7/31.1/99 - "Saturday Night" is 8-10 p.m. tonight only. Usually 7-10p.m.
7/31/99 - Changes for this weekend. The only one I saw was the Sun noon to 2 p.m. travel show on KIEV was shortened to 1 p.m. Have a good one.
7/24.1/99 - Did you hear about payola in Latin music and radio? I don't have any details yet.
7/24/99 - "Ask the Mayor" with L.A.'s mayor Richard Riordan will be Wendesday, 7/28/99, 10-11 a.m. on KFWB 980 AM. Check it out at kfwb.com/askmayor.html.
7/22/99 - Changes for last weekend.. I may miss a lot of radio over the Summer, so I may not verify all the weekend shows every week. KFI had a new travel show at 8 a.m. on Sunday. They may be trying several new shows in the 5 to 9 a.m. slot. I will be adding new shows to the Favorites list, even ones I may not listen to, so verification may become imposible.
7/17.2/99 - I added a few new shows to the Favorites list. Also listed some I don't plan to hear much. If it's non-fiction, intelligent, L.A.-based talk or whatever, it'll be on the list.
7/17.1/99 - Keep an eye on Entertainment with Kenny Morse called "Saturday Night." It's on most Saturdays from about 7 to 10 p.m. on 1110 KRLA AM, but check his site for exact days and times. He has done at least two shows about L.A. radio.
7/17/99 - Changes. I missed a lot of radio over the 7/10 and 7/11/99 weekend, so I'll try to verify this weekend. See Favorites this evening for a few new shows.
7/15/99 - See today's LAT, Calendar Weekend, page 23 for a report on four science shows. Better than usual subject matter thanks to Jon Matsumoto. These belong on my list also.
7/10.2/99 - Don Barrett says Reed Berry will leave "Traffic Jam" and "Kenny & Reed." Do catch today's 7-10 p.m. show on KRLA about L.A. radio. Their web site doesn't work.
7/10.1/99 - If you like '60 music, try "Radio A Go-Go" with Hal Lifson on KIEV, on Sunday, at it's new time of 9 p.m. to midnight. At the previous time slot it had few commercials.
7/10/99 - Changes for this weekend. Matt Drudge starts Sun at 10 p.m. on KABC. He covers gossip, and it is reported to be a hot show. Rod Lurie is gone; will there be another movie show on KABC? The new travel show "Expedia Travel" is on KLSX Sun from 7 to 8 a.m.
7/2.2//99 - Changes for this weekend. I just saw two at KLSX on Sunday morning. "Sunday Edition" was shortened to one hour to make room for the new travel show "Expedia Travel" from 7-8 a.m. Have a safe 4th of July; I want all of you to come back. I'm looking for a web site for a new radio trade mag called "Radio Ink."
7/2.1/99 - I did add a new page in Radio Info called Radio Station Air Schedules. This will take you as directly as I can to the radio stations' own air schedules. The other lists will still take you the the first page of these web sites.
7/2/99 - Steve Hockman wrote about web radio in today's LAT on page F1. It was not in their usually disappointing Thurday column.
7/1.4/99 - Starting Mon 7/5/99 KRLA 1110 AM will simulcast the KCBS-TV 6 to 7 p.m. newscast. Like TV news is so good. But thanks to Shauna Snow.
7/1.3/99 - KKGO 105.1 FM, starting Oct. 4, 1999, at 8 p.m. will broadcast opera by the L.A. Opera for eight week. These are repeats but good. Schedule is in 6/30/99 LAT, page F2. Thanks to Shauna Snow.
7/1.2/99 - As predicted for the KNX Drama Hour, on Wednesday "Have Gun, Will Travel" (my favorite) replaces "The Six Shooter," and on Saturday "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" replaces "The Aldrich Family." Also "60 Minutes II" moves to Tuesday. The two best shows are on Wednesday night and repeated Thursday morning.
7/1.1/99 - The week of July 11, the Saturday "Auto Show" starts at 8 a.m. Does that mean July 17?? Send show suggestions to carguykgil@aol.com.
7/1/99 - Remember, KNX usually makes small adjustments to their "Drama Hour" schedule on 7/1/99. They may not post it on their web site till 7/1, but they may mention it on the air before or after a show.
See my radio pages for more info. The * marks changes.