12/2000 Radio Flashes (to save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight)
Holiday Schedules - Tune around, and see what's happening. Expect some of the big-name hosts to be gone Christmas and New Year's days but also that whole week, replaced often by more interesting hosts. Expect some specials on National Public Radio (NPR) and elsewhere and lots of Holiday music. There could also be some year-end wrap-up news shows, music hits of the year, etc.
12/30.3/00 - KIEV becomes KRLA on Monday 1/1/2001. Yes, the old KRLA at 1110 AM is gone, but KIEV at 870 AM has the rights to use the KRLA call sign at 870 AM. I liked the KIEV sign; anyone want it? It could take months to fix this site, or I may not even try. Just remember any reference to KRLA or KIEV, starting 1/1/2001, means tune to 870 AM. This per Don Barrett's site, 12/29/00.
12/30.2/00 - KCSN 88.5 FM replaces the weekday 6:30-7 p.m. "Marketplace" with five shows, the first three are local by KCSN, starting Monday 1/1/01. Mon=local life & culture, Tue=local architecture, Wed=local food news, Thu=Pacific Rim life, and Fri=CA report. Per 12/27/00 LAT, page F2, by Shauna Snow. Tip - You may need a directional FM antenna to receive KCSN or you may receive some music station on the same frequency.
12/30.1/00 - XM and Sirius could begin satellite digital radio in 2001, but so could the 13,000 radio stations in the US. The new transmitters could cost $50,000 and a receiver could cost $100 with lower prices as numbers increases. I usually read before I report, but no time, may update someday. See WSJ, 12/28/00, pages B5 and B6 for two stories.
12/30/00 - Part of a posted email to Don Barrett's site today about radio writers - "... as well as John Fox's San Diego report, 'The PD Chronicles,' 'Mann About San Francisco,' and anything written by Jim Hawthorne. I was also a big fan of the coverage of some of the markets not often given a forum, such as Ann Silberman's column on the goings on in Sacramento..." - Alan Oda. Wish I had time to find their sites and read their stuff!
12/29.1/00 - Can you believe? "Civil-rights groups have called a press conference for today [12/28] outside KNX..." Why? Cause KNX might play the "Amos 'n' Andy" show on the Drama Hour. It's a "Comedy" -- uninteresting, unfunny old radio show, and that the only reason I wouldn't listen. Please don't put it on KNX; there are so many better shows available. Civil-rights groups - get a life. Item per 12/28/00 LAT, Calendar, page 59.
12/29/00 - I couldn't find a radio tips list in yesterday's LAT.
12/27.2.00 - Don Barrett says radiodigest.com has closed down, but the site still works. Get some now if you want a bit of history or old info.
12/27.1/00 - Tomm Looney at www.looneynews.com says he's off this week and to check Sandy Wells for info. He only references "any San Gabrial Valley newspaper" and KABC. Anyone know a web site??? No time to look now. Also on KNX??
12/27/00 - See Gary Lycan's 12/24/00 column about ratings: "In morning drive, amoung all listeners, the leaders, in order ....." He then lists about the top 13 shows which I don't list on Favorites. In fact only one is intelligent, I hear it occasionally, and that's his Saturday show only. Remember to check Columns & Columnists for other types of shows and info.
12/26.1/00 - KNX says more than 8,000 people participated in the voting for their favorite Drama Hour shows. See 12/3/00 Flash.
12/26/00 - The search for a "Steve Carney" site continues. See 12/23.1/00 Flash. A search on www.google.com with {"Steve Carney" newspaper radio} got results but no site yet.
12/23.2/00 - Remember, KNX changes the Drama Hour schedule Sat. 01/06/2001 and announces the new schedule Wed. 01/03/2001. Keep checking www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for updates, and I'll post the results when I can.
12/23.1/00 - The next Steve Carney radio column was in the 12/22/00 LAT, page F42, titled "Copyright Ruling Alarms Webcasters" with stuff and a few links for web radio. Nothing in Thursday's paper; see 12/14/00 Flash. Is he on the web???
12/23/00 - See added Premiere and Salem URL's at 12/21.1/00 Flash.
12/21.2/00 - Again, check Don Barrett's site 12/20/00 for late-night changes at KABC. Doug McIntyre, misspelled as MacEntire, now midnight-3a five days? moves to 2-5:30a seven days? on Tues 1/2/01. Doug will fill in for Larry Elder next week. ------ If you missed Don's site -- "(December 20, 2000) KABC has added the Mitch Albom (r) Show beginning next Wednesday night at midnight. Mitch's syndicated show will air from Midnight to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday. Doug McIntyre will host a live overnight show on an interim basis from 2 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. beginning on Tuesday morning, January 2, 2001, it was announced by KABC pd Erik Braverman, who hopes to have Doug full-time. "Coast to Coast" with Mike Siegel will no longer be heard on KABC." Also: "Mitch [Albom] is a tv and radio personality, known internationally for his phenomenal best-selling book, Tuesdays With Morrie." Thanks Don.
12/21.1/00 - Gary Lycan says Matt Drudge will move to Premiere Radio www.premrad.com with a new show on 2/4/01. Also, Salem Communications www.salem.cc (like KIEV) got (or applies for) the old KRLA call letters.
12/21/00 - Mike Siegel wanted to replace Art Bell but will be off KABC soon.
12/19/00 - Keep an eye on Don Barrett's site www.laradio.com and listed on Columns & Columnists. On the front page he updates what he knows about Imus, Jackson, and others from KRLA, and whatever. Ira Fistell is on the internet at www.talkamerica.com on net 2 and something like ??broadcast.com??
12/14/00 - It's been months, maybe a year, since the LAT had a RADIO column in the Thursday 'Calendar Weekend' section. I wrote several times that it read like a bad ad or PR for some show or radio person I didn't care about. Did anyone care; guess not? Rather than do better columns they quit. Well, it's back, in today's paper, page 58, titled ""Democracy" in Action" by Steve Carney, a "special to the Times." The show is 'Democracy Now!,' with Amy Goodman on weekdays at 6-7 a.m. and repeated at 9 a.m. on KPFK 90.7 FM. He seems to think she covers the world and does a good job. Doesn't sound like my kind of show, but I will try it. Nice that they can review an intelligent talk show also. 12/20/00 - tried 12/15: rap with four-letter words?? didn't help.
12/13.1/00 - Did a few updates for the Favorites Mon-Fri. Just don't have the time anymore.
12/13/00 - Hugh Hewitt's site is expected soon at www.hughhewitt.com. Started 12/14/00 and crashed from overuse.
12/7/00 - KNX did round-by-round reports on the Trinidad/Vargas fight Saturday as I suggested. It was over just before the 9 p.m. Drama Hour. And that was a $44.95 or $49.95 pay-per-view event. Remember to check for the next big fight.
12/3.1/00 - Chef Jamie Gwen is Sunday 9-10 a.m. KIEV with top cooking guests. Today was Rick Bayless, next week is a rare live interview with Julia Child. See Julia's "best of" TV show today -- See TV Flashes.
12/3/00 - Vote for KNX Drama Hour Favorites - Remember to suggest your favorite shows for next year at www.knx1070.com/dramasurvey by Friday 12/8/00. Next big schedule change due 1/2001.
12/2.1/00 - KRLA is gone, and so are other shows listed on Favorites. Check what you missed. Lack of time prevents major updates till 1/2001, and I'll wait for things to stablize and updates to station web sites.
12/2/00 - Matt Drudge on KABC will end soon, but he may still be on KOGO 600 AM in San Diego -- Sun 7-9 p.m. I can hear it ok in L.A.
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