7/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
7/31.2/01 Restaurant show. Steve Knight fills in for Elmer Dills for the next two weekends while Elmer is in France. The show is Sat & Sun 3-5p on KRLA 870 AM. Steve does a good show.
7/31.1/01 - New LAPD radios get negative reviews. See today's LAT,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-39565,00.html.
7/31/01 - Dave's Radio News, the index page, is now located at . I'll change his links on C&C soon.
7/30.5/01 - Doug McIntyre/Bill Maher. 'KABCÂ’s Doug McIntyre made his 8th appearance on TV's "Politically Incorrect" with Bill Maher the other night. They have a strong relationship and Bill has agreed to sit in for the nighttime talker while he is in Tuscany, Italy. Doug has a new Web site: .' Per Don Barrett's site today at
7/30.4/01 - Who's on K-FIRST?. 'There was a previously filed construction permit for a new AM station on 1500-AM, licensed to Burbank with the call letters KRCK. As of March 27, 2001, the FCC files show that the new calls for 1500-AM are now KIEV! “This station is still not on the air, and I've heard no announcement as to when it may be finished and start broadcasting. The licensee for KIEV-1500 AM is listed as Royce International Broadcasting Company, in Sacramento,” emailed Jim Hilliker in Monterey. “So, we had KRLA-1110 change to KSPN. KIEV-870 became KRLA. And now, the KIEV call letters go to a not-yet-on-the-air L.A. area AM station at 1500 on the dial.”' Says Don Barrett's site above and listed on C&C.
7/30.3/01 - Old radio shows. I added a section on "Best of" for old radio shows. There are less old shows than there were just a few years ago. And, just recently we lost two new radio shows -- see the 7/25.1/01 Flash. There may still be one or two new radio shows -- anyone remember where?
7/30.2/01 - Correction - The Computer show with Larry Piland on KFMB 760 AM (San Diego) will change hours, perhaps due to sports, and he keeps his four hours. In about two weeks he moves to Sat & Sun noon-2p which is a more regular schedule. He was Sat 11a-1p and Sun 10a-noon and hard to remember.
7/30.1/01 - KFI 640 AM changed their weekend schedule for a few shows. See and the 7/27.1/01 and 7/28/01 Flashes.
7/30/01 - Dave's site, see C&C, is in reorgination. I anyone finds what was his radio-news page, please leave a message on my board. I just don't have time to search now.
7/28/01 - Melinda Lee still has five hours a week on KFI 640 AM. But, now Sat is 11a-2p and Sun is noon-2a
7/27.1/01 - The "Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick - yes, I wanted two hours but Sunday from 5-7a? Well, that's the way Jeff Levey started - like you can say both names in the same sentence. KFI 640 AM.
7/27/01 - KROQ is number 1 in L.A. See today's LAT page 27.
7/25.1/01 - "Playhouse" and "The Play's the Thing" both dropped by KCRW. LATWRC theatre group upset. See yesterday's LAT page F3.
7/25/01 - G. Gordon Liddy, I may have read, is now not carried on his home station but remains in syndication.
7/23/01 - Radio prevents tax - Thanks to the efforts of two Nashville talk hosts - Steve Gill at WWTN and Phil Valentine at WLAC - Tennessee rejects proposed income tax. Good going guys - don't just bitch, do something. See today's LAT page A10.
7/21.2/01 - Kim Komando was on KPLS 830 AM Sat 7-10a as expected, but the Net Talk Interactive sometimes between 10a or 11a-noon or 1p wasn't. Don't know why or where it might be except the normal 9-10p.
7/21.1/01 - Benjamin Dover starts his consumer show today, Sat, 2-4p, on KFI 640 AM. He's not on KFI's schedule yet, but they have a bio. I've heard him locally before briefly and just recall he's not as good as Clark Howard. Try
7/21/01 - Opie and Anthony were described in the LAT as speaking to a slightly younger audience than Stern and Leykis. Who, preteens? Anyway, they could end up on KLSX on weekends. KLSX PD Jack Silver had no comment. Talkers magazine Michael Harrison implied yes. The two are described as doing whipped cream bikini contests, bra bingo, and homeless shopping sprees. Just what we need in L.A. See yesterday's LAT, page F26 and Don Barrett's site yesterday (link on C&C).
7/19.1/01 - Bill Handel returned this morning. A doctor found a low-grade infection (whatever) associated with his vocal cords that could have existed for years. He should get better soon. He tried to talk softly, but you know Bill. Also see 7/17.1/01 Flash.
7/19/01 - LAT Radio Tips - Don't read the Thursday L.A. Times for the radio tips. Seems like most Thursdays, like today and many other Thursdays, they don't include tips.
7/18/01 - L.A. Arbitrons - For the 7/17/2001 report, for the first time in six years an English-language station, KROQ-FM (Rock music format), moved into the number 1 spot. Here's how the talk stations did. See today's LAT page F3,, and
Place - Station - Format - Trend - Comment on their average for the last five quarters.
7/17.4/01 - Today's Book - For station numbers see
7/17.3/01 - The Prophet System is increasing being used at music stations, but I haven't seen anyone explain Prophet, till now. Apparently Prophet allows a DJ, or anyone, to record the voice portion of a DJ show without the music. Next, Prophet integrates the DJ's voice with the selected music to produce a complete "DJ" show. Prophet allows a DJ in less than one hour to produce what will become a five-hour show. Result: I'd guess, less DJ jobs and less variety. See Gary Lycan's Sunday column at the end at for examples. Combine this with the fact that some DJs, PDs, and stations don't even pick their own music, because some play lists come from "above," I've heard.
7/17.2/01 - Teens spend less time listening to radio per the last two books (quarters) commented Gary Lycan in his Sunday column. See his site above. Does that mean there'll be more teen stuff on the radio?
7/17.1/01 - Bill Handel returned from vacation this week, but couldn't complete this morning's show due to a voice problem. Rabbi Mentz on a white horse came to the rescue after 7a. The Rabbi can be fun; sometimes he sounds like Bill on fast-forward. Bill has one of the better morning shows: Mon-Fri, 5-9a, on KFI 640 AM - also Sat 6-9a and repeats on Sun.
7/17/01 - Bob Rivers, his new morning show, and his gang lasted 11 days. This was reportedly due to listener reaction and feedback. The guy who hired him was gone before the show terminated. Per Sam Rubin today. The show was on 93.?, KCBS?, arrow?, whatever; I don't remember hearing the station.
7/16.1/01 - Rush Limbaugh, $250 Million plus. Matt Drudge announced last night on his show (Sun 7-10p, KFI 640 AM) that Rush would/did sign a new contract totaling over $250 million ($252 M?) and lasting through the year 2009. Matt did mention that Rush would be the highest-paid radio host and that his income would exceed the combined income of a bunch of big-name TV people in news and entertainment. Do I listen to Rush? Not much, he isn't wearing any clothes.
7/16/01 - Kevin Mitnick's computer show returned; Sun 6-7p, KFI 640 AM after a lapse last week. He knows an hour isn't enough time for a weekly show, so contact the station if you like the show, and ask for more time.
7/14.3/01 - Small Correction 7/21/01 - Station Consolidation - A 6/18/01 report from Arbitron lists the top 44 stations in L.A. and their owners. Clear Channel has 9 stations, Infinity has 7, "Hispanic"? has 4, ABC & Liberman & Salem each have 3, Emmis has 2, and 13 other owners each own 1 station. It's only going to get worse. (My mistake - One CC looked like another CC.)
7/14.2/01 - Kim's computer show returned to Sat 7-10a on KPLS. She lists links and stuff from the show and offers a weekly email newsletter at
7/14.1/01 - Mitch Albom does a better show, with guests, than when he started and gets on my lists. He's Tue-Sat midn-2a on KABC 790 AM with a site and archives at
7/14/01 - LAT Radio Tips last Sunday 7/8/01 filled three columns and must have included almost all their Sunday tips. I do wish they would do that more than a few times a year. It still contained lots of mistakes, but you must assume it contained more correct tips also. See Flashes for the past two weeks for specific comments.
7/13/01 - Today's LAT Radio Column - "Goodfellas Create Their Own Record Deal - KPWR's popular DJs return to their musical roots to record an as-yet unnamed album." It fills three columns in today's L.A. Times, page F32, and I didn't read it.
7/12/01 - Hour 25, on KPFK for years, has been off the air for a while, but can be heard on-line at It was about science fiction, fact, etc. with archives.
7/11.1/01 - Paul Harvey has been off for a while and missed. "Radio commentator Paul Harvey will receive outpatient surgery later this month to fix a vocal cord damaged by a virus, The Associated Press reports. Harvey, famous for his The Rest of the Story radio program, went off the air in May and will likely return at the end of August." Per today.
7/11/01 - Pearl Harbor day broadcast - On Saturday 7/14/01 at 9p the KNX Drama Hour (1070 AM) replays "The Jack Benny Program" originally broadcast on Pearl Harbor day. It contains the actual news bulletins which interrupted the program. Original air date 12/7/1941.
7/10.2/01 - Art Bell was linked to a nasty email which he insists he didn't write. He lives in AZ?, but the email was sourced to a public terminal in San Diego. Art has been out for the last few days, and on top of that he hurt his back and could be out for a few more days. Art associates with strange people, but why do they want to hurt him? See for details, the 7/10/2001 entry.
7/10.1/01 - Karel correction - The 7/9.2/01 Flash is right and wrong. Karel did/will do Mon & Wed 7/9 & 7/11 from 6-9p but not apparently Thursday 7/12/01 10p-1a. He's on KLAC 570 AM.
7/10/01 - Dr. Toni Grant gone - Doug McIntyre temp - KABC's PD Erik Braverman emailed Don Barrett to say Toni was terminated. Doug will continue to fill the Mon-Fri 9-midnight slot till they decide what to do. See Don's site today on C&C for details.
7/9.2/01 - Karel Bouley (of Karel and Andrew), starting Thursday 7/12/01, does 10p-1a (Mon-Fri??) on KLAC 570 AM to see how he likes it. Hope he likes it. Other than Doug McIntyre (temp) on KABC and Art Bell (variable) on KFI, Karel should own the 10p-1a talk slot. Site at Tip from Gary Lycan's Sunday column, see C&C. Pop-up on Karel's site today says Karel on Mon & Wed 7/9 & 7/11 from 6-9p, but can that be correct??
7/9.1/01 Doug McIntyre on KABC filled today 6-10a and will return to 9p-midnight Tuesday. Just heard about it. He wasn't 'Mr. Nice-Guy' this morning.
7/9/01 - Kevin Mitnick's computer show Sun on KFI was missing, replaced? by Lee Kline (spell?) 5-7p. Too bad, who Knows??
7/8.2/01 - Ira Fistell gets extra hours. If you haven't heard Ira, he does a good talk, interview, and call-in show, and he knows stuff, especially history. And, kids can listen and call this show. He's on KABC 790 AM, and normal hours are Sat and Sun, 9p-midnight. But, this Sunday he'll fill in starting at 7p, Monday he'll do 9p-midnight, and Friday he's on 7-9p. Try him.
7/8.1/01 - KLAC revised their web site, maybe, last week or so. At first it crashed me with NS but worked with IE. Maybe it's ok now. They try to imply a seven-day, 24-hour schedule, and I charted it on Best of - AM 1. See their site for a few details about their shows. Several time slots are marked Music, Infomercials, and Angels baseball. They will try to play all the infomercials and sports they can find and use music or even content shows as fillers. They still don't indicate a streaming audio outlet, but they could add it, as I think they did on last year's site.
7/8/01 - Beatles music - two shows on Sunday: 8a-noon on KLSX 97.1 FM and 10a-noon on KCSN 88.5 FM with spin-offs.
7/7/01 - Kim Komando's computer show, semi-stable on KPLS Sat 7a-10a-ish, was announced at 7:07a, but the announcement was followed by dead air till 7:57a. B1 Bob started after 8a. Who knows?
7/6/01 - Dirty Words can get a station a $2,000 to $7,000 fine from the FCC or it can cost up to $75,000 to defend against a fine says today's LAT page F30. Good, but the fine is too small. KROQ-FM was the last local station to be fined, only $2,000, in 1997. Correction: KCRW-FM is at 89.9 MHz.
7/5/01 - Time & Calendar - In this page header, line 3, Calendar has been there for a while. If you want to know, for example, that 'yesterday' relative to 7/2/01 was a Sunday you can look it up. Now Time has been added. On their map click on the west coast of the USA, Pacific time, to get L.A. time, and use that to translate to your time. All times on my site are in local L.A time. What about the stupid standard/saving times; who knows? L.A. is on summer time, and their display shows the correct hour, but the seconds are a couple slow compared to WWV/WWVH time.
7/2.2/01 - Bill Handel Mon-Fri, 5a-9a, KFI 640 AM is on vacation starting about last Friday for about two weeks. Friday was Rabbi Mentz - close your eyes, and it was like listening to Bill on a bad hair day. Various hosts will fill it. Not sure about Sat 6a-9a -- could be repeats? It's the season for vacations from radio for the hosts.
7/2.1/01 - Radio-Program Tips:
A - Yesterday, the LAT Calendar page 55 had two columns of radio tips. About the first two-thirds were the usual music and kids tips. Who knows if they're correct? About the last one-third was Drama, Consumer, Talk, and News. Just a quick look found at least seven mistakes. Dr. Dean Edell on KFI, "Beyond Computers," Marcia Clark, Fred Ebert, and Earthlink on KLSX have been gone for months. "Sunday Edition" was expanded to 5-7a and April is afternoons. This updates last week's 6/24/01 Flash. It's difficult to provide accurate radio tips; many of mine are out-of-date. For other tips see C&C.
B - Why isn't there a 'TV guide' for radio? There were radio guides years ago before TV, but the last one "Los Angeles Radio Guide" failed about 1995? or 1996?, before I started this site. They switched from a day/time (TV guideish) format to a "what-on-each-station" format. I preferred the day/time format and the switch may have helped their failure. I've tried four formats on this site and no one seems to prefer one over another. Send 10 million dollars, and I'll fix it.
7/2/01 - Mayor's Coverage - I heard about this. The new L.A. Mayor Hahn was sworn in this morning. On radio KNX and KFWB covered it. On TV KABC and KMEX (partial?) covered it. KABC-TV had the best and most complete coverage of the bunch.
7/1/01 - Corrected - Computer Show on Classical Station? - I tuned to KMZT 105.1 FM this morning about 6:20a till 7a and got a computer show with the founders of, an interesting show. The KMZT schedule shows a financial? show, not a computer show, so who knows.
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