4/30/00 - KPCC started their newest fund drive about yesterday. The results may be interesting and may indicate listener satisfaction with the new, all talk schedule, with no music. Many have suggested listeners would be unhappy, but money talks. They may play some of their regular shows, but it's mostly banging for bucks and could run for a week or more.
4/25/00 - Weekend Results - Sat 4/22 - Missed shows ending before 7a. KABC and KFI were talking about Elian all morning and into the afternoon, so about all or parts of five shows weren't on. Food at 9a was music for the third week. Let's assume it's gone. Computers at 10a and Cars at 11a were 'off the air' due to a power failure at KPFK from about 9a to 12:30p. "The Meeting of the Law Chiefs" at 3p was listed in three local papers but wasn't on, maybe due to Elian. I didn't see anything about it , on or off, at their web site. It would be smart for stations to use their sites for such announcements. Cooking at 3p was on. I keep missing the title announcement for the news show at 4p; it doesn't sound special. Travel at 5p was music. Cooking at 5p only goes till 6p. Computers at 6p may be hearable longer as daylight gets longer. Music at 7p was only one-half hour again due to sports. Racing at 7p must have been for last week only. May have missed Old Radio at 10p. Sun 4/23/00 - Missed shows ending before 5a. "Radio AM-FM Live" hasn't been on their schedule for a few weeks, but I'll leave it as a reminder to check for it. (As I do for some other shows.) Consumer at 5a wasn't on air or on their site. Adding "Ask the Handyman" at 8a on KRLA. Cars at 10a with Jon and Computers at 11a weren't on. Talk with Tomm at 10p hasn't been on for a few weeks. Maybe he went back to his 4a or 5a slot, but a correction isn't on the site. Clergy at 10p was another show, maybe due to Easter.
4/24/00 - "The Meeting of the Law Chiefs" (see 4/19 Flash) was listed in four local papers but it wasn't on, and I don't know why.
4/22.1/00 - Incorrect in 4/14 Flash about clickradio. Seems like they only provide music that plays from your hard drive.
4/22/00 - KFI, KABC, and perhaps others are doing full-time talk this morning and maybe into the afternoon about the Elian Gonzalez take-over.
4/21.1/00 - The "McLaughlin Radio Hour" and "Judicial Watch Report" www.judicialwatch.org are on KIEW seven times just over the weekend. They're good shows, but I'm not going to list them (or delete what I had listed) till the schedule gets stable.
4/21/00 - Also on KFMB www.760kfmb.com 760 AM are "Imagination Theatre" www.transmediasf.com/imag.htm with 'live' drama and a trivia game. Schedule looks unstable, so I'm not going to list them. Just check their site for details.
4/20/00 - Mistake - If you got the Favorites for Saturday dated 4/19 it's wrong. "Judicial" is Sunday, not Saturday, at 2a. Get today's version.
4/19/00 - Saturday 4/22/00 3-5 p.m. on KFI will be "The Meeting of the Law Chiefs" with LAPD, CHP, L.A. County, and Orange County chiefs/reps. Interviewer(s) will be Kenny Morse and maybe Bill Handel. Reported in 4/16 Press-Telegram and in Gary Lycan's 4/16 column (available at the OC Register site).
4/17/00 - Sun 4/16/00 results - Missed 2a, 4a, 10a Cars with Jon, most shows between noon and 3p except Internet and Old Radio, and the two 7-8p shows. Looney at 10p has been others for two weeks. Will add two shows soon.
4/16.2/00 - Keep an eye on the KIEV schedule (and other stations) for interesting shows they use to fill-in between the infomercials. They can change weekly, so don't expect current reports here. Try "McLaughlin Radio Hour," an in-your-face news, talk, and interview show currently Sun 5a and Mon midnight. Also "Judicial Watch Report" at *www.judicialwatch.org Sun 2a and Mon 2a which I haven't heard yet.
4/16.1/00 - Sat 4/15/00 results - Missed all shows before 8 a.m. Food on KMNY at 9 a.m. was music again. They may have gone to mostly music?? Missed (?) 10a Movies and 11:30a Law. Consumer at 1p was sports. Heard 6p Computer at 6p, but it was unhearable at 6:10p. Music at 7p only went for 30 minutes. Forgot to check: Travel on KGO 810 AM from 6-7p, and I'll list it as a reminder to check next week. Law at 1p won't be on 4/22/00.
4/16/00 - Get Sat 4/15/00 LAT, page F20 for an ok report on "Fresh Air" by Terry Gross by Eleanor Yang of the Allantown Morning Call. What?? - no writers in L.A.??
4/14.1/00 - Added 11 new shows for KFMB to the Sat and Sun Favorites.
4/14/00 - Slightly wrong, see 4/22. New URL, www.clickradio.com (stole my name) wants web radio testers. Email name and postal address to beta@clickradio.com. Ask about system requirements.
4/10.1/00 - Weekend results: Sat 4/8/00 - Missed 2a and 5a gardening with Jerry Baker which didn't got till 7a. Gardening at 8a with Bruce has another host for a few weeks. Food at 9a was music. Law at 1p was sports. For Restaurants at 3p, Peter Dills sat in for Elmer. Missed 5p travel and cooking and 6p home was sports. Sun 4/9/00 - Missed 4a thru 7a travel shows. Cars at 9a was sports. At 10a, Peter in for Elmer. Missed noon to 2p business. Movies at 3p was sports. Talk at 10p had fill-ins for Tomm. Music at 10p does go till 1a.
4/10/00 - The LAT had their longer list of radio programs in yesterday's Sunday paper, Calendar page 81.
4/8.1/00 - Rediscovered two stations this morning: KFMB in San Diego and KGO in San Francisco. KFMB www.760kfmb.com 760 AM has Chuck Howard M-F at 9-11p, "Lawn & Garden Show" Sat 6-8a, Computers Sat & Sun 10a-noon, Auto Sat & Sun noon-2p, Movies Sat 5-7p, and Legal Sat & Sun 2-5p, plus Trivia several times. KGO www.kgoam810.com had Travel "On the Go" Sat 6-7a, but I don't see it on their schedule. Will add these to Favorites when verified or as a reminder.
4/8/00 - The two stations above were found on a radio with digital tuning and a directional antenna. Others have seek and/or scan and, if they work well, can find other stations for you. When you look for a new radio, check these features, and make sure it will receive distant stations.
4/6.1/00 - A show from last Christmas about Jean Shepherd by Harry Shearer will be repeated Sunday, 4/9/00, on KCRW 89.9 FM from 7-9 p.m. Maybe kids enjoyed him more than adults. You might want to tape it. Per today's LAT, Calendar section, page 32 by Judith Michaelson, and it's the first good Thursday column they've had in months, maybe years.
4/6/00 - Bill Keene, long-time L.A. radio person, died yesterday, 4/5/00. It's in the local papers today.
4/4/00 - For the "60 Minutes II" radio schedule on KNX sometimes it's easier to check your TV guide. Like tonight it's not listed on TV so it won't be on the radio, and the "Drama Hour" should start at 9 p.m.
4/3.1/00 - Art Bell retires again, he announced 3/31 or 4/1/00, around midnight. He'll introduce the new host 4/13, and his last show will be 4/26. Current show schedule on KABC and in LAT is confused, nothing says the same days and hours. Try www.kabc.com/custom757.html. New format will be seven days, 10p-2a, with three different hosts for M-F, Sat, and Sun. The "explaining and exploring the unexplainable" format will continue. KABC said they're waiting to hear the next host [or hosts]. Per today's LAT, page F2, by Judith Michaelson.
4/3/00 - Weekend results, heard P/O all except: Sat 4/1/00 - At 5a, gardening with Jerry Baker was infomercial. The 1p Law was baseball. Missed 5p and 6p shows except 6p Computers and 7p Music were sports. Several shows will be displaces by the baseball season. Sun 4/2/00 - Missed 2a to 6a shows except heard 7-8a "Sunday Edition." Missed 4p computers.
4/2.1/00 - Yesterday's LAT, page F1 had a thing about the new KPCC schedule and changes.
4/2/00 - *There were at least 42 additions and changes plus several deletions for last month. For details, you can review the 3/00 Flashes.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.