11/2000 Radio Flashes (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
11/30.1/00 - KRLA goes away tonight at midnight, even the call letters. Once, they say, a good rock station, then an OK talk station, and now all sports -- in a town with five or so other sports stations. In a town that won't support pro teams. Dumb!! Today's "Press-Telegram" page A2 has comments. Looks like Michael Jackson will make his decision sometime in January while he's off the air -- Imus is "still up in the air" and nothing on Ira Fistell, but both will continue their national shows without an L.A. outlet. More as I get it. Also check Columns & Columnists, I didn't have the time. Catch Ira tonight 10 p.m. till midnight for the sign off.
11/30/00 - For the fight saturday, remember KNX tries to do round-by-round reports and can shift the Drama Hour. I haven't heard anything.
11/28.1/00 - Get ready for the December changes - see below - out of time. Check KABC, KRLA (all sports), KIEV, and others.
11/28/00 - Tomm Looney and co-host have a mostly sports talk show Mo-Fr, noon to 3 p.m., XTRA 1150 AM. On his daily site yesterday he says he may stop doing that? column cause he is now in the radio business; will think over Christmas.
11/25.1/00 - Up late? Try Doug MacEntire?? midnight till 5:30 a.m. on KABC. Smarter than most, political. Which days - don't know??
11/25/00 - Melinda Lee says she puts unique info on three sites: KFI, Bristol Farms, and now www.lainsider.com, under entertainment & cooking. What a mess finding stuff between three sites?
11/19.1/00 - Melinda Lee and her cooking show will fill in for Bill Handel this Thanksgiving and Friday, 11/23 & 11/24 from 5-9 a.m. on KFI. She still has the Sat show noon-3 p.m., but the expected Sun show has not returned yet.
11/19/00 - Dennis Prager dennisprager.com of KABC should move to KIEV tomarrow, about 9 a.m. to noon, but I like Jackson on KRLA better. Nothing yet on where Michael Jackson, Ira Fistell, or the others will go when KRLA goes all sports 12/00.
11/14.1/00 - "Drudge Report" will be in 135 markets in 12/00 but not on KABC in L.A. says today's LAT page F2.
11/14/00 - Watch for KIEV schedule changes weekdays and weekends and more next week. For months I can't print their schedule.
11/5.1/00 - See the new Columns & Columnists page. It's organized into a table to be easier to use. Try it for info.
11/5/00 - Melinda Lee again has a Sat & Sun cooking show on KFI: Saturday 3–6 p.m. and Sunday 2–6 p.m. says Don Barrett on his site today at www.laradio.com.
11/3.1/00 - Radiowatch (see 11/3/00) also indicates Kim Komando on Wednesday 11/8/00, but that may be a mistake. She's usually on KLSX on Saturday.
11/3/00 - Chef Jamie Gwen goes to KIEV Sun 9 a.m. - this Sunday? - per www.radiowatch.com. Looks like radiowatch is up after a long summer vacation.
11/2/00 - Paul Harvey signed a 10-year contract with ABC says today's LAT Calendar section page 50. He'll be on KABC weekdays at 9 a.m., noon, and 7 p.m.
11/2/00 - Chef Jamie Gwen at KRLA will move to KIEV on Sun at 9 a.m. per Don Barrett's site. Not sure when she moves, but should be before 12/1/00. Might be something on her site at www.chefjamie.com, but it is currently out of date. She's now on KRLA Sun 6-7 p.m.
11/1/00 - Sounds like Michael Jackson on KRLA may have his next job lined up, but he won't discuss details yet.
--------- A few from last month----------
10/31/00 - I may not even try a full verification or update to my Radio Favorite pages in November or December 2000 due to pending changes. Like, KRLA goes sports (all or mostly??) 12/1/00, changes at KABC in November, Dennis Prager at KABC moves to KIEV 11/13 for a while, and more. Do keep checking Columns & Columnists and the station web sites for the newest info. They can change faster than I can update my lists.
10/27/00 - KNX Drama Hour - suggest your favorite shows for next year at www.knx1070.com/dramasurvey. Get vote in by Friday 12/8/00.
10/26.1/00 - Museum of Television & Radio does live radio 10/27 through 11/3/00. See today's LAT Calendar page 36. Check www.mtr.org for the exact schedule. Looks like several shows will be live from there. KABC is tomarrow. Also see Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/entertainment/radio.shtml
10/19/00 - Another science show on the radio is "StarDate" with a site at www.stardate.utexas.edu. I didn't record the details, but the site says it's on KPCC and KNX.
10/15.2/00 - Earth & Sky Radio Series - Heard it in L.A. last night(?), maybe on an FM NPR station but just recorded the web site - earthsky.com. Said they have a free lunar calendar, but didn't see it. Site seems to have lots of science info and links, etc.
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