KNX Drama Hour changes see for show descriptions and online broadcasts. Shows repeat at 2-3a the next day and are available on-line. See 6/30.3/01 Flash. |
6/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
6/30.3/01 - KNX Drama Hour changes. Just two mid-year changes this time. See for show descriptions and online broadcasts.
Monday: 9p Tales of the Texas Rangers -- 9:30p Sherlock Holmes (was The Six Shooter).
Tuesday: 10p Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar -- 10:30p Sgt. Preston of the Yukon.
Wednesday: 9p Dragnet -- 9:30p The Whistler.
Thursday: 9p Nightbeat (was Adventures of Sam Spade) -- 9:30p
The Lone Ranger.
Friday: 9p Gunsmoke -- 9:30p Suspense.
Saturday: 9p The Jack Benny Program -- 9:30p Fibber McGee & Molly. 10p-11p - Hall of Fame Radio Hour (misc)
Sunday: 9p-10p Lux Radio Theater (1 hour).
6/30.2/01 - Watch Radio? - The Museum of Television & Radio does live radio shows, you can watch, but it costs up to $6 per. For example, the "Inside Out" with Michael Levine show is taped every Sun 2-4p for broadcast on KRLA Monday midnight-2a. Tip from Don's site yesterday. If you go, plan to make a full day of it; there's lots of stuff.
6/30.1/01 - Talk Radio and Cell Phones - New York state has passed a law to ban the use of driver-operated, hand-held cell phones while driving, and California (CA) could follow. I've agreed with a ban for a few years, ever since I was almost T-boned by a SUV crazy with a phone in her ear. I might even favor a total ban on any driver-operated phone while driving. Anyway, Don Barrett's site yesterday had a few paragraphs and talk-radio program-director comments concerning the possible impact of such a ban on talk radio. Do talk-radio shows take cell callers first so they don't miss a live crash? But, CA may not even need a new law - you can already get a ticket for (is it called?) 'distracted driving' - things like looking at a newspaper or a map while driving. Why isn't that law enforced?
6/30/01 - Kim Komando's computer show was on KPLS 830 AM today till 10a when they went infomercial. If it started at 7a, that's all three hours. See Best of - Shows for other times.
6/29.1/01 - Jeff Levy, with the computer show on KFI, called into the Michael Jackson show today (Mon-Fri, 10a-2p, KLAC 570 AM) and lost most of his annoying whine. He almost sounded like a normal, real person with knowledge of computers. Nuke the Sunday sound-board op, talk like a normal person, and Jeff might revive his dead, sad, sick show. Or quit.
6/29/01 - Public Radio - Smithsonian Productions shuts down 9/01 (Sept. 2001). See today's LAT page F21.
6/27/01 - Why did Matt Drudge leave L.A.? The story has been around for a while, but the LAexaminer (see C&C) mentioned it today. See Matt has good multi-media links at
6/26/01 - KLAC 570 AM, revised web site at It load slow and reloads and reloads some more, doesn't have much new info, and then crashed me. Enjoy.
6/25.1/01 - "Beyond Computers" on KPCC 89.3 FM is over. At click on "This Week's Show" for possible archives.
6/25/01 - KLSX Changes?? - I've heard them imply changes are due about Wed 6/27/01?, but who knows? KLSX 97.1 can't even do a functional web site or let you post messages or print their program schedule. Over the last few years it has always been about the worst radio site.
6/24/01 - L.A. Times (LAT) Radio Tips - Most days the LAT has a few radio tips in the Calendar section. Some days there's also a list of local stations and their format. Today they listed 14 general tips, mostly music, and 15 tips under Talk-Interview, the last category on their list and most often omitted due to lack of space. Of the 15 Talk tips, four are wrong. 1 - "Sunday Edition" expanded to 5-7a. 2 - Fred Ebert, much missed, has been gone for months. 3 - On Sunday April does afternoons, not evenings. 4 - "Inside and Out..." moved to Monday midn-2a. Three other shows look correct, and I don't have time for the other eight, if correct. To LAT and Frank Torrez - I hope your news is more accurate.
6/23/01 - Schedule for Dr. Laura Schlessinger - Forget to mention - Radio is M-F noon-3p on KFI 640 AM. Her TV show on KCBS was dismissed to an early morning slot, Tu-Sa 2:05-3:05a, and could be gone anytime.
6/22.2/01 - Old-Time Radio Shows - Richard Wagoner's column at today mentions which netcasts old-time radio shows Mo-Th 4:30-9p and Fr-Su 5-9p along with "The CBS Radio Mystery Theater" Mo-Th at 6:07p. Then tune to KNX 1070 AM We-Mo 9-10p and Tu 10-11p for their "KNX Drama Hour" with a schedule at Also, see the KFMB 760 AM schedule at or on Best of for several hours of "Imagination Theater" on Sat and Sun for more modern stories.
6/22.1/01 - PPV Fight? - Check KNX 1070 AM tomarrow between 7-9p (try 8p) for possible round-by-round reports on the De La Hoya/Castillejo fight.
6/22/01 - Christian Radio - Today's LAT has a story about KFSH 95.9 FM and their morning show on page F28.
6/20.1/01 - Dr. Laura Schlessinger - “My radio program staff and I have been monitoring Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s radio show for the past few months, and I’m both sickened and saddened by what we’ve found,” writes Dr. Robert Epstein, editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and host of the magazine’s daily radio program. “Her attitude about gays is only a small part of the Physiologist Laura Problem. If she’s really talking to an audience of 18 million admirers every day, we’re a nation in deep trouble.” This from Don's site yesterday - he had more and none of it positive - see C&C for the link. I hope everyone knows that Laura's education and degree are not in psychology - they're in physiology, an unrelated field.
6/20/01 - R&R Convention - Don's site didn't do much coverage of the Convention this time. Or maybe it wasn't interesting. See C&C for links to R&R and others if you need more info.
6/19/01 - Radio Reception - 6/21/01, summer solstice, has the longest daytime and the shortest nighttime of the year. After that the daytimes get shorter. That's bad for the 'daytime-only*' stations like KSDO 1130 but good for the 'nighttine-only*' stations like KCBS 740 and KGO 810. *Means relevant to better reception in L.A. Also, nighttime AM and shortwave reception usually gets better in the winter and as sunspot activity continues to decrease. Try some distant stations.
6/18.4/01 - Clear Channel Communications returns 250 of their radio stations to Internet casting with different Internet ads beginning in 7/2001 (July). Per today's LAT page C1.
6/18.3/01 - New Internet show - It's "The Internet Show" Sat 4-5p on KFMB 760 AM with a good signal from San Diego. I haven't heard it yet. Site at
6/18.2/01 - Caller ID is toast. Kevin Mitnick's Internet show, Sun 6-7p on KFI, demonstrated he can phone you and make your caller ID indicate any phone number he selects. The technology is available.
6/18.1/01 - Correction - The wine show - "Whitley on Wine" with Robert Whitley moved from KSDO to KFMB 760 AM. Both stations are in San Diego, but KFMB puts a strong signal into L.A., almost 24 hours a day. Wine is on Sat 6-7p. His old site doesn't work.
6/18/01 - Sports-Talk Hosts - Almost one-third, 31%, of the top 39 L.A. talk hosts are on sports stations. Check the list on 'Best of.' I was suprised - I don't usually mention sports.
6/16.1/01 - Kim Komando's computer show was on KPLS Sat at least from 7a to 9a when they went to an infomercial. Maybe the 6/8.3/01 Flash was correct.
6/16/01 - Jeff Rense (strange stuff) was on KPLS earlier than the stated 2a, maybe midnight, today.
6/15.3/01 - Karel and April Winchell, suggests Don's site today, auditioned last night for a morning-show slot on KLAC. Karel and Andrew were rumored to have that slot before Andrew's death. Hours not specified, but it had to be after 7p, for at least two hours.
6/15.2/01 - Radio & Records Convention - Keep an eye on Don Barrett's site (starting today) at for reports on the convention which started Thursday.
6/15.1/01 - The Britney Spears hoax by two Dallas DJ's is reported in today's LAT page F21.
6/15/01 - KROQ's Kevin Weatherley is honored for LIFEBeat AIDS effort per today's LAT page F21.
6/14/01 - Doug McIntyre doesn't have his own site, but there's a fan site at has some radio, etc. stuff also.
6/13.3/01 - KPLS automated - An email to Don's site yesterday from Bruce Barker says "Now, KPLS [830 AM] is essentially run by Oregon-based Talk Radio Network [], automation has replaced virtually all humans..."
6/13.2/01 - Jeff Rense (strange stuff) was on KPLS at 2a today, scheduled as Tue-Sat, 2-5a. The 6/8.1/01 Flash may be correct.
6/13.1/01 - Doug McIntyre fills in for Dr. Toni Grant Mon-Fri, 9p-midn, on KABC. Report says she could be gone for a month, but no explanation. Doug's 2-6a slot was repeats of Allred and Elder. This is a good time to check out this good host without staying up so late. Don's site mentioned it yesterday.
6/13/01 - "Let's Do Lunch" on KCSN, hosted by ex-general manager Rene Engel, goes on hold as Rene moves to KLON 88.1 FM, the public-radio jazz station in Long Beach. 'Lunch' was Mon-Fri, about noon to 1p on KCSN 88.5 FM, it addressed culture, but was generally a disapointment. Not culture, the show. Good luck to Rene, culture, both stations, and mostly the time slot -- it's a good time for a better show. Classical music which preceeded and followed the show could fill the gap for a while. Fred Johnson was named acting general manager to replace Rene. Per yesterday's LAT page F2.
6/11/01 - Tim and Neil of KFI tried to hold a McVeigh going away party yesterday at Legends Sports Bar in Long Beach. But, when the bar received complaints and discovered it was a McVeigh party and not a Laker party, as they were told, they canceled. T&N were looking for another spot, but I don't listen to them. Per today's Daily Breeze page A3 and AP. 6/12/01 Update - Yesterday's Press-Telegram page A1 had a few more details. KFI's Campadonia "understood" the bar knew about the McVeigh party, and said previous, similar plans at another spot had also been canceled by that bar (unspecified).
6/10.2/01 - Monday Morning Radio - 6/11/01 - You might want to avoid it. Try books on tape, old music cassettes, educational tapes, etc. Cause, McVeigh gets cured, and some stations, like KFI, plan to broadcast all the details.
6/10.1/01 - Kim Komando's computer show was on KSDO 1130 AM in San Diego on Saturday night. You'll need a directional antenna or be able to rotate your whole radio to receive them. I tuned in after 7p to hear their weakish, noisy signal which powered down at 8:02p -- that's sunset. In L.A. I only hear them in daylight, but Kim is on Sat from 7-10p. Their site is at, and their schedule is at Kim's site is
6/10/01 - Public Radio - Today's LAT "Calendar," page 91, had six more letters concerning the 5/27/01 "Public Radio, Under the Influence" story in addition to the about eight letters last week. Maybe this is a popular topic.
6/9.1/01 - KPLS, the heck with them. They didn't follow the Saturday morning schedule I spent the last two weekends to assemble. Also, the 6/8.3/01 Flash was wrong - Kim was not on. Even the 6/8.1/01 Flash was wrong - Masters went from 10p-5a with no Rense. Plus, the Sat morning Internet show wasn't on. The heck with them till they care about listeners and can put together a schedule and stick to it.
6/9/01 - Mr. KABC's "Hour of Power," about the power shortage, is Thursday between 7-9p on KABC.
6/8.4/01 - Please -- KPLS 830 AM - Get a web site with a schedule or let someone print your schedule. You've got good weekend shows, but without a schedule, probably no listeners. I was working to build your schedule, but it's not complete. Leave questions at my Message Board.
6/8.3/01 - Kim Komando Computer show - gone from KLSX for months and never on a stable schedule - appears at KPLS 830 AM, Sat, 7a-??. She does about a three-hour show, and I hope they air it all. Thanks to Don.
6/8.2/01 - Restaurant show - Steve Knight fills in for Elmer Dills, Sat & Sun, 3-5p, on KRLA 870 AM, for maybe the next two(?) weekends. Tune in and hear how a restaurant show (or any radio show) should be done. How about a full-time gig for Steve?? Thanks Don.
6/8.1/01 - KPLS 830 AM change - Roy Masters (relationships) is 10p-2a. Jeff Rense (strange stuff) is 2-5a. They switched slots -- a mistake. Thanks Don and Butch.
6/8/01 - KEWS 1350 AM changes - G. Gordon Liddy (political+) is M-F 9a-1p. Tom Martino (consumer/finance?) is 1-4p. Art Bell (strange) is 10p??-5a?? They're in Riverside, and I can't hear them. If you want any more of their news, leave a message on the board -- or they're gone. Thanks Don & Butch.
6/7.2/01 - KPLS & KEWS changes - See Don's site today on C&C for a few changes which I'll list tomarrow.
6/7.1/01 - Radio Tips - None in today's LAT.
6/7/01 - Larry Shannon's site - if you like that - try his (political),,, and
6/6/01 - on C&C doesn't work today. Hope it's just a temp thing.
6/5.2/01 - New Radio News site. Don mentioned this yesterday as a new, fast-growing site. It's 6/6/01 - It's on C&C, in the second group.
6/5.1/01 - Karel was on Bill Handel's show this morning on KFI. He mentioned he wanted to stay in radio but didn't have anything lined-up yet. He did mention about two future TV gigs.
6/5/01 - Two radio stories were in yesterday's LAT. Page F1 had more about public radio. Page F7 had a reply to the 5/27/01 public-radio story from KPCC about their news. If you can't get the paper most of these are available on their site for free for a few days. A search for "KPCC" today found both, dated 6/4/01.
6/3/01 - KLAC 570 AM - Morning Show? - Watch for a possible morning show with music, rather than just music, starting 6/4/01 from 6-10a with ?? or from 7-10a with Karel.
6/2/01 - KPLS 830 AM - Did anyone hear them this morning? From before 9a till after noon they were just noise. The signal broke up so bad you couldn't understand even one word. Worse than the worst cell phone. It was ok by about 3p. And, this isn't the first time, see 5/29.2/01 Flash. Don't they and every station have a live person to monitor their signal?
6/1.3/01 - Art Bell - Want Art Bell at 9p? Try KOGO 600 AM with a strong signal from San Diego, if it's not sports. Locally, he's on 10p-5a Mon-Fri and into Saturday on KFI 640 AM.
6/1.2/01 - Gloria Allred - Today's LAT radio column, page F22, is about Gloria Allred and Mark Taylor, Mon-Fri, 1-3p on KABC 790 AM. Does anyone listen?
6/1.1/01 - Tomm Looney wrote a column at dated 6/4/01 but not much news. His old site still goes elsewhere, like he sold it or lost the URL. See C&C.
6/1/01 - KABC 790 AM, Best of - Also check their site at for other shows and details. For shows, phone 1-800-222-5222.
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