6/28.2/99 - Remember, KNX usually makes small adjustments to their "Drama Hour" schedule on 7/1/99. They may not post it on their web site till 7/1, but they may mention it on the air before or after a show.
6/28.1/99 - I don't usually mention music shows, but I caught some of "Radio A Go-Go" with Hal Lifson, on KIEV, Monday, midnight to 2 a.m. (some might say late Sunday night). It's 60's music, the hits, the misses, whatever, with few commercials. *Will move to 9 p.m. soon??*
6/28/99 - Weekend Results. I missed the Sat afternoon and Sun morning shows. "The KABC Restaurant Show" ran for three hours, it's on tape. Missed if Rod Lurie said anything about leaving his movie show, see the 6/22/99 flash. The 6/26.1/99 flash is correct, but I probably won't list it. The 6/26/99 flash is correct also. Don't see anything about 6/23.1/99 on their air schedule.
6/26.1/99 - LAT's Shauna Snow said Kelly Lang would start a talk show on KRLA 1110 AM on Sunday from 5-8 p.m. She was a KNBC-TV newscaster.
6/26/99 - Changes for this weekend. Ran out of time to look. Only saw KIEV deleted the Sunday 7- 8:30 p.m. old radio shows and added the Sunday 8- 8:30 p.m. Radio AM-FM Live.
6/23.1/99 - Radio & Records at www.rronline.com says KLSX will carry a one-hour travel show from MSN this weekend. It's not on the KLSX site yet.
6/23/99 - I found the web site for the webmaster at KIEV and two other stations. It's at members.tripod.com/~dynamo830/, and there's a lot of info. Funny he'd pick tripod.
6/22/99 - Gary Lycan's column at www.ocregister.com says 7/3/99 is the last day for Rod Lurie's Saturday morning movie show on KABC.
6/21/99 - Weekend Results. Not much. KIEV did delete shows, see 6/15/99 flash. When I delete shows, I'll list them at the end of my Radio - Favorites page, and you can try to find them elsewhere. The "Auto Show" on Saturday morning has a new email. **Also, KPFK was on low power part of the day to make repairs.
6/18.1/99 - Changes for this weekend. Took a quick look around some of the station's web schedules and didn't see any changes. But, remember, KIEV made several changes last week and more could come. Keep an eye on their web schedule. Check the 6/11 and 6/15 flashes if you forgot. I also added the Mon-Fri Michael Jackson-less show (see 6/18 flash), and "Ask the Mayor" is 6/23.
6/18/99 - Michael Jackson will be on two weeks vacation starting today, so you might tune in for the substitutes hosts, many from local TV stations. This is at 1110 KRLA AM, Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. to noon. Check todays LAT Morning Report, page F2, for more details, and thanks to Shauna Snow.
6/17/99 - Today's LAT radio column was the first good one in years. Maybe Kevin Baxter and Steve Hochman can research and write. Or, more likely, their boss finally read the junk they've been printing for years. The first part was about the growth of broadcast radio and the pros and cons of radio station consolidation versus individual ownership. The last part was opinions from the Radio & Records Convention. It contains opinions about how broadcast radio will soon be replaced by web radio and new ways to receive web radio, etc. It's worth reading, but I don't think it's on their web site. (It always locks up my browser, so I don't even look any more.) I do list a few sources for web radio, but since I can't get it, I don't try to cover it. Don't expect any more good columns, but it would be nice.
6/15/99 - Weekend Results. I missed a lot of radio this weekend, but here's what I've been hearing. Conway & Steckler haven't had any good quests on Friday for a while. KIEV did indeed delete some shows. The Sat morn and eve old-radio shows are gone and Chuck Alpert's show is only a half hour. On Sun eve Radio AM-FM Live and Jackie Mason are gone. The Mon morn old radio is gone also. That means they're making more money. However, I'll leave them on my list with "????" for another week. Elsewhere, Melinda Lee will be preempted AGAIN on 6/19/99. Jamie? Alva? was just on one week.
6/11/99 - Changes for this weekend. KABC has a real web site with a real program schedule just like the big stations. I plan to email and thank them. KIEV replaced several weekend shows. Jackie Mason, one Radio AM-FM Live, and some old-time radio have been removed from their web schedule. I'll keep them on my list with a "?" till I can verify they're gone. Do double check their site schedule. They did add things like West Coast Garden Line with Bruce Asakawa, but that's on other stations also. See the 6/7 and 6/8 flashes about other changes. Keep an eye on www.radiowatch.com and www.radiowatch.com/picks.html; they're building program pick lists also. They list shows and events I don't cover. Also see today's L.A. Times (I call it LAT) Calender section, page F2, for Shauna Snow's Morning Report, available most days (except Monday?) and about the only thing worth reading anymore. Today she mentions radio-station organized concerts and says www.audiohighway.com will carry the sold-out KIIS concert this Saturday 6/12/99 at 2 p.m. with Ricky Martin and others. All times are L.A. time.
6/8/99 - Got an email back from Melinda Lee. She's still on Saturday, on 1110 AM KRLA, from 4-7 p.m., but they canceled her Sunday show "to try other programming things." Maybe, writing to the station's General Manager or Program Director might make a difference. Also, remind them they've been constructing their web site for months, and still nothing. How many minutes does it take to post an air schedule?
6/8/99 - http://www.usadata.com/usadata/97/media/Los_Angeles/media.htm . . looks like a very good L.A. Media site.
6/7/99 - Weekend Results. I heard Melinda Lee Saturday, but when I tuned in Sunday, she wasn't on. I called KRLA, and they said she wasn't on anymore. I emailed her for the details. On Sunday, in her spot, there's a movie show "Inside the Movies" with Joe Kazan?? from 3-5 p.m. It's TOO inside the movies except maybe for movie-heads. KRLA says he's been on for the last three weeks, but I thought she was just being preempted again. Steve Knight has been filling in for Elmer Dills and will next weekend also. Part of Clark Howard's 5-9 a.m. slot on Sunday has been turned over to *Jamie? Alva?, a restaurateur with no radio experience. *Not sure of spelling. He has the *7 (maybe 6:30) to 9 a.m. slot Sunday on KFI 640 AM. I got some on tape, more details to come. But, try to tune in, it is strange. *He runs several restaurants in L.A., one called Sicily. *He doesn't want to recommend restaurants but is open to about anything else. *6/6/99 was his first broadcast, so give him some time to improve.
6/4/99 - Changes for this weekend. Just little adjustments. KLSX changed their front page for the better. You can click directly on "Air Schedule." Have a good, safe weekend.
6/3/99 - You don't have to read that radio column in the L.A. paper; there are better columns on the web. Richard Wagoner keeps his current and past columns at lausd.k12.ca.us/~rwagoner/. Gary Lycan has a column at www.ocregister.com. Don Barrett at www.laradio.com/ updates the CURRENT NEWS section everyday, and there's a lot of stuff. *He writes several new pagagraphs every day and gets all the details I miss. Tomm Looney has www.radiodigest.com/ and go to the L.A. page. Also "Talkin' Radio" at ladowntownnews.com/ or losangelesdowntown.com/. Chuck Rowe has www.la-radio.com/. Also, check my Radio Info index page for links to trade, hobby, and other info.
6/1/99 - Weekend Results. Kenny & Reed were not on KLSX as posted on the K & R site, but maybe they were on earlier. Sam Rubin was on for four hours. KIEV ran an extra old-time radio show. If that's your thing, expect the unexpected. Melanda Lee wasn't on Sat or Sun, not that I heard. What's with KRLA? I asked them again to put an air schedule on their "under conutruction" web site.
See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.