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  • Mon-Fri Schedule Changes: KLAC see 8/31/01 Flash. KABC see 9/1.4/01 flash.

  • Doug McIntyre has a new web site at www.dougmcintyre.net & is on Tu-Sa 1-5a on KABC 790 AM.

  • KABC Computer Show both Sat and Sun 10a-12:45p on KABC 790 AM for the next three weeks. See 9/1.2/01 Flash.
  • Opera and talk new "Opera Notes on Air." Weekly on Sunday 7-8p KMZT 105.1 FM.

  • Karel returns to KFI Sat & Sun from 4-7p on KFI 640 AM. See www.kfi640.com/programming.html.

  • "Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick Sunday 5-7a on KFI 640 AM.

  • See new shows listed on my new Best of page. Just added Consumer (Protection) and Old Radio Shows.
9/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)

9/30/01 - George Putnam and radio tips for the week are covered in Gary Lycan's column today at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

9/29.1/01 - National talk radio/Internet, etc. Columns & Columnists (C&C) is expanding to include national/Internet talk 'radio.' But, since I don't do Internet audio, progress will be slow unless people ask for it.

9/29/01 - George Putnam. Much of the email to Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com today was about him and his years on KIEV/KRLA 870 AM.

9/28.3/01 - "NFL Today," Friday 6-8p on KSPN 1110 AM, is reviewed at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp.

9/28.3/01 - Satellite radio is discussed again in today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-44285,00.html.

9/28.2/01 - Friday's column by Richard Wagoner is at members.home.net/rwagoner/.

9/28.1/01 - KRLA Changes. Beginning 10/1/01, the new KRLA 870 AM line-up follows. From Dave 9/25/01 at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm.

9/28/01 - George Putnam leaves KRLA says Don Barrett at www.laradio.com today. I may not miss George; hosts who are nasty to callers seem to be doing a freak show anyway. Remember, I won't be reading or reporting on Don's Mon-Thu comments (or other's) for a while.

9/23.3/01 - Persian, Farsi, Iranian, etc. listings at www.iranian.com/WebGuide/MediaRadio.html. A few local links, and some broken links.

9/23.2/01 - "Locally Based Radio Program Serves Afghan Community " says today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-43916,00.html. They say Omar Khatab is heard in CA and locally, but no specifics are given. They say he's also on the BBC and Voice of America, and if you need help finding those outlets, leave a note on Message Board.

9/23.1/01 - NPR's "Talk of the Nation" gets new host, Neal Conan, says yesterday's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-43809,00.html. The show is on Mon-Fri at 11a-1p on KPCC 89.3 FM.

9/23/01 - Sunday column. Gary Lycan has a new Sunday column and some radio tips at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

9/21.4/01 - Weekend radio schedules. In addition to the changes announced for last weekend, a few other stations expanded their Terrorism coverage and postponed regular shows. It could happen this weekend also.

9/21.3/01 - Radio news this week seems to continues with Terrorism, but I've been so busy with the fall schedule, I've missed most radio coverage and the Internet. Keep an eye on the ever expanding C&C page.

9/21.2/01 - New old songs you shouldn't play on the radio? Why? CCC? Try LAT's latimes.com/news/opinion/la-091801pop.story. This may be one of the few, new radio stories this week. Tip from L.A. Examiner on C&C and others.

9/21.1/01 - Friday column. Richard Wagoner's new Friday Rave! column is at members.home.net/rwagoner/ along with his past columns and a site search tool.

9/21/01 - "Domocracy Now," the Pacifica/KPFK show about which some may have already heard more than enough, is further discussed in today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-43696,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

9/16.2/01 - Lists of Los Angeles radio stations. Columns & Columnists (C&C) is being revised to include links to listings of Los Angeles radio stations, their sites, types, etc. Many of these were not listed before cause they are incomplete, out-of-date, whatever.

9/16.1/01 - New Sunday reading and Terrorism. Don Barrett at www.laradio.com has pictures. Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml has comments on radio coverage and his picks for the week.

9/16.1/01 - A message board for small minds is found at radiogossip.com/gossip.asp.

9/15/01 - Radio listeners. I didn't see this in yesterday's LAT - calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-42746,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV - but it's there now.

9/14.6/01 - KABC Weekend Changes. Computers Sat and Sun 10a-12:45p on KABC 790 AM. Sun is temp.

9/14.5/01 - KFI Weekend Changes. Fred Ebert does a good/smart show Sat 10a-noon & Sun 9a-noon on KFI 640 AM. Bill Handel expands Sat 6-10a. Melinda isn't on Sat or Sun, nor Dover Sat, nor Levy Sun. Check KFI's air schedule above for details. This weekend only??

9/14.4/01 - Steve Knight did mention his email address and his new web-site URL. Remind me to list them.

9/14.3/01 - LAT (l.a. times) hides radio info from Internet readers, or it seems that way. See the following 9/14.2/01 Flash. Also, like their Radio Tips never get on their site.

9/14.2/01 - KROQ, Stryker, and MTV, whatever they are, are mentioned in today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Search-X!ArticleDetail-42570,00.html?search_area=Blended&channel=Search&search_text=KROQ. I only found it on their site cause I had their paper and searched for those topics. Otherwise, you must hunt throught www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleKeywordSearch-jhcalendar,00.html and know you'll be looking for Stryker. Very poor organization at the LAT site. The same thing happened last week with their radio column at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-42062,00.html.

9/14.1/01 - 'Street Science' [a talk show??] Sunday 9a-noon on KKBT 100.3 FM goes public at the Westfield Shopping Town Fox Hills. This may be on the west side [like around the Fox Hills mall??], and normal show hours may be about 9-11a. I have tuned-in before to hear this show and only heard music. Tip from today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-42581,00.html.

9/14/01 - Terrorism. Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com continues coverage of L.A. radio coverage. Also see Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm and Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com .

9/13/01 - Terrorism, no answers yet. On Columns & Columnists (C&C) check Don's, Larry's, Dave's, and other sites.

9/12/01 - Terrorist Attack. Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com yesterday and today had some details on how L.A. radio covered it.

9/11.1/01 - Terrorism. Tune to the news and talk stations for what's happening. I might try KNX and KFI first, then NPR. But, I haven't heard much radio all day.

9/11/01 - Richard Wagoner's 9/14/01 Rave! column is up at members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/sep1401.html.

9/10/01 - Battery-less radio has been around using solar cells, and wind-up radio has been available from www.ccradio.com. Now Philips announces another wind-up, see www.economictimes.com/today/09tech01.htm. Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com who has yet to post today's updated news page. Other than his update, that's it for today.

9/9/01 - Try football. Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml is new today. Dave's site won't come up, see C&C. Not much radio news today.

9/8.2/01 - Feed your Face with Merrill Shindler, the Sunday show, is listed as 3-5p this week on the KLSX 97.1 FM site because of football. It's that season, so expect other changes and time shifts for sports.

9/8.1/01 - Music on KCRW 89.9 FM - a short letter to the LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-41930,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV .

9/8/01 - KABC Computer Show will be both Sat and Sun 10a-12:45p on KABC 790 AM for this and the next two weekends. See 9/1.2/01 Flash.

9/7.1/01 - KABC schedule changes Monday. See 9/1.4/01 Flash for details. Doug McIntyre actually starts 1 a.m. Tuesday.

9/7/01 - Internet and time problems kept me off part of 9/5 and 9/7 and all of 9/6. Frankly, I looked around today and didn't see anything interesting, but I missed anything that was only posted for 9/6. Did I miss anything?

9/5/01 - A different food show is "Go Vegan With Bob Linden." "...Broadcast veteran Bob Linden offers commentary on such issues as animal rights, vegetarianism, the environment and world hunger with guests and listener calls." Its Sunday 11a-noon on KRLA 870 AM with a site at www.goveganradio.com. It's reviewed this week in the Daily News at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp.

9/4.5/01 - Fred Ebert, now doing fill-in on KFI, did fill-in Sunday at 7a. I couldn't listen for long, and he did sound a little rusty. Please give him a regular spot and more time.

9/4.4/01 - Internet radio and comments at www.npr.org/programs/atc/features/2001/aug/010830.webcasting.html . Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com today.

9/4.3/01 - "'Breakfast With Beatles' Gets Permanent Host. For the first time since Deidre O'Donoghue died last January, "Breakfast With the Beatles" has a permanent host. He is Chris Carter... Sundays from 8 a.m. to noon on KLSX-FM (97.1)." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-41887,00.html.

9/4.2/01 - "Opera Notes on Air," a new show, Sunday 7-8p on KMZT 105.1 FM was good. Some talk, more music, the good stuff but not a top-40 opera count-down show. They are connected with the L.A. Opera at www.laopera.org/, which also describes the radio show. Here's a plan: Check 'opera' first at 7p-7:05p, then check 'Drudge' on KFI after the news (7:06p-ish) and while 'opera' talks, and hear both shows.

9/4.1/01 - Richard Wagoner and his column were on vacation last week. Today he already has his Friday (9/7/01) column up at members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/sep0701.html.

9/4/01 - Gary Lycan's column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml is working, and he discusses several changes. It's better to read him on Sunday cause he also talks about Sunday shows.

9/1.4/01 - KABC's Mon-Fri Schedule as of 9/10/01 may look like this. See Hannity's bio and site link at www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,2575,00.html. KABC's site at www.kabc.com/ had comments.

  • 10p-1a - Mr. KABC
  • 1a-5a - Doug McIntyre (Tue-Sat)
  • 5a-9a - "The KABC Morning Show With Dave & Amy"
  • 9a-noon - Gloria Allred and Mark Taylor
  • noon-3p - Sean Hannity - NEW - immediately following Rush Limbaugh on rival KFI 640 AM.
  • 3p-7p - Larry Elder - only unrescheduled host.
  • 7p-10p - Al Rantel
  • 10p-1a - Mr. KABC
9/1.3/01 - Doug McIntyre goes 1-5a. Doug announced his hours after the 9/10/01 schedule changes will be 1-5a Tue-Sat on KABC 790 AM. That's an extra hour but doesn't leave a slot for "The Mitch Albom Show," currently midn-2a. Doug did mention that this schedule will make KABC one of the few or only (I forget) stations doing live 24-hour broadcasting (M-F).

9/1.2/01 - KABC computer show Sat & Sun. Mark and Marc will be doing their KABC computer show both Sat and Sun 10a-12:45p on KABC 790 AM for the next three weeks. Sat is their normal day, and Sunday is for a special event. Site at www.kabc.com/showdj.asp?DJID=3668.

9/1.1/01 - Holiday changes. Expect the unexpected around the holidays. Hosts leave and specials appear. Like, "Digital Village" at 10a on KPFK this morning wasn't on. Also, see Reminders and the 8/31.4/01 Flash about KCRW's Route 66 special on Monday. For Route 66, see LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-41700,00.html.

9/1/01 - Email Saturday. Several emails about Sean Hannity, KABC, and other topics of the week are listed on Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com. Don does email every Saturday.

What is time? Heard of WWV or WWVH? Ask NIST, their Time & Frequency Division (T&FD) with a site at www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/. Many people knew it as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). "The National Bureau of Standards was established by Congress in 1901. Its name was changed to the National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1988..." NIST has a site at www.nist.gov/. Together they describe time, the calendar, and lots more. In the header above, the "Time" link now goes to T&FD, and the "or" links to the previous site. "Time" shows the hours in 24-hour time - if the hours are over 12, then subtract 12. Like, 13 hours is 1 p.m.; 21 hours is 9 p.m., etc. Get local "Time" at nist.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Pacific/d/-8/java.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info.

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