1/30/99 - My mistake. Melinda Lee's Sun 1/31/99 show WILL be on. Her Sat 1/30/99 will NOT be on due to sports.
1/30/99 - Changes. During the 2-4 p.m. Sat "Traffic Jam" show, they announced they would again also be on from 7-10 p.m. on 1/30/99 only.
1/30/99 - On 1/28/99 KNX 1070 AM reported that 1000's of new, low-power radio stations could be on the air soon. It's the FCC's plan to get minority groups on the air. The www.fcc.gov/ is asking for comments before they start issuing licenses.
1/30/99 - Strange. The 1/29/99 L.A. Times newspaper had a one-sixth page ad for the KNX 1070 AM web site on page B6. Why don't they announce it more on the station?
1/27/99 - Changes. Melinda Lee's 1/30*/99 Sat* show will be preempted for sports. I missed the Sun p.m. shows so I couldn't verify KABC from 4-7, KLSX from 9-midnight, or "Wine, Dine and Travel". Nothing on the web sites either. The repeat of Elmer Dill's show on KIEV on Sat p.m. and Mon a.m. only lasted one week, and Elmer didn't even know about it untill after. Norm Fox is listed on the KLSX web site as being on KRLA Sat p.m., but it has always been sports, so I deleted the listing. He may appear after the sports season. On last weekend's schedule, KIEV was listing 3.5 hours of old-time radio. Last week KIEV didn't post their weekend schedule till Fri, and I was still updating my schedule Sat afternoon.
1/25/99 - Changes. During the 2-4 p.m. Sat "Traffic Jam" show, they announced they would also be on from 7-10 p.m. on 1/23/99 only. Wish they had a web site where they could announce this stuff. The official schedule has changed to Sat 2-4 p.m. cause someone bought the 1-2 p.m. slot.
1/22/99 - The 1/18/99 L.A. Times newspaper on page F12 reports on the Radio and TV News Assn. of Southern California's 49th annual Golden Mike Awards. KNX-AM 1070, KFI-AM 640, and KVEN-AM (Ventura) won awards for news.
1/22/99 - Related to the 1/19/99 item below, Mediaweek reports that although Spanish radio stations came in first, second, and tied for third in Arbitron, their revenue came in 18th, 10th, and 20th. The top stations in revenue were English: KIIS and KRTH tied for first and second, KKBT came in third, and KFI was fourth. These stations finished 7th, 11th, 6th, and 5th in Arbitron.
1/20/99 - Schedule Changes. KIEV 870 AM tends to have the most changes; several every weekend. They also update their site schedule more often than other stations. Look for next weekend's date to ID the newest weekend schedule. Following them is KLSX 97.1 FM with an unstable Sun schedule between 9-midnight. They seldom or never update their schedule, either graphic or text. Check for something about cars Sun on KABC between 4-7 p.m. It takes them a week or more to change their schedule. Also, KRLA 1110 AM can introduce changes, and their web site isn't up yet. KMNY 1600 AM has been on and off with "Wine, Dine and Travel", and their web site still causes crashes. Even the newest schedule on a station's own web site is often incorrect. Stations - please get a web site, *and keep a simple, text-only air schedule where an employee can make up-to-the-minute updates. * Or, even better, start something like "ClickTV" for radio.
1/19/99 - In a 1/13/99 L.A. Times story, the 1/12/99 Arbitron ratings for L.A./Orange County were released. Spanish radio came in first and second and tied for third and fourth with an English station, all playing music. In talk radio, KFI-AM 640 moved up to fifth place. KABC-AM 790 and KLSX-FM 97.1 both moved down to tie for 14th place. The new KIEV-AM 870 moved up to 28th place. In news radio, KNX-AM 1070 and KFWB-AM 980 came in at 21th and 22nd. They only listed the top 24 places, but KLAC-AM 570 (which recently added old-time radio) came in at 17th and classical music KKGO-FM 105.1 came in at 24th.
1/16/99 - Some stations are preempting shows between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. to cover the peach.
1/14/99 - Jackie Olden has had good cooking shows on L.A. radio for years. About a year ago she moved into the country and started a show on KGAM 1450 AM. I couldn't hear the show from L.A. nor does she or the radio station have a web site where I could verify the schedule. I warned her twice via email that I'd have to delete her listing today if she didn't verify the schedule. I've heard nothing, the listing is deleted, but I hope she gets back on the air soon.
1/11/99 - In the 1/10/99 L.A. Times Sunday Calendar, Frank Torrez had almost a third of a page to list radio shows, but he only listed three of the shows which I list. For "Sunday Edition" he may have been correct; I list it but missed it. For Merrill Shindler he gave the wrong time. For Melanda Lee he listed two shows: one was correct and the other gave the wrong station and time. She only does one show on Sunday.
1/11/99 - On 1/10/99 KFI preempted Dr. Dean Edell and presented two guys with names like Karel and Andrew. In a few minutes I heard them mention Long Beach and restaurants, and they sound like gentle people. I understand they fill in for other hosts and may get their own show when a time slot becomes available. KFI needs better shows, so give them a shot now.
1/9/99 - It works something like this. KIEV 870 AM only has a few permanent shows. The rest of the air time is sold to people who want to provide shows, and these people come and go. KIEV doesn't want dead air time, so they fill in with old-time radio shows and repeats. I want to compliment them for trying to keep their new web site and schedule up to date, and thanks to the person doing the updates. However, some times I can't keep up with the changes, so listeners are encouraged to check KIEV's schedule daily (or hourly), especially on the weekend.
1/8/99 - Don't forget that the L.A. Times and Daily Breeze's RAVE! newspapers also carry radio info. I prefer Richard Wagoner's newspaper column in RAVE!. Also, on 1/7/99 the L.A. Times radio column in Calender Weekend by Kevin Baxter cover two radio rating systems: changes to Arbitron and the new system called Mobiltrak. The Times' Morning Report around page F2 is sometimes good. See the newspaper section for more info or try Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times Calendar magazine, Press-Telegram, or Daily Breeze.
1/2/99 - Merrill Shindler's Sunday show moves from 3-5 to 5-7 p.m. tomorrow. Next Saturday 1/9/99 starts Elmers Dill's new Saturday show. On 1/9/99, the Saturday "Traffic Jam" shows moves from 10-1 to 1-4 p.m. Also, check the new schedule for the KNX "Drama Hour" which is on daily.
See the radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.