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New - Radio-program reviews - 80 shows - from the Daily News. See Reviews.
Have a Happy and Safe New Year. I may not get back on the Internet till 12/31/01 or 1/2/02. Keep checking C&C.
12/28.10/01 - The Unedited column by Richard Wagoner appeared on this site at members.home.net/rwagoner/ with "Rose Parade play-by-play by KRLA [870 AM]," other holiday shows, Dodgers, and more.
12/28.9/01 - Popular Communications is a magazine for radio listeners who wish to go beyond the AM and FM bands. I haven't mentioned it for a while, but their site is popular-communications.com/.
12/28.8/01 - "The Earthlink Internet Radio Show," the site says, is also "1:00AM - Monday - The Earthlink Internet Radio Show Call in: 1.800.392.7447 Visit: radio.earthlink.net." This must be a repeat of the Sunday noon-2p show, both on KLRA 870 AM. Also, stations often list the early morning show on the wrong day - like their "1:00AM - Monday" could be Sun, Mon, or Tue. Keep an eye on their weekday and weekend schedules for the newest info.
12/28.7/01 - Radio recording. Mike on my new message board posted "aiwa xrm-150 - Recently I purchased an AIWA XR-M150 table top radio. This radio has two important features, an auto-reverse record cassette and a timer. It will come on and record a radio show on both sides of a cassette. Another radio that does this is the Panasonic SC-PM11. It is a bit more expensive but also works very well." Thanks for the tips. I searched www.google.com for both models and found several links and reviews, but my quick look didn't spot a timed-recording feature.
12/28.6/01 - Year-end shows. Check around the dial if you enjoy the 'best-of' music shows, the 'top-news' stories, etc. which are typical at year's end.
12/28.5/01 - Local NPR stations. Enter an L.A. zip code like 90012, and www.npr.org/ lists 10 local NPR stations with links, not in any sequence, with frequency overlaps. See www.npr.org/members/west.html#ca for links to CA and other stations. One could almost include NPRish KCSN 88.5 FM (misc.) and KMZT 105.1 FM (classical).
12/28.3/01 - No news yet, this week, at Robert Gonsett's http://www.bext.com/_CGC/
12/28.2/01 - "No more OC Register [newspaper] in LA County" says laradio.com. OC is Orange County and LA is L.A.
12/28.1/01 - "Rose Parade play-by-play by KRLA [870 AM]," other holiday shows, Dodgers, and more. It's not on Richard Wagoner's site yet, but you can read it in the paper at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm29652.html.
12/28/01 - "Record Labels Crying Over Unsold Mainstream Music" is Dave's lead story at www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html. Interesting. At that page, in the lower center, click on today's date.
12/27.5/01 - Music, radio, payola, whatever. "Middlemen Put Price on Airplay." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48866,00.html.
12/27.4/01 - "Happy Anniversary, Mr. Marconi . What's happened to radio in the 100 years since an Italian inventor sent the first wireless transmission? Come listen to L.A. radio for 24 hours straight to find out." With program tips. More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48830,00.html. Printed yesterday but just hit their site.
12/27.3/01 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are posted at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. I didn't notice any Holiday programs.
12/27.2/01 - New 2002 KNX Drama Hour scheduleand other shows. Check www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for details, Internet rebroadcasts, and OTR stuff. The 9-10p shows repeat the following 2-3a. Shows are one-half hour unless noted. The + marks my favorites.
12/27/01 - KPLS 830 AM web site. One poster says they're building at www.kpls.com/. They offer an email notification option for when the site is ready, but no indication if the signup worked. Another poster says their weekday lineup is below. All from the http://radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/ message board listed on C&C.
12/23.1/01 - "What began as a fleeting thought in April of this year has fully blossomed into a daily, nationwide source of radio and other broadcast news, information and professional ideas - RadioDailyNews.com ... Our list of subscribers to the free daily e-mail updates reads like a "Who's Who" of radio pros...." Remember - I can't usually access his site, so I suggest you check it every day - weekends also. It's Larry Shannon at www.radiodailynews.com/.
12/23/01 - "Stations celebrate in special ways." Holiday shows and more at Gary Lycan's www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
12/22.4/01 - My me-to-me Christmas present. My pocket-sized radio/cassette player was stolen 9/12/01, and I've been using my larger shortwave portable - in a belt pack. I wanted something smaller to fit in my pocket, without a tape player, and I must have digital tuning with memories. I ended up with a Sony WM FX281 with AM/FM/weather/TV/cassette and a descriptive page at www.sonystyle.com/electronics/prd.jsp?pid=8771.
Review - I've used it for a week, have dropped it about three times, and it still works. The AM and FM work ok but AM has only five memories; not enough for me. It has a crude scan feature and will step through the presets. FM has a distant/local switch but AM doesn't; not that they do much. An FM mono switch could help. TV, only with channels 2-13 [I'd rather receive PBS], and weather work but are weak. You'll need to pick prime reception areas. I don't often run cassettes on batteries and haven't tried it. A DC-power input socket would be a smart addition. Overall, it's a good AM/FM receiver for stronger signals and has a radio-control lock for pocket use. It's lighter and a tad smaller than my last unit. It was harder to find on the Sony site today so it may be go toward discontinued - but still available in local stores. It may be worth $30, but look for discounts.
12/22.3/01 - Email cards replace smail?. See it at www.chinadaily.net/cndy/2001-12-22/49084.html in English. No, it's not about radio, but it does mention "radio campaigns." [PS - The eastern New Year's holiday was banned in China during the cultural revolution, so the name was changed to the Spring festival. Now they mention the New Year again. Go figure. Perhaps they refer to the western New Year. Also, the original Chinese New Year is based on moon cycles, and the next is 2/12/2002.]
12/22.2/01 - Broadcasters go digital?. "Radio signals enter digital era. Stations to drop analog for better sound." More at www.wausaudailyherald.com/wdhlocal/276581163626592.shtml.
12/22.1/01 - "It's A Wonderful Life." Sunday, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM plays the "Lux Radio Theater." "Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed re-create their famous movie roles in "It's A Wonderful Life," the story of..." A Christmas Show. Original air date 3-10-1947. Bits from KNX below.
12/22/01 - "A Christmas Carol." "KNX [1070 AM] will broadcast "A Christmas Carol," starring Lionel Barrymore as Ebenezer Scrooge, on Monday at 9 p.m. The program was first broadcast on the station in 1934..." From LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-48693,00.html. Check www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for other seasonal shows and details.
12/21.8/01 - Parts of the Radio spectrum for sale. See New Zealand's www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,1046991a1896,FF.html.
12/21.7/01 - The official 2002 KNX "Drama Hour" schedule has not been released yet, but the first half of 2002 will include some favorites such as: Gunsmoke; Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar; Dimension X; The Whistler; Philip Marlowe; Suspense; and Lights Out. Keep checking www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html for seasonal holiday shows and, in the last few days of 2001, the new 2002 schedule.
12/21.6/01 - Melinda Lee's "Food Talk" expands over the holiday to Saturday 11a-2p, Sunday noon-2p, and Monday 12/24 and Tuesday 12/25 (Christmas day) 5-9a. All on KFI 640 AM. It could happen for the New Year's weekend also. Check their site. Call Melinda early cause the phones are always full.
12/21.5/01 - Jeff Levy's "On Computers" show is also on tomarrow 9-11a on KFI 640 AM says the KFI web site. This is in addition to his Sunday 9a-noon show. Take this as a warning if you also find him annoying; however, occasionally informed.
12/21.4/01 - More L.A. radio web links. I got a hit from www.geocities.com/joematters/Radio.html which also links to other sites. I have seen this site before, but this may be my first link to it. Sorry. It'll be on C&C soon.
12/21.3/01 - KCSN -- What's wrong with KCSN?. Your air schedule, stupid! Big KCSN at www.kcsn.org/ can't post a schedule, but little KECC at www.elcamino.cc.ca.us/kecc/schedule.html has one. Go figure. Does KCSN wish to discourage listeners? Do they wish to remain a minor L.A. station which once made a move to expand? Do any good shows remain? Who knows?
12/21.2/01 - "The World". "What's Suddenly Hot Is Old News Here. PRI's 'The World' has long pursued global topics now stirring interest in the U.S..."The World" can be heard weekdays from noon to 1 p.m. on KCRW-FM (89.9)." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48642,00.html.
12/21.1/01 - "Radio Kandahar Is Back on the Air. Eleven days ago, with the Taliban in retreat, station played its first song in seven years." From the 12/18/01 LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48503,00.html.
12/21/01 - "[Rush] Limbaugh 'Great' After Ear Surgery . The radio talk show host, gone deaf, may regain 50% of his hearing with a cochlear implant." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48653,00.html.
12/20.11/01 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' for next week are posted at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. I didn't notice any Holiday programs.
12/20.10/01 - Some CC stations resume streaming, but not without problems. See what this Miami station says at www.949zeta.com/html/listenlive.html. From the C to C BB.
12/20.9/01 - Rush's implant a success says musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/149687.html. It says the device will not be used for a while, but Rush should return to the air in early January. From the NYC BB, also at Drudge.
12/20.8/01 - The KNX drama hour, at this time of the year, plays some shows with a holiday theme. The hour is on seven days, about 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Saturday is 9-11p. Expect the usual line-up changes 1/1/02. Schedule, OTR links, trivia, and more at www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html.
12/20.7/01 - "Gift ideas for giving a new year of fitness ." "...Portable radios have become much smaller in recent years. Sony makes some user-friendly models, $30-$50: a pager-size version clips onto a waistband, another wraps around the arm and..." Article ID: 52631678, Published on December 19, 2001, The Orange County Register. Looks like none of the archives are free anymore?
12/20.6/01 - New San Diego radio message board at members5.boardhost.com/KFMB/ said one board.
12/20.5/01 - FCC, Mt. Wilson photos, XM, and more in Robert Gonsett's CGC #492 at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/. Robert - please stop with the typewriter font - I don't like reading it.
12/20.4/01 - laradio.com is off through the 25th.
12/20.3/01 - "Cloudy Forecast for Solar-Powered Radios . The portable models could come in handy during emergencies, but they're not reliable for recreational use." I can only suggest something with digital tuning - with analog tuning it's hard to find a specific station. Some where I mention a 'CC radio,' which I haven't tried, but it could be better. See LAT's www.latimes.com/technology/printedition/la-000100632dec20.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dpe%2Dtechnology.
12/20.2/01 - Holiday Programming and more. Richard Wagoner's Friday column is available today at members.home.net/rwagoner/.
12/20.1/01 - http://beta.search.msn.com/. I haven't checked my stats for the last few days, but it looks like MSN has a Beta search. It doesn't look much better now.
12/20/01 - Bill Handel in for Rush today 9a-noon 640 KFI AM.
12/16.2/01 - Less stuff. I´ll be working more hours some days and, with the current internet problems, will have less time for stuff. Keep checking back, and I´ll do what I can. Keep reading C&C.
12/16.1/01 - "Same Time Same Station" continues without John and Larry Gassman says Garry Lycan. "You can't hear it in most of Orange County, but John and Larry Gassman's "Same Time Same Station" old radio show has been around for years, most recently on KCSN/88.5 FM in the San Fernando Valley. The show was to end this month - John and Larry were moving and would no longer have access to the tapes and equipment. But they found a new show runner - Jerry Haendiges, who will take over the program in February. If you would like more information about the show or early radio programs, e-mail John at jjgassman@earthlink.net." From www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml. Best wishes to John and Larry, thanks for the years of shows, and get back into radio when you can.
12/16/01 - "KROQ tops in listening in fall ratings", "Same Time Same Station" continues, and more. See Gary Lycan´s www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
12/15.4/01 - Sunday tips. If I'm not here tomarrow, read the last few Sunday Flashes for some where-to-read tips and check C&C.
12/15.3/01 - KERN to resume streaming soon. See www.kernradio.com/pages/58183.asp (in Bakersfields, CA). This tip and the next from www.talkradioroundup.com/trr/index.asp.
12/15.2/01 - KABC on streaming. What's up? Start at www.talkradioroundup.com/trr/docs/boyc121401.htm.
12/15.1/01 - "Pacifica Radio Hopes to Recover Radical Voice. News Analysis: In turmoil more than three years, the network's future stabilizes with this week's agreement." I like NPR, but this is almost KPFK overcoverage by the LAT. More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48336,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=TV.
12/15/01 - Temp slow down. My system is so slow I can't get into the Tripod editor or the sites listed in the 12/14.1/01 Flash. I'll do what I can from elsewhere till access improves.
12/14.6/01 - "Pacifica Settles Suits to End Infighting. Pacifica Foundation, which owns KPFK-FM (90.7)...settled three lawsuits...bring peace to a network hobbled by bitter infighting for more than three years...alleging that the board majority squandered foundation funds and tried to steer the network away from its progressive course to the mainstream. More at LAT's www.latimes.com/sports/motorracing/la-000099074dec14.story.
12/14.5/01 - "Silent Night, Annoying Night: Songs People Love to Hate. An NPR show compiles the most irritating holiday tunes. Hint: The barking dogs' 'Jingle Bells' is comparatively good." More at LAT's www.latimes.com/entertainment/printedition/calendar/la-000099087dec14.story.
12/14.4/01 - "Web Radio Not Making Waves. An unfulfilled Internet vision: thousands of low-cost stations to challenge the status quo." Yesterday's LAT, the 'Tech Times' section, had a thing about how internet radio is not doing well. More at at www.latimes.com/technology/la-000098785dec13.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dtechnology.
12/14.3/01 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' are posted at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Mostly lame music shows.
12/14.2/01 - Richard Wagoner's Friday column is at members.home.net/rwagoner/.
12/14.1/01 - I can't enter Dave's site, Gary Lycan's column, the LAT, Don's site, and a few others. I'm not sure why, but it's probably just my system. Check C&C yourself.
12/14/01 - Busy. I was busy yesterday and today till now. Here's what's happening.
12/12.4/01 - "The Mike Gallagher Show." See www.dailynewslosangeles.com/life/radio.asp for the whole thing.
12/12.3/01 - This week's columns by Robert Gonsett in The CGC Communicator are ready at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/. See newsletter #491 for this week. Teckie but readable.
12/12.2/01 - nothing. The LAT didn't post today's "Morning Report" on their site, but no radio anyway.
12/12.1/01 - Gary Lycan on vacation?. Did anyone see the Sunday OCR, is he on vacation this week? Please post on my board.
12/12/01 - Dave's site is up. Try radio news, the 12/11/01 page, for his explanation. PS - I did have to try twice to get in.
12/11.7/01 - A Chinese Dr Laura?. See www.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2001/1206/pr21-1.html in English.
12/11.6/01 - Did Tesla or Marconi inventor radio? The debate continues. Also from NYC board; see www.mercury.gr/tesla/marcen.html.
12/11.5/01 - "Ad Spending Down Through September. Drop sharpens in third-quarter 2001, survey shows. Some see a rebound in late 2002." The worst numbers involve radio. More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-48140,00.html.
12/11.4/01 - ""RADIO@AOL" claims 2.2 million cume in its first two weeks" says allaccess.com. But, I didn't see anything about it at http://www.aol.com/.
12/11.3/01 - Top Interner stations. Interesting for the several talk/classical/Los Angeles outlets. See www.measurecast.com/ for the whole list. Note: Cume is the number of unique listeners and TTSL is the total number of hours they listened.
12/11.2/01 - "100 years ago. On December 12th 1901 Marconi first sent wireless signals across the Atlantic. A link to a BBC report is given below. David Oliver, Towcester, England." See news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1701000/1701461.stm. From the NYC board.
12/11.1/01 - "'All Things' Co-Host to Return to Reporting. After 13 years as co-host of National Public Radio's weekday afternoon newsmagazine "All Things Considered," Linda Wertheimer will step down at the end of the month... A replacement was not immediately named. Robert Siegel and Noah Adams continue as co-hosts." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-48133,00.html.
12/11/01 - Dave is down and says, "Another @#%kin' bandwidth limit issue on my hands. I'll explain later. Hopefully the site is back up by Wednesday." See his URL's at the top of the C&C list, but today only his home page link works. Get well soon, Dave.
12/10.10/01 - www.searchhippo.com/, a new?, fast? search engine, found me today, so it might be pretty good. It's at www.searchhippo.com/. Correction: it was topsearcher.com/ who found me using the www.searchhippo.com/ engine, I think.
12/10.9/01 - L.A. talk numbers per 12/10/01 Arbitron follow. See the following 12/10.8/01 Flash for a link to all the numbers. See air schedules for frequencies and schedules.
12/10.8/01 - L.A. Arbitrons. I can't get into the R&R site this afternoon, but the numbers are posted at radio-info.com/boards/losangeles/. Look for the link in their header block. Hint: talk radio is up.
12/10.7/01 - "White House asks radio to play National Anthem at 8:46 am ET Tuesday for two-month attack anniversary" says allaccess.com.
12/10.6/01 - More message boards are available at the Radio & Records site www.rronline.com/. Many boards cover many topics, but they do have a search. Check the list on the left side, which includes 'Format Rooms.' Mostly inside-the-industry stuff.
12/10.5/01 - L.A. versus NYC. Per Arbitron, NYC has more talk-type stations, and talk has a larger percentage of stations. In the NYC 12/7/01 Arbitrons, they list 41 stations and 13 look like talk. In the L.A. 11/12/01 Arbitrons, they list 43 stations and only 8 look like talk. For both cities they list one classical station. I have included Hispanic stations. Thus, by my crazy count, NYC is 32% talk and L.A. is only 19% talk. Big difference.
12/10.4/01 - Los Angeles weather. L.A. does have weather, especially in the winter. As a public service I'll post this somewhere. It gives info for the L.A. airport area, between downtown and the South Bay. Change the search for other areas. Go to www.weather.com/weather/local/USCA0639. Click around for details, like you can enlarge and play with the map.
12/10.3/01 - "Best Bets" is another LAT column where they seldom if ever mention radio. For everything else try www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Search-X!ArticleTextSearch,00.html?search_area=Articles&channel=Search&search_text=%22Best+Bets%22 .
12/10.2/01 - "Live Aid Concert for Victims of Radio Downsizing" is the tease at Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/.
12/10.1/01 - Still not yet. They still didn't post the Sunday Gary Lycan column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml yet. Check later.
12/10/01 - Dave's stuff missing. Dave's links don't work this morning. His recent reorganization may be the cause. More later. Check the top of the C&C list for yourself.
12/9.4/01 - "Don't Touch That Dial." With the reported loss of another old radio show, a reminder: a KPFK 90.7 FM link says "Tuesday, December 04, 2001, 12midnight...12:00-3:00 "Don't Touch That Dial" with Bobb Lynes...and...Barbara Sunday..." They didn't post the December 11, 2001 schedule yet, but it should be the same. 'Don't' is now part of another show with a site and a schedule at www.somethingshappening.com/.
12/9.3/01 - Rabbi Mentz in for Bill Handel next week starting 12/10/01 while Bill goes out to eat. The Rabbi does a good show also. That's Mon-Fri, 5-9 a.m., on KFI 640 AM.
12/9.2/01 - Fred Ebert returns? Fred Ebert, one of the better, smarter, unknown talk hosts returns to KFI 640 AM with a scheduled spot Sunday 2-4 p.m. - says their schedule. Only he wasn't on today. Who knows. Remember his 'ask the professor' and "Get Freducated?" Karel follows.
12/9.1/01 - "Try the new streaming audio server..." says KCSN 88.5 FM at www.kcsn.org/. They haven't had a air schedule or even an active site for months, but now they stream. Go figure. I have emailed them about their need for a schedule, but it's not important to them.
12/9/01 - Not yet. They didn't post today's Gary Lycan column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml yet. Check later.
12/8.5/01 - Remember www.deja.com?. They had an L.A. radio board a while back, but must have gone out of business. It never was very good, mostly ego jocks out for kicks. But, google.com took it over, with the archives and may be doing something. www.deja.com will still get you there for a look.
12/8.4/01 - L.A. December Arbitrons due 12/10. Read them at www.rronline.com/Subscribers/Ratings/Homepage.htm. 'Choose Market' #2. I'll post the talk highlights here soon.
12/8.3/01 - 1942 L.A. FM stations/History. CA had seven FM stations in 1942, six in L.A. says members.aol.com/jeff1070/1942fmra.html. His home page at members.aol.com/jeff560/jeff.html covers the History of American Broadcasting, radio and TV, with lots of stuff like the meaning of early call letters.
12/8.2/01 - Weekend news updates. Check Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/. He has one of the few national sites with weekend (Sat and Sun) headline updates. Somtimes I can enter on weekends, but not today.
12/8.1/01 - Message boards close. From the NYC board linked on C&C - "Posted by Robert Goldberg on December 08, 2001 at 02:03:38: I know this has nothing to do with radio but it is a sign of the times. MSNBC announced today that they are closing all their message boards. They are among the most active message boards on the web. Seems the cost of running it was too much and they did not take in enough ad revenue to recoup the cost. I can only imagine what the cost of keeping this board open is. Thanks Allan. Your time, effort and out of pocket expense is greatly appreciated."
12/8/01 - "AirTalk" in NYC. "Larry Mantle will be hosting his KPCC-FM (89.3) show "AirTalk" from New York City next week, pegged to the three-month anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The program airs weekdays 9-11 a.m., with repeats 7-9 p.m...." says the LAT at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-48005,00.html.
12/7.5/01 - Radio Locator. Try www.radio-locator.com/ etc. if you haven't checked for a while. They added 'meters' to show signal strength. Hold the arrow on the meter to read a number - the higher numbers should give better reception.
12/7.4/01 - "Best Hope for Iranian Democracy? Los Angeles. With nearly 200,000 Iranians living in Southern California -- and 95,400 in LA County -- the exile community here is shaping the post-ayatollah government of Tehran. According to this NYT [New YorkTimes] story (thanks for covering our town!), LA's Iranians support "two daily Farsi newspapers, several magazines, three television networks, two radio stations..." This intro and link at 12/3/01 www.laexaminer.com/. NYT story at www.nytimes.com/2001/12/03/national/03SHAH.html. For radio stations I only recall 670 KIRN AM at www.radioiranla.com/ with interesting music, and they may stream.
12/7.3/01 - LA Weekly's 'Radio Picks' were posted on time this week at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. It's mostly the same, out-of-date info on music shows, listed from Friday through Thursday, but the paper and the site are free. Or go to www.laweekly.com/, click 'Calendar' at the top left, then click 'Radio' in the lower center.
12/7.2/01 - "Same Time Same Station ends two-decade run " says Don Barrett's www.laradio.com/. It was old radio shows, and it wasn't on the last few times I checked. If I recall, John and Larry Gassman replaced Bobb Lynes and Barbara Sunday maybe a year ago. See my 'Best of" for links and other show and the end of C&C for other links. The KCSN site at www.kcsn.org/ is still just a dead page, so it's hard to check their schedule.
12/7.1/01 - "Crisis Times Show Ham Radio's Importance. Amateur operators have a hobby that can save lives and bring people together, even in this high-tech era." More at LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-47943,00.html.
12/7/01 - TV: "Struggling 'Emeril' May Be on Chopping Block " suggests the 12/5/01 LAT 'Morning Report.' "All signs point to NBC canceling the low-rated sitcom "Emeril"...in January." Chef Gwen with a KRLA show on Sunday 5p did the food for the show, which I haven't seen. This follows up on the 12/4.2/01 Flash.
12/6.5/01 - Daily News radio reviews are/will be at daily news radio reviews. As you can see they'll need formatting, soon.
12/6.4/01 - Another radio site. Got a message on my board about two radio URL's: geocities.com/richleebruce/amradio.html (get better AM reception) and geocities.com/richleebruce/radiovcr.html (radio recording). He listed them as "...bruce." and they didn't work. Home page is geocities.com/richleebruce/.
12/6.3/01 - Radio show of the week. "Article 4 of 26, Article ID: 0112050157. Published on December 5, 2001, Daily News of Los Angeles (CA). RADIO SHOW OF THE WEEK.
Looks like the Daily News is not posting these on their site as before. Rather do a site search for 'radio show of the week.' Today, a search found 79 program reviews, going back into 2000. As time allows, I'll work on a summary and post.
12/6.2/01 - This week's columns by Robert Gonsett in The CGC Communicator are ready at http://www.bext.com/_CGC/. See newsletters #489and #490 for this week. Teckie but readable.
12/6.1/01 - Is the World Ready for Digital Radio? , gifts, and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column, available today at members.home.net/rwagoner/.
12/6/01 - Tripod editor down. Tripod wouldn't let me into the site editor yesterday, but I'll try to catch up through today.
12/4.5/01 - Antenna towers do fall, all 1,627 feet. See www.ky3.com/newsdetailed.asp?id=1706. Tip from a BB.
12/4.4/01 - Talking about food, "Delia Smith says McDonald's has raised UK's fast food standards." A lady I'd like to cook with and who does a good TV cooking show -- but read it at www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_464841.html?menu=news.quirkies.
12/4.2/01 - The Chefs. If you missed Mario Martinoli's "The KABC Restaurant Show" Saturday on KABC 790 AM 4-6p, you missed two big chefs. I did hear Julia Childs and she sounded good, or normal, whatever. I did miss Emeril Lagasse who does a good show (except I haven't seen the soon-to-be-gone TV comedy). Mario has a web page at www.kabc.com/showdj.asp?DJID=3660.
12/4.1/01 - Especially on slow news days, check Columns & Columnists (C&C) and Radio Headlines yourself. They get frequent updates during the day.
12/4/01 - "Sean Hannity #1 Midday LARP. (December 4, 2001) Inside LARADIO.com: Listing of Top 10 Midday LARP in annual voting by LARADIO readers." Says Don today. I don't understand: he's not local, right?, and he's another Rush want-to-be. Why number 1? But, then I don't listen to him or Rush. See Hannity's bio and site link at www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,2575,00.html.
12/3.2/01 - World Class Rock to die. Dave's news spot says, "World Class Rock to die on Dec 31st or earlier... Thanks to danap for the scoop... "I got the word yesterday... Apparently, Clear Channel is shutting Enigma Digital down, and with it WorldClassRock, KNAC.com, Grooveradio.com, etc. etc. They paid millions for Enigma just a year ago and now they're shuttering it. Typical for them....can a few more employees."" From his post-your-news board at www.davesfunstuff.com/01larbytes.htm.
12/3.1/01 - George Harrison. Other than the above, Dave's site is all George today, perhaps more than you wanted to know.
12/3/01 - Slow radio news. Not much radio news today, but I couldn't get into two of the best sites. They're a little slow and so is my system, so I time-out before I can open them. Check Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/ and Dave's www.davesfunstuff.com/01aamain.html when you can.
12/2.4/01 - Kim Komando's computer show may be gone from KPLS, but it's hard to check for lack of a web site. She is still listed as Saturday 8-11p on KSDO 1130 AM in San Diego. However, their signal is rather weak in L.A. and best heard in daylight. Her site at www.komando.com/ has a lot of info from the show - and might stream, but I didn't see it.
12/2.3/01 - 'Computer Talk with Larry Piland' is now listed as Saturday and Sunday from noon-2p at www.760kfmb.com/schedule/schedule.shtml for KFMB 760 AM in San Diego. They put an ok signal into L.A., and he does a good show. His page still lists it as 11am - 1pm Saturday and 10am - 12pm Sunday, but I believe that changed months ago. Also, "The Internet Show" is still listed as Saturday 4-5p. They also have several other interesting shows.
12/2.2/01 - KLAC 570 AM schedule. They posted a more complete program schedule for the week and the weekends. Check it at www.570klac.com/onairschedule.html. All talk schedules are linked from 'air schedules' above.
12/2.1/01 - "'Cool' format produces cool ratings." Gary Lycan at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml has a new column today with program tips and minor news. He adds:
12/2/01 - EDU and foreign hits. When this site gets EDU, foreign, or other interesting hits I like to check the source. Would you believe how hard it often is to locate the state, country, city, etc. associated with the site? Webmasters - please put this info on your home page.
12/1.1/01 - KRLA 870 AM weekend changes. Check their schedule for minor changes like the computer show gets a replay Sunday night, after midnight (actually early Monday morning, 12-2 a.m.). At www.newstalk870krla.com/.
12/1/01 - "Public radio and cold cash. Now more than ever we need NPR. The question is, who pays?" I did get into Larry Shannon's site today at www.radiodailynews.com/ and found this - www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/news_features/dont_quote_me/multi-page/documents/02028059.htm. PS - it's two pages long.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |