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8/31.5/01 - What is time? Heard of WWV or WWVH? Ask NIST, their Time & Frequency Division (T&FD) with a site at www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/. Many people knew it as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). "The National Bureau of Standards was established by Congress in 1901. Its name was changed to the National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1988..." NIST has a site at www.nist.gov/. Together they describe time, the calendar, and lots more. In the header above, the "Time" link now goes to T&FD, and the "or" links to the previous site. "Time" shows the hours in 24-hour time - if the hours are over 12, then subtract 12. Like, 13 hours is 1 p.m.; 21 hours is 9 p.m., etc. Get local time at Time.
8/31.4/01 - Route 66 special on Monday. It's "Across the Tracks: A Route 66 Story" on 9/3/01 (Monday) 9a-noon on KCRW 89.9 FM. See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-41700,00.html.
8/31.3/01 - Richard Wagoner's column isn't on his site or on the Rave! site today. Haven't seen the paper yet. Let's hope he's just on vacation. See links on C&C.
8/31.2/01 - JDL's Irv Rubin. "...The Museum of Television & Radio is beefing up security this Sunday afternoon. KRLAÂ’s Michael Levine has the highly controversial international chairman of the Jewish Defense League, as an in-studio guest. You can watch the interview at the Museum at 2 p.m. on Sunday..." From Don's site below. The show last aired Monday midn-2a on KRLA 870 AM, but their site doesn't work this minute.
8/31.1/01 - Swing music. "...KCSN begins airing “The Swingin’ Years” with Chuck Cecil in a complete four hour block at 1 p.m. tomorrow, according to gm Fred Johnson..." From Don's site below. You may get audio at the KCSN site, but, otherwise, it's inactive. What is happening with their site?
8/31/01 - Schedule change at KLAC 570 AM. From Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com today. KLAC didn't update their site yet. Note that Jackson was 10a-2p so he lost an hour.
8/30.2/01 - Must radio reading. One must read past the front page of Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com site to reach the good stuff, I'm finding. The front page offers headlines and stuff and a link to 'RDN e-mail Update Archives' at www.radiodailynews.com/rdnarchives.htm. Look around for other stuff, mostly national rather than L.A., and I wish I had the time.
8/30.1/01 - Talk radio on TV. See www.radiodailynews.com/rdnaugust30.htm about last night's 'Downtown' TV show about talk radio.
8/30/01 - Not enough hours in the day for all the talk shows. See www.jsonline.com/enter/tvradio/aug01/cuprcol30082901a.asp about schedule conflicts in the midwest. Tip from Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com today.
8/29.7/01 - Opera and talk. "Los Angeles Opera and KMZT-FM (105.1) will team up to present "Opera Notes on Air," a weekly [hourlong] program making its debut at 7 p.m. Sunday." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41581,00.html.
8/29.6/01 - More on KABC's new schedule. "KABC-AM (790)...adding...Sean Hannity from noon to 3 p.m., immediately following Rush Limbaugh on rival KFI-AM (640)... Beginning Sept. 10...KABC...struggling in the ratings, will reduce "The KABC Morning Show With Dave & Amy" by an hour, move Gloria Allred and Mark Taylor to play from 9 a.m. to noon, shift Al Rantel to 7-10 p.m. and Mr. KABC to 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Larry Elder is the only host to stay unchanged, remaining in his current afternoon drive-time slot, 3-7 p.m." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41581,00.html.
8/29.5/01 - Internet radio. Maybe, not long ago, our local KCRW 89.9 FM was about the only local broadcast station and one of the few broadcast stations anywhere to be listed on the top-25 internet list at www.measurecast.com/. Last week KCRW went to #55 and returned to a typical #22 this week. This week the measurecast list includes 12 broadcasters: two local, nine USA, and one foreign. Thirteen internet-only channels round out the top 25. The other local broadcaster is KRLA 870 AM in #25. For Arbitron, KCRW isn't even listed and KRLA was #30. Go figure.
8/29.4/01 - Replaced by 8/29.6/01 & 8/29.7/01 - they posted late today.
8/29.3/01 - Talk Radio on TV?? "ABC's "Downtown" this Wednesday night talks about "Talk Radio" ... Have talk show hosts gone too far? That's what the TV promo asks. Mancow Muller and Opie and Anthony get spotlighted. There'll be a good audience for this show amongst radio people. Here's the ABC Web site abcnews.go.com/sections/Downtown/index.html ." Dave today suggests radiodailynews.com mentions this, but, as before, I didn't see it. Update - I found it via the 'RDN e-mail Update Archives' page for yesterday - tough to find stuff on RDN. Both sites are linked on C&C. This refers to a TV, news-style, hype show, KABC-TV 10-11p, none of which do I usually watch.
8/29.2/01 - Bill who?? The continual absence of Bill Handel from the KFI morning show is no longer newsworthy and won't be mentioned. They must be looking for attention.
8/29.1/01 - DXing the AM stations. "No KFI in Palm Springs. A recent Email Saturday wondered why KFI, a 50,000-watt clear channel station, couldn’t be heard 100 miles away in Palm Springs. Jim Hilliker, LARP historian, talked with former KFI chief engineer Marvin Collins..." Today read why, how, and what at Don's www.laradio.com site.
8/29/01 - KABC's 9/10/01 Mon-Fri line-up "...Sean Hannity (of FOX's Hannity & Colmes) joins KABC for the noon to 3 p.m. slot. To accommodate his arrival on September 10, Allred/Taylor move[s] to 9 a.m. to noon, Al Rantel to early evenings, Mr. KABC late evenings and Doug McIntyre returns to over-nights [?3-6a?]. Dave & Amy and Larry Elder remain in morning and afternoon drive..." From Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com today. Too bad about Doug McIntyre; he's good at the current 9p-midn. See my 8/28.1/01 Flash about the new Sean Hannity.
8/28.2/01 Clinton talks? "Major radio syndicator is quietly sounding out key affiliates about clearing a daily Clinton show... MORE... WATCH YOUR BACK, LIMBAUGH! CLINTON SAID IN RADIO DEAL TALKS." From Matt Drudge's site at www.drudgereport.com/, page www.drudgereport.com/radioc.htm today.
8/28.1/01 - Sean Hannity - Who? "WABCFOXNEWSCHANNEL headliner Sean Hannity...a new 5-year radio syndication deal...ABC RADIO is on the verge of launching Hannity's New York City-based afternoon drive...the nation starting September 10...Stations in Los Angeles [KABC]...The deal, valued in the eight-figures..." From Matt Drudge's site at www.drudgereport.com/, page www.drudgereport.com/hannity1.htm today. See Hannity bio and site link at www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,2575,00.html.
8/28/01 - No radio news today, but do check Columns & Columnists (C&C) and Radio Headlines cause I may have missed something that interests you. Also, I'll be listing Matt Drudge's site at www.drudgereport.com on C&C soon.
8/27.5/01 - Italian food. Doug McIntyre returned from a vacation in Italy recently and said the only good food he got on the trip was on the Air France flight. He does a good talk show, but I don't know if he knows food.
8/27.4/01 - Melinda Lee will be in France the next two weekends, and KFI could play 'best-of' shows. I think she was still asking for email. Have a safe trip. She's Sat 11a-2p and Sun noon-2p on KFI 640 AM.
8/27.3/01 - Restaurant show. Steve Knight fills in for Elmer Dills the first two weekends of 9/2001. The show is Sat & Sun 3-5p on KRLA 870 AM. Elmer will be in Portugal. Please send me some place with good food.
8/27.2/01 - KFI changes? KFI brought in a new host and tried him out Saturday 8/25, maybe 8/26. Nick Michael didn't show me much, but it may have been his first show. They moved Karel all over: Sat at 7p and Sun at 2p. Normal is 4-7p. The Mon-Fri 5-9a show - 'The Morning Show Without a Permanent Host' - could get Bill Handel starting Wed. Some guy from AZ tried this morning and again Tue and needs to do a financial or something, not a morning, show. Keep checking their schedule, but no changes as of this morning.
8/27.1/01 - "'L.A. Radio Day' to salute pioneers. ...the Museum of Television & Radio's second annual "L.A. Radio Day" Oct. 20. ...part of MTR's seventh annual Radio Festival, Oct. 18-28. Don Barrett, author of "Los Angeles Radio People" and host of the popular www.laradio.com Web site, will run the 5-7 p.m. Saturday event." See Gary's site below for details.
8/27/01 - "Radio A Go-Go". Remember Hal Lifson's 60's music show? It was on a couple of stations locally and played good stuff. He's talking with XM Satellite Radio and maybe KCRW 89.9 FM. Hot line at 818-623-7098 or via e-mail at radioagogo@aol.com. This from Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
8/26/01 - Didn't hear much radio, and couldn't get near a computer. Some comments above.
8/25.4/01 - Fred Ebert is now listed on KFI's host's page as "Weekend Fill-In." See 8/1.4/01 Flash and others for comments. Please, weekend hosts at KFI, get just slightly unavailable so Fred can fill for you. And/or, tell KFI you want to get Freducated soon.
8/25.3/01 - Even more Pacifica/'Democracy Now!' news today in "Morning Report" at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41354,00.html.
8/25.2/01 - 'Radio Wires' is the main reason I go to Dave's geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm site, also on C&C. He reads and reports on some trade, local, and other radio sites that I don't read very often. Problem: he doesn't report as much as he did. I know -- everyone's short on time. What's there is usually the easy-to-obtain national stuff without much local stuff.
8/25.1/01 - Email Saturday. Saturday at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com site he posts his recent email. The first few today relate to his recent interviews, KABC, etc. and are worth a look, especially on a slow Saturday.
8/25/01 - Kim's computer show this morning started late at 7:26p, but today there was an excuse. A scorpion bit her at home on the arm as she got ready for the show, and she went out for help. She's ok with a sore spot. See 8/18/01 Flash for info and an option.
8/24.5/01 - Cal Worthington, the car guy, with his dog Spot? "...Cal Worthington, the last voice on KXLA 1110 before switching to KRLA in 1959, guests with Mr. KABC tonight..." From Don's site below. That's sometime between 7-9p on KACB 790 AM.
8/24.4/01 - Darker side of the Lighter side. "CASPER, Wyo. (AP)" - Casper and South Dakota radio station owner accused of copyright infringement. The 35 violations could cost up to $5.25 million. See www.trib.com/HOMENEWS/WYO/RadioLawsuit.html. This from my 'Radio Headlines' which don't usually appear here.
8/24.4/01 - "Around the Dial." You might rather reread last week's LAT column about KABC and KFI and their ads at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40990,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV. This was one of their better columns.
8/24/3.01 - "Around the Dial"??? "A New Front in Pacifica's Civil War - Radio: In an escalating conflict, the suspended 'Democracy Now!' host is broadcasting 'in exile,' but the network has chosen to air only reruns." It continues at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-41252,00.html. Update - At first I was confused because on their site, on one page, it was marked as the "Around the Dial" column, but on another page it wasn't. In the paper it is NOT marked as "Around the Dial."
8/24.2/01 - Columnist Gary Lycan. "...Orange County Register radio columnist Gary Lycan guests with Michael Levine at KRLA Sunday night at midnight..." This from Don's site, see below. That's actually Monday midnight-2a on KRLA 870 AM. Gary's column is at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. I believe Don Barrett has been on twice, and I tried but missed him both times.
8/24.1/01 - Michael Jackson, KABC, Bill Lewis, and Bill Sommers are the lead story on Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com today. This and other items are worth reading.
8/24/01 - Gary Condit was interviewed by Connie Chung last night between 10-11p on KABC 790 AM. She asked tough questions, and he avoided most of them. Would anyone vote for this guy? I feel sorry for his family and her family. On radio there weren't many if any commercials; they used that time to describe what you 'missed,' if anything, on video. The best part was the pre- and post-interview shows by Mr. KABC with Doug McIntyre.
8/23.6/01 - Football & KLSX. KLSX 97.1 FM offers an email newsletter as have other stations. Check your favorite web sites for details. Problem: they usually discuss outside events and don't discuss the station or it's program schedule. Today's KLSX email was a reminder that football coverage returns this Sunday, either afternoons or evenings, without an announcement. It's best to check the TV listing for the sport covered by a station and add extra time for pre- and post-game shows as applicable. For KLSX, football impacts Merrill Shindler's restaurant show on Sunday and others. Normally his show on Sunday would be from 5-7p, but with football it could start at 3p or earlier. Sometimes he knows and announces the week before. You'd think they'd post a schedule on the site. Unsure? - check from 2-7p. The Saturday show should remain 5-7p. Anyway, the KLSX newsletter is about as bad as the others. However, their web site has to be among the worst. It's very slow, things don't work, and their program schedule is dumb if you can find it. The message board never worked, and they gave up. Their sites, as far back as I remember, has always been dumb. As listed on Air Schedules their home page is www.fmtalki.com/, and a fast short cut to schedules is www.fmtalki.com/schedule.shtml.
8/23.5/01 - Gary Condit does an half-hour interview (white wash?) with Connie Chung tonight between 10-11p on KABC-TV channel 7. I didn't see any specifics concerning radio or web casts, but you can check KABC 790 AM and the ABC sites.
8/23.4/01 - Bill Mann in San Francisco has an interesting radio news site at www.mannaboutsf.com/. For radio some of the best pages are the "Latest Radio & Television News," "Bill's Other Columns -- Hills Newspaper Group," and "Web Links." There's a site search. He's also listed on my C&C page.
8/23.3/01 - "PBS Project Could Set VCR Time in a Flash - Technology: An updated system would enable stations to send more accurate signals that set clocks automatically." See today's LAT at www.latimes.com/business/la-000068186aug23.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dbusiness. See Radio Info about recording radio on your VCR.
8/23.2/01 - "What's with Rush Limbaugh's new voice texture? New mike? New mike technique? Something's different ..." asks Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com today. "Who listens," I ask?
8/23.1/01 - "Williams Replaced as NPR 'Talk' Host - Juan Williams, host of National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation" midday call-in show, is out after only 18 months as host. His last program will be Aug. 30." From LAT's "Morning report" at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41164,00.html.
8/23/01 - Bill Sommers, longtime gm at KLOS, is the column at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com site today. Some interesting comments.
8/22.5/01 - Harlan Ellison. Remember when he hosted "Mike Hodel's Hour 25?" That was an interesting show. He may have a site, but you never know for sure, at harlanellison.com/home.htm. The show had a site at www.hour25.org/ and archives at www.hour25.net/.
8/22.4/01 - Rabbi Mentz does mornings again as he fill for Bill Handel this week, Mon-Fri 5-9a on KFI 640 AM. Otherwise, he has some lame KFI slot like Sunday midnight-3a and 10p-midnight. Give him a better slot, get him off the "family, respect and morality" topics, and let him 'get down.'
8/22.3/01 - The Car Nut, who was and/or may still be on an L.A. station, starts on satellite. His site is www.steveparker.com/. Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com.
8/22.2/01 Paul Harvey returns, part time. It's in today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41136,00.html. AP had it yesterday, but I ran out of time to report it.
8/22.1/01 - Favorite shows updated 8/21/01. Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/01radioshows.htm lists his favorite L.A. and San Diego stations and shows on his revised favorites page. He mostly into comedy, music, etc. and misses many of my favorites, mostly talk.
8/22/01 - Hollywood coverage? "...Variety suspended Peter Bart earlier this week because of a cover story on Bart in Los Angeles Magazine. The authors of the piece, Ruth Seymour and Amy Wallace, guest with Warren Olney this afternoon at 2:30 on KCRW to discuss, “How does Hollywood cover Hollywood?”..." That was on Don Barrett's www.laradio.com today. P.S. - This is the "The Politics of Culture" show; Warren's own shows are also on at 1p and 6:30p.
8/21.1/01 - Drudge played a poor-quality copy of the new Michael Jackson recording on his show Sunday 8/19/01. He wanted to be the first. It was hard to tell from that recording if it'll be any good, but it seems like the industry hopes it's a big hit. To me it was a little like his old stuff but flat. The front page of his Drudge's site at www.drudgereport.com/ doesn't mention Jackson. Drudge is on Sunday 7-10p on KFI 640 AM, Sun 7-9p on KOGO 600 AM (San Diego), and perhaps others.
8/21/01 - Radio columnist autographs picture says Richard Wagoner, columnist for the Rave! magazine in the Daily Breeze. He received a request he describes at members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/aug2401.html.
8/20.2/01 - The Missing "Morning Report" column from the Friday 8/17/01 LAT was emailed to me and was radio-less. Thanks LAT. 8/21/01 - Today it's at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41048,00.html.
8/20.1/01 - Missing USC radio class? - I returned to www.radiodailynews.com today looking for the USC thing I mentioned in the 8/19/01 Flash. It was gone, I couldn't find a search function, and I didn't see it in the archives. Nor did I see an easy "ask a question" option as before. RDN is getting too large. My favorite www.google.com/ (using +USC +fly +radio) got me close enough to figure it's at www.insideradio.com/radioflyin/. It's 11/1/01 at USC. I'd like to go -- please send me the $995 (US).
8/20/01 - The Missing "Around the Dial" column from the Friday 8/17/01 LAT did appear on their site this morning. It's at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40990,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV and discusses what KABC and KFI will do to promo their stations. The "Morning Report," same date, is still missing, and, as informed, I have requested a email copy. See Flashes back to that date for background.
8/19.5/01 - "Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick mentions many URL's every week. If you can't write fast enough, check his page on the KFI site in a few days for a list of the major ones. His show is Sunday 5-7a on KFI 640 AM. P.S. - Most computer shows keep this and other stuff on their sites.
8/19.4/01 - Karel did a very good first-returning show yesterday. He's now Sat & Sun 4-7p on KFI 640 AM. His first topics were his anxiety about doing this new show by himself, the health and death in his family, and the health of his pet. You had to be there -- it worked.
8/19.3/01 - Ira Fistell missing? Last night on KABC Leo Terrell said Ira was on vacation this Sat & Sun, and other hosts were filling. See the KABC program schedule. You just never know.
8/19.2/01 - KIRN 670 AM adjusts site and URL --- & description of content??. If you want their site in English, you can use their new, longer URL: www.radioiranla.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=SFNT&MMLanguage=english. Also, I may be nuts, but at first I think the site referred to Iraqi content, now it says Irani content -- whatever. I'll adjust my content comments.
8/19.1/01 - LAT columns still MIA as of this morning. See 8/18.1/01 Flash.
8/19/01 - Misc. Radio. See Larry Shannon's "RDN Central" listing at www.radiodailynews.com for news and links for Paul Harvey, a USC radio class, and others. It's a slow radio day.
8/18.2/01 - Consumer-Information Protection. Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com the other day linked to an FTC page at www.ftc.gov/privacy/protect.htm. It's not radio, but is worth a look.
8/18.1/01 - LAT columns still MIA. The "Morning Report" and "Around the Dial" columns missing from yesterday's LAT web site are still missing. Today's "Morning Report" is there, but it's radio-less. I think one of the LAT reps did say to ask for one or the other via email if it didn't show up by Monday.
8/18/01 - Kim Komando and her computer show were on KPLS 830 AM this morning, but again with a feed problem and didn't start till 7:13a missing the first few minutes. Normal schedule would be 7-10a. Remember, it's also on 7-10p on KSDO 1130 AM but fades out after dark.
8/17.6/01 Fast LAT. I sent the 8/17.5/01 Flash to the LAT as a question and already got an answer. They say about half the LAT papers went out this morning without the "Morning Report" by mistake. Also, today's "Around the Dial" and the "Morning Report" are not yet on their site but could/may/should be. Just keep checking their site and/or complain.
8/17.5/01 Strange LAT. There was an "Around the Dial" column in this morning's LAT paper about KABC but strangely, as we go into evening, it's still not on their web site. Also strange, there wasn't a "Morning Report" in today's paper, and I didn't see an explanation.
8/17.4/01 - Email to Los Angeles Times (LAT). I emailed the LAT today asking for better Radio coverage. The email and their reply (automated?) are at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-flash/08-01-email.html.
8/17.3/01 - Narsai David cooks. I listed his schedule on Best of under Cooking. He's on Mon - Sun, but the station only comes into L.A. well in the evening. He's on KCBS 740 AM in San Francisco at www.kcbs.com/pages/kcbs/home/home_index.nsp? , and there's lots of stuff on his web page. However, I didn't see a streaming option? His web site is www.narsai.com/, and he did a good cooking show on PBS called "Cook-Off America."
8/17.2/01 - "Around the Dial" and "Morning Report," if applicable today, are not yet posted on the LAT site as of late morning. Do a search at www.latimes.com/ if I don't.
8/17.1/01 - "Mr. KABC #1 in News/Talk [M-F 7-9p]. In the most recent Spring 2001 Arbitron, Mr. KABC (pictured below with numbers [not]) ranked #1 in his 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. time slot in Persons 12+. Phil Hendrie ranked second and KFWB was third (one hour of news, one hour of Larry King). KNX with all-News was 4th and KLSX finished 5th (one hour of Tom Leykis, one hour of Conway & Steckler). In 6th place in the ranking of News/Talk stations was KRLA.
8/17/01 - Reads the News over the Radio? - "Radio Broadcasting for Those Who Are Blind or Print-Impaired in Los Angeles County." Needs a special radio and help. Also refers to an LAT story. All at www.larrs.org/. Actual site is at http://pws.prserv.net/larrs/, and I know nothing about anything.
8/16.2/01 - Air Schedules has been revised. It mostly just needs a few revised and unavailable URL's and some new comments.
8/16.1/01 - Toll-call to stations? The members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/ message board (listed on C&C) is usually mindless chat about music stations. But, a question came up about toll calls to radio stations under "Radio Question," dated 8/15/01. See my caution, marked 'n/a 8/15/2001, 11:15:24.'
8/16/01 - "Taking a Stand for 'Democracy Now'" - Remember the 1960's, Pacifica Radio, WBAI in NYC, KPFK, and that stuff. Want more? Try LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-40697,00.html.
8/15.2/01 - KABC Changes - On 8/18/01 Mario Martinoli and his "The KABC Restaurant Show" will be 4-8p rather than the usual 4-6p. That's on KABC 790 AM. The Sat & Sun evenings 8/18 & 8/19 are disrupted, it looks like, because Ira Fistell will be gone, and I don't know why. However, Leo Terrell's host page shows him as Saturday 9:00PM - 12:00AM which is/was Ira's slot. Check www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp and the host pages for other changes.
8/15.1/01 Hot Dish with Chefs Mary Sue Milliken & Susan Feniger www.millikenandfeniger.com/ on KFWB 980 AM. Go to kfwb.com/ and on the lower left click on 'Hot Dish.' They do a show and have archives, recipes, email, and a link to their site. Show schedule is listed as:
8/15/01 - The Majority Speaks - "...some Spanish-language radio stations use obscenities and sex talk to capture listeners." A different subject: "Progressive activists from Spanish speaking communities ... will gather this Saturday in the Loyola Law School student lounge to make plans to reclaim KPFK 90.7 FM ..." This from the "No Tengo Miedo" paragraph on Don Barrett's site today. See www.laradio.com for the rest. In addition, Dave (on C&C) today refers to a reference on www.RadioDailyNews.com (also on C&C) to www.news-journalonline.com/2001/Aug/14/FLA4.htm -- about the first item. But, I didn't see it on RDN.
8/14.5/01 - Rush Limbaugh and CNN? - Check www.jsonline.com/enter/tvradio/aug01/cuprcol14081301a.aspand www.bayarea.com/entertainment/news/docs/011879.htm. Tips from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com today.
8/14.4/01 - "Bulldozer Cuts Phones in KCRW Pledge Drive" says today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40598,00.html .
8/14.3/01 News sites down. The Daily News and Press-Telegram sites on C&C are down this morning. Remind me to check back for news. They're up with no radio news.
8/14.2/01 Karel replaces Tim & Neil at KFI says Don Barrett today at www.laradio.com, and he has a few paragraphs about it. Neil will continue as 'Jesus.' Also see 8/14/01 Flash.
8/14.1/01 Hello Chicago. My stat pack says I got hit from the Chicago Sun-Times at http://www.suntimes.com/index/, but I don't see a link on their site. Do come back.
8/14/01 - Karel returns to KFI. "I return this Saturday, 4pm and Sunday, 4pm on KFI. - Karel," he says. That's KFI 640 AM. Do try the show - he's one of the better hosts on radio. The KFI program schedule at www.kfi640.com/programming.html show Karel as Sat & Sun from 4-7p. Karel also has a host page at www.kfi640.com/karel.html and his site at www.karel-andrew.com/.
8/13.4[5]/01 - Another Radio reference site. I added David Alpern's site www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/1989/index1.html to Columns & Columnists (C&C) today cause he's got lots of stuff. Some news links tend to be on page 1 with most radio stuff on page 2. Check it out.
8/13.4/01 - Strange list of L.A. radio stations. I noticed at least one mistake at www.co.la.ca.us/radio.html, and it gives cold (unclickable) links. This is an official County of Los Angeles page at www.co.la.ca.us/.
8/13.3/01 - KIRN 670 AM has web site. I believe they announced either www.kirn670.com or www.670kirn.com but neither worked today. Then I tried it with an 'am' (www.670amkirn.com) and found www.radioiranla.com/programs.htm. [Now only www.radioiranla.com/ works.] It looks like they stream also. I was listening, on air, Sunday morning to interesting Irani Music. See 8/12/01 Flash. They also offer a Farsi dictionary for Farsi-to-English and English-to-Farsi translations .
8/13.2/01 - "University of RedlandsÂ’ KUOR to Simulcast with KLON. Jason OÂ’Toole sent a story by Maria Garcia that appeared in the Inland EmpireÂ’s Press-Enterprise ... KUOR employees criticized the university for letting them go without a warning ..." From Don Barrett's site today. KLON 88.1 FM is a public radio station broadcast from the campus of CSU, Long Beach, plays jazz, and has a site at www.klon.org/.
8/13.1/01 - Bill Handel, Clark Howard, & Rabbi Mentz switch. - "KFI’s Bill Handel is subbing for nationally syndicated Clark Howard, which airs on KLAC. Bill’s doing “Handel on the Law.”" From Don Barrett's site today. Bill for Clark is M-F 4-7p on KLAC 570 AM. The Rabbi was in for Bill this morning M-F 5-9a on KFI 640 AM. There will be a test.
8/13/01 - Motley Fool gone? - "Paul Douglas emailed to say that Cox Radio Syndication has dropped the Motley Fool show that is heard on KABC." From Don Barrett's site today. A while ago KABC moved it to Sunday midn-3a. Will it be elsewhere? The Fools have at site at www.motleyfool.com/.
8/12.4/01 - The Troubleshooter, Judd McIlvain, is also on Sunday, 2-3p, KRLA 870 AM. He was only listed for Sat at their site.
8/12.3/01 - KRLA's site not responding today for some unknown reason. It can happen to anyone. Normally www.newstalk870krla.com/ works.
8/12.3/01 - New KNX transmitter wrap. Page 6 of Steve Blodgett's site at www.steveblodgett.com/KNXDX50install.html wraps it up with updated photos and details. There's even a photo of the power output meter on 50 kilowatts. Post a copy in your shack.
8/12.2/01 - Blockage update. The www.karel-andrew.com/ site is also blocked: "Reason: The Websense category "Gay & Lesbian Issues" is filtered." This updates the 8/11.2/01 Flash.
8/12.1/01 New Financial show on KLAC. Gary Lycan in his Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml says KLAC 570 AM will add a new financial show with Jim Cramer on Mon-Fri from 2-3p. Thus, their afternoon schedule is below. See www.570klac.com/ for their complete schedule.
8/12/01 - Irani Music. Today, Sunday, from about 7a till after 10a on 670 AM (KIRN??) they played Irani music, starting with the more traditional and heading toward the more modern. Interesting tunes and a change from the usual top-40 countdown shows. Located in the Simi Valley, about 35 miles northwest of L.A., they put a good signal into the South Bay.
8/11.3/01 - KNX Drama Hour starts at 9 p.m. all week. "60 Minutes II" moved to 8-9p on Wednesday, probably just for the summer, so all drama shows now start at 9p for a while.
8/11.2/01 - Kevin Mitnick's site blocked. I emailed him to say I've seen software block one of his web sites. They say, "Reason: The Websense category "Hacking" is filtered." His radio show - Sun 5-7a on KFI 640 AM - is not blocked.
8/11.1/01 - Header menu revised. I revised the header menu at the top of this page cause it was too 'busy.' If anyone finds a problem or has a better idea, please leave a message on the board at Message Board.
8/11/01 - New KNX transmitter on the air. "At 12:04 a.m on Saturday, August 11th, Larry Wichman pushed the button that turned off KNX's main transmitter, the Continental 317C, and switched over to the new main transmitter, the Harris DX-50. The procedure went as expected. More Photos soon! - Steve Blodgett." See www.steveblodgett.com/KNXDX50install.html for photos and details.
8/10/01 - "The Jesus Christ Show" on the radio? See today's LAT "Around the Dial" at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40277,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV. 'JC' answers your questions Sun 7-9a on KFI 640 AM.
8/9.5/01 - Radio Crow streams/news?. The following Flash led me to their new site at www.radiocrow.com/. Looks like they offer entertainment news and lots of lists and links to National/International streaming sound/radio. They offer talk radio, but this format is not my thing.
8/9.4/01 - Radio Mega-Mergers. For a chart, just for Clear Channel and Infinity, see www.cleveradio.com/radio_mega-mergers.htm .
8/9.3/01 - Paul Harvey almost returned today. See www.tucsoncitizen.com/local/8_9_01harvey_returns.html. Tip from www.radiodailynews.com. I, and I hope everyone, wish Paul good health. Please return whenever you're ready, don't rush it.
8/9.2/01 - Dave's Radio Stuff starts at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/index.html. For his radio news I go to geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm, and on the right side click on today's date. Look for his 'Radio Wires' section most days where he reviews local (San Diego, L.A., OC, etc.) and national radio-information sources (mostly on the internet). His collection of sources are mostly listed on geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/01radionews.htm, but others are on geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/01lnknews.htm . It's a very large, reorganized site, still mostly unexplored, but - for me - it's almost too much stuff and still hard to navagate. Check it out when you have the time or need. The above and other links are on my Columns & Columnists (C&C) page.
8/9.1/01 - Search Mags for RADIO at www.findarticles.com/cf_lamg/PI/search.jhtml?magR=all+magazines&key=radio+%2B2001+%2B%22Los+Angeles%22 . They say, "FindArticles.com is a vast archive of published articles that you can search for free. Constantly updated, it contains articles dating back to 1998 from more than 300 magazines and journals." Also, "Articles are available in most cases 30 days after they appear in a magazine." Also read their "About Us" and "Help" at www.findarticles.com/. 'Search by date' is not yet available, but many other options are offered.
8/9/01 - "...Joe Crummey, last heard at KABC, joins KLSX tomorrow night (and next Friday) from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. “My first topic will be about boozin' and how I out-drank Tom Leykis last week,” emailed Joe. “I'm looking forward to rocking with old friends and to the multitudes who are listening to KLSX.”" This from Don Barrett today at www.laradio.com . I'm not a fan - Crummey, Leykis, Stern, etc. all sound the same to me - like kids with a small vocabulary of four-letter words, a four-letter word one-track mind, a big microphone, and not much else.
8/8.3/01 - Clear Channel Communications conglomerate convenes in court concerning competing concert claims conveys LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40120,00.html. Please stop me before I do this again.
8/8.2/01 - KNX Transmitter Update at www.steveblodgett.com/KNXDX50install.html with new pictures, KNX history, etc. Job may be finished 8/10/01, so keep checking. See 8/2/01 Flash.
8/8.2/01 - Garrison Keillor, host of public radio's "A Prairie Home Companion," is philosophical in today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-40083,00.html .
8/8.1/01 - CART - Radio Theatre - In LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40085,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV . CART has a site at www.calartistsradiotheatre.org.
8/8/01 - MyNews Page trouble response from LAT - I put this all in one paragraph: "Greetings, - We should have the MyNews functionality working much better soon. - The User-Defined topics are having some problems right now. For instance, the OR function doesn't work well and users will need to use quote marks around phrases, but quote marks don't save right just yet. - In the meantime, please use our Advanced Site Search at: http://www.latimes.com/lat-advancedsearch.htmlstory [www.latimes.com/lat-advancedsearch.htmlstory]. - Our apologies on the technical glitches. Take care, and thanks for using latimes.com." This relates to 8/7.3/01, 8/6.1/01 etc. Flashes.
8/7.5/01 - Clear Channel and Arbitron - LAT story at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-40050,00.html.
8/7.4/01 - Want to advertise? Rates low? See eastbay.bcentral.com/eastbay/stories/2001/08/06/focus1.html . Tip from www.radiodailynews.com/ listed on C&C.
8/7.3/01 - LAT's MyNews Page works today. See the 8/6.1/01 and 8/4/01 Flashes. You can select their news items or you can select your own using keywords (search words). Go to www.latimes.com/ and start at 'Register' towards the top. There are the three keyword groups I'm trying. Try your own, and let me know what works, please.
LAT says, "Search Words for Topic are the search terms used to find your stories
However, 'Not' doesn't seem to work. It allows the annoying "Around Town" items which have nothing to do with radio.
8/7.2/01 - XM Satellite Radio receivers, starting 9/12, will be available in San Diego at electronics stores including Radio Shack, Circuit City, and Best Buy. Alpine, Pioneer, and Sony will sell receivers. September is when the 100-channel, satellite-radio broadcast service begins its national rollout in San Diego and Dallas. Sirius Satellite Radio will be similar but will become the second to offer their service. This from Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. XM has a site at www.xmradio.com. Richard Wagoner at members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/aug1001.html has some other details.
8/7.1/01 - Bill Maher did an ok job filling in for Doug McIntyre last night. See 8/6/01 Flash. I heard the first hour, and he did enjoy hanging up on people. He'll do it tonight also.
8/7/01 - 'KCRW’s Ruth Seymour Responds to Cancellation of Playhouse. “In response to the LA Times’ Counterpunch of July 30 [‘Can Radio Drama Be Tuned Out So Easily?’ by Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason], I want to explain why we canceled ‘KCRW Playhouse.’ The audience for the program had been steadily declining ..."' See today's Don Barrett site at www.laradio.com/.
8/6.2/01 - Clear Channel will use Arbitron - For a while it looked like CC would ignore ratings. See www.arbitron.com/newsroom/archive/article2.htm. Tip from radiodailynews.com on C&C.
8/6.1/01 - LAT's MyNews Page?? - I set up MyNews Page about Friday, and it worked Saturday and Sunday but not today, Monday. See 8/4/01 Flash. It won't let me log in, and I even requested the log-in info in case I got it wrong. I sent a trouble report, and we'll see what happens. In the mean time, you may not want to waste your time with it.
8/6/01 - Bill Maher in for Doug McIntyre - I heard it again over the weekend on KABC, but they sounded like it'll only be today and tomorrow (8/6 & 8/7). Check KABC 790 AM 9p-midn, and see how Bill (P.I. on TV) does on radio and phones. Also see 7/30.5/01 Flash. Doug's new site at www.dougmcintyre.net says - "Doug will be on vacation from August 3rd through August 12th. Bill Maher will be sitting in for Doug next Monday and Tuesday [8/6 & 8/7 KABC 790 AM 9p-midn] and Ira Fistel [will sit in] Wednesday - Friday. On August 14th & 15th Doug will be filling in for Larry Elder from 3 - 7 PM."
8/5.1/01 - Stream music over the Internet. "Radio Ink: http://www.radioink.com/ [www.radioink.com/] - Broadcasters Lose Major Battle in Online Streaming Case. Judge Rules Against Radio... Bottom Line - Broadcasters are not exempt from paying additional fees to stream music over the Internet. Paying over $300 million in fees to record companies is simply not enough. by Ed Ryan." Several sites had this news like this tip from Dave's site yesterday - see C&C. Also in LAT at www.latimes.com/technology/wire/sns-ap-online-radio0804aug04.story.
8/5/01 - Old Time Radio (OTR) shows - Just received a note today from Bobb Lynes - "Thanks for your note. Barbara and I are now on KPFK 90.7 FM on the first Monday from midnight to 3 AM (Tues AM) of every month. We'll be on tommorrow night. Hope you can listen. KPFK is also on the internet at www.kpfk.org - Bobb." That's the first Tues? midnight-3 a.m. on KPFK 90.7 FM with a site at www.kpfk.org. Other OTR shows are listed on my new Best of page. KPFK's schedule lists their email: Bobb Lynes @ iairotr@hotmail.com and Barbara Sunday @ donttouchthatdial@hotmail.com.
8/4/01 - Radio news from the L.A. Times? You can configure the free "MyNews Page" option on the LAT web site to deliever radio news. The "Entertainment" section isn't up yet, but let me play with "keywords," and I'll have suggestions soon. P.S. - If you configured your "MyNews Page" before about 7/9/01, they say it's void, and you'll have to do it again.
8/3.2/01 - Paul Harvey - "The Rest of the Story" and the 25th anniversary in today's Daily Breeze, the RAVE! section at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm2759.html.
8/3.1/01 - NPR's 'Morning Edition' broadcasts from Santa Monica next week. "'Morning Edition' Goes Outside the Beltway - Radio - The NPR show will air from Santa Monica next week, a radical departure for the Washington-based program. More such broadcasts are planned" says today's LAT. In L.A. it's heard on KPCC 89.3 FM (M-F 2-9 a.m.) and KCRW 89.9 FM (M-F 3-9 a.m.). See www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-39775,00.html.
8/3/01 - Music & NPR - Today's LAT radio column "Around the Dial" -- "Pushing the Musical 'Buttons' for an NPR Newsmagazine - A Web show and a CD give fuller voice to the eclectic artists and songs featured in the tuneful interludes on 'All Things Considered.'" It's at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-39776,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.
8/2.2/01 - "Radio 'more popular' than TV" in UK says BBC News at news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/tv_and_radio/newsid_1470000/1470679.stm . The increase is blamed on quality and delivery formats. Tip from Radio Daily News.com at www.radiodailynews.com and on C&C.
8/2.1/01 LAT radio links. I expanded the links on Columns & Columnists (C&C) to include more section of the Los Angeles Times. There are links for the paper, the "Calendar" (entertainment) section, their "Around the Dial" radio column, the "Morning Report" column which could contain radio info, 'find radio, etc.' lists some radio columns (use your FIND option), and their station guide for formats, call letters, and frequencies. Now, watch how quickly they can reorganize.
8/2/01 - New KNX transmitter - Dave's site today, geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm and on C&C, mentions the new KNX transmitter with pictures at www.steveblodgett.com/KNXDX50install.html. Steve Blodgett provides good pictures and details and will update as the new xmtr comes up.
8/1.6/01 - Prophet, the new music system, is described in Richard Wagoner's weekly RAVE! column and at members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/aug0301.html . He gets into more details than I did.
8/1.5/01 - Bill Handel on KFI 640 AM fills in this week for the sometimes weak John & Ken show 3-7p. One can now handel in the afternoon also.
8/1.4/01 - Fred Ebert, one of the smarter hosts in radio who also does a good shows, left KFI a few months ago but is now listed as TBA (to be announced?) on their host's page. Contact KFI, and ask to get Freducated.
8/1.3/01 - Contact KFI - KFI revised the way you contact them. Like the direct Hall-a-gram is gone; maybe cause I used it. Please bring it back. See www.kfi640.com/contactinfo.html for details.
8/1.2/01 - Felon wants to keep stations - This was in the LAT paper yesterday, but didn't appear on their web site till today -- www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-000062364jul31.story.
8/1.1/01 - L.A. Times (LAT) Morning Report sometimes mentions radio. At www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleKeywordSearch-jhmreport,00.html today they mentioned you can vote for possible hosts for the Beatles' show on KLSX.
8/1/01 - KIEV correction - "Earlier this week, ... the call letters KIEV. Steve Thompson emailed ... The AM station does indeed now have the KIEV call letters, but it has moved ... tests at 1690, using 1,000 watts ... Eventually KIEV will have four new towers and be 50,000 watts,” emailed Steve. See Don's site today at www.laradio.com/ and my 7/30.4/01 Flash.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |