12/30/99 - On Christmas Day KABC, KMNY, KLSX, KGIL, KGX, KPFK, and KCRW played Holiday shows till about noon. Could be also on New Year's Day?? They could do that for New Year's Eve also. All of Melinda's web stuff is on the KFI and BristolFarms.com sites. On Sun Judd McIlvain was on two hours. Also, Larry King was on Sun from 8-9 p.m. on KFWB. Fred Ebert on KFI is smarter than most. Happy Holidays to all! Returning about 1/3/2000.
12/30/99 - I'm listing the URL for KMNY 1600 AM, but it doesn't work.
12/29.1/99 - On Sat Melinda Lee was on from noon-3 p.m. & Dr. Dean was 3-6 p.m. and on Sun Melinda was on from 2-6 p.m.
12/29/99 - I believe I heard Elmer Dills say that in mid 1/2000 his Sun show would move to around 10 a.m. to noon.
12/28.1/99 - Found a home repair show *called "On the House" with James and Morris Carey on Sat, 7-8 a.m., KXTA 1150 AM, with a site at www.onthehouse.com.
12/28/99 - Remember Jayne Bonfietti who had the poor cooking show a while back. She has returned: Sat, 9-10 a.m., KMNY 1600 AM, titled "Home Bodies", and a web site at www.dishing.com. She has a co-host named Howard, it's a prerecorded show, and it's better than her last show.
12/27.2/99 - It was off the last few weeks, but it looks like the "Savvy Traveler" may have returned to KUSC, Sat, 5-6 p.m. Or at least it was on 12/25/99.
12/27.1/99 - If you tried to hear the "KABC Computer Show" Sun, the first half hour was a Disney infomercial. I called the station to complain and was referred to their comment line at 310-840-2828. If you've heard how they messed up 710 AM, call and ask them to get out of radio.
12/27/99 - Several new items over the holidays will be mentioned soon. For one, Chef Harry may be the first person on the air with a radio show and a TV show at the same time. Radio *WAS Sat, KRLA, 6-7 p.m. and TV is Mo?, We?, Fr?, KOCE channel 50, 2:30-3 p.m. Web site is www.chefharry.com and email is chefharry@aol.com.
12/23/99 - Forget air schedules over the holidays; tune around for special shows especially on non-commercial FM, and see what you can find. Gone till about 12/27 - Happy Holidays to all.
12/22/99 - The "Talk of the Table" food show with Mary Sue Milliken & Susan Feniger on KPPC, between 9-11 a.m., seems to move between the third and fourth Wednesday of the month. The exact date may be listed in the Events section of their web site at www.bordergrill.com. The next is listed as 1/26/2000, 10-11 a.m., but they often start earlier.
12/21/99 - Either Barry Diamond & Diane Brandis, with their online news which I've never heard, have returned or I misread the schedule and they never left. Schedule shows Tu & Th, 6-7 p.m., on KSDO 1130 AM, in San Diego. I can't receive the station except in daylight in my area, so I have to go by their web sites: 1130 KSDO AM and Barry Diamond & Diane Brandis
12/20.2/99 - Remember, KNX usually makes big changes to their "Drama Hour" schedule on the first of the year (1/1/2000). Check their web site for the newest info, since it will take a few days to update my tables.
12/20.1/99 - The CBS network does not allow stations like KLSX to put live shows on the internet. Perhaps others networks also. However, some shows like "The Earthlink Internet Show" archive their shows on their own web site and should be available over the internet with a few-day delay.
12/20/99 - KFI had two interesting comedians on Sunday, 5-6 p.m. for a one-time-only show?? Give them more time.
12/19.1/99 - Holiday Schedule Changes - there will be schedule changes over the holidays, but I don't have the time to find or document them. The following are a few examples.
12/19/99 - KFI's holiday schedule suggests changes from 12/16-12/31/99 but only lists changes to 12/24. Of the shows I list, Karel & Andrew will be M-F 5-9 a.m. and Melinda Lee will be 12/24 4-7 p.m. She also thinks she'll be on 12/25 in the morning but doesn't know the time yet.
12/18/99 - KFI made big Holiday changes to their air schedule. See above their program grid. I haven't had time or may not change Favorites.
12/14/99 - I'm not into internet radio, but I heard about a site at www.radiowebcaster.com that offers software and links (for sale?).
12/8/99 - KCRW has the worst air schedule I've seen. The times on the left don't align with the titles on the right, so I have no idea when something is on the air. Also, the inserts like "(News)" don't help - what does it mean, news on the half hour? It's four pages of misinformation looking for an organizer -- please fix it.
12/6/99 - New show starts today, "Let's Do Lunch" KCSN 88.5 M-F, noon to 1 p.m. They also plan to increase their power output by six times in a few months. I can hear it ok most of the time in the South Bay, but the extra power will help.
12/3/99 - On KFI air schedule, Melinda Lee's Saturday p.m. show time is marked "TBA." Also, for KIEV's weekend air schedule the characters are not complete or correct, and I can't print it.
12/1.1/99 - Richard Wagoner, with a new site at members.home.net/rwagoner/, writes a column for the "RAVE!" magazine on Friday. "Rave!" is associated with the "Daily Breeze" newspaper. You can read his current and past columns on the site.
12/1/99 - Starting July 1999 (7/99), "Electronics Now" mag contains Don Jenson's "DX Listening" column on international shortwave listening. He has done that column for years in "Popular Electronics." Web site for mag is
See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.