7/31.1/00 - Did some verification over the weekend. For Sat Favorites, 7/29/00, heard some of all except - Talk/Doug at 2a is on vacation with a stand-in host, no 'check' News/McLaughlin, no Gardening/Jerry at 5a, Travel, or rather the station, at 6a was hearable but faded by 6:07a, Computers at 10a was sports talk, Wine at noon was static at home/too weak to hear outside, Law is 2-4p rather than 2-5p, Movies at 5p was more sports talk, Computers at 6p was very weak. KFMB made two program changes and a time change, better watch their site schedule. Sun Favorites, 7/30/00 the first two 'checks' weren't on, the third was at 3a, Drama at 5a listed on site wasn't on, Books at 9a was preempted for Conventions, Cars at 10a was sports, Cars at 7p was "Speed Freaks"/"Automaniacs" may be gone, Gardening at 9p was Glen Haege home repair repeat, Quiz at 9p was "Film Week," 'Cal Art' at 10p was music, Clergy at 10p and Political at 10p must be gone, and didn't look for the last three 'checks.'
7/31/00 - Republican National Convention - Today thru Thursday - Press-Telegram says KCRW 89.9 FM will cover it from 5 p.m. to whatever, maybe past 8 p.m. LAT lists KCRW also and adds KNX and KFWB. It is scheduled to stop at 8 p.m., but with carry overs and wrap ups it could go much later. Check the newspapers for reports and for lists of TV coverage. Expect about the same in two weeks for the Dem Nat Conv.
7/30/00 - Put on your boots, it's time for the political conventions. At least one NPR show was preempted today, and more will provide some coverage over the weeks starting Mon, 7/31/00.
7/27.1/00 - Did KLSX change their URL? The old one doesn't work! Or did they just shut the stupid thing down?
7/27/00 - Hugh Hewitt, KIEV, M-F, 6-9a show goes national (mostly West coast) on Monday, 7/31/2000. His phone number is 1-800-520-1234.
7/25.1/00 - Wed, 7/26/00 - If you're into WW2, tune to Ira Fistell, KRLA, 10p. The Mayor, 10a on KFWB and Chief Parks on Larry Elder, KABC, 4p.
7/25/00 - Hugh Hewitt on KIEV, Mon-Fri, 6-9a is better than expected with good guests. He's warming up as a local show and goes national soon.
7/24.1/00 - Concerning radio coverage, this site mostly covers intelligent talk radio on the broadcast station, but don't have the time to cover all the NPR shows. See Columns & Columnists for coverage of music, ego jocks, web radio and station sales, ownership, and format changes. Richard Wagoner covered some of all last week. I don't have the time, desire, or knowledge.
7/24/00 - Some verification for Sun, 7/23/00. Heard some of all except: First two "Check"s weren't on, for "Books" at 9a may have only heard "Word," missed three shows between 2-3p, 'Gardening' at 9p was and usually is an infomercial, "Cal Arts" at 10p was music, "Clergy" at 10p was infomercial and may be gone, no 'Political' at 10p, "check' "Drama" was at midnight, and didn't hear last two 'checks.'
7/19/00 - KRLA changes: Wizan to Fri only, Mcllvain to Sat & Sun, check their site, didn't see any others after a quick look.
7/13/00 - See Don Barrett's site, dated July 11, 2000, at www.laradio.com if you care about www.radiodigest.com. He seems to think the site may survive.
7/13/00 - If you're into internet radio try www.broadcastamerica.com/. Can't help people on this, I don't do it.
7/12/00 - Can you believe the Radio tips column in today's LAT Calendar section, page 10. They still list Stephanie Edwards on KIEV - she's been gone for months. What else is wrong? Check the new KIEV web site at www.kiev870.com - there are a few new M-F changes, maybe weekends also.
7/11/00 - Larry Marino on KIEV M-F moves to 4-6p, and some new guy, Hugh Hewitt, has his 6-9a slot. Is that the guy who was on TV with the "hat lady' (Pat Morrison??) on "Life and Times"?? They don't have a bio on the site yet.
7/7.1/00 - Also try www.talkers.com.
7/7/00 - Don Barrett at www.laradio.com reports he got an email from Minyard & Minyard who were at KRLA saying they've been replaced with no notice. On the internet at www.kenandrick.com.
7/6/00 - The radio tips column in yesterday's LAT was about a quarter of the page. Just in the talk section, a quick look showed one or two canceled shows and two at the incorrect times. Also, their Radio column in the Thursday paper has been absent for about the last three weeks. No loss - it just looked like an infomercial anyway.
7/5/00 - Check Columns & Columnists for all the newest station relocations and owner changes.
7/3/00 - No verification for Favorites this weekend, or till fall. Didn't see many changes. See Flashes below.
7/1.1/00 - no time to update Favorites this week, so check KIEV, KFMB, KWHATEVER, etc., sites for the newest info.
7/1/00 - search engine and other hits went down, so it's time for vacation. No Verification till Fall, but if you see a correction, new item, or comment for Favorites, please leave a comment at the Message Board. I'll check it every few days. Have Fun.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. The * marks changes.