2000 Flashes:
1999 Flashes:
1998 Flashes
alphabetical & numerical index of stations and site links
2/28/00 - Saturday, 2/26/00 results. Missed 10a to 6p. Cooking at 5p and music at 7p were sports. Movies at 9p was displaced by C & S. Sun, 2/27/00 results. Heard all except 11a computers and 4p travel. McLaughlin at 2p was not on again, will delete. Movies at 8p only went to 9p, 9-10p was infomercial. Site schedule says 10p music only goes till midnight, rather than 1a. Adding Rabbi Mentz, KFI, 9 p.m. to midnight.
2/28/00 - Added Doug Stephan, KRLA, under Everyday, 2-5 p.m. with soft talk. But, site schedule is confused; could be 5, 6, or 7 days or even 3-5 a.m. Will try to verify someday.
2/27.1/00 - Monday - Friday - added Stephanie Miller for talk/comedy at 7 p.m. She was on radio, did her own TV show, and now she's back on another station. When she's hot, she's good, or try another day. Added G. Gordon Liddy for talk/news/interviews. If you don't like that topic, try another day.
2/27/00 - Monday - Friday - Once-a-month shows, good luck trying to hear them. "Ask the Mayor" on Wed was 2/23/00. They may only post the date on the day before the show, so keep an eye on the site. Milliken/Feniger on Wed may not have been on this month, and the Events list on their site which goes through June doesn't show any radio. Chief Parks on Tue is not mentioned on the KABC site.
2/25/00 - See 2/24/00, LAT, Calendar Weekend, page 6, "The Wonders of Weekend Radio" by Margo Kaufman. Might be on web site. It may be the only good thing they've done concerning radio in years. LAT - Do More like this!
2/22/00 - Saturday 2/19/00 results - heard 5-10 a.m. and 6-11 p.m. "Radio AM-FM Live" moves to Sun, 5 a.m., KIEV. Melinda Lee, who has been on the air, is now named on the KFI schedule, rather than TBA. The 5 p.m. cooking show was sports. Sunday 2/20/00 - "Radio AM-FM Live" moves to Sun, 5 a.m., KIEV. McLaughlin was not on at 2 p.m. on KIEV and will be deleted. Starting 2/27/00 Merrill Shindler returns to his normal 5-7 p.m. slot on KLSX. Steve Parker's car show is gone; will look for relocation.
2/19.1/00 - www.usadata.com/usadata/97/media/Los_Angeles/media.htm lists lots of radio station web sites and other media references.
2/19/00 - KIEV changed the titles of a few shows, and I will also.
2/18.1/00 - Drudge moves to 7-9 p.m., still on KABC Sunday. This makes the show live in L.A. and in San Diego (on KOGO). More when tripod allow me to save stuff. Thanks to Shauna Snow at the LAT, 2/15/00, page F2.
2/18/00 - Seems like in 1/2000 the FCC approved low-power FM stations. However, the broadcasting lobby asked a court to stop the FCC. It's almost a non-issue. The three largest radio markets (NY, Chicago, LA) don't have room for 100-watt stations. Washington [D.C.?] has room for three and Miami has room for four. This was in yesterdays Press-Telegram, but it didn't state what cities could get the 10-watt stations.
2/17.1/00 - I may have made a mistake when I set up Change Detection (below). I'll check over the weekend, fix, and post here. Maybe no one was notified about changes.
2/17/00 - Heard Matt Drudge, Sun on KABC, will move to 7-9 p.m. I'll check and post here.
2.16.1/00 - KIEV schedule shows McLaughlin at 2 p.m. Sun in addition to the midnight-1 a.m. Monday. I'll list it till I can verify.
2/16/00 - the KOGO web site Sat schedule may be incorrect. They show "On Trial" 1-3 p.m. & "Primerus Law Hour" (PLH) from 3-4 p.m. However, PLH was 1-2 p.m. Please correct the schedule so I can hear and maybe list the shows!!
2/14/00 - 2/12/00 Saturday results - missed 6-10 a.m., 3-5 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m., & 10 p.m. shows. Added 1 p.m. "Primerus Law Hour." 2/13/00 Sunday results - Max Keiser, *8-10 p.m., lost the last hour to Tomm Looney; temp only?. At 10 p.m. Steve Parker has been replaced with sports talk for at least the last two weeks. Matt Drudge says he will move earlier in the evening on 2/20/00, but no specifics; maybe 7-9 p.m.? Jackie Masions's 800 phone number and KIEV's number didn't work; check sites for live times??
2/13/00 - The 2/12/00 LAT, page F21 says L.A. Police Chief Bernard Parks will be on again Tuesday (2/15/00??), at 4 p.m., on KABC. *See the first page of the KABC site for some info. This is "The Larry Elder Show" which is Mon-Fri, 3-7 p.m. LAT is not clear about how often (monthly/weekly?) or even which Tuesday he will be on. First show was 1/19/00. They also say "Ask the Mayor" is on the third Wednesday, but it looks like the fourth to me.
2/12/00 - So much for updates - some holiday closed the only library where I can get enough time on the internet. Only minor changes - like Jackie Mason has a site at www.jackiemason.com.
2/11/00 - With sites being down this week, my decreased access to the internet, and new projects -- I haven't had time to update the radio section this week. I'll try to update Sat, 2/12/00. No major news is expected.
2/4/00 - Added to Favorites - Mon-Fri: Michael Jackson interviews from 9-noon and "The World," noon-1. Peter Dills, 11-noon, on KIEV, moved from M-F to M W F, then Friday only: I'll miss him. Michael Jackson does good interviews with good guests, but I dislike the accent. "The World" with the BBC and PRI may be the best available hour of world news.
2/1.2/00 - If you want to be notified when I change this page (it could happen daily), enter your email address into the box at the bottom of this page. At the start of next month, do it again on that month's page. I tried it, and they just send you a one-page email notification. However, I would use email like yahoo, hotmail, etc; something you can dump if desired.
2/1.1/00 - KFWB is doing Black History Month. See LAT, 2/1/00, page F2 (or maybe KFWB's site) for details.
2/1/00 - There were 32 changes and additions plus two deletions (at least) to the 1/00 version of Favorites. You may want to review the 1/00 Flashes if you missed something.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.