10/2000 Radio Flashes (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
11/1/00 - Sounds like Michael Jackson on KRLA may have the next job lined up, but he won't discuss details yet.
10/31/00 - I may not even try a full verification or update to my Radio Favorite pages in November or December 2000 due to pending changes. Like, KRLA goes sports (all or mostly??) 12/1/00, changes at KABC in November, Dennis Prager at KABC moves to KIEV 11/13 for a while, and more. Do keep checking Columns & Columnists and the station web sites for the newest info. They can change faster than I can update my lists.
10/27/00 - KNX Drama Hour - "War of the Worlds" the original 10/31/00, 10 p.m. with Orson Wells. Also, suggest your favorite shows for next year at www.knx1070.com/dramasurvey. Get vote in by Friday 12/8/00.
10/26.2/00 - Heard second hand: Michael Jackson will do something on KABC tomarrow about 1:30 p.m. (try 1-2 p.m.). You may recall he did 30+ years on KABC, was let go, went to KRLA, KRLA goes all sports next month, and his agent said he doesn't want a late-night spot on KABC. Hope they can work it out. Jackson deserves a spot somewhere even if I don't agree on some issues. This came from several sources. Looks like it's connected with 10/26.1/00 Flash below.
10/26.1/00 - Museum of Television & Radio does live radio 10/27 through 11/3/00. See today's LAT Calendar page 36. Check www.mtr.org for the exact schedule. Looks like several shows will be live from there. KABC is tomarrow. Also see Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/entertainment/radio.shtml
10/26/00 - For a description of a new satellite radio system and some links see LAT, Tech Times section, page T1. Two links are www.xmradio.com and www.sirius.com.
10/21.1/00 - Check today's www.garyfranklin.com. Gary says there will be format and programs changes at KABC by 11/13/00.
10/21/00 - The www.ronfineman.com site is mostly TV, but the Links page refers to Radio and media sites. One link is www.radio411.com which then links to other radio sites.
10/19/00 - Another science show on the radio is "StarDate" with a site at www.stardate.utexas.edu. I didn't record the details, but the site says it's on KPCC and KNX.
10/16/00 - Sam Rubin's 'entertainment'?? show on KLSX got deleted from my M-F listing cause the last few I've heard sounded more like bad porno. Even worse than the guy before him.
10/15.3/00 - See today's Gary Lycan column at www.ocregister.com/entertainment/radio.shtml . Among other things he confirms KRLA will be sold to ABC and could carry ESPN Radio www.espn.go.com/liveradiotv/?qt=radio as early as 12/1/00. Who needs more sports?? Sure hope the good KRLA hosts find a home on the new schedule or on another local station.
10/15.2/00 - Earth & Sky Radio Series - Heard it in L.A. last night(?), maybe on an FM PBS station but just recorded the web site - earthsky.com. Said they have a free lunar calendar, but didn't see it. Site seems to have lots of science info and links, etc.
10/15.1/00 - Arbitron has a site at www.arbitron.com, but I don't see the numbers on their site. You may have to pay for that.
10/15/00 - Yesterday's LAT, page F10 had the newest spring Arbitron ratings for the top 25 stations. I can't view today , but I'm sure I link to Arbitron somewhere. For talkers, KFI-AM is #9, KLSX-FM is #17, and KABC-AM is #21. For mostly news, KNX-AM beat KFWB-AM, but they don't give the numbers. Tripod's editor appears to let me enter but not view.
10/14/00 - KCSN's schedule for the BBC World Service is variable. Not on Sunday?, other days start at 11p or midn, and some days end at 5 or 6a. Check their site for exact details.
10/11/00 - Be sure to check this week's column by Gary Lycan for news about Clear Channel, KXTA, KLAC, KFI, etc. Also, KRLA and KLAC could change formats.
10/8/00 - Remember, for old-time radio info try www.old-time.com. Almost too much. SPERDVAC is at www.pe.net/~rnovak/sperdvacx.htm.
10/7/00 - From an email - Richard Wagoner's Waggy Awards (Sept. 15, 2000) only mentioned a few radio programs. Here's a sample of intelligent talk programs from my web site at
https://members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery. See the Radio Favorites section for schedules, web sites, reviews, etc.
10/5/00 - All the presidential and VP debates will be on KABC (6 p.m.??) says Richard Wagoner in has last week's RAVE! column. Then they'll rebroadcast the Nixon-Kennedy debates from 1960 (9 p.m., maybe 10 p.m.??). KFI, KPCC, KCRW, and perhaps others will also carry the modern debates. Check the TV guides for the schedules.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.