Flashes: 12/99 | 11/99 | 9/99 | 8/99 | 7/99 | 6/99 | 5/99 | 4/99 | 3/99 | 2/99 | 1/99 | 1998 ||| MENU
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10/99 Radio Flashes

10/26/99 - Ask the Mayor is 10/27/99.

10/18/99 - Jean Shepherd, for 21 years a storyteller on 50,000-watt WOR-AM in New York, died 10/16/99 in Fl at age 78. Can anyone replace him??

10/15/99 - A few changes at KFI like Kim Komando is now on live Sat 7-10 a.m. and that's the only time.

10/8.1/99 - This 'radio company' bought that 'radio station,' and things will change. Keep an eye on the air schedules, cause it may take me a while to post all the changes.

10/8/99 - Looks like Chef Piero is only on CRN, Mon - Fri, 10 - 11 a.m., per 10/6/99 PenneySaver. Site is Cable Radio Network. Maybe on city channel, text channel, and PAX-TV channel 30-SAP -- what ever they are?????

10/3.1/99 - Check KABC computer show (Sun 10-1 p.m. on Favorites) site. They will list four FREE ISP's in a few days.

10/3/99 - Several changes over the last week at KRLA, KLSX, KFI, etc, mostly on the weekend. I'll get them into Favorites when I can.

10/2/99 - On 10/16/99 The KABC Restaurant Show (Sat 8-10 a.m.) will do a BBQ show. Leave your suggestions at the station's web site.

See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.