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  • Mon-Fri Schedule Changes: KLAC see 8/31/01 Flash. KABC see 9/1.4/01 flash.

  • Doug McIntyre has a new web site at www.dougmcintyre.net & is on Tu-Sa 1-5a on KABC 790 AM.

  • KABC Computer Show both Sat and Sun 10a-12:45p on KABC 790 AM for the next three weeks. See 9/1.2/01 Flash.
  • Opera and talk new "Opera Notes on Air." Weekly on Sunday 7-8p KMZT 105.1 FM.

  • Karel returns to KFI Sat & Sun from 4-7p on KFI 640 AM. See www.kfi640.com/programming.html.

  • "Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick Sunday 5-7a on KFI 640 AM.

  • See new shows listed on my new Best of page. Just added Consumer (Protection) and Old Radio Shows.
10/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)

10/31.4/01 - "KROQ says goodbye" to Burbank. "After 15 years of commanding the airwaves from the ninth story of 3500 W. Olive Ave. in Burbank, KROQ-FM (106.7) is moving to Los Angeles on Friday." See today's LAT at www.latimes.com/tcn/burbank/news/la-bl0006508oct31.story?coll=la%2Dtcn%2Dburbank%2Dnews. Tip from Radio Headlines, from which I don't normally report since it's part of one's daily reading requirement.

10/31.3/01 - Blue Moon. "The blue moon was originally defined by the Maine Farmer's Almanac in 1819 as an extra full moon within any season. Later, however, the respected publication Sky and Telescope altered the almanac's definition and since then it has come to mean the second full moon within a single month. The first full moon this month was Oct. 2." Tip from Drudge; more at www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2001/10/31/MN127465.DTL.

10/31.2/01 - "Classical radio provides lasting value." It reviews "The Morning Show With Rich Capparela," KMZT 105.1 FM, weekdays 6 to 10 a.m. See the Daily News at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp today.

10/31.1/01 - "...The 1713 violin was one of the more than 1,110 violins made by Stradivarius, half of which still exist..." Not radio, but try LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-45998,00.html.

10/31/01 - "New KABC GM Hears The StationÂ’s Heartbeat" at Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today. And, "JohnÂ’s [Davison] only on-air change up to this point has been the addition of Sean Hannity, which caused a ripple effect with shifts moving. There has been much speculation about a change in direction for the morning show at KABC. Speculation is that it will come sooner rather than later." Haven't heard Sean or the morning show, but I haven't even tried.

10/30.3/01 - "Radio talk-show host claims reporter's privilege in fighting subpoena." See www.freedomforum.org/templates/document.asp?documentID=15258. Tip from Larry Shannon's site below.

10/30.2/01 - "The Private Business of Public Radio. NPR's Ratings, Revenue and Reputation Are All Surging. But..." See www.bizforward.com/wdc/issues/2001-11/radio/. Tip from Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ today.

10/30.1/01 - "...Orson Welles' famous 1938 radio adaptation of "The War of the Worlds" will be broadcast at 9 p.m. Wednesday on KNX-AM (1070)..." Usually yearly - they don't do it any better. Tip from today's LAT.

10/30/01 - The Talk Radio Network mentioned yesterday has a site at www.talkradionetwork.com/ with list of shows, schedules, etc. and seems to stream.

10/29.5/01 - California Political Talk Radio Shows from the NRA. These lists, like mine, do get out of date. Try nramemberscouncils.com/legs/radioshows.shtml dated 6/2001.

10/29.4/01 - www.radiodailynews.com/ lives. Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ returned today, and at least the headlines should be read ever day.

10/29.3/01 - "In the Know" for today isn't on the LAT site yet.

10/29.2/01 - "What's My Beef: Why So Many CD Formats?" It's not radio, but try Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm today.

10/29.1/01 - "Nite Time Ratings. A listener asked Mr. KABC about his ratings since moving to late night. “Ten p.m. to midnight I had a 14.7 share. It’s incredibility. This is post-September 11. In the last Book between 7 p.m. 10 p.m. I was #1 with Persons 12+ among all the newstalk stations. I was clearly #1 in late night. Our nearest competitor was KFI with a 6.3, more than double KFI in the last two weeks of the Book, post – September 11,” said Mr. KABC.

KABC numbers from the last two weeks of the Summer book (10 p.m. - 1 a.m.)
  • 12+ ---- 7.7 (KFI 5.1 and KLAC 1.0)
  • 25-54 -- 5.6 (KFI 3.8 and KLAC 0.0)
  • 35-64 - 14.7! (KFI 6.3 and KLAC 1.0)
||| Prior to the last two weeks of the book, Mr. KABC's numbers: 7 - 9 p.m.
  • 12+ --- 2.7
  • 25-54 - 1.9
  • 35-54 - 2.7
  • 35-64 - 3.3"
10/29/01 - "KPLS [830 AM] has dumped most, if not all, weekend programming it was getting from Talk Radio Network including Bob Just and David Horowitz. ‘The Webmasters,’ a show from C-NET radio in San Francisco is featured on Saturdays, along with USC and Notre Dame Football. Sundays has encore runs of Laura Ingram and Michael Savage as well as Kevin Shannon [late of KRLA] and his ‘Welsh Report’ program from 3 until 4:30 pm. Clark Howard is now heard in the Inland Empire on "KEWS from 1 to 4 p.m. weekdays." This and more from Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today. KPLS and maybe KNWS didn't have web sites the last time I checked.

10/28.5/01 - What time is it? Spring ahead, fall back. Check 'Time' or 'or' above. 'Time' is not animated and was about two seconds slow, and 'or' was about four seconds slow -- due to high use -- right now.

10/28.4/01 - radiodailynews.com/ by Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/ is still not responding, and I know nothing.

10/28.3/01 - El Camino College radio station. I read that this college in Torrance, CA had a radio station. It wasn't listed on the college web site, and their published email address didn't respond. I found their web page today, it may be a new addition, at www.elcamino.cc.ca.us/kecc/index.html. The station is KECC at 1500 AM with 15 watts and a range of about 200 feet. The page lists a few email addresses but doesn't indicate streaming service.

10/28.2/01 - Minor L.A. earthquake this morning. See maps at www.trinet.org/shake/9716853/intensity.html and quake.wr.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Maps/Los_Angeles_full.html. URL's from www.drudgereport.com/ .

10/28.1/01 - Sunday radio column. "Seminar evokes memories of legends...RATINGS...KROQ/106.7 FM was No. 1, closely followed by rhythm hip-hop KPWR/105.9 FM in the June 29-Sept. 19 summer Arbitron ratings, but the real news may have been the nosedive at Spanish stations...In morning drive, KSCA was No. 1, but Steve Harvey at KKBT-FM moved into No. 2, followed by KROQ's Kevin and Bean, KLSX/97.1 FM's Howard Stern, and KFI's Bill Handel...KPLS/830 AM is airing Santa Ana Mater Dei High football games Thursday and Nov. 10. Game time is 7:30 p.m...The American Shortwave Listeners Guild meets...," tips, and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml today.

10/28/01 - Sun pictures and Sat email are at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/.

10/27.2/01 - "Pacifica Foundation [KPFK, WBAI, etc.] Seeks New Leadership... The foundation runs a network of five stations that includes KPFK-FM (90.7) in North Hollywood, as well as stations in Berkeley, New York, Washington and Houston." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45812,00.html.

10/27.1/01 - "Limbaugh Down, but Don't Count Him Out. Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh turned 50 in January." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-45824,00.html today.

10/27/01 - Radio comments. For local-listener comments check Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today.

10/26.6/01 - "U.S. Troops To Hear Local Radio. Beginning this holiday season, American Troops overseas will be able to listen to local radio from their hometown. The Homefront Radio Network will launch on November 15 and stream from Live365.com with segments recorded from radio across the U.S." See www.radio-online.com/.

10/26.5/01 - "PACIFICA Vice Chairman KEN FORD denies WBAI/NEW YORK and KPFK/LOS ANGELES are for sale" says www.allaccess.com/ today.

10/26.4/01 - "[BBC] World Service journalists on strike." See news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1039000/1039743.stm with wrong date?

10/26.3/01 - radiodailynews.com/ gone? Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ is not responding, and I know nothing.

10/26.2/01 "Neal Conan Puts 'Talk of the Nation' Into Sharp Focus. The NPR host reinvented the call-in show to better respond to the news in a post-Sept. 11 world. Neal Conan's "Talk of the Nation" can be heard weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on KPCC-FM (89.3)." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45762,00.html.

10/26.1/01 "Radio Awards Look for TV Audience ," at 8 p.m. on ABC. See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45729,00.html.

10/26/01 - Spring ahead, fall back. On Sunday 10/28 at 2 a.m. set your clocks back one hour to 1 a.m. Some VCR's and maybe other machines can do this automatically. Check 'Time' or 'or' above. Note that with 'Time' they may indicate they're a few seconds off because of net delays. Come back when they're correct within their normal 0.2 seconds.

10/24/01 - "Piano Jazz," the program, is reviewed in today's Daily News at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp.

10/23.1/01 - Radio numbers. For the 10/13 numbers I forgot to mention that new talk station KPLS didn't even make the list.

10/23/01 - Radio on TV. See Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/ Friday column which can be available as early as Tuesday. I believe this includes Chef Piero (x-KIEV-er) etc. who has been on such an outlet for some time.

10/21.1/01 - Chick Hearn and annual Radio Festival. "Chick Hearn holds festival seminar," "The Museum of Television & Radio's annual Radio Festival," and more are at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml today.

10/21/01 - Talking Spanish. "Talkers Magazine, "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Radio Media," launched Talkers En Espanol this month," says Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today. The Saturday emails are still there also.

10/20.4/01 - For Sunday check Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml and Don and Dave on C&C.

10/20.3/01 - Bill Mann and/or this San Francisco radio column/stuff may be gone suggests a reader's comment at Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com/. Bill has a site at www.mannaboutsf.com/ .

10/20.2/01 - "Tune it out! Why you should skip Philips' Internet radio." See www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/stories/story/0,10738,2818209,00.html. Tip from Larry Shannon's site.

10/20.1/01 - "Listen to the war via shortwave radio." With tips. See www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/features/hoffman/1093962. Tip from Larry Shannon's site.

10/20/01 - Listener comments about this week's radio news are at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/ every Saturday.

10/19.3/01 - NetRadio.com folds? Had 100 streaming channels? See www.netradio.com/. That tip from Larry Shannon. Also, Dave's tip refers to www.gavin.com/news/article.php?art_id=773.

10/19.2/01 - "Radio station prices to plummet?" See www.radiocrow.com/news_docs/radio.htm . Tip from Larry Shannon.

10/19.1/01 - "Internet radios aid Africa." See news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1608000/1608394.stm . Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/.

10/19/01 - "All Premiere Radio Web Sites Going Subscription Based." "Clear Channel is closing down its interactive division in mid-December. What happens to Groove and KNAC? Streaming audio has become an expensive item and the consumer is going to have to support their favorite on-line station by subscribing. You can hear KFI’s Phil Hendrie and Art Bell anytime by subscribing to their Web sites. Phil and Art’s site costs $6.95 per month for audio streaming of their show, archives and history." See Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com/ for this and more.

10/18/01 - This quarter's numbers are described at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/.

10/17/01 - "The Hugh Hewitt Show." Review of. KRLA-AM (870), 3 to 6 p.m. weekdays. See www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp today.

10/15.2/01 - NPR, "All Things Considered," "Lost and Found Sound," and Museum fans can read LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-45276,00.html today.

10/15.1/01 - "And Now, a Word From Our Anchor" is about radio hosts (or 'names') doing commercials where TV hosts wouldn't? Whatever. See the Sunday 10/14/01 LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45228,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV . PS - 10/16/01 - This was not on their site 10/14; it didn't appear till 10/15.

10/15/01 - Numbers, morning shows, and markets from Arbitron are discussed at Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com/. Except for Handel I don't listen to any of the morning shows. Where do they get those numbers?

10/14.1/01 - "KROQ, KPWR Tie for Top Spot." And they have numbers. See LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45176,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV. This is dated for yesterday, but was not on their site yesterday.

10/14/01 - "Chuck Cecil is still a swingin' guy." Gone for a while(?), "Chuck Cecil is alive and well in Long Beach today, thanks to jazz station KLON/88.1 FM adding "The Swingin' Years" to its lineup, 6-9 a.m. starting today." ""Swingin' Years" continues on KCSN/88.5 FM Saturday afternoons..." and is now also heard in the Inland Empire on KUOR/89.1 FM in Redlands. Says Gary Lycan today at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. He has other news and program tips every Sunday.

10/13.2/01 - Radio recorder. I received a message at Message Board (or see copy) about a new radio recorder. See the board for their info. Their site is at www.radioprogramrecorder.com/. I know nothing about this product.

10/13.1.1/01 - Larry Marino has been gone from KRLA since about 5/21/01, and their mumbers this quarter are way down: from 1.3 down to 0.7. I miss Larry, and he was about the best thing on the station during the week. Do they need to bring him back or what?

10/13.1/01 - Some Radio numbers for October 12, 2001 follow. See www.rronline.com/Subscribers/ratings/ratmain.asp?mkt=los for other L.A. numbers. Note that KRLA almost halved its number, KLAC is down about one-third, and KPLS isn't on the list.

Approx. Position - Station - Format - Owner - Spring 2001/Summer 2001 - MOVE

10/13/01 - Email about this week's radio news is at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/ every Saturday.

10/12.7/01 - "An Honest Radio Voice" (Voice of America). See LAT's www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-voa13oct11.story. Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/ today.

10/12.6/01 - "Lessons in Comedy From the Pros." ...Steve Martin is giving lessons in classic comedy in a new radio show that premiered Saturday on Minnesota Public Radio... Martin will host the majority of shows in the 39-week season of "Comedy College," analyzing classic sketches from comedians such as Bob Newhart, Lenny Bruce and Bill Cosby...The half-hour show is airing on Saturdays on Minnesota Public Radio and the Internet at http://www.comedycollege.net. Pasadena-based KPCC-FM (89.3), which is operated by Minnesota Public Radio, has not decided whether it will air the series." Says the 10/9/01 LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-44987,00.html.

10/12.5/01 - Rush " Limbaugh Says He's Going Deaf" says the 10/9/01 LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-44987,00.html.

10/12.4/01 - "Don Imus has signed a multiyear deal to continue simulcasts of his syndicated morning radio show on MSNBC" says today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-45118,00.html.

10/12.3/01 - "[Rush] Limbaugh Gets Hopeful Prognosis" says today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-45097,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

10/12.2/01 "[Rush] Limbaugh Announces Sudden, Unexpected Hearing Loss." Richard Wagoner's site today at members.home.net/rwagoner/ (weekly on Friday) has the story. This may not be a problem since he never stops talking and doesn't seem to listen anyway.

10/12.1/01 - Motley Fool returns? "Inside Radio: http://insideradio.com/ - The Motley Fool Show joins NPR... The co-founders of The Motley Fool will host a financial program available for public radio stations in the upcoming months. The Motley Fool Show along with NPR's editorial and programming will air as a weekly one-hour show. The show will feature news of the week, along with guest interviews, games and listener call-in segments." Tip from Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm on 10/11/01.

10/12/01 - Prophet, CC, and 'rightsizing' start off Don's site today at www.laradio.com/. For example, "TodayÂ’s radio is not your fatherÂ’s radio." And, "The new technology is called Prophet, a system whereby a music dj can pre-record or voicetrack a 5-hour shift for any market in the country in less than an hour." Remember, I can't read him Mon-Thu.

10/7.4/01 - Taipei talks talk shows. For a different view try www.taipeitimes.com/news/2001/10/07/story/0000106058.

10/7.3/01 - NPR vs MPR?. Story at www.startribune.com/stories/459/738606.html.

10/7.2/01 - U.S. radio in Afghanistan! See www.sunspot.net/news/nationworld/bal-te.journal07oct07.column?coll=bal%2Dnationworld%2Dutility for a surprise. Tip from Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/ today, and see his site (also listed on C&C) for more.

10/7.1/01 - "The ax is falling all over the dial" says Gary Lycan today at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml, with examples. Plus more and tips.

10/7/01 - U.S. and Brits hit Afghanistan. It started this morning, local time; evening in Afghanistan. Bush was on the air about 10:xx a.m local. On radio, KFI, KABC, KNX, KFWB, and NPR have had good coverage and were popular since 9/11/01.

10/6.4/01 - Want better Music Radio in L.A.? Check the petition at www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/736832545. I know nothing about this.

10/6.3/01 - Old-time radio shows. Columns & Columnists (C&C) has been expanded again to include links to OTR shows, at the end. Post your suggestions for links or favorite shows on the Message Board.

10/6.2/01 - Web controlled receivers? Radio heads might enjoy the new stuff at www.javaradio.com/. What is it? Tell me about it. I read about it at radio-info.com/mb/losangeles/ (L.A. message board) which is listed on C&C.

10/6.1/01 - KROQ’s Bean, Clear Channel’s Roy Laughlin, and "rightsizing" are some of today's email topics at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/ site.

10/6/01 - Radio news via email is available from www.allaccess.com/. I've used it for several weeks, they email news daily (M-F?), but it's rather too deep (inside the business) and too national for me. I may unsubscribe someday.

10/5.1/01 - "NPR Praised for Calm Coverage. Terror attacks - Many listeners say they found the network's focus on human interest stories much more comforting than frenzied TV news." See the 10/1/01 LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-44551,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

10/5/01 - AFTRA/voice tracking problem with Clear Channel/LA cluster. See the lead story on Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com.

10/01 - Reminder: I'll be too busy this month, like last month, and won't even have the time to read the Internet on Mondays-Thursdays. I'll report Fri-Sun, when possible, about what I can find on those days. Keep an eye on Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily to keep up on new stuff.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info.

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