1/31.1/00 - Remember, the *'s which mark changes on my Radio Favorites page get deleted 2/2000. Get it if you want to record changes for the month.
1/31/00 - Weekend Changes. Sat, 1/29/00 - 7 and 8 a.m. car shows were deleted, not on for weeks. 10a Movie Show hosts were gone for one week. Missed the law shows on KOGO, one sounded like finance. Missed 5p travel, and 5p cooking was sports. Heard some Kim K at 6p, but at 7p it was sports. Sunday, 1/30/00 - 10a car was sports for one week. Missed 4p travel. 60 Minutes at 7p was sports, show started at 8p. Jackie Mason moved from 7-9p to 10-midnight.
1/30/00 - KNX will carry the Super Bowl starting about 3 p.m. (p).
1/29/00 - Is Stevie Wonder is still associated with KLJH at 102.3 FM? Wish they would play his music!
1/27.2/00 - Radio Favorites was split yesterday, and I tried to change text size with FONT SIZE=-1 and /FONT. What a mess! It added extra line spaces, turned off bolding, made un-wanted size changes, and forced me to rearrange the HTML and even put the HTML on different lines or locations to correct the unwanted changes. I'm trying to check it with NS and IE, but if you notice an error, please leave a message.
1/27.1/00 - www.changedetection.com started a service (free for you and me) with which they notify you via email when I change my web-site pages. However, I need to add a link to them on each of my pages so you can request this service. I don't have the time or desire to build lists, but I assume they will email ads to you with the notifications. I did set up a test page today to check it out, but no results yet. If I like the service and add it, it will probable only be added to the Radio Flashes and Radio Favorites pages. If you want something else or want it faster, leave a message.
1/27/00 - Torrance has its own Radio Station, CitiSOUNDS, at 1620 AM. They say it covers local traffic info, 'emergency' announcements, and on Tues, at 7 p.m., the live City Council meetings. They say it may not be received in all of Torrance; in fact I can just hear but not understand traffic reports. They plan to stream soon at www.torrnet.com, but I don't see anything yet.
1/26.2/00 - The Radio Favorites file has been split and re-referenced. Please leave a message if you find a link that doesn't work. It's in three sections: (1) Everyday with Monday thru Friday *and Tuesday thru Saturday, (2) Saturday, and (3) Sunday.
1/26.1/00 - Tomm Looney mentioned another radio column on the web in his web column. Try radiogossip.com/. See my Radio Info Column page for others.
1/26/00 "Ask the Mayor" is on today.
1/24.2/00 - The Radio Favorites file is maxed out, how do you want it split?? Leave message ASAP.
1/24.1/00 - Adding more shows. "Radio AM-FM Live" interviews someone in radio and has returned to KIEV, Sat at 5 a.m. Their schedule also lists the return of Jackie Mason Sun at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. These are all per their web site. KOGO in San Diego puts a good signal into L.A. so I going to list news shows Sat and Sunday at 5 a.m. for the early birds. On Sat*, they list "On Trial" at 1 p.m. and "Primerus Law Hour" at 3 p.m. If they're good I might list them. Also, Matt Drudge is on Sun 7-9 p.m., and I'll list it for people who don't want to wait till 10 p.m. All this info is per their site, not verified.
1/24/00 - Fri thru Sun, 1/21 thru 1/23/00, I missed too many shows to verify what was on. But, on Sat the 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. cars shows weren't on, and those stations don't have web sites.
1/23.2/00 - Check www.drudgereport.com/, it links to many other sites.
1/23.1/00 - Jackie Mason (comedy) may return to KIEV 1/23/00, 7-9 p.m., to help fill the spot left by "Radio A Go-Go," now on KRLA. Check the newest KIEV air schedule for a few other changes.
1/23/00 - Did anyone see "The Alfred I. duPont/Columbia University Awards in Television and Radio Journalism 1999?" It was 1/20/00 on KCET channel 28, from 10-11 p.m., and there could be a repeat. If we don't know about the good stuff, we keep watching the %#$@.
1/21/00 - Added Sat 10-11 a.m. on KIEV, Shopping with "Geri Cook's Best Bargains," mostly women's clothing, new and used, some expensive. Some shows are repeats. See www.bargainsla.com.
1/20/00 - Also check the schedules for the non-commercial FM stations (about 88 to 92 MHz) for NPR (National Public Radio) shows. These are good shows, but I tend not to list them at this point since I want to stay local, around L.A.. Also, several of these shows are available on several of these stations. Just pick the one with the best reception in your area. For example, "BBC World Service" is on a few of these stations, with slightly different hours.
1/19/00 - One last Holiday item - on 12/31/99, Karel & Andrew put together a group show with Melinda Lee, Marsha Clark, Fred Ebert, and an in-flight call-in from Clark Howard from about 2-6 p.m. Good idea, should do it more often. Also, it rained in L.A. on New Year's Eve for the first time since ????
1/18.1/00 - Sunday 1/16/00 results: missed 3 p.m. movies and 4 p.m. travel. The AutoManiacs show returns to KLSX, 7-8 p.m. After 52 weeks on KIEV (Sun 9 p.m. to midnight), Hal Lifson moves his "Radio a Go-Go" show to KRLA, Sat 7-9 p.m. and Sun 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. This is 1960's rock, went live on KIEV about late 1999, and he takes requests. All the phone numbers are a toll call for me, but he has email at radioagogo@aol.com and is working to get a web site.
1/18/00 - Saturday 1/15/00 results: 5 a.m. gardening with Jerry Baker went till 7 a.m. 7 a.m. cars and 8 a.m. cars were music/static. For 8 a.m. gardening I did and usually forget to check KOGO. 9 a.m. food was a weak signal. 11 a.m. news was sports. 6 p.m. computers on KSDO was static; it might help to have a directional antenna, but not enough for me.
1/14/00 - I didn't see it on the KNX site yet, but the Press-Telegram and the LAT report KNX will broadcast another old-radio show, the "Radio Hall of Fame Hour," Friday and Saturday, 10-11 p.m. (10:06-11 p.m.), starting 1/14/00.
1/10/00 - Sunday 1/9/00 results: missed "The Troubleshooter" but Saturday he said hours would be 2-4 p.m., Melinda Lee's show did and often goes till 6 p.m., Merrill Shindler was on 4-7 p.m., and Max Keiser was on 8-10 p.m. The regular football season is over so KLSX Sunday night schedule is undefined. Watch for changes. Nor has KRLA updated their Saturday night schedule. Added "All About Pets," "KCRW Playhouse," and "Clergy on Call" on Sunday. Added a news show at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
1/9.2/00 - Don Barrett reports today at www.laradio.com, *as does KNX, that on 1/17/00 KNX will add a "Technology Hour"? show at 2 p.m., after their business hour.
1/9.1/00 - Sunday, Judd said "The Troubleshooter" would go from 2-4 p.m.
1/9/00 - Saturday 1/8/00 results: "On the Garden Line" went till 7 a.m., "Autotalk," "Auto Show," & "Home Bodies" were unhearable due to heavy static, missed "Whitney on Wine," "Chef Talk" was two hours, and "Star Grazing" was gone.
1/8/00 - Fishing - I'm not listing fishing shows on Favorites, but I did hear two this morning. One on XTRA-AM 690 and another on KXTA-AM 1150, both between 6-7 a.m., but they could run longer.
1/7/00 - Next Friday, 1/14/00, new "all-technology news and features program...," San Francisco, KNEW-AM, 5:30 a.m. Could be in L.A. by fall. Streamed on www.cnetradio.com. See LAT 1/7/00, page F10 for story.
1/6/00 - Larry Marino's "Morning Magazine" starts an hour earlier at 5 a.m. Hours are now Mon-Fri, 5-9 a.m., on KIEV. Check schedule for possible repeats.
1/5/00 - 1/10/00 is the second-year anniversary of the Earthlink Internet show on KLSX. The listener party and anniversary show will be 1/23/00. See their site on Favorites for details.
1999 Corrections:
1/00 - Elmer Dills' Sunday show will be from 10 a.m. to noon starting about 1/16/00.
1/00 - Several new items over the holidays will be mentioned soon. For one, Chef Harry may have been the first person on the air with a radio show and a TV show at the same time, but 1/1/00 was his last radio show. Radio WAS Sat, KRLA, 6-7 p.m. and TV is Mo, We, & Fr, KOCE channel 50, 2:30-3 p.m. Web site is www.chefharry.com and email is chefharry@aol.com. Chef Gwen will add an hour from 5-7 p.m. Looks like Marsha Clark could get a daytime talk show on KFI, but what could she talk about?
1/00 - Remember, KNX usually makes big changes to their "Drama Hour" schedule on the first of the year (1/1/2000). Check their web site for the newest info, since it will take a few days to update my tables.
See the Radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.