA/KYSR (tie) | KKBT |
8 | KHHT/KKBT (tie) | ? | KIIS/KYSR (tie) | KBIG | KROQ |
4/26/02 - More on the same Arbitron ratings. "A Return to Normal After 9/11. The latest Arbitron ratings show listeners falling back into old habits, causing numbers for some news and talk stations to drop." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-57172,00.html. See the links and my comments at the 4/19.7/02, 4/19.8/02, and 4/25.3/02 Flashes.
4/25.4/02 - "Internet radio stations to go silent on May 1st. Webcaster’s will deliver their message "Mayday! Mayday!" by shutting off their music streams in a Day of Silence" over the CARP’s ruling on royalty rates. For more on this story by RAIN, click here," says insideradio.com. I know nothing about this yet.
4/25.3/02 - Arbitrons by demographic-age groups for the top eight stations are posted at the Los Angeles Radio Community BB, linked from C&C. The public doesn't usually see these domo's cause it's not allowed.
4/25.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for next week are up at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.
4/25.1/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. See his site for more details.
4/25/02 - Ira Glass, $15-$20, live, UCSB, Saturday - see LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Search-X!EventDetail-46429,00.html.
4/24.3/02 - 'Ethnic's' are loyal. "POLL: LOYALTY HIGH FOR CALIFORNIA ETHNIC MEDIA. A study commissioned by New California Media finds a loyal audience for the state’s ethnic media. From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required): "Fully 84% of the survey's Hispanic, Asian-American and African-American respondents say they get information through ethnic television, radio and publications. Ethnic-media consumers are loyal: 68% of respondents say they prefer ethnic TV stations over English channels for watching news. And 40% of respondents say they pay more attention to ethnic-language ads than ads in English media." 04/23/2002 07:37:30 AM." With hot links at www.laexaminer.com/.
4/24.2/02 - "XM radios made by Pioneer and Sony will be sold in about 1,000 stores operated by Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, by June 30, XM spokesman Chance Patterson said yesterday," and more says www.rronline.com/.
4/24.1/02 - Yiddish radio series draws fire. See story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020424/ap_wo_en_ge/us_yiddish_radio_1. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
4/24/02 - Request for digital-radio comment and more in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #510, dated 4/24/02.
4/23.4/02 - "NPR’s Culture Clash," more, an interview, streaming, at www.wnyc.org/onthemedia/transcripts_042002_npr.html. "...also develop 24 hour streams of classical music..." Tip from Larry.
4/23.3/02 - Dennis Prager does Jerusalem, 4/29-5/3/02, 9a-noon, repeat 6-8p, and streaming from their site, KRLA 870 AM. See biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020422/atm014_1.html. Tip from Larry and others. PS - check site for possible slot shifts?
4/23.2/02 - No "Ask the Chief," maybe, till about August. Out-going Parks says in about a week he'll take vacation till August when the new Chief is appointed. Nice vacation.
4/23.1/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
4/23/02 - Winter Arbitrons and more in Friday's column by Richard Wagoner at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Also see 4/19.7/02 and 4/19.8/02 Flashes for the link and my comments.
4/21.1/02 - "The Road To Morocco", 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM, the KNX Drama Hour.
4/21/02 - "Fish Fest," Karel, program tips, news, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
4/20.3/02 - FYI - Full-packed web show. Or, these 'WebTalkGuys' seem to cover a lot of stuff. With archives. See very long URL. Linked from Weekends at www.cnetradio.com/.
4/20.2/02 - Comedy hour, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Drama on Sun-Fri.
4/20.1/02 - Warren Olney of "Which Way, L.A.?" talks. See www.downtownnews.com/archive/index.inn?loc=detail&doc=/2002/April/19-1010-news2.txt. His shows have been longer but are now Mon-Fri, 6:30-7p, on air at KCRW 89.9 FM, and on their web cast like at www.kcrw.org/grid/kcrw_schedule.html.
4/20/02 - Now it works - it would only load the first frame. Was: Messed up again. Looks like Dave's site starting at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html is messed up again. I don't see links to the 'good' stuff.
4/19.8/02 - Arbitrons, from the top for talk, news, etc. See next Flash for the link.
4/19.7/02 - Arbitron ratings due today says R&R, "Winter 2002 Ratings Due Today. Arbitron is slated to release New York, Los Angeles, Nassau-Suffolk, Middlesex and Westchester this afternoon. The 12+ results will appear in the R&R TODAY fax Monday morning, but you can check out the ratings online after 5pm ET today!" For sources remember the L.A. radio BB is closed. Try www.rronline.com/Subscribers/Ratings/Homepage.htm and select Market Size # 2, Los Angeles, but the numbers weren't up yet as of 1p.
4/19.6/02 - More Opera on NPR. Try opera - some of 'the best of' is good. Insideradio.com says. "NPR moves towards more pop culture and entertainment. NPR to discontinue new Jazz Profiles programs and will drop the live anchor from Performance Today. The World of Opera though will expand from 26 weeks to 52. According to the St. Petersburg Times, NPR will focus more on pop culture and entertainment and NPR spokeswoman Jessamyn Sarmiento said the transition would be completed by the fall."
4/19.5/02 - Who is the radio consumer? This from L.A radio community BB, "...first off, the consumer of radio is not the audience. The primary structural framework of commercial broadcasting -- despite what some at KLSX may suggest by their weekend infomercial whore-outings -- has always been that the audience is the product, lured by the bait of the programming, and the consumer is the advertiser who buys the spot time. Only in the world of non-commercial radio is the audience, at least that portion of the audience which financially contributes to the support of the programming, anywhere near being the consumer..." and some more.
4/19.4/02 - Radio coverage in the Daily News has been non-existant for the last few months. Today they even redirected my link to their radio section to the paper in general. What's up? Their 'show of the week' column (more like monthly) is much missed.
4/19.3/02 - LA Weekly's program picks of the week are up at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3 with a few food shows. Reminder: the tips could be on the site even if they lack room in the paper, as last week.
4/19.2/02 - Robert Blake coverage and other shots. [Revised.] I was medialess most of yesterday and didn't get to the radio till about 6p. [Correction: must have been 5p.] I first checked KFI, and they announced the police were going for Blake. A few minutes later I check TV, and only channel 2 CBS (of channels 2-13) had coverage. Word is that Blake and the media knew about the upcoming arrest hours before and there were choppers overhead; still I heard it first on these stations. Darn, I should have also checked KNX and KFWB! Channel 7 ABC said only they had the bodyguard arrest. Rather than Larry King's show from 8-9p, KFWB did news and mentioned and covered the Blake news conference at 9p. King may have switched topics to Blake last night, as he will tonight - 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. PS - The news conference was introduced by the soon-to-be-ex-Chief Parks; maybe his last shot at the spotlight. Was this event staged to spotlight Parks? [Addition: or did they wait till Parks was rejected?] The city wants him to just go away, but he may hang around till about August. PPS - We'll miss the 'Rock' on Larry King - he was moved to Saturday, a show not carried on KFWB - why not carry the Saturday and Sunday CNN shows also? Got something better, or what?
4/19.1/02 - Best of Internet radio? Dave started a new page today - his picks for the best stuff on the internet, but he's into comedy, music, strange stuff, etc. See www.davesfunstuff.com/3800main.html. His main radio page remains at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html.
4/19/02 - "KNX Never Got Around to Installing That Revolving Door. Ed Pyle, a relative newcomer (at 17 years), becomes the station's fourth news director since 1968, replacing 33-year veteran Bob Sims." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-56585,00.html.
4/18.1/02 - Round 10: Public Radio. Do a 'find' for that term within LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Guide-X!ArticleDetail-56460,00.html for comments on the KCRW and KPCC public radio stations. This is a strange Eastside/Westside debate in which I don't understand the areas. I always assumed the line was through downtown L.A., but it looks like I'm wrong again.
4/18/02 - KFWB and other radio news in Friday's column by Richard Wagoner at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . PS - the whole KFI weekend schedule changed; check the 4/13.1/02 Flash below and their site schedule.
4/17.3/02 - Classical music decline. See the NY and ctcrtv BB's for several comments concerning less stations/air time. For new readers, if I don't specifically link to a source, you'll find it on the revised and renamed Columns & Columnists (C&C) page.
4/17.2/02 - 100000watts.com lives? From the ctcrtv BB, "Status of the site: As announced yesterday, I was planning to retire the site. In less than 24 hours, I have received a ton of e-mail about that. The good news is that several parties have expressed interest in merging or acquiring it...So, I will look these over and evaluate them through next week to see what can be done about keeping it up and running..." See 4/15.4/02 Flash.
4/17.1/02 - Don't "Ask the Chief." From the KFWB site, "Decision Day on L.A. Police Chief's Future. The Los Angeles City Council decides today whether to overturn an earlier decision not to reappoint LAPD Chief Bernard C. Parks, who told the council that the Police Commission's review of his request for a second term was "unfair" and politicized. Parks hinted he was the victim of an organized conspiracy between the mayor and the police union to taint his reputation and turn the public against him. The chief has canceled his appearance on KFWB's "Ask the Chief" program scheduled for today."
4/17/02 - Birds (feathered and not), DTV multipath, FCC, FM and more in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #509, dated 4/17/02.
4/16.8/02 - Radio reaches, says insideradio.com: "Radio reaches 96% African-Americans, 95% Hispanics. According to Interep’s latest study "The 2002 Study of Radio Formats" the overall study shows radio reaches 95% of adults each week. The average Monday-Friday week 44% of all radio listening is done in the car. 20% at work and other locations outside of the home. The study based on the 10,000 plus commercial radio stations in the US ranked the country format and adult contemporary as the two highest formats that reached Adults 18+. Country also had the highest reach regionally in the South and North Central states. AC tops in the Northeast, West and suburban areas. CHR largest reach in the central cities. CHR has the highest reach among Adults 18-34. AC ranks #1 among Adults 18-49 and 25-54. Modern Rock, CHR and Urban formats have the youngest median age of all formats. Adult Standards and Easy Listening had the highest median age. Sports, Classical and All News formats have the highest median incomes. All Sports, AOR and Classic Rock dominated in the male listeners. All genres of AC, CHR and Urban have the highest female concentration."
4/16.7/02 - "Number Of Illegal Stations On The Rise. It's a problem of unbelievable magnitude," an FCC source tells R&R ONLINE, adding that most of the pirate broadcasting is taking place in Southern Florida. According to the source, many groups are taking to the airwaves illegally, including Zionists, Bosnians, Haitians, various Abaric-speaking groups and "every right-wing separatist group." While the number of pirate stations is growing, the total operating is believed by the FCC to be less than 100. However, the source points out some of the stations are mobile, so their locations can change." From R&R.
4/16.6/02 - NPR lay offs. From R&R yesterday, "NPR Workers Said To Be 'Disappointed & Angry' - But that's natural under these circumstances," says AFTRA Washington-Baltimore Asst. Exec. Director Kenneth Greene, describing the reaction of some veteran National Public Radio workers to the news that 47 network employees were being laid off as part of a reorganization...The NPR reorganization won't become effective until August."
4/16.5/02 - New radio and DX message board and site? Says he's starting them at www.voy.com/83249/ but no content yet. Good luck.
4/16.4/02 - "Why does KFI come in so crummey in the Palm Springs area? Or, any station, is it the dirt? See the So Cal BB.
4/16.3/02 - Larry King changes, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM:
4/16.2/02 - More San Diego radio info is offered at www.sdradio.net/. SD Dave has linked for a while, but I'm not a fan, too dry or whatever for me.
4/16.1/02 - "Happy Birthday - KFI celebrates 80 years of broadcasting," laradio.com reminds us. Handel mentioned it and about the station ignoring it, except they played old air checks. Remember what KFI means and the original intent of the station?
4/16/02 - NPR's West-Coast section moves into Culver City. "NPR Finds New Home for Its West Coast Push. Radio* The Culver City facility figures prominently in new cultural reporting plans announced last week." For the move story see LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-56326,00.html. For last-weeks culture story see links at 4/12.5/02 Flash.
4/15.5/02 - Public Radio International (PRI) on 708 stations. See biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020415/mnm017_1.html. Tip from Larry.
4/15.4/02 - 100000 Watts to close? or at least cut back. See 100kwatts.tmi.net/. Tip from NY BB. It's also on the ctcrtv BB.
4/15.3/02 - "Rocking radio's world. Commercial radio may be in its worst shape ever, with listeners tuning out and legislators calling for investigation into corporate control of public airways." See www.chicagotribune.com/news/showcase/chi-0204140469apr14.story?coll=chi%2Dnews%2Dhed. Tips from Larry and the So Cal BB.
4/15.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
4/15.1/02 - More on Digital broadcasting and some problems in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/, #508, dated 4/12/02. L.A. could be among the first.
4/15/02 - Enigma, the movie. Will they get the story correct? I've read about every book on the subject, and I don't think so. But, try "'Enigma' Extols War's Ring of Decoders" at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-56225,00.html.
4/14.3/02 - KNX tonight, 1070 AM:
4/14.2/02 - More radio links, maybe leaning towards San Diego? radio, at www.hotlinks.com/members/benshaton/Radio/.
4/14.1/02 - Program tips, a long list, at www.ocregister.com/show/radio_calendar.shtml.
4/14/02 - More John and Ken, news, and program tips today at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Can you believe the last two stories on J&K didn't even mention their slot: Mon-Fri, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM.
4/13.1/02 - Weekend changes at KFI 640 AM. See the 'hosts' section on the KFI site, www.kfi640.com/hosts.html, for slightly more correct info. Starting next weekend; some this weekend:
| Sunday:
Note that Karel, was 4-7p, is missing? Check www.karel-andrew.com/KARELCHANNEL/INDEX.HTML for Karel's story and his 'return.' See if he's on this weekend. More as I know it.
4/13/02 - Misc. ".... KABC-AM (790) talk-show host Larry Elder will guest star on ABC's "Spin City" Tuesday night, playing him- self." Also, at KNX Ed Pyle was named news director to replace Bob Sims. From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-56070,00.html.
4/12.5/02 - "NPR to Revamp Cultural Offerings. National Public Radio announced an overhaul of its cultural programming...strengthen its West Coast presence..." See LAT's www.latimes.com/entertainment/printedition/calendar/la-000025989apr12.story. More specifics at www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A34569-2002Apr11.html.
4/12.4/02 - "Digital Radio Gets USA Today Spotlight." iBiquity Digital's in-band, on-channel system was the subject of a business-page story yesterday, pointing out the attention given to IBOC at NAB2002, the endorsement of the system earlier this week by the National Radio Systems Committee, and the potential interference problems on AM at night. "We know the world is going digital," NAB President/CEO Eddie Fritts says. "For radio to sit back and not have an avenue to step forward would be a tragedy."" From R&R. I don't have specifics on the potential interference.
4/12.3/02 - "Online radio still thrives," the high- and the low-end, at www.csmonitor.com/2002/0411/p25s02-stin.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
4/12.2/02 - "...payola has "morph'd..." From the R&R BB - "Greetings: I'm a Broadcasting undergrad at the Univ. of Tampa. Need to pick the brains of you professionals. Can anyone support my paper? I say payola has "morph'd" into something else. No longer is Joe DJay getting a Caddy and free hookers - now cash is funneled from record "lobbyists" to consultant's pockets. And these consultants are simply the radio conglomerate in disguise. (Replys will be confidential -- thanks in advance.)" Something like that, but it needs corrections.
4/12.1/02 - Here comes digital broadcasting. "Digital's Early Transmissions. The National Assn. of Broadcasters convention buzzes with news of coming tests of the technology, L.A. included." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55983,00.html.
4/12/02 - "Digital system gets boost," Richard Wagoner's column this Friday, isn't on his site yet, but it's in RAVE! at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm10808.html. See C&C for both links to his stuff.
4/11.4/02 - "Radio/TV 'Supertower' Planned For N.Y.C. Designs for a $200 million, 2,000-foot-tall tower — as well as an alternate guy-wired "airship" that would be about half as expensive — are being considered to replace the tower lost in the World Trade Center attacks, according to the New York Post. Metropolitan Television Alliance Chairman William Baker says the new tower would be 250 feet taller than the one that stood atop the WTC. Since Sept. 11 some stations have been using a tower in Alpine, NJ that is 800 feet shorter than the old WTC antenna. Several waterfront locations within 3.2 miles of the WTC site are under consideration for the new tower, including downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Governors Island. Each site is at least six acres, and the final design could include a skytop restaurant, observation deck and retail stores." From R&R at www.rronline.com/. Also, insideradio.com/ links to a story in The New York Post (but doesn't give the URL).
4/11.3/02 Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
4/11.2/02 - Next week's LA Weekly program picks are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Note: This list on their site is often abbreviated in or even omitted from their printed paper.
4/11.1/02 - Pirate radio. "Voices in the Night - The purchase of a reel-to-reel player at an estate sale leads two men to build and broadcast a part-time pirate radio station." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55738,00.html.
4/11/02 - Get kids into radio. "FAMILY - Radio Fliers - Re-creating old-style broadcast dramas allows kids' imaginations to take flight." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55888,00.html.
4/10.3/02 - More 'pay-for-subscription' at CCC. "From a Reuters story at Yahoo! News: "Web music firm FullAudio on Tuesday said it licensed Warner Music, clinching its third licensing deal with a major record label for a subscription service it plans to launch this month through Clear Channel Communications Inc. radio stations." See www.kurthanson.com/ where some words are hot links. Tip from Larry, below.
4/10.2/02 - Did Salem mistake call letters in press release? On web site? Check www.radiodailynews.com/mkh.htm. Their 590 AM station was called KRLH and 870 AM is KRLA. Now it looks like both stations are called KRLA. Is that correct?? Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
4/10.1/02 - "IBOC (in band on channel) digital audio broadcasting makes the news." Progress in digital radio? See descriptions and comments at the ctcrtv BB and the trades on C&C.
4/10/02 - 'los angeles radio' message board (BB) closes. "Due to lack of traffic we have closed the Los Angeles Radio Board. To all of those who have read or contributed to the board in the past we thank you for being a part of it. To continue discussing Los Angeles radio, you may wish to visit The Southern California Groove. Thank you for your continued support of Radio-Info.com." From radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/. See C&C for a list of other local boards. Too bad; they had Arbitrons and more.
4/9.4/02 - Fish on the radio, just don't use an AC set around water. Try Saturday, 5-7a, KRLA 870 AM for the Radio Fishing University. There have been/are other shows, like try the sports stations, early mornings on the weekend.
4/9.3/02 - Want youth to become radio listeners? Well, sex might work, but in this case, try food and a show. See "East Bay radio show a forum for young people" at www.dailyreviewonline.com/Stories/0,1002,10975%257E513717%257E88%257E,00.html.
4/9.2/02 - The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Convention continues with live feeds, etc. See www.nab.org/conventions/nab2002/. This should introduce and/or hype new stuff for the next year. The NAB's front page at www.nab.org/ has news and stuff and some doesn't require membership.
4/9.1/02 - "Ask the ..." changes: Chief on 4/17, Mayor on 4/24, and Schools on May 8 - all on KFWB 980 AM, usually 10-11a. Schedules are available from www.kfwb.com/inside.asp and are usually linked from Reminders, above, and the revised C&C page.
4/9/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM, just before the Drama Hour on KNX 1070 AM. P.S. - Often these interviews are better than you'd think, sometimes not. Schedule at www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/ with free transcripts, usually the next day. Also linked from the new C&C page.
4/8.1/02 - What's new in radio? "Broadcasters conference digs into digital. Update Internet and digital TV streaming technology is poised to take center stage at events held during the National Association of Broadcasters 2002 conference, which opens Monday in Las Vegas." See story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/cn/20020408/tc_cn/broadcasters_conference_digs_into_digital. Look around for more if you're interested, and expect even more - like biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020408/phm014_1.html about digital radio. Tips from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
4/8/02 - Mostly San Diego station ratings by Dave, titled " Winter Evalutrons The Ultimate Radio Ratings Survey is Revised - See How I Rate The Stations!" at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html. The direct link is www.davesfunstuff.com/01evl2002p1.htm.
4/7.3/02 - Chef Piero and George Putnam, from the old KIEV 870 AM, are on CRN/whatever - check www.crni.net/. I do miss the Chef who's on Mon-Fri, 8-9a., but I don't miss can-be-nasty George. If you read the Penneysaver you'll see their ad. The ad also says they're on the city or text channel of local cable and PAX TV second audio - whatever - check the site for details. I only do over-the-air radio and TV; where I don't believe the Chef is on.
4/7.2/02 - Music and KCRW 89.9 FM. To my surprise they make their money with music, not NPR/PRI/talk. Of interest to me was, "In fact, music programming now accounts for more than 60 percent of the station's listener contributions, more than support generated by National Public Radio, Public Radio International and in-house news and cultural affairs programming combined. Morning Becomes Eclectic alone pulls in more than 20 percent of the station's listener subscriptions." From New Times Los Angeles's "Snooze Alarm. Has success spoiled KCRW's vaunted eclecticism?" at www.newtimesla.com/issues/2002-4-4/music.html/1/index.html. And, just the other day I said New Times doesn't cover media, so I'm glad they do.
4/7.1/02 - Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' section has a slightly different look today. Or, maybe I just noticed it. A few of the newest items are at the top of the page, and he offers a click to the other items which are lower on the page. See what I mean at www.radiodailynews.com/. Since I try to read 'RDN Central' daily, this may be a bit faster for me.
4/7/02 - Music, talk, personalities, tips, and more in Sunday's radio column by Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
4/6.3/02 - Bill Mann's radio site gone? Bill wrote a radio/TV/whatever column in a San Francisco newspaper and had a site at http://www.mannaboutsf.com/. Now it's a zoo site, and I don't know what happened to Bill.
4/6.2/02 - Kathleen Willey, Clinton accuser, gets talk show in VA. See LAT's www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-000024496apr06.story. Or, Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ links to a longer URL.
4/6.1/02 - The John and Ken Show: I meant to write something, but this says some of it. "Program on E-Mails Is Latest Bid to Carve a Niche in the Airwaves. Radio: The hosts broadcast church officials' missives on molestation allegations against some priests. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55478,00.html. Mon-Fri, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM. P.S. - In the paper, this make the 'A' section but was on page 17.
4/6/02 - "'FolkScene' and Larmans Return to KPFK. Radio: The popular husband-and-wife team, archivists of folk and roots music who left after a dispute with the station, will be back Sunday." It's "KPFK-FM (90.7)...Sundays between 7 and 10 p.m." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55452,00.html.
4/5.6/02 - San Diego radio news, weekly on Thursday, often mentions L.A. or stations we can receive in L.A. It's the North County Times, based in northern San Diego County, not far from L.A. See www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
4/5.5/02 - L.A. towers, xmtr's, studios, and lots of pictures. For the stuff mentioned in the 4/4/02 Flash, here are the links:
4/5.4/02 - Boris Karloff on Drama Hour. The Drama Hour is daily, 9-10p, on KNX 1070 AM. Schedule at www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html and also linked from revised C&C page. They stream also and repeat in the next 2-3a slot. Two good series tonight:
4/5.3/02 - Newspapers may soon be able to buy local radio, or something like that was a headline at insideradio.com yesterday, but I can't find the full story. Who knows what it's about?
4/5.2/02 - "Celebrating the Garage Spirit of Rock. Steven Van Zandt will be a hands-on host as his show recalls the energy and spirit of garage bands. It all started with the Kingsmen." And, "It's a music and spirit that Van Zandt will be celebrating with a new syndicated radio show, "Little Steven's Underground Garage." The weekly two-hour program premieres this weekend, airing in Los Angeles on KLSX-FM (97.1) on Saturdays at 10 p.m." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-55373,00.html.
4/5.1/02 - K-Earth, XM, Wolf-FM and stuff in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
4/5/02 - Mayor James Hahn should be on Michael Jackson's show, 10-11a, KLAC 590 AM. One topic could be the Valley. Michael often has good guests, but he's cut short today for sports.
4/4.4/02 - More at KPFK. Yesterday, between 3-4p, I tuned into KPFK 90.7 FM. They have taken the "yes, we have new management" and "yes, the station will change" issues to the air and took listener calls. It's all talk about talks right now, but they do plan to discuss it on the air. Check with them for details. One thing: they do plan to restore full output power in about two? months. (It's like a 100k-watt-plus xmtr reduced to like 30?k watts.)
4/4.3/02 - Hannity up/Laura down. From the NY BB, "Sean Hannity has been added to WLS in Chicago replacing Dr. Laura. Good move for WLS (for both reasons). In Chicago he'll air on tape delay from 9-Midnight. I wonder how long it will be until Dr. Laura disappears completely. Talk about a fast decline..." Hannity does an ok show, locally on KABC 790 AM, Mon-Fri, about noon-3p.
4/4.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
4/4.1/02 - Next week's LA Weekly program picks, all 26, are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.
4/4/02 - L.A., FCC, and other stuff at CGC 507, 4/3/02, www.bext.com/_CGC/2002/cgc507.htm . See "L.A. BROADCAST TOWERS, STUDIOS AND HISTORICAL INFORMATION" section.
4/3.5/02 - Correction. Today the KRLA schedule is not listing the Earthline Internet show mentioned in the 4/2.4/02 Flash. Who knows?
4/3.4/02 - Another sad story about the end of Internet radio. See story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/cn/20020402/tc_cn/small_webcasters_campaign_for_survival. Or, the other side? at www.salon.com/tech/letters/2002/04/01/web_radio/index.html. Tips from Larry, below.
4/3.3/02 - UCSB tries to stop classical/rock flip. See www.uniontrib.com/news/state/20020402-0706-ca-centralcoastbriefs.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
4/3.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, 980 AM.
4/3.1/02 - Satellite radio, MX and Sirius. See LAT's www.latimes.com/news/printedition/highway1/la-000023661apr03.story?coll=la%2Dnews%2Dhighway%5F1. They hid it in the Highway 1 section, but I found it, this time. Also try www.latimes.com/xm/.
4/3/02 - New show: "DnA: Design and Architecture. "...radio station KCRW-FM (89.9) is adding a new series to its schedule, "DnA: Design and Architecture." It will be hosted by Frances Anderton and will air the first Wednesday of every month, beginning today at 2:30 p.m..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-55164,00.html.
4/2.5/02 - KROQ hoax. See LAT's www.latimes.com/tcn/ontario/news/la-iv0021625apr02.story. Tip, but no link, from insideradio.com.
4/2.4/02 - "The Earthlink Internet Radio Show" returns? I don't know, but it is listed on their schedule, see 4/2.3/02 Flash, as Sunday, noon-2p, KRLA 870 AM, with a phone at 1-800-392-7447.
4/2.3/02 - Now it works. Title was: KRLA's site doesn't seem to work. Their site was www.newstalk870krla.com/, but that may not have worked for a few days. They have changed their nickname to smarttalk, but that doesn't work either. Maybe I'll have to listen - 870 AM.
4/2.2/02 - Measurecast internet radio update. Some changes in the top 25 stations can be seen at www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020401.html. The two L.A. radio stations are gone, the classical music stations now total five, and there is only one news/talk and one sports talk. However, a few stations are listed as misc., etc.
4/2.1/02 - "Inland Empire's KEWS 1350 is now a country station," says the So CA BB and Dave.
4/2/02 - A few from www.laradio.com/. At KLSX's www.fmtalki.com/schedule.shtml they still show the old? schedule.
4/1.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Watch out for a reschedule of Joan Rivers from last week.
4/1.1/02 - San Diego Dave goes all music? Or is it April first? Does anyone care? Would anyone notice? If you're a fan of his radio coverage, check his statement at www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html.
4/1/02 - What's hot, program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |