3/30/00 - Don't see many changes for the weekend except KIEV's site on Sun doesn't list "Radio AM-FM Live." Will try to look around Sat.
3/29/00 - "60 Minutes II" was not on KNX last night, but it is still listed on their schedule.
3/27.1/00 - Weekend results, heard all except: Sat, 3/25/00 - The 5a Jerry Baker Gardening was infomercial at 5a & 6a. News at 11a was not on KNX due to 'technical problem.' Both 1p shows were sports. News at 4p didn't sound like news?? Missed 6p home repair. Couldn't hear Computers at 6p. Missed movies at 8p. Sun, 3/26/00 - Missed 2a and 4a shows. Kelly Lange's talk at 5p was sports. At KNX, 7p "60 Minutes" and 9p "Drama Hour" were not on, very unusual, perhaps to cover the Oscars.
3/27/00 - Added a few web sites and phone numbers for Mon-Sun shows. Changes like that don't get an "*".
3/25/00 - If you're into Web Radio, try speechbot.research.compaq.com. The 3/21/00 PC Magazine, page 171, says it uses speech recognition to search 2500 hours of broadcasts for 22 shows. (PS - don't use the "-" they show in the URL.)
3/24/00 - This week's LA Weekly paper had good stuff about the KPCC schedule changes and the lost Sancho show. They also have a list of radio shows which usually contains a few mistakes. The list can be hard to find: go to the Calendar page which is listed toward the bottom of the Contents page.
3/23/00 - The Air Schedules page in Radio Info has been updated and references new sites/charts for KLAC, KCSN, KPCC, KUSC, and KKGO.
3/22.1/00 - Yesterday Larry Mantle at KPCC took the first half hour of his show to defend the schedule changes. He also said they plan to locate and hire about 10(?) people to do local news and thus increase their local coverage.
3/22/00 - "Radio AM-FM Live" Sun on KIEV moves an hour earlier to 4 a.m.
3/21/00 - Weekend Results - heard P/O all except - Sat, 3/18/00. Missed 2a and 5a shows. Law at 1p was sports. "The Driving Show" with mrtraffic.com is gone. News at 4p was something else? Computers at 6p and music at 7p were sports. New show "Ask the Handyman" at 6p on KRLA. Sunday, 3/19/00 - "Radio AM-FM Live" at 5a wasn't on. Pets expands to noon to 1p. The "Troubleshooter" is gone, returns to Saturday only. The 2-3p slot on KLSX is "The HOTBIZ.com Small Business Hour" with Mark Deo. Cooking with Melinda at 2p loses an hour, now 2-4p, temp?? Talk at 5p with Kelly Lange was sports. Movies at 8p went till 9, but site says till 10. Tomm Looney got a better hour on KLSX from 10-11p; but still no radio talk. Talk with Rabbi Mentz moved an hour later to 10-1a (per site).
3/20/00 - Changes at KRLA also. It'd hard to read their a.m. schedules, but it looks like Doug Stephan is on six days (not Sun??), from 2-5a. The Sat "Driving Show" with Kenny Morse is gone. A new show Sat is "Ask the Handyman" 6-7p. On Sun "All About Pets" expands to noon-1p. These and other deleted shows will be move to 'were on in L.A.' when things slow down. Or do "view source" & check at bottom of the Favorite pages for unmoved deletions.
3/19.2/00 - LAT says LAPD Chief Parks will do his third show Monday, 4-5p, on KABC. Also, Michael Jackson on KRLA said he would have Parks on Tuesday, somewhere between 9-noon? Keep an ear on the interview shows, he's done a few lately. I could understand if Parks were upset with the DA, they have a poor history with O.J., LAUSD, etc.
3/19.1/00 - A few changes at KFI: "Special March Schedule."?? Clark Howard's morning show moves earlier to Tu-Sa midn-2a. Karel and Andrew did move later Mo-Fr from 4-7p to 7-9p, they say for the same money. "Garden Talk" is now also on Su 7-9a. On Su Melinda Lee loses an hour, 2-4p, temp? Also Su Rabbi Mentz moves an hour later to 10p-1a.
3/19/00 - At KLSX, per their site schedule, on Su "The Troubleshooter" is gone, 2-3p is "The HOTBIZ.com Small Business Hour" with Mark Deo, "The Hollywood Stock Exchange" is listed as 8-10p but has been 8-9p, and Tomm Looney gets a better hour from 10-11p. Tomm doesn't want to talk about radio on his own shows, a mistake.
3/18/00 - Site says Karel & Andrew are M-F, 7-9p, on KFI.
3/15.2/00 - LAT's Elaine Dutka, page F2, says Karel and Andrew on KFI could move to the 7-9 p.m. slot, and Phil Hendrie will take their 4-7 p.m. slot starting Monday. Phil is the nut who talks to himself, has no show, is not funny or smart, has nothing to say, and who would listen??
3/15.1/00 - Jeff Levy said he'll start a weekly computer Q&A column in the LAT Business section this Thursday. Has to be better than his radio show.
3/15/00 - Last weekend results and KPCC's Massive schedule changes.
General Weekend results - heard P/O all except:
Sat, 3/11/00 - Missed 2a "Drama Hour." Sports replaced the 1p "Primerus Law Hour," 6p "The Kim Komando Computer Show," and 7p "Radio A Go-Go." The 3p "The Driving Show" was a cigar show at 3p.
Sun, 3/12/00 - Missed 2a "Drama Hour," 7a "Expedia Radio," and noon "Don't Touch That Dial." The 2p "The Troubleshooter" was replaced by two ladies. Elmer Dills also does a restaurant review most Sundays about 9:45 a.m. on KABC-TV, channel 7.
KPCC Changes - General - About 17 old shows are gone including all the music shows. About 7.5 hours per week of their best local shows are gone as are their best special-topic shows. Their counter programming will force us to pick between two local shows and miss the other. I'm split on NPR's introduction to their shows. On the hour is a one-minute preview, then five-minutes of general news, followed by the show. For me it's like the old "film at 11" teaser, however I'm upset if I miss the preview -- it helps decide if I want to stay tuned. Several shows are repeated between M-F, Sat, and Sun but not enough of the local shows. Many of these shows are available and repeated on other NPR stations.
Sat, 3/11/00 - The "Car Show" moves to 10a and the "Savvy Traveler" repeats on Sunday and moves to Sat at 11a. New shows include "The Splendid Table" (food) at noon and "Film Week" (repeat) at 8p. "Weekly News Specials" at 4p and "Fresh Air Weekend" at 9p were unheard. Four existing shows remain, four old shows are gone, and 10 'new' shows move in.
Sun, 3/12/00 - The "Savvy Traveler" repeats at 8p and moves to Sat. "Beyond Computers" moves to 4p. New shows include "The Splendid Table" (repeat) at 9a, "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me" at 11a and repeated at 9p, and "On the Media at 10p." "Car Talk" (repeat) moves to 10a. "Latino USA" moves from Sat to Sun at 6p. Six old shows remain, 10 new shows were added of which four are repeats. "Same Time, Same Station," "Gee Dad! It's a Wurlitzer," "The Touring Company," and four other shows are gone.
Mon, 3/13/00 - For the locally produced shows - Under Mon - Fri "Larry Mantle's AirTalk" moves to 9-11a and loses one hour. The special-topic shows are gone except for the Fri "Film Week" at 10a, repeated Th at 9p and Sat at 8p. One hour of 'AirTalk' is repeated M-F at 9p against the KNX "Drama Hour." The other local show "Talk of the City" moves to 1-2:30p and loses one-half hour. This slot is opposite KCRW's "Which Way, L.A.?;" another good, local show. The monthly food show may be gone. Thus, we lose 7.5 hours of local shows per week, and most of their special-topic shows are gone. Both shows are during the day when I can't usually listen, except the one-hour repeat at 9p.
Under Everyday the "BBC World Service" news was added. The remainder of the schedule are NPR and similar shows except the local "Marketplace" which is repeated twice. The six music shows and perhaps "Science Friday" are gone.
3/13.1/00 - Most of the 'mistakes' caused by the KPCC changes should have been removed and most of the new stuff has been added. PROBLEM: several of the local non-comercial FM stations play the NPR shows. If they all got listed it could fill pages. Any ideas?? - ASAP.
3/13/00 - Still fixing the KPCC Mon-Fri Favorites. Should have a complete report and fixes soon.
3/12/00 - The schedule shake-up at KPCC was a blood bath. Details to follow. Most important changes are on Favorites. But remember they added NPR shows which I may not list.
3/11/00 - Saturday, KPCC goes talk today. Already the 9 a.m. "Car Talk" was not on. I did hear about some Mon-Fri changes (not good), and will post soon. Just assume my Favorite pages are incorrect till updated. The updated schedules are on their web site at www.kpcc.org/, and I'll try to update Favorites this weekend. Lots of NPR shows which I don't usually list - good shows, but not local.
3/10/00 - see 3/8/00 update on Stephanie Miller.
3/9/00 - 3/8/00 got home late and needed a long-cooked, falling-apart-tender dish for 3/9/00 and was still up into 3/9 when I found this show on KPCC 89.3 FM between 1-2 a.m. The soft pop with strong melody held my attention. Sorry if I bad-mouthed the music DJ's.
3/8.1/00 - Flash - over the last two weeks I have used 'LAT' and 'radio' in the same paragraph, maybe five times, without any four-letter words. Good going LAT.
3/8/00 - More on Stephanie Miller. She learned 3/6/00 that her syndicated show was on hold and just playing reruns. See today's LAT, page F5 for details. **3/10/00 ===>>> her site is stephaniemiller.com. See "why I got fired." Most local station is KGEO 1230 AM in Bakersfield.
3/7/00 - Most Sundays in the Los Angeles Times (LAT) "Sunday Calendar" section www.calendarlive.com they run a "Radio" Highlights listing. Most weeks they only print in one column just the beginning of their list, which can include, in order, tips, music, talk, and religious shows. Thus, most weeks they only print a few tips with one or two talk shows, and the rest of the column is music shows. Do check the listed shows, they're all over the place with lots of music.
Maybe about every two month they have or make room to print the whole list. On 3/5/00 they did print it all in three columns, and it contained about 118 shows on Sunday. That included about 51 music shows and about 67 'talk' shows. However, of the 67 'talk' shows, I included 16 religious shows of which 5 or more looked like music or mostly music shows. Thus the 'talk' shows could be reduced to 62 or fewer shows. That sounds like a lot of shows compared to my Sunday and Everyday total of about 43 talk and 2 music shows. Within the talk listings we both include the same 21 shows, but they state the incorrect times for 3 of those shows. Somehow they missed 22 of my favorites. To be fair, they do list five or more shows which, some day, could be added to my favorites list. Compare their list against my Radio - Favorite Shows page, and tell me what you think on the message board.
3/6/00 - Saturday, 3/4/00 results: heard 5a-noon and 3-11p except 5p cooking only goes till 6p for a few weeks, and 7p music was sports and may be for a few weeks. Sunday, 3/5/00 results: heard 5a-1p and 5p-1a. Movies at 8p only went till 9p; 9-10p was and may be infomercial. Music at 10p did go till 1a, but site said only till midnight.
3/4.1/00 - The KNX "Drama Hour" shows were listed under Everyday and Tuesday. Now they're also listed under Mon-Fri, Sat, and Sun -- so I don't forget. Also, added Mr. KABC Mon-Fri (don't care for the show) and Kelly Lange on Sunday evenings (so I'll try it).
3/4/00 - Today's LAT, page F2 says KPCC drops music for all news/talk shows. Good! Stay tuned for details. Stephanie Miller was just listed M-F, and 3/2/00 was her last local show. See LAT, 3/3/00, page F20 for details. Her national show may continue.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.