5/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
5/31/01 - Portable Receivers - Today's LAT "High Tech" section page T1 had short reviews of a few shortwave/AM/FM receivers and some general info on shortwave. Don't even think about analog tuning - you'll never find a station.
5/29.2/01 - KPLS 830 AM seems to have a rather unstable schedule. Saturday 9-9:50p was the Internet show, but the hour finished with part a travel show. 10p was to be sports talk, but they had feed problems and kept going to commercials. Jeff Rense has not been rediscovered. No site yet.
5/29.1/01 - New Info Sources - lists a few local station and show links and occasional radio news. It really lists multimedia sources, and may be available in Spanish. has national and international info on stations and sites. Haven't used either much, but will put on C&C soon.
5/29/01 - More Payola? - The new style? See today's LAT, page A1.
5/27.2/01 - Local Public Radio - Today's LAT "Calendar," page 8, has a four-page story with pictures about the local NPR stations and what's happening in public radio. Worth reading.
5/27.1/01 - Gary Lycan's column today, see C&C, includes "Web Chat" and the program tips. Thank You Gary -- they're much easier to locate in your file.
5/27/01 - Best of KRLA 870 AM - See for other shows and details. Can you read {font size=-2} OK? Comment on Message Board. For shows, phone 1-866-870-KRLA except as noted.
Monday - Friday
5/26/01 - Art Bell last night, I think, said the N.Y. Times said that the BBC would stop all shortwave broadcasts worldwide. That's hard to believe. The 5/22.2/01 Flash, I thought, said only North American broadcasts would stop.
5/25.1/01 - KRLA Changes - Don Barrett's posted the following on his site yesterday. Actually, only three of these 13 shows changed in the last three or more months. But, this is a good time for me to do a "best of" KRLA which I'll work on over the next few days. The biggest change was the loss of Larry Marino - see 5/22.3/01 Flash. For now, see for other shows, phone numbers, and hosts' web sites.
"Salem Weekends. KRLA has adjusted its weekend line-up:
5/25/01 - "All Things Considered," on NPR for 30 years, is one of the better national and international news shows. Today's LAT, page F2, by Steve Carney has the story. It's nice to see them write about a worthy show. Schedule is Mon-Fri on KPCC 89.3 FM 3-6:30p and KCRW 89.9 FM 4-6:30p. The first two hours are original, and the rest is a replay.
5/24.1/01 - It's the season for TV reruns, so check PBS-TV and discover radio. Use the info on this site, or if you have a question, put it on my message board from MENU.
5/24/01 - Just as I was starting to listen to Jeff Rense on KPLS, he's gone or moved, replaced with Roy Masters. See 5/2/01 Flash. Anyone know where he is?
5/23.1/01 - Concerning the 5/22.4/01 Flash, I think I'd rather see Karel do evenings on KLAC rather than mornings. He's a talented person, and I can't see him up against the happy-, dumb-, sex-, empty-talk on most morning shows (except NPR, Bill Handel, and a few others).
5/23/01 - From K&A's site: "Andrew Lee Howard - August 7, 1966 ~ May 21, 2001. There will be a public service on Saturday, the 26th 8am to 10am with service at 9am. It will be at the Japanese Gardens on the grounds of Cal State Long Beach. A private reception at our home will follow." For location, see and click "Our Campus."
5/22.4/01 - A pop-up on Karel and Andrew's site says they/he will be on KLAC 570 AM, 7-10a starting 6/4/01. The passing of Andrew could change that, but I hope not. See
5/22.3/01 - Larry Marino, one of the best hosts on KRLA -- maybe in L.A., lost his M-F evening slot. Now he's just the news director and read news M-F noon-3p. What a waste. See Don's site yesterday for a few details.
5/22.2/01 - The BBC will stop shortwave service to North America on 6/30/01. They will continue 24-hour internet service and are broadcast locally. See Everyday Favorites for schedules and links. It's in today's LAT page A1.
5/22.1/01 - Roy Masters has a site at
5/22/01 - At age 34, Andrew Howard of Karel and Andrew at is dead. See today's LAT page B11.
5/20/01 - Computer/Internet Shows - Tired of the annoying Jeff Levy computer show? There are several better options. Watch this spot for expanded details. Why do four shows overlap on Sat?
5/19.1/01 - Best of KFI 640 AM - As mentioned yesterday, KFI has revised their site schedule. They have become better at keeping their schedule up-to-date. See for other details. Here are my "best of" highlights.
5/19/01 - KLTX 1390 AM, a new station, has jumped into 35th place with Spanish, Christian music and talk. See today's LAT page B12 for the story and pictures.
5/18.1/01 - "Dark Side of the Internet" Sun, 6-7p, on KFI. This could be good, see below for comments. It's listed on their site schedule today.
5/18/01 - The LAT (Los Angeles Times) has heard about Michael Jackson's return. See today's page F2 for a short story.
5/16.1/01 - KLAC has a low-resolution, one-page site at They also list a "Morning Magazine" from 6-10a with music, news, and sound bites? of Jackson, Edell, Howard, and Hearn.
5/16/01 - KLAC 570 AM talks. They were scheduled to go all talk on 4/2/01, but with such bad hosts they changed their plan (see 3/29.2 Flash). It's in today's Daily News, on Richard Wagoner's and Dave's sites, and on the message boards. Not in the L.A. Times. Read the Daily News at The other hours are music or sports but could go all talk soon. Weekends unknown but looking. Schedule looks like:
5/14/01 - Have you noticed how some shows stop about five minutes before the hour or half hour so they can pack in more commercials? TIP: use that time to check out some other shows that don't end so early.
5/13.1/01 - Maybe Tomm Looney lost or sold his site URL, it now goes elsewhere.
5/13/01 - If you're not happy with the established talk stations, try KPLS 830 AM. Like on weekends is David Horowitz and his It's Sat 6-8p and Sun 4-6p. I still can't find a web site or a schedule, but the station is worth checking.
5/11.2/01 - Can you believe - today's LAT, page F27, is listing "Mike Hodel's Hour 25" on KPFK 90.7 FM from 11p-midn. This show has been gone for a year or more, only available on the internet, maybe - See Friday Favorites. Do tune in to see if it returned.
5/11.1/01 - More music-radio-station PR in today's LAT Calendar section page F20. It's for Peter Tilden on KZLA 93.9 FM mornings. How much did this 'ad' cost??
5/11/01 - Another PPV boxing event Saturday at about 6p. Again, maybe, try KNX 1070 AM about 8p for round-by-round reports.
5/8.1/01 - KFI did slightly update the air schedule on their site but, for example, doesn't show Melinda Lee as 11a-3p as she announced. Again, the "Hosts" section may be more correct.
5/8/01 - Gary Lycan's Sunday column on the internet (see C&C) included "Web Chat" and "Hot Wave" which are in the Sunday paper but hard to find on their web site.
5/6.1/01 - Don Barrett and his site will be gone today through 5/21/01, he said 5/4/01. While he's gone read this page, Radio Headlines (updated every 15 minutes), and Columns & Columnists which links to many radio news sites.
5/6/01 - "Don't Touch That Dial," says Gary Lycan today, will be "... early Tuesday. It will be midnight-3 a.m." Also see 5/5.2/01 Flash for a slightly different report. Update 5/9/01 - forgot to check, but it wasn't Monday.
5/5.2/01 - "Don't Touch That Dial," the old-time radio show with Bobb Lynes and Barbara Sunday, wasn't off the air long. Next Monday [midn-5a?] they join "Something's Happening with Roy of Hollywood" at KPFK 90.7 FM says Don's site yesterday. 5/7/01 - Mon at 1a was music.
5/5.1/01 - Try outs - "Jason & John's Rant and Rave" try out Sun 3-4:30a on KLSX says Don's site yesterday.
5/5/01 - KPLS - see 5/2/01 Saturday comments - looks like it could be an interesting weekend lineup.
5/4.2/01 - PPV boxing tonight 6p. I didn't hear anything, but as usual try KNX about 8p for round-by-round reports. 5/5/01 - didn't happen.
5/4.1/01 - KFI still hasn't revised the air schedule on their web site which needs several changes. The "Hosts" section may be more correct.
5/4/01 - More music-station PR in today's LAT. Page F18 has the PR (story). Musician Dave Koz DJ's Mon-Fri 5:30-9a on KTWV 94.7 FM.
5/3.1/01 - New KPLS 830 AM info will just be added and updated at the 5/2/01 Flash. See a few adds today.
5/3/01 - Clark Howard on KFI may be gone also suggested Tom Leyis. That would be five hosts this week. What a mess at KFI - could it become another KABC?
5/2/01 - Doesn't look like KPLS 830 AM has a revised schedule on the internet, but here's some Mon-Fri info from Don's site yesterday. Update 5/3/01 - These shows are from several networks like:,, and Update 5/5/01 - Saturday also had Roy Masters 3-5a. Next was collectable/antique values maybe 5-8a. Motor Trend at was 8-10a. Looks like an interesting and unique weekend lineup. Update 5/6/01 - Sat 10a-noon was a good Internet show
5/1.2/01 - "Talk of the City" on KPCC - The lady who did the Fri show, Kitty Felde, has the whole week. The lady who did Mon-Thu, Linda Othenin-Girard, becomes the senior producer of "Air Talk." Per today's LAT page F2. 5/7/01 - It's on M-F 1-2:30p and best-of'ed 9-10p.
5/1.1/01 - Also, Don says: Tim & Neil are scheduled to work weekends at KFI. In an internal memo from KFI’s pd David G. Hall, he told the staff that Tim & Neil’s “sound very much fits the vision for KFI. They replace Fred Ebert.” Fred was another of their best shows - along with Karel &Andrew - what a dumb move - and Tim & Neil aren't very good. That's three good shows gone and replaced with junk.
5/1/01 - Be sure to read Don Barrett's site today at, lots of stuff. I got the following from Don's site. Are my comments. I may expand and complete these comments. Someday - who's good and didn't make the list?
Talk Radio Numbers. WINTER 2001 LOS ANGELES TALK RADIO ADULTS 25-54 AQH [average quarter hour] PERSONS
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