5/28/99 - Changes for this weekend. "Kenny & Reed will be a guest on KLSX 97.1 FM on Monday (Memorial day) at 2 p.m. with guest host Sam Rubin from channel 5." [I changed the caps.] Didn't see any other changes. KIEV is not keeping their web schedule up to date as they replace the old radio shows with infomercials, so expect the unexpected. Have a safe holiday, I need all the readers I can get
5/27/99 - This week's LAT radio column again obsesses on Latino issues. Where is the equal coverage of black, oriental, woman, gay, WASP, or any other issue. This guy, along with some of his management, belongs in a Latino supremacist group. Please get some rounded coverage in this column before it acquires the "biased" and "totally irrelevant" labels it now deserves.
5/24/99 - Weekend Results. Some PBS stations were doing pledge drives. KIEV deleted old-radio shows to make room for infomercials and didn't update their site schedule. Melinda was preempted by sports again, as can happen to any show. I missed most of the Sun noon to 6 p.m. shows. Kenny and Reed have one web site for both shows and a new email address. Forgot to check KMNY - see following flash.
5/21.1/99 - Changes for this weekend. KIEV shortened the Sat morning old radio shows. Didn't see other changes, but I'll try to double check. Have fun. See 5/17 flash about web radio. If you're a fan of "Wine, Dine and Travel" you can try KMNY 1600 AM, Sat at 2 p.m. and a repeat on Sun at 11 a.m. If that's stable, I'll relist it.
5/20/99 - Ask the Mayor - The schedule for the next show was just posted on their site at kfwb.com/askmayor.htm. It's Wednesday, 5/26/99, at 10 a.m., on KFWB 980 AM. They don't give you much warning.
5/20/99 - Columns - Today's LAT radio column required all three of their writers and mentioned the July 1 move by John and Ken from KFI to KABC. Kansas also starts with a K. The rest of the column was about music stations and their efforts at self promotion, such as concerts. I'd expect a large-city radio column to cover this stuff as it approaches, not just once a year.
5/17/99 - Changes for this weekend. Not much other than below. KIEV has not revised their web schedule for a while, and it contains a few errors. KLSX is getting better about keeping their schedule up to date. Some dumb stations still don't have a web site, a proper/correct schedule on the web site, or announce their web site. Try KSDO, they announce the station as "KSDO.com", a good plan.
5/17/99 - Some shows which were on L.A. radio or cable radio have been moved to the very end of the Radio/Favorites list. You can check web radio for them. "[Get?] Connected with Gina Smith," "Auto Talk," "The Movie Show," and Cooking with Chef Piero on Cable Radio Network with Chef's web site, and "Dishing with Jayne."
5/14/99 - Changes for this weekend. KIEV and KLSX have not changed their web schedules this week, and I didn't see anything else. Lots of things to do this weekend, have a good one.
5/13/99 - Today's LAT radio column was about Catholic Family Radio. Do see my Radio Info/Column page for links to more interesting columns and information. They did list the top 11 shows, and there are my comments. *2nd place Rush Limbaugh sounds good but has no content. 4th place Laura Schlessinger makes sense, but my life is already perfect. 8th place Howard Stern is a waste of time for adults. 9th place Bill Handel does an ok show on Saturday about the law. 10th place Larry Elder is ok. 11th place Michael Jackson has ok content, but that phony accent is annoying. 12th place John Kobylt's and Ken Chiampou's content sounds phony*.
5/10/99 - Chef Piero wasn't on KRLA Sunday, so I called the station. They said he had a mild heart attack, but didn't have any other details. I have his email address somewhere but never listed it cause he said he didn't know how to use email. His restaurant in Burbank with his name should have more details. I and all of his other fans do wish him a fast and complete recovery. I will leave his shows on my listings cause I know he'll be back.
5/10/99 - Weekend Results. KIEV and KLSX delete shows to make room for infomercials. But I will leave them on my list for a while in case they return. Hey, the ads keep them on the air. Melanda keeps getting shifted or preempted for sports, but I believe she said it was almost over.
5/8/99 - Forgot to check and change the Sat evening Kenny & Reed show. Remember, it is on almost every Sat, around 7-10 p.m. but hours vary. This weekend they're on 7:30-10 p.m. Check at www.mrtraffic.com/kennyreed.htm.
5/7/99 - Changes for this weekend. Not many, just see the 5/6/99 flash. Will look around Sat if time allows. Have a good safe one.
5/7/99 - First live broadcasts from refugee camps in Yugoslavia, Albania, and Macedonia and other topics will start Monday 5/10/99 from 3-5 a.m. on 1110 KRLA AM, hosted by Doug Stephan, goes for one week, and he is on seven days a week. Search for my unrelated comments on his daytime L.A. show a few months ago. Thanks to *Shauna Snow at LAT.
5/6/99 - Keep an eye on the schedule at the KLSX web site. Sat morning Auto Talk left last week. This week the Sun morning Movie Show is gone and Kim Komando is on from 10 a.m. to noon. Try www.fmtalk971.com/schedule/index.shtm.
5/6/99 - Today's radio column in the LAT by *Steve Hochman was about a few music radio stations and mentioned a couple of web sites.
5/5/99 - Check the new China - Chinese page. UTStarGate has a free world-wide radio player download and more.
5/1/99 - Last Weekends Changes - On Friday, Conway & Steckler didn't have any of my favorite guests, it was better than TV. On Sat morning, Auto Talk has been preempted for the last two weekends, it might be gone. Also on Sat morning the new car show on 1260/1650 AM starts at 6 a.m., but I don't have an ending time. I missed several of the Sat shows, but the 8-9 p.m. old radio show was not on KIEV and their Sun show did go till 8:30 p.m. again. Remember to keep checking the Kenny and Reed site cause their Sat night schedule varies.
See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.