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  • Doug McIntyre has a new web site at www.dougmcintyre.net & is on Tu-Sa 1-5a on KABC 790 AM.

  • Opera and talk: new "Opera Notes on Air." Weekly on Sunday 7-8p KMZT 105.1 FM.

  • Karel returns to KFI Sat & Sun from 4-7p on KFI 640 AM. See www.kfi640.com/programming.html.

  • "Dark Side of the Internet" with Kevin Mitnick Sunday 5-7a on KFI 640 AM.

  • See new shows listed on my new Best of page. Just added Consumer (Protection) and Old Radio Shows.
11/2001 Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight) <

11/30.12/01 - "TV Suffers as Internet Use Grows ." "The finding suggests that the Internet could ultimately have a greater impact on American society than television, which sociologists say siphoned audiences away from radio broadcasts and..." "Although it is often assumed that the Internet is supplanting all media, the UCLA study found that outside of television watching, other activities--from newspaper and book reading to radio listening and telephone chatting--are holding up well." From yesterday's LAT at www.latimes.com/technology/la-000094953nov29.story .

11/30.11/01 - Reorganization of C&C. Columns & Columnists (C&C) will be reorganized. The fists two lists have been. Got any suggestions? It could become it's own section.

11/30.10/01 - Board unavailable. My newly top-rated message board has been unavailable for a few hours. It's at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/.

11/30.9.01 - More radio message boards. Try radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi. It's called the 'coast to coast radio & tv board' and looks like another board. This linked to another partner at radio-info.com/boards/satellite/ for satellite radio.

11/30.8/01 - George Harrison [of the Beatles] dies says allaccess.com and others.

11/30.7/01 - KZLA and Peter Tilden. One message board suggested these would be HYPE announcements, due Monday. KZLA could have a minor format or host change, and Peter lost an associated TV show, not his radio show. Who knows?

11/30.6/01 - Other L.A. radio message boards include communities.msn.com/losangelesradio and Dave's at www.davesfunstuff.com/01larbytes.htm. List other on my message board and I'll list them on C & C. PS - At MSN don't bother signing up, it's a waste of time cause it doesn't gain you anything (except storage space and more email?).

11/30.5/01 - Weekly program tips. LA Weekly should post today, but not yet at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.

11/30.4/01 - Art Bell has radio station with pics at www.artbell.com/album20.html. Tip from www.talkradioroundup.com/.

11/30.3/01 - Just Teasers at Don's www.laradio.com/ for free. That's been his plan for the last two days since going paid-subscription.

11/30.2/01 - "Democracy Now! in Exile. Holds L.A. Benefit...Saturday night for...public radio show, "Democracy Now!," which has been off the air at KPFK-FM (90.7) and most other Pacifica Radio network stations...The event, to be held at the First Baptist Church, 760 S. Westmoreland Ave., between 7:30 and 10 p.m..." See LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-47651,00.html for more. But, enough already.

11/30.1/01 - "Way More Than 12 Days of Christmas. As part of parent Clear Channel's strategy, KOST adopted a holiday format before Thanksgiving{mdash}but not all listeners are happy." And more, see today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-47638,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

11/30/01 - Free radio news, tips, and a few letters at Dave's site today. Today use www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html for his news pages, and check the lower right side.

11/29.4/01 - "Transmitter and Antenna Mods at KPFK, 90.7 MHZ, Los Angeles - KPFK is the most powerful FM station on Mt. Wilson and in southern California (110 kW ERP authorized). Now, their main and auxiliary antenna systems are being rebuilt. See all of the action in this picture page - and links - posted by Broadcast Engineering Services: http://www.well.com/user/dmsml/kpfk.html - (Thanks to Don Mussell for the URL)." From "Robert F. Gonsett, W6VR, Editor - The CGC Communicator: http://www.bext.com/_CGC/ - weekly (usually posted Thursday mornings)" said Dave's link. The well.etc URL links to lots of antenna info etc.

11/29.3/01 - Christmas music on the Internet. www.measurecast.com/ says "Cablemusic Network’s (www.cablemusic.com) Christmas Classic station drew 5,486 on-line listeners who listened to more than 19,000 hours of holiday tunes – up from 11,930 hours the week before. The company’s Christmas Rock station attracted 1,307 people who listened for a total of 1,738 hours – up from 1,198 hours the previous week. And its Christmas Jazz station had 134 people listen for 244 hours – up from 112 hours a week earlier."

11/29.2/01 - Radio message boards do differ. Of the three I check, one didn't mention laradio.com till today when I posted it. Therefore, when checking for L.A. info my new sequence will be:

  1. Southern CA members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/
  2. N.Y. musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/
  3. L.A. radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/

11/29.1/01 - Dave has a different view than my following Flash. I will be linking to Dave's various radio-related pages as he reorganizes. Keep an eye on C & C. His radio news today at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html has the following.

"laradio.com Leaves The Free Internet

Starting yesterday, Don Barrett's laradio.com has gone 100% subscriber based. With the demise of radiodigest.com last year with its weekly radio columns covering a few major radio markets including Los Angeles, plus this, all that remains are the free Internet weekly radio columns such as Gary Lycan that cover the Los Angeles market.

Starting today, since laradio is no longer free, I will be phasing out the link to his website from mine as the older DFS News editions are removed from the website and placed on the Archive CD.

Also, in response to Barrett taking his website pay, I have decided to launch a separate L.A. Radio News and Views as part of DFS News starting today. The difference....you, the readers and broadcasters, will shape the column yourself by Sending_Me_Radio_Scoops as usual, but if they're aimed at the Los Angeles and Orange County areas, the scoops will go on that separate page. Also going there are radio wires that cover that area where needed.

I might also expand into Riverside and Palm Springs with editions covering those markets if readers are interested, but like the Los Angeles edition, it will be 100% reader submitted as readers in those areas know their radio markets the best."

11/29/01 - Headlines at laradio.com. This morning Don's site has another format change. Yesterday was just the pay-for-it notice. Today there are a few headlines about radio shows, which is why I read his site. Most of Don's news was way inside the industry, had little appeal to me, and was probably just read by people in the business. If www.laradio.com/ keeps the headline format - not just teasers, I might check the site daily and keep a link, higher on my list, to his site.

11/28.2/01 - Matt Drudge adds 200th. station, or something like that says allaccess.com today. At least catch the first few minutes to check out his lead story. He has a good news/links site at www.drudgereport.com/. The radio show is Sunday, 7-10 p.m., on KFI 640 AM.

11/28.1/01 - Dave's radio news today can be found at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html. This find-the-link-of-the-day stuff is getting old.

11/28/01 - "FCC Site Launches New Search Engine... The www.fcc.gov website now includes a commercial-style search engine..." From Radio & Records via Dave's site. Search has 'Help' and 'Advanced' features.

===>>>11/27.4/01 - "For an annual fee of $36 (10 cents a day), you will have complete access until December 31, 2002." Says Don today at www.laradio.com/. Actually, I found his stat pages today by accident and warned him. Let's see, X hits times 3% times $36 is money.

11/27.3/01 - Art Bell's absences. "WABC-A/New York ran Talk Radio Network's Michael Savage in place of Premier's Art Bell last week in overnights, and now the New York Post's John Mainelli reports that the station is so irritated by Bell's frequent absences that it may make the move permanent." From allaccess.com yesterday. His site at www.artbell.com/ lists future guests and graphics concerning the show. Is it pay-to-stream? Don't know.

11/27.2/01 - NYC radio message board. New York has an active message board with search, etc. at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/ .

11/27.1/01 - Your Holiday Gift List ... is the topic this week at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/. He describes several radio-related gifts and has links like www.radioprogramrecorder.com for a Radio Program Recorder (RPR) which I referenced in the 10/13.2/01 Flash.

11/27/01 - Gavin - Industry. Dave asks, "Gavin - Industry: http://www.gavin.com/www - (has this site ceased publication?)." They're a trade outlet, and haven't updated since 11/16/01. Today, the best link to dave's radio news is www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html.

11/26.3/01 - LA Weekly 'Radio Picks.' This is on their web site most weeks and in the paper, towards the back. For 11/23/01 it was on page 144. It's mostly the same music shows, listed from Friday through Thursday, but the paper is free. Or go to www.laweekly.com/, click 'Calendar' at the top left, then click 'Radio' in the lower center. Today it was at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.

11/26.2/01 - LAX radio, at 530 AM, is mostly recorded announcements with what may be live traffic and parking reports. The range could be about a mile, so you need to be near LAX to hear it. They announce the station as WNHB296. No web site for the station, but LAX, offically the Los Angeles International Airport and/or the Los Angeles Municipal Airport, has a site at www.airportsintl.com/lax/lax1a.html. Anyone have info on the FreeWay radio station?

11/26.1/01 - A Cuban American radio listener writes 'radio static.' See www.miami.com/herald/content/opinion/letters/digdocs/011824.htm .

11/26/01 - Monday morning radio news. Not much. I can't get into Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ this morning. Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/ has way-inside-the-business news but nothing about his soon-to-be, pay-per-view site. Dave's radio stuff is at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html today. He's been working on reorganization, so there isn't much news today. Nothing in the LAT, not even a late site posting of old stuff. Check the following, and leave radio news at my Message Board for posting here.

11/25.3/01 - Monday morning, check Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ to see if he charges for the news. Or, if you want free news, post it on my message board.

11/25.2/01 - Chicago radio. An email from Ed Schwartz to Don's site said Robert Feder with the Chicago Sun Times at www.suntimes.com/ did a radio column. Checking.

11/25.1/01 - New headlines since Friday at Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.

11/25/01 - New stuff and "'Fish' format proves a ratings catch" and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

11/24.3/01 - FCC Rules at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-47402,00.html from yesterday's LAT. This story and the next (11/24.2/01) were both posted a day late on the Internet -- in relation to the printed paper.

11/24.2/01 - Theatre and Music. "New Digs for Displaced Radio Troupe. California Artists Radio Theatre...has taken up residence in a 155-seat theater in the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn in North Hollywood. Its first show, a Christmas-themed program of holiday stories, poems and songs, will be presented Dec. 15." Christmas Music - "KOST-FM (103.5) is playing all holiday music through Dec. 25." From yesterday's LAT, and just posted today at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-47406,00.html.

11/24.1/01 - Dave's radio columns moved again to www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html. A much faster site, and there's a short column for today. Or use one of his redirects.

11/24/01 - It's email Saturday at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. Strange, there's not one comment about his report to go subscriber-based (pay for it).

11/23.4/01 - Support free radio news. Post your radio news on my message board, and I'll put it here. State if you want your name mentioned.

11/23.3/01 - "Clear Channel cheating FCC rules --A MUST READ!!! Posted by CC sux on 11/23/2001, 6:39:20 The truth is starting to come out. Read this. www.salon.com/ent/clear_channel/2001/11/20/fcc_complaint/index.html," from the members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/ message board.

11/23.2/01 - More new, free stuff today at Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.

11/23.1/01 - New, free columns for today and yesterday are available at Dave's site. His back columns are free also. Use turn.to/dfsnews/ while he reorganizes.

11/23/01 - "The Rise and Fall of the Beautiful Music Radio Format: An insiderÂ’s Perspective By Dennis R. Ciapura. Fine music formats, like Classical..." is the bulk of Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today.

11/21.8/01 - Free radio news. Sent me your radio news, and I'll post it here for free access by everyone. Use the message board, and email in the future is possible.

11/21.7/01 - Gone till Monday. I probably won't see a computer till Monday, so find news yourself, like at C&C. Happy Holiday.

11/21.6/01 - "Go Vegan With Bob Linden" with a new time and day moves from Sunday to 9 p.m. Wednesday on KRLA 870 AM. He has a site at www.goveganradio.com which suggests they stream and are live at that time. Frankly, I don't listen, and I understand the group is rather radical. It could be an hour-long show.

11/21.5/01 - "Bill O'Reilly says he's "pulling back" from talks for a daily radio show," says allaccess.com.

11/21.4/01 - "Business of Success". "What: Business and media guru Alan Rothman gives tips on navigating today's business maze. Show includes interviews with celebrities, experts and authors with listener calls." See the Daily News at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp. They never did run the 'Ken & Company' column in this spot. Alan Rothman has a site at www.businessofsuccess.com/.

11/21.3/01 - New LAT ad sucks. Go to the following LAT column, and see the new 'target' pop-up ad that is unkillable for a several seconds. May they and it roast in the hot spot.

11/21.2/01 - "Radio - Limbaugh Prepares for Cochlear Implant" says today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-47268,00.html. We've all read it, "Radio talk personality Rush Limbaugh has been totally deaf for the past three weeks...expects to get a cochlear implant..." I do wish him good luck, but someone mentioned his show got better since his loss. Me - I don't listen; I'd rather hear paint dry.

11/21.1/01 - All Christmas? Listen for some stations to go all-Christmas music. I don't listen or report, but sometimes Dave at turn.to/dfsnews mentions it in his daily reports, like today.

11/21/01 - laradio.com becomes subscriber-based. "An announcement was made last night that LARADIO.com will be reconfigured in the next few days and become subscriber-based," says Don Barrett's site today at www.laradio.com/. I wish him luck cause, from what I recall, several subscriber-based (aka subscriber-pays) radio-industry services have failed.

11/20.4/01 - "Measurecast Internet Radio Top 25 has new leader: WQXR-FM, classical station of the New York Times." See www.measurecast.com/, the 11/13/01 story, for the whole thing.

"Founded in 1936, WQXR-FM was the first commercial classical music radio station in the United States, and since 1944 it has been owned and operated by The New York Times Company. WQXR is a 24-hour classical music station that includes news highlights, and features and reviews by New York Times correspondents." Also, "The first FM stereo tests were done with WQXR, and our AM outlet was the first AM stereo station in New York."

"WQXR-FM became the number one Internet radio station for the week ending Nov. 4 by streaming 290,699 hours [TTSL] to 11,843 people [Cume]... MeasureCast stations are ranked by TTSL (total time spent listening)...The top four classical music stations measured by MeasureCast (and their total number of hours streamed) are: WQXR-FM (290,699 hours); KING-FM (124,682); Cablemusic Networks Classical (23,686); and WCPE-FM (19,067)."

Some top stations include:

11/20.3/01 - Los Angeles Radio message board moves. This board, once at radio-info.com/mb/losangeles/, will move to radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/. A non-event, however, go to the old board for a link to the old info which will not be moved to the new board.

11/20.2/01 - Some radio person. "About 100 students...were slated to [see]..."Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"...But their hopes were dashed when a few concerned parents and one local radio personality raised objections about the movie's depiction of witchcraft, forcing the outing to be canceled." From the LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-47229,00.html.

11/20.1/01 - Satellite [radio] Woes, Clear Channel accused of concealing stations, George Putnam, and more at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/ today. "George Putnam returns this Monday to the Los Angeles airwaves. Hear him on KPLS (830 AM) weekdays at noon," Richard says.

11/20/01 - "davesfunstuff.com Moving Status." I'm confused, but Dave says, "...I received confirmation... to host my domain davesfunstuff.com...The transfer of davesfunstuff.com...from geocities to hostonce.com...within a week." Till then, use turn.to/dfsnews/ to reach his radio stuff, and look for his columns covering the last two days on the lower-right side.

11/19.6/01 "Rush Limbaugh says he's now 100% deaf and will likely undergo cochlear implant surgery later this year. The Premiere talk host told his listeners Monday (11/19) that he lost his remaining hearing about "two or three weeks" ago..." says allaccess.com.

11/19.5/01 - Message boards talk. A few from members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/. I don't even try to verified this info.

11/19.4/01 Two of the 33 new radio headlines and links since Friday (11/16/01) follow. See Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/ every day for more.

11/19.3/01 - "O'Reilly Plots Limbaugh Slots" says Matt Drudge at www.drudgereport.com/matt91b.htm. Talk radio is hot again and everyone wants some. Read about it elsewhere cause I don't usually report this stuff, at least not till it happens.

11/19.2/01 - The "Ken & Company" show review is still not available at the Daily News web site. I just sent them a note. See the 11/17.3/01 Flash.

11/19.1/01 - Dave moves to turn.to/dfsnews. While I was posting the following flash, a notice appeared at Dave's geo site that he moved. To Dave - have fun and good luck at the new site. His comments at the new site are rather long but follow.

"DFS News and Other Websites Moving

Once again, I am having problems dealing with Geocities about converting my account from GeoPlus to Geo Webmaster. They dropped me off the GeoPlus, but did not move me to Geo Webmaster, so that is why you've been seeing those nasty "bandwith excess" errors on my davesfunstuff and radiocalifornia pages.

Therefore, in order to free up some bandwidth, I moved the Weird Al page to another server and took the 80's Page off the web and made the section available as a series of Zipped download files.

Furthermore, I moved DFS News from the davesfunstuff site (soon to be moving to another server) to this new server at radiocalifornia.

In order to free up some bandwidth, I have taken all of the DFS News archives offline. If you wish to have a CD full of back stories, please send me $5 to David Tanny, PO Box 19569, San Diego, CA 92159-0569. I will include the contents of more of my websites such as Today in History, Stupid Audio, and other sites for an additional $20. This is one way you can surf some of my sites and saving me some bandwidth headaches until I get this mess straighted out with Geocities.

Please check where all the sections are location at the what will soon be the former davesfunstuff portal at this location: http://www.geocities.com/davidtanny"

11/19/01 - "Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!," says geocities today about Dave's site. "The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer..." Dave mentioned this for my 11/17.1/01 Flash, but this is the first time I couldn't get into Dave's site.

11/18.1/01 - www.radiodailynews.com/ opens. I did get into Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ this morning, but the Reminder will remain till I get steady access.

11/18/01 - "KFI tops in O.C. [Orange County] Arbitrons," program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's new column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.

11/17.4/01 - Yahoo Internet radio? Is this new? Is it Yahoo? I don't know and I don't listen. Didn't see any talk. Check music.launch.com/launchcast/?.

11/17.3/01 - Ken & Company, a review, is not in it's normal spot yet. I'll fix soon. Here's what a search found -- "Published on November 14, 2001, Daily News of Los Angeles (CA) - RADIO SHOW OF THE WEEK - ``KEN & COMPANY'' - What: Ken's back! KABC morning veteran Ken Minyard heads up a team that includes ex-KFWB newsman Dan Avey in a fast-paced show that spins off the day's hot topics. Also on board: traffic reporter Jorge Jarrin and sports anchor Dave Stone, with money reports and breaking news from the ABC Network.

Where: KABC-AM (790).
When: 5 to 9 a.m. weekdays.
Quote: ``It's very similar to the shows I did with (respective co-hosts) Roger Barkley...."

11/17.2/01 - Comedy on KPCC. "...Beginning Monday, Peter Bergman, co-founder of the comedy troupe Firesign Theatre, will present "True Confessions of the Real World," a three-minute spot featuring his take on the news and interviews with imaginary newsmakers, airing Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a.m. and at 5:30 p.m. on KPCC-FM (89.3)..." says today's LAT "Morning Report" at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-46728,00.html.

11/17.1/01 - Geocities and Tripod comments. See Dave's column today at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm. He's had problems with both. I tried to build a site first at Geocities maybe in the mid 1990's but gave up and moved to Tripod were it was easier for a beginner. But, I've had problems with Tripod; see Site Flashes for a few.

11/17/01 - It's email Saturday at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. Strange, there's not one comment about his reported, recent listener poll which I missed.

11/16.6/01 - Some 11/12/01 Numbers for talk and misc. stations. See radio-info.com/mb/losangeles/ for all the numbers. See who isn't on the list.

11/16.5/01 - Old news, but "Voice Your Support for the Troups. Give our troops your personal support Saturday by taping a 15-second greeting to U.S. military personnel serving abroad. ABC Radio in partnership with Voice of America will operate a special recording booth from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Panorama Mall. Shoppers are invited to tape their greetings for inclusion on a CD that the VOA will broadcast throughout the world from Dec. 7 through the end of January..." Old news from the 11/9/01 Daily News but perhaps happening elsewhere. P.S. remember, I was off the Internet.

11/16.4/01 - Another LAT page for radio news appeared at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleKeywordSearch-Radio,00.html . Their plan should be to reference all radio info from one page; rather, it appears this is just another of their pages which need to be check - i.e. they don't reference "Morning Report," "In the Know," etc.

11/16.3/01 - Russian President Vladimir Putin follow-up concerning the 11/14.5/01 Flash. "Putin Fields Questions From American Public on Talk Radio." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-46688,00.html.

11/16.2/01 - Small New Jersey station . " Independence Pulses in the Ever-Changing Sound of WFMU-FM. The small New Jersey station has won fans by playing just about anything, from distortion to French pop." See today's L.A. Times at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-46685,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=T.

11/16.1/01 - Ken Minyard and George Putnam are discussed at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm22034.html. Normally, Richard Wagoner's column is posted earlier in the week at his site members.home.net/rwagoner/ but not for the last few weeks.

11/16/01 - Some of Today's tips from Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/: "New York Times film critic Elvis Mitchell hosts actor-writer-comedian Steve Martin this afternoon at 2:30 at KCRW [89.9 FM]....Art Linkletter will appear at Museum of Television & Radio later this month for an hour and a half conversation....Former KFI talk show host Tammy Bruce guested with KABCÂ’s Larry Elder recently....George Putnam is scheduled to begin his noon KPLS [830 AM] program on November 26....Michael Levine's Inside/Out show on KRLA [870 AM] has..Casper Weinberger, former Secretary of Defense under President Reagan...." and more.

11/15.2/01 - For some U.S. radio stations on the Internet try www.usradio.net/. For CA stations they just list text, but for other states they provide hot links. Remember, I don't listen.

11/15.1/01 - Still can't access Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/. It my only be me, I may just time out before it opens.

11/15/01 - The "4th annual LARADIO.com listener poll" was on the November 9-13, 2001 pages says Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/. I missed it cause of the Internet problems, but he says you can get it in his archives.

11/14.5/01 - Concerning the 11/14.2/01 Flash - "Public radio listeners will be able to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a special two-hour broadcast Thursday. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., "All Things Considered" host Robert Siegel will interview Putin and take listener calls. Then, at 7:30, Neal Conan of NPR will continue the conversation with listeners and studio guests." Says The Hawk Eye, Macomb, Ill.

11/14.4/01 - Weekly columns: Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml and Richard Wagoner at members.home.net/rwagoner/ had lots of stuff. Richard's columns are archived and searchable, for the past few years. These are on C&C.

11/14.3/01 - Not working now is Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ which I did see earlier today from elsewhere.

11/14.2/01 - "Russian President Vladimir V. Putin will grant one extended interview during his visit to the U.S. this week... Putin, in an unprecedented move by a leader of Russia or the former Soviet Union, will converse directly with members of the American public on Thursday at 5 p.m. (PST). The live call-in show will be moderated by Robert Siegel, the host of "All Things Considered," and is expected to be carried locally on stations KPCC-FM (89.3) and KCRW-FM (89.9). It can also be accessed via live audio stream at www.npr.org on the Internet." Says yesterday's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-46560,00.html. Note: The NPR site suggests it starts at 4:30 p.m. local time. Also see 11/14.5/01 Flash.

11/14.1/01 - LAT headlines I misses. Read at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!TextSearch,00.html?search_text=jhradio&search_area=Articles&_template=search%2Fresult_list.html&x=29&y=3.

11/14/01 - My Internet problems may be fixed. I had no local access to Tripod, hotmail, the slower sites, etc. Problem started two weeks ago, but it seems ok today.

11/9.3/01 - "KFWB [980 AM] Afternoon Drive-Time News" is reviewed at www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp.

11/9.2/01 - "Minyard Proves You Can Go Home Again . Ken Minyard was fired from talk radio station KABC-AM (790) in November 1998..." Yesterday's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-46334,00.html.

11/9.1/01 - "Donors Picket Pacifica Over Unsettled Suits... A group of donors picketed the North Hollywood studios of KPFK-FM (90.7) on Thursday and pledged to withhold their usual contributions until the station's parent--the liberal Pacifica Foundation--settles lawsuits with disgruntled listeners and board members." Today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-46403,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

11/9/01 - "KPCC Passes the Hat for New York Station. To help a public radio sibling hurt by the terrorist attacks, the Pasadena broadcaster is one of several outlets asking listeners to chip in during fund drives." Today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-46404,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.

11/7.2/01 - Lots of stuff this week at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/columns/2001/nov0901.html.

11/7.1/01 - Internet problems still. I can only access a few sites like google - or yahoo.com most times - not tripod. (This was done elsewhere.) No updates till local problem is fixed. Like no hotmail.com since Sunday. Try to read C&C daily.

11/7/01 - Headlines. Allaccess.com has stuff like, "KABC-A/LOS ANGELES brings KEN MINYARD back for mornings with DAN AVEY... GEORGE PUTNAM joining KPLS-A/LOS ANGELES lineup...SALEM RADIO NETWORK host HUGH HEWITT launches satirical campaign for CALIFORNIA Lt. Governor."

11/5.1/01 - Headlines via email from ALLACCESS.COM at http://www.allaccess.com: "BEASLEY net revenue up 2.4%, broadcast cash flow off 17.9% for 3rd quarter 2001...SALEM net broadcasting revenue up 22.4%, broadcast cash flow up 1.7% for 3rd quarter 2001... BROADCASTERS FOUNDATION to honor RADIO ONE with 2002 GOLDEN MIKE AWARD..." and more.

11/5/01 - Local Internet problems are keeping me out of most pages on Columns & Columnists (C&C). I'll do an update here when I can.

11/4.5/01 - More Radio-Program Tips are listed on www.ocregister.com/show/radio_calendar.shtml. This and Gary Lycan's column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml seem to be the two main radio pages in the Orange County Register today.

11/4.4/01 - New Weekend Headlines do appear in the "RDN Central" area at Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/, but the " RDN Daily Archives" section at www.radiodailynews.com/rdnarchives.htm is only updated on weekdays. The site was up today.

11/4.3/01 - The 'Unknown' Stations, tips, and more this week at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. "In Goliaths' world, here's to Davids." Concerning KPLS 830 AM, "We're radio on the right," he said, a reference to a lineup that includes Imus, 6-10 a.m.; Neal Boortz 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; Bob Dornan, 1-4 p.m.; Neal Savage, 4-7 p.m.; and Laura Ingraham, 7-10 p.m. Savage and Ingraham repeat overnights." "KPLS is 30,000 watts daytime and is awaiting FCC approval to go to 50,000." If they had a web site and a weekend schedule, they could be like the big stations.

11/4.2/01 - It's Photo Sunday and Listener-Email Saturday at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/ today. One comment, "The KRLA news team discussed "How to Get Into Broadcast News" at a recent Learning Annex session. Over 32 interested students attended. "Reaction was fantastic," said Jason Jeffries. "It was fascinating to learn about everyone's career paths and how they have crossed. Almost everyone who attended came up after the seminar to shake our hands, talk with us and tell us how much they enjoyed the station,"" concerns the 11/1/01 Flash.

11/4.1/01 - The San Diego Union-Tribune keeps their TV/radio index at www.uniontrib.com/tvradio/index.html.

11/4/01 - San Diego radio ratings. "The talk-team at KOGO gets the good word from ratings." Try www.uniontrib.com/tvradio/broadbriefs10.31.html .

11/3.5/01 - KECC has a history like, "The station was soon involved in emergency operation when heavy rains flooded the campus in January of 1995, during Registration. The campus police radio system (located in the the basement of the police station) had been submerged by the rising water and had shorted out. KECC being on higher ground was still operating. So we became a radio relay station, with the police phoning in problems and our DJ's relaying them." Their site has been revised to include their 'air' schedule and new email address. See www.elcamino.cc.ca.us/kecc/index.html.

11/3.4/01 - Korean satellite radio soon says www.korealink.co.kr/kt_tech/200110/t2001103117324245110.htm . Tip was from my Radio Headlines.

11/3.3/01 - KCRW 89.9 FM (#7) and KRLA 870 AM (#18) made the Internet listening list at www.measurecast.com/ in this week's report which covers 10/15-10/21.

11/3.2/01 - Still not working. Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ still isn't working. Try again.

11/3.1/01 - Not yet available on the LAT site is today's "Morning Report." I don't recall seeing much in the paper.

11/3/01 - This week's Listener email plus the top shows from 1998 (the green section) are at Don Barrett's site www.laradio.com/ today.

11/2.4/01 - African radio news. Try allafrica.com/stories/200111020193.html .

11/2.3/01 - Talk Radio Roundup. A new site? Try www.talkradioroundup.com/trr/index.asp . He also links to radiotalk.org/ which could be a new one for me also.

11/2.2/01 - "Lycos launches format-laden Internet music." Confused about Friday's radio column? Concerning the 11/1.3/01 Flash, Richard's column is still not yet posted on his site. What was on RAVE! yesterday was some other column on satellite radio or maybe last week's column. See www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm46849.html for the 'real'? column about Internet Music. Check it out at music.lycos.com/radio/. Now it's at Richard's site also: members.home.net/rwagoner/.

11/2.1/01 - Not working. Larry Shannon's site at www.radiodailynews.com/ isn't working right now. Try again.

11/2/01 - "Rethinking the Plan for Emergency Alerts. With 24-hour news stations in place, the FCC is taking another look at the Cold War-era system." See today's LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-46100,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV .

11/1.5/01 - "Hermosa: Voicing the Music." Perhaps of local South-Bay interest is KXLU with a story at beach.townnews.com/display/inn_news/news10.txt. From 2/28/01 Flash - ...88.9 FM was our local KXLU at Loyola Marymount University which over powers KUCI from Irvine in the L.A. area.

11/1.4/01 Message boards. Remember to check and, if applicable, use the two L.A. message boards on Columns & Columnists (C&C) and mine at Message Board. Other radio-info sites accept email, etc.

11/1.3/01 Satellite radio. Note: There may be a mistake here, somewhere. Usually at Richard Wagoner's members.home.net/rwagoner/ site first, this week column is in Rave! first at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm10820.html.

11/1.2/01 - Top radio station websites. "Radio Ink: http://www.radioink.com/ - The 50 Best Radio Station Websites... http://www.radioink.com/thisyear50best.asp... The first ten in Radio Ink's "The 50 Best" are: WGN-AM/Chicago, KOIT-FM/San Francisco, KIIS-FM/Los Angeles (including its web-only site KIISFMi.com), WRR-FM/Dallas, WNNX-FM/Atlanta, WINS-AM/New York, WSTR-FM/Atlanta, KFMB-FM/San Diego, KKMR-FM/Dallas, and WTOP-AM/Washington, DC. Other notable stations in the Top 50 include... Arrow 93 Los Angeles, 100.3 The Beat Los Angeles,..." From Dave at geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4656/indexnws.htm today. I don't agree: i.e. #1 WGN hides their program schedule as the "Shows" page and doesn't describe the shows till you click. For example, our KABC site and others are somewhat better on this issue.

11/1.1/01 - "Spanish-language radio company Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. posted lower third-quarter earnings because of an advertising slump and increased promotion and programming costs in key U.S. Latino markets. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization fell 23.4% to $21.7 million from $28.3 million in the year-ago period." But just about everyone is down. Also from Don's site.

11/1/01 - "'How To Break Into News Radio.' The KRLA news team is hosting an evening of “How To Break Into News Radio.” Jason Jeffries (director of long form programming), Larry Marino (ops/nd), Richard Jacobson (news anchor), Russ Spears (news anchor), and Scott Greene (news anchor) will be holding a class for the Learning Annex in Santa Monica tonight at 6 p.m. They'll discuss their careers and how to break into broadcasting and the news field. For more information and/or if you'd like to attend call 310.478.6677." Says Don Barrett's site at www.laradio.com/ today.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info.

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